How to choose a hair dye


Girls spend a lot of time taking care of their hair. They try to match the hairstyle or change the color. Hair dyes help with this. 80% of girls have dyed their hair at least once. Someone turns to a beauty salon for this, but many are not puzzled by going to salons and coloring at home. To achieve the desired result and not ruin your hair, you should carefully approach the choice of paint.

What hair dyes are there? Main varieties

What hair dyes are there?  Main varieties

If you decide to dye your hair, there are dozens of different types of dyes available to you. They differ not only in color, but also in physical properties. On the one hand, this opens up opportunities for creating an image, and on the other hand, it causes difficulties in choosing materials.

Hair safety depends primarily on the ingredients used. Originally, paints are divided into the following types:

  1. natural;

  2. physical;

  3. chemical.

They are represented by large and little-known brands. Their cost varies greatly, so there are budget and luxury dyeing materials for every taste.

Natural hair dyes

The category of natural paints includes henna and basma, as well as some other paints. A distinctive feature is the content of exclusively natural materials – collections of meadow grasses and flowers. Some formulations contain onion scales or tea to help get the dark color. There are many shades in nature, so it is not difficult for girls to choose the best option for an updated look.


  • soft and natural hair coloring;

  • variety of colors;

  • clear composition.


  • the difficulty of obtaining an accurate shade;

  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Traditionally, natural paints are considered prestigious, but they also have disadvantages. They do not always give the desired result, and in some cases, natural components can be even more dangerous for the body due to allergies.

Physical hair dyes

This category of hair dyes is popular with girls because they are intended for frequent use. They differ in the way they affect the hair. The composition does not penetrate deeply into the hair structure, but envelops them with a thin film. The category of physical dyes includes special tonics that color balms and shampoos. But they are not suitable for long-term drastic changes.


  • safe effect on the hair structure;

  • additional protection due to invisible film;

  • rich and beautiful shine.


  • rinse off quickly, so long-term results are not guaranteed;

  • change the color only by a few tones, it will not be possible to achieve a radical change.

Physical paints are chosen by those who are not ready for radical changes in the image for a long time. They will help lighten or darken the hair by several tones, give a bright shine, but once you wash your hair and the result will start to fade.

Chemical hair dyes

Chemical paints are sometimes confused with physical paints because they have similarities. This category is divided into subspecies that differ in properties. However, chemical dyes are persistent because they penetrate the hair structure. They are able to radically change color, and the result obtained lasts longer than when using physical paints.


  • long-lasting result without the need for regular touch-up;

  • significant changes in tone;

  • saturated color.


  • risk of exposure to hair;

  • increased requirements for the choice of palette;

  • the difficulty of flushing, if the need arises.

If you are ready for drastic changes in the image, and do not want to repeat the procedure regularly, then choose persistent chemical paints. But remember about the possible danger to the hair structure, as well as the irreversibility of changes.

The period during which the obtained result will be kept plays an important role. For girls, sometimes this factor becomes decisive when choosing a paint. According to this classification, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. permanent;

  2. semi-permanent;

  3. temporary.

Pay attention to this factor so that there are no problems in the future.

Permanent paints

Chemical paints belong to the category of permanent. They are distinguished by a strong effect in which the coloring pigments penetrate into the hair structure. This ensures permanent coloration in any shade. Manufacturers produce such dye in the form of a mousse or gel that is applied to the hair.


  • significant color changes;

  • preservation of the result for a long time.


  • danger to hair.

If you decide to dye your hair for a long time, choose a quality dye. Look for emollients and moisturizers to help reduce chemical exposure.

Semi-permanent paints

Semi-permanent paints are popular, because girls do not want to radically change their image for a long time without the opportunity to return everything back. In addition, the effect of these paints can be corrected if desired. They do not contain ammonia and hydrogen, so the hair remains safe.


  • minimal threat to hair;

  • high-quality staining.


  • the renewed hair color is gradually washed off.

These paints are available in various forms, so you can choose without any problems. They harm hair less than permanent chemical dyes, and the shade will change in 1-2 months.

Temporary paints

There are temporary paints on sale. They are intended for those who want to experiment with the image or just try something new. Such paint does not penetrate inside, and the color is fixed only outside.


  • bright colours;

  • complete safety.


  • the result does not hold;

    Temporary paints may contain hazardous ingredients.

This option is only suitable for changing the image for a week or two. After washing your hair several times, there will be no trace of staining.

How to choose the color of your hair dye?

Choosing a paint for a girl turns into a difficult task, because a lot of factors have to be taken into account. It should be noted that shade is far from the first thing that people pay attention to. To begin with, a safe paint is selected that will help achieve the desired result.

Girls try not to change the natural color much. In this case, the main purpose of coloring is to give the hair shine, elasticity, and saturation. In matters of hair care, proper nutrition and the presence of vitamins in the body are also taken into account.

Experts advise to determine the color type before painting in order to choose the paint. In this case, skin tone plays a role:

color type

  1. winter and spring;

  2. summer and autumn.

Pale skin is typical for 'winter', so you shouldn't choose a light color. It is better to choose dark blond or reddish shades.

'Spring' is a lighter but warmer color scheme than 'winter'. These girls have blue or gray eyes. They have a lot of freedom of choice, because they can afford both dark and light colors.

'Summer', as strange as it may sound, refers to the cold shades. These girls have gray or bluish eyes. Platinum or ash color is better for them.

Autumn refers to girls with dark eyes and hair but fair skin. Dark hair is the best option for them, but you can dye it in a chestnut or slightly golden hue.

Girls are attentive to their hair, so the slightest color changes play a role. To simplify the selection task, the 'International Natural Tone Scale' is used. It is indicated by numbers that are printed next to the color name on the box.

The naming uses a gradation from 1 to 10, from dark to light. For convenience, the following categories are distinguished:

  1. 1-2 – very dark or slightly chestnut;

  2. 4 – natural chestnut;

  3. 7-8 – blond or light blond;

  4. 10 – light blond.

Thus, for the selection of a shade, pay attention to the digital designation. In this case, the result from the selected paint will correspond to the intended one.

Learning to choose a hair dye – studying the label

Learning to choose a hair dye - studying the label

A paint box is able to give answers to questions about how safe it is, and what color it will turn out in the end. But not all girls are well versed in these matters. Particular attention should be paid to the code indicating the characteristics of the paint.

It includes:

  1. the first number is the saturation of a dark or light shade;

  2. the second number is the designation of the main color;

  3. the third and fourth digits represent an additional shade.

Thus, two fours in the cipher mean that you will end up with a chestnut color with a copper tint, and 4 and 5 will already give a chestnut with a reddish tint. The third and fourth numbers will tell you about the intensity of the coloring pigment, about a cold or warm tone.

The problem is that each hair dye manufacturer has its own gradation. Not everyone adheres to the standard international tone scale, so mistakes are made when choosing. On the packaging, the shade is also displayed not always reliably.

If you want to make an accurate choice, then study in detail the scale provided by a specific paint manufacturer. It is better to check it in print or on a high-quality screen so that there is no visual distortion. Some firms even use letter or mixed designations, for example, Colorissimo or Palette. This makes it difficult to choose, but if you pay attention to studying information from the manufacturer, you will be able to choose the right hair dye.

In the following articles, our experts will tell you how to choose the right hairspray and the secrets of choosing a hair curler.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.

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