Men's braids are a relatively new word among modern stylish hairstyles. The salons offer clients not only variations on the theme a la garcon, but also extravagant looks in the style of the 'Viking' TV series. A variety of hairstyles for men with braids allows you to choose a hairstyle to the face and the place, and not always such styles look wild, intimidating or defiant. A business man with “dragons” on his head or a “Padawan” pigtail is no longer a rarity, but will soon become commonplace.
How practical are these hairstyles? What types of braids can men wear? Should you add a beard to your look? We will consider all these questions in a review dedicated to people who are not afraid to experiment.
Creative personalities are the first to master any means of visual self-expression
An excursion into history
The history of men's hairstyles is reminiscent of swimming in the open ocean. Storms gave way to calm, radically short haircuts replaced powdered wigs. A wide variety of styles were popular in Europe. For example, in the early Middle Ages, when the harsh Vikings roamed the northern seas, men often put their hair in braids. For a number of nomadic peoples (Cumans, Mongols, Scythians and others), such hairstyle options were the most practical and convenient. The most prominent carriers of braids were the North American Indians.
In some medieval cultures, braids in hair and beard symbolized belonging to the military caste.
In the ancient and Middle Ages, such hairstyles were a sign of belonging to a military caste or bore the status of a distinctive sign of the representatives of the ruling class, as was the case with the nobles of Europe, who wore wigs with beads and braids. Since the middle of the 20th century, hippies and musicians, who were not popular with the conservative generation, accustomed to the hardships and hardships of war, began to wear long hair, styled in afrokos.
The braided wig symbolized high society in Victorian Europe
Nowadays, the popularity of men's braided styling is popularized by the film industry, catwalks and social media. According to stylists, braids (boxing braids) will soon replace brutal beards and become a new symbol of masculinity.
Types of men's braided hairstyles
Most weaving hairstyles can only be done in a salon. The most sophisticated pigtail hairstyles are braided within hours. As for the variety of weaves, it is not as great as for women, but it does not always require long hair.
In Russia, any braids other than braids are still a challenge to the dress code.
French braid
The French braid is the most popular and simple styling in its execution. If your master does not know how to weave such pigtails, then he is an amateur, who should not be contacted in the future. Outwardly, such weaving resembles a spikelet curling over the head. Medium length hair is enough to create a braid. With this styling, stylists grab strands at the very roots and weave them together. You can braid your hair both in the occipital or parietal part, and all over the head. You can wear this styling on your head without undoing it for up to one week.
The French braid is common among actors and athletes
Braids or boxing braids are a kind of tight African braids that are braided right over the head. To keep the weaving tight, special threads-kanekolones are woven into the hair strands, which are matched to the shade of the hair or, on the contrary, contrast brightly with the natural color of the vegetation on the head. Often, weaving can be seen in athletes, since such a hairstyle retains its neat appearance for a long time. You can braid them in different directions. Often, using this type of weaving, hairdressers create bizarre patterns on the head. Men can style their hair in boxing braids on the temples, back of the head, or all over the skull. Strands can be woven along the entire length or fixed at the back of the head.
Braids – a variant of African braids that allows you to create patterns from hair
This hairstyle retains its presentable appearance from several weeks to one month. You can wet it with water, which makes styling practical, but you are allowed to wash your hair no more than once a week. To braid braids, it is enough to have hair at least 10 centimeters long.
African braids
African braids are one of the varieties of braids. For styling, kanekolones are used, giving the hairstyle an extravagant look. To imagine how styling looks, it is enough to recall the images of residents of African American districts of large US cities. African braids allow you to greatly lengthen your hair thanks to the kanekolon woven into them. It is not difficult to take care of such a hairstyle; it is enough to wash your hair with shampoo once a week.
The legendary Edgar Davids and his African braids
Dreadlocks are the most radical style of styling, popularized by the most peaceful musician – Bob Marley. There are two types of dreadlocks:
- 'Dangerous'. They are braided on their own hair, over time they are cut along with them. The craftsman will be limited by the length and color of the strands.
- 'Safe'. To create them, artificial strands are used intertwined with hair. The thread palette allows you to create a unique look. With the passage of time, the kanekolones are simply removed.
Dreadlocks, unlike other types of weaving, require more careful care. In the first month after styling, you should not wash your hair. Also, men will need to twist the mats on their own, which will allow them to wear their hairstyle for a long time.
Dreadlocks are the most striking, but also the most whimsical type of weaving to care for.
Who Can We Wear Braids?
Men's braids are still a vibrant and defiant hairstyle for Russia. That is why only representatives of public and creative professions (musicians, actors, writers) braid braids. But abroad, such hairstyles are in the order of things. It is not uncommon for athletes to style their hair in neat French braids. Fashionable braids can be seen on the heads of soccer players, swimmers, runners and boxers.
Athletes who are the main consumers of braided hairstyles are often regarded as style icons
However, office workers and knowledge workers should be moderate in their desires. In this case, neat geometric braids on the back of the head or fine patterns on the temples will look impressive, fresh and will not harm career growth at all.
Kostya Tszyu insured his pigtail for 1 million US dollars during his performances in the ring
Kostya Tszyu called his pigtail a talisman
The image of Kostya Tszyu without a pigtail would be incomplete
A thin pigtail braided at the back of the head or at the temple ('Padawan') can be a universal option. For example, Konstantin Tszyu with this accessory looks good both in boxing shorts in the ring and in a classic suit at a press conference. Such an uncomplicated weaving is suitable for men who want not to remain in the shadow of gray everyday life, while not standing out strongly against the background of their less daring colleagues.
Beards and pigtails
By themselves, styling with braids on men already look 'flashy'. Therefore, it may seem that the beard will be superfluous here. However, the correct facial hair will only emphasize the masculinity and reasonable audacity of the image. The theme will be men with braids and light unshaven cheeks, which will give the appearance a little grunge.
You cannot oppose pigtails and a beard, it is easy to achieve their harmonious combination in any image
If you have a thick and long beard, then you simply have to braid one or more braids on it, which will elevate you to the rank of fashion-oriented people. Stylists advise to let go of the hair on the chin from 5 centimeters long and feel free to experiment, creating a variety of images with braids and locks (a kind of weaving).
In our dynamic time, men's braids have become a fashionable direction of styling not only for athletes, bohemians or representatives of the hippie movement. Intricate patterns of braids adorn the heads of famous actors, businessmen and just men with an active lifestyle. You can also braid fancy braids on the beard, which will make the everyday look a little belligerent, give it a moderate, not provoking brutality.