If you've ever seen someone running around the playground in sportswear, it's likely that they're a Street Workout fan. Such outdoor workouts are a collection of interesting, fun and also beautiful exercises that have long become a popular pastime that combines elements of gymnastics, athletics and calisthenics. Unlike a gym, where you have to lift heavy weights, Street Workout workout is done with your own weight and the weight of a weighting agent, if required later. Let's take a closer look at what “street workout” is and how it affects your lifestyle. Go!
What is Street Workout
It will not be difficult to translate this phrase into Russian: Street – street, workout – training. It turns out that this is street training. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The title does not convey the whole essence of Street Workout. After all, this is a whole movement, culture and even a full-fledged philosophy.
Street workout combines elements from many sports such as gymnastics, athletics and especially calisthenics. Therefore, an uninitiated person often confuses the varieties of these sports. I am already silent about how to be offended by a 'workouter', if you call him a 'turnstile'. For your information, the term 'turnstile' was coined by Oleg DexteR Aksyonov, who during the recording of one of the videos jokingly called his training partner that way, combining the Russian word “horizontal bar” and the English word “man”. Surprisingly, the word became so popular that soon everyone who trains on the bar in one way or another was called it.
Therefore, in order not to make mistakes in the future, I will inform you that the essence of Street Workout lies in a unique approach to training, development of body and spirit, transfer of experience to others and motivation of as many people as possible for self-improvement. So, this is a whole philosophy, while the turnstiles are fixated only on performing all sorts of tricks and feints. As you can see, the difference is significant, so don't repeat this mistake again.
Street Workout history
The roots of street training go all the way back to ancient Greece. But despite such a long-standing origin, they were revived only in the 21st century in Eastern Europe, Russia and the USA. In particular, Street Workout began to develop in New York City in poor neighborhoods where people could not afford to go to gyms. Instead, they used everything around them to train them, including playing fields, benches and any kind of crossbar.
Ancient Greek athletes achieved amazing results through bodyweight training
As these people gained more and more athletic bodies, they began to record workouts and freestyle videos that spread over the Internet. Soon, the simplicity and ease of the bodyweight training program conquered the whole world, which made them very popular. In confirmation of this, on November 27, 2015, the Russian Workout Federation was founded, which marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of this sport in the country.
Street Workout Exercise Types
Now that you know a little more about street workouts, you're probably wondering what kind of exercise they mean. Typically, the training process includes many different gymnastic exercises that involve the whole body. The upper part is trained, for example, pull-ups or push-ups on the uneven bars. If you want powerful legs, then squats are a great way to build muscle.
Initially, Street Workout includes basic exercises like pull-ups or dips.
Once you master these exercises, you can move on to static tricks, also known as isometric tricks. They are much more difficult, so you will have to learn to control the whole body to perform. These exercises include the 'Flag', during which the body must be held horizontally by the pillar, relying on the strength of the hands, like a flag hanging on a pole.
Example of a flag exercise
Here are many more beautiful isometric exercises that will attract a lot of admiring glances from passers-by. You may have a dissonance at this moment, because all sorts of feints will be performed by turnstiles, but not by workouts. Let me explain that isometric exercises are not tricks. In addition, they require a considerable amount of endurance and dedication, which perfectly strengthens the spirit of the student.
Plank on the uneven bars
Reverse horizon
Horizon on the horizontal bar
Street Workout VS gym
So, street workout or gym, which is better? We felt that it would be wrong to impose our opinion on you and it is better to list the benefits of each of these workouts, so that later you will make your choice.
What are the benefits of street workout?
As you might guess, there are a lot of them:
- First of all, this workout is absolutely free! You don't need to pay for a gym membership.
- You do not need exercise equipment, the bars and the horizontal bar are enough.
- You can do this anytime, anywhere, be it a park, street or your home.
- You can be creative without getting attached to standard exercises.
- Natural body movements allow you to feel and understand your physiology at the most difficult levels.
- There are no rules.
What are the benefits of working out in the gym?
The gym also has its advantages:
- The gym is good for training during the cold season.
- Subscription fees keep some people focused and motivated. The principle works: 'If I pay for it, I must get an effect from it'.
- It is useful for beginners, as there are personal trainers who will create a program for you and show you the correct technique for performing the exercises.
By narrowing these benefits down to your preferences and needs, you will choose the workout that works best for you.
A gym is, of course, a good fit if you don't know where to start. Street workout is more affordable, fun, and free. In addition, you have the opportunity to be creative with the exercises.
Outstanding representatives of Street Workout culture
The story of Street Workout would be incomplete without telling the story of the people who develop street culture by their own example. I propose to consider the prominent representatives of the culture and learn their stories.
Hannibal for king
Hannibal for king
He first started doing street workout at the age of 14, but really began to take it seriously at 16. One of the main goals of his training is to become the best person, the best representative of this society. He prefers to train closer to children, so many of his trainings take place on children's playgrounds. After all, when children look at him, they absorb everything, communicate with him and are motivated by his achievements.
Mikhail Boratov
Mikhail Boratov
One of the founders and leader of Workout in Russia, host of the Horizontal Bar School, as well as many other projects aimed at teaching something in the workout.
Denis Minin
Denis Minin
Denis is from Dnepropetrovsk and became a real pioneer for most Ukrainians (and not only) in the Street Workout culture. He is the leader of many international health movements and organizations. When you look at this person, of course, you immediately pay attention to the worked out relief muscles. Through his hard work, he built a beautiful athletic body and has already motivated thousands of people to take Street Workout classes.
Chris Heria
Chris Heria
Founder and CEO of ThenX Fitness Program. He also founded the Academy of Calisthenics, works as a trainer in Miami and co-founded the Institute for Evolution in Aesthetics.
Street Workout is more than just going to the fitness club on Fridays. It's a lifestyle that mesmerizes and absorbs wholeheartedly. This is outdoor training in a circle of enthusiasts under the watchful eye of passing onlookers. And when combined with proper nutrition, Street Workout workouts will give you the strength, endurance, muscle building blocks you've always wanted. And with all this you will have a good time, discipline and self-improvement … isn't that awesome !? Transformation of not only the body, but also the spirit.