The concept of 'metrosexual', introduced by glossy magazines a few years ago, has become firmly established in everyday speech, but in fact its meaning is often not fully understood. Someone uses it as a compliment, others – almost as a curse, many think that this term is associated with sexual orientation. In fact, metrosexuals are men who are especially careful about their appearance and spend a lot of effort on improving themselves and their lifestyle. In general, nothing particularly new, but why do people continue to use this newfangled term? And to whom is it correct to apply it? Today we will try to answer all these questions.
Who are metrosexuals
The phenomenon of the popularity of the term 'metrosexual' is a prime example of how society is inventing a new word for long-known phenomena. Imagine a slender, well-groomed guy who carefully shaves, style his hair, thoughtfully chooses clothes, and follows fashion. There is nothing new in this trend: since ancient times, such men were called dandies, in the 19th century they were assigned the definition of 'dandies', and in the 21st century they were decided to be called metrosexuals.
It is metrosexuals who are the first to try on all new fashion trends.
Metrosexuals pay a lot of attention to their appearance, which is why they are often ridiculed by more 'masculine' friends or are associated with representatives of non-traditional orientation. In fact, sexual preferences have absolutely nothing to do with it: we are talking about guys who like to spend time taking care of themselves, and there are more than enough of them among men of any orientation and marital status. Suffice it to recall at least David Beckham – an exemplary family man and father of three children, who at the same time is called 'the most metrosexual metrosexual'.
The history of the concept of 'metrosexual'
The concept of 'metrosexual' came to the Russian language as a tracing paper from the English 'metrosexual', which in turn is a neologism composed of the words 'metropolitan' – 'capital' and 'sexual' – 'sexual, sexual'. For the first time this term was used in his articles, and then in the book by British journalist Mark Simpson, starting in 1994. As he himself later admitted, the word was invented by him to convey the irony of male narcissists, but with the light hand of glossy magazines and newspapers, the term stuck to a whole social phenomenon.
Gradually, the term “metrosexual” began to be widely used in relation to men who carefully monitor their appearance.
In the 2000s, similar terms appeared in other countries, for example, in China, modern dandies are called 'aimei nanren', which translates as 'men who love beauty', and in Korea the word 'kkotmin' was fixed, literally: a man-flower.
In addition, journalists and anthropologists began to invent other concepts as opposed to 'metrosexuals', also related to the appearance and manner of dress: for example, 'retrosexual' – a man who adheres to a conservative style of dress, or 'lumbersexual' – who chooses deliberately rude attributes of the image. 'lumberjack': thick sweater, flannel shirt, long beard.
What distinguishes a metrosexual
So, we figured out the terminology, now we can take a closer look at the features that distinguish the modern metrosexual.
Firstly, this type includes mostly small, slender guys without a pronounced 'brutality' in the face and figure. That is, powerful pitching, burning 'macho' or harsh bikers, no matter how fashionable, beautiful and well-groomed they are, this is a little about something else. A metrosexual is the kind of 'next door guy' who is cute, welcoming and at the same time looks great and is ready to try on any fashionable clothes.
Metrosexuals aren't afraid to stand out from the crowd
Metrosexuals spend a lot of time taking care of themselves. The entire men's cosmetics industry works to a large extent on them. Face creams, hair balms, any devices for a perfect shave, men's manicure – these things are familiar to them not by hearsay. They always look young, fresh and elegant.
It is mterosexuals who are the main consumers of cosmetics for men
In clothing, metrosexuals follow fashion, they are the first to start wearing moccasins without socks, tucking jeans, trying on bright colors and trying other bold trends. These guys look through glossy magazines and are willing to spend time and money to find exactly the things that will fit them perfectly. Much attention is paid to details: how to tie a scarf, how to choose a tie, how to make sure that the shirt does not come out of the trousers, well, everything in this spirit.
In general, metrosexuals are distinguished by grooming, fashionable clothes, and – if we are not talking about very young guys – the desire to look younger. Over time, many of them begin to use the services of cosmetologists and even plastic surgeons.
Famous metrosexuals
Metrosexuals can be found among men of any profession and wealth, but nevertheless, active concern for their appearance is characteristic primarily for public people, therefore there are especially many representatives of this type among movie, music and sports stars.
So, metrosexuals include Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Robbie Williams, Zac Efron, etc., and from Russian stars – Sergey Lazarev, Vlad Topalov, Andrey Malakhov, etc.
Sergey Lazarev
David Beckham
Zac Efron
Andrei Malakhov
Brad Pitt
Vlad Topalov
Cristiano Ronaldo
Robby Williams
History knows many periods when men took care of themselves almost more than women: remember at least the nobles of the French court, even the dandy of the time of Pushkin. In the 20th century, as a result of wars, revolutions, technological change and increasing speeds, this trend has almost disappeared, but today we are seeing its return, not least through well-groomed stylish guys called metrosexuals. Take a closer look at them: it's not a fact that you want to completely repeat their image, but you may like certain features. And a little gloss will not hurt anyone, because the idea that 'you can be a sensible person and think about the beauty of your nails' never loses its relevance.