Men's T-shirt is an extremely interesting piece of men's wardrobe. It is very lightweight, helps to cope with sweat, and can provide additional protection in cold weather. A tank top is very comfortable after all. While the traditional functions of a T-shirt are well known, many are wondering – can it be worn separately?
To answer this question correctly, I propose to consider all the pros and cons of wearing a undershirt separately, and only then we will try to find the truth.
So let's start with the pros:
- The men's undershirt is very lightweight and comfortable, especially in the sultry heat. It is usually made of fine cotton fabric.
- A tank top can be part of a casual style.
- A men's jersey requires minimal effort to create a casual look. Just put on a T-shirt with jeans and the look is ready.
- White tees give a clean and fresh look.
- The cost of the jersey is very low, so it's not scary to get it dirty or ruined.
Reasons not to wear jerseys by themselves:
- The men's T-shirt is too tight. If you are not athletic, problems can arise. For example, the belly may “look out”.
- A tank top is an underwear. Usually people don't walk the streets in their underwear, do they?
- This is a kind of rebellious move. Although for some it can be called a plus =)
- It may look disproportionate (for example, a tight-fitting tank top with loose jeans).
I got more pluses than minuses. In my opinion, a men's T-shirt can be worn by itself, but with some reservations. Let's think some more.
How to tell a white T-shirt from a white T-shirt?
- T-shirts are usually tight-fitting, while T-shirts can be either tight-fitting or slightly loose.
- T-shirts are made from a thinner fabric than T-shirts. In addition, the collars and cuffs on the shirt are made not too thick so that they do not bulge out in case you wear a shirt. T-shirts can be sewn with very thick cuffs and collars.
Based on the above, it turns out that the shirt may not look like underwear, especially if you don't put anything on top of it. There are some thick cotton undershirts with short sleeves that are easy to confuse with a T-shirt.
A man in a white t-shirt combined with blue jeans
Man in white t-shirt or t-shirt
The undershirt fits the man's torso tightly. If you are the owner of a pumped-up figure, then it is a sin for you not to demonstrate your achievements in sports. Among people with an ordinary figure, there are not so many daredevils who are ready to wear a tight-fitting T-shirt, as in this case it will seem like a desperate attempt to attract attention.
Vin Diesel in a short sleeve t-shirt
Vin Diesel in a sleeveless T-shirt
Wearing a T-shirt separately in the heat should be done with care. When you are thinking about wearing a shirt that is 30 degrees Celsius or higher, there is a great chance that sweat will build up on the fabric, drawing the attention of others. Sweat stains on a shirt are not the best way to attract attention.
If you are wearing a fitted tank top and loose jeans, your legs will appear too big. Takeaway: Tight T-shirt = Tight jeans or other pants
Some may say that wearing T-shirts individually is good taste, as they are lightweight and complement casual wear perfectly. Undoubtedly, but what is worse than a short sleeve shirt?
Man in white t-shirt and white shirt
White tank top with navy jeans
White tank top with blue jeans
White tank top with beige shirt
In general, it turns out that there is nothing wrong if you put on a shirt with jeans and go for a walk in your everyday outfit. But you need to soberly assess the appearance of the T-shirt (it should not be stretched, for example), take a closer look at your figure and it is advisable not to walk in such an appearance in public places such as a store, restaurant or theater.
Nevertheless, do not forget the main thing that a men's T-shirt is, first of all, underwear, and only then a replacement T-shirt.