How to usefully spend your free time

Life style

Time is the only non-renewable resource in life. You will never return the time given to social networks, uninteresting people, hated work. And if the exchange of time for money can still be justified, then wasting it means betraying yourself. Have some free time? Spend it well and don't make excuses for lying on the couch. Lack of time for useful actions is the inability to manage time at all.

7 hobbies for self-development and fighting the demons of the modern world

Some hobbies allow you to spend time with pleasure. Others usefully. Here are some free time activities for both, which you can do even in the village, where the city-forming enterprise is the 'Magnit' store.

How to usefully spend your free time Hobbies will help you overcome the demons of the modern world, both internal and external

Martial arts

Martial arts reveal the potential of the individual, like nothing else. All the lessons you learn in the ring or on the tatami are applicable in life. Never give up. Falling, rise again. Discipline body and mind. Conquer fear over and over again. To take risks and remember that everything is possible, and the small can overcome the great.

Combat martial arts classes combine strength exercises, self-defense techniques, combat tactics, fitness, cardio loads. Such a hobby will help build self-confidence and health, as well as temper character.

The photo

The magical charm of nature and the surrounding world is available to many. But photographers are one of the few people who are able to convey this charm to others or preserve the bright moments of history for posterity.

This hobby allows you to express your creativity and make interesting contacts. And if the arms grow out of the shoulders, then it can become paid. And more … Women's priests love to be photographed. Well, you understand.


The main value of such a hobby is the ability to pump the brain, share a point of view, debate, and find like-minded people. The most talented can make blogging their profession, gaining popularity and social recognition as a bonus.

Always staying in touch, looking for new formats, delving into topics, learning new things, initiating important discussions, raising sensitive issues – that's what it means to be a quality blogger. They are hated. They are loved. They will never be forgotten.


The road is the best teacher. Do not lock yourself in the cage of one city, let it be loved thrice. Even if you work 5/2, you can see a lot in two days off. And no one on his deathbed regretted that he had sat so little in a stuffy office with an equally stuffy tie around his neck.

Only on journeys will you discover the world as it is. You will meet new people. Try new dishes. Your soles will leave footprints on new roads, big and small. The world is big, and a plane, train or bus ticket is often the best purchase.


Once you start painting, you will never look at the world as before. You will see what others do not see: dozens of shades where someone sees green grass, penumbra and glare where someone sees a spot of sunlight, grace where others do not even look.

Drawing is also a creative activity that can bring money even in the absence of even hands, but with talent. It doesn't matter what to draw on – a graphic tablet or a canvas is equally enjoyable. Drawing will reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function.

Music making and vocals

Music is one of the few communication languages ​​that does not need translation. And this language is spoken all over the world. Work for money, disturbing news, age crises, health problems, stress, loneliness – music will make you stronger and help overcome the demons of the modern world, both internal and external.

The energy of the song performed affects not only the one who plays, but also the one who listens. The ability to sing and play musical instruments will turn you into a center of attraction in many companies.


The science of heating food in the microwave and oven, as well as cooking ready-made dumplings in a saucepan, has been passed down from father to son since ancient times. But seriously, cooking is a man's job, and men are the best cooks, so they should be able to stand by the stove, fire and barbecue.

Learning the basics of the culinary arts is fun and stress-relieving. And a deep understanding of butchering and other knives, game, fish and meat is comparable to professional therapy.

Cooking will allow you to independently find your way to your own heart, stomach and … mind.

6 books that made Bill Gates even richer

The correct answer to the question 'If so smart, why so poor' is no commercial talent. To develop it, you need to learn from the best. Редакция Bow&Tie собрала для вас 6 книг, которые помогли Биллу Гейтсу стать тем, кем он является.

How to usefully spend your free time The purpose of the books is to teach thinking in other categories and develop commercial talent

For all of these books, Bill Gates has written positive reviews or video messages:

  • 'Business Adventures' by John Brooks. The book will allow you to learn from other people's mistakes and understand how people become successful, and why successful people fail.
  • 'To Work, Tap-dancing' by Carol Loomis. The book consistently sets out the principles of investing and analyzing the financial market.
  • 'Send money to …' by Peter Buffett. The author abandoned the legacy of his father – an outstanding investor and financier – and eventually became an equally outstanding composer. The book is about following your own path, not paying attention to other people's opinions.
  • 'Where Good Ideas Come From' by Stephen Johnson. The book uses examples to tell how to create conditions for unlocking your own potential.
  • Walking in the Moonlight with Einstein by Joshua Foer. Practical advice on how to improve memory.
  • Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China by Ezra F. Vogel. The story of how a man lifted China out of poverty and turned the country into a superpower through economic reforms.

After reading them, you will not become a Gates, but the purpose of these books is different – to learn to think in other categories and develop a commercial talent.

5 books that will make you even richer

How to usefully spend your free time In the books – methods of economically sound treatment of capital

Finance plays an important role in everyone's life. Редакция Bow&Tie собрала для вас 5 практических пособий по управлению деньгами, как своими, так и чужими.

  • 'Oil!' by Upton Sinclair. There are two sides to the medal, and this book is about the other side of capitalism through the example of oil production. An interesting little thing that describes the path of an enterprising person from a small entrepreneur to a tycoon.
  • 'Noble Rogue' by O. Henry. A book about the American Ostap Bender, who is better than others in capitalism, and ridicules the dependence of society on money and material wealth.
  • 'Hackers. A novel about “rats” by Alexei Kolyshevsky. A poignant and honest story about how business is conducted in this country (as the title of the work clearly indicates).
  • 'Money' by Emile Zola. The book describes in detail (although the negative value judgments of the author are obvious) about speculation in securities and stock exchange scams.
  • The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort. This is not just a piece dedicated to the dirtiest secrets of the securities market. This is a memoir. And this is their great value.

These texts all describe the stories of 'big takeoffs' and 'painful landings' differently, as well as the technologies and techniques for economically sound capital management. Read, and don't say you haven't.

53 free online courses in Russian for all occasions

How to usefully spend your free time

How to usefully spend your free time Collected interesting courses ranging from programming to digital photography

Редакция Bow&Tie собрала для вас 53 курса от ведущих учебных заведений на русском языке (или с русскими субтитрами) для дистанционного обучения.

Learning to understand art:

  1. Everything about classical music.
  2. Russian avant-garde.
  3. Here you will be taught to understand the painting of the 19th century.
  4. Arts and Activities: Interactive strategies for practicing art.

We master the literature:

  1. Russian literature of the XX century. Part 1.
  2. Russian literature of the XX century. Part 2.
  3. Russian literature of the XX century. Part 3.

Business and economics on your computer or mobile device:

  1. Everything about the history of economic thought.
  2. Here they talk about the theory of money. From seashells to Bitcoin.
  3. Here you will be introduced to the world of internet marketing.
  4. Learn about the critical success factors in IT consulting here.

Programming and mathematics are professions of the future, and the future has already arrived:

  1. Here you will learn about the methods of using DBMS in Internet applications.
  2. Here you will learn about techniques about Web technologies.
  3. Here they teach interface design.
  4. About databases.
  5. Front-end development.
  6. Here you will learn the history of computers and programming.
  7. Express dive into JavaScript application development.
  8. Introduction to the development of applications for mobile systems.
  9. Interactive HTML courses.
  10. Learn about controller support for PC game development here.
  11. Flash MX for professional programmers.
  12. PHP web programming.
  13. A lot of interesting things about the methods of linguistic semantics to improve the accuracy and completeness of the search.

Journalism and philology are dying professions, but still:

  1. Russian language as a tool for successful communication.
  2. Bioethics for Journalists.
  3. Copywriting work.
  4. The work of a journalist in a news agency.

History – you need to know it in order to protect yourself from the traps of propagandists and manipulators:

  1. Law and order in Russia in the 18th century.
  2. Daily life in Paris.
  3. How to understand Japan.
  4. Birth, love and death of Russian princes.
  5. What the archives hide.
  6. Petersburg on the eve of the revolution.
  7. Genealogy of Russian patriotism.
  8. Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages.

Natural sciences are the mechanics of life itself for inquisitive minds:

  1. Inorganic chemistry and ecology.
  2. Kinematics.
  3. Changing Arctic.
  4. Genetics.
  5. Astronomy.
  6. Celestial mechanics.

Engineering and robotics – for those with arms out of their shoulders:

  1. DIY multi-rotor drone.
  2. Digital modeling of 3D parts.
  3. Bionics. Nanokiborgs.
  4. Fundamentals of Robotics.

Pedagogy and psychology – this knowledge can be applied in everyday life:

  1. Student self-government: Forms and ways of development.
  2. Modern models of public partnership in general education.
  3. Preparation and implementation of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.
  4. Russian language for gifted students.
  5. World art culture in tasks.
  6. Genius. Giftedness. Mediocre.

And, of course, an introduction to digital photography.

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If you have something to add, or you just want to express your opinion, we are waiting for you in the comments.

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