How to tie a Murrell knot

Life style

The Murrell knot is quite large and far from the classics. Invented by Brent Murrell in 1995, the knot is essentially an inverted Windsor knot. When tied, the narrow end of the tie rests on the outside of the tie, facing others. The tie turns out to be two-layer and looks rather unusual. The Murrell knot is symmetrical, has an even triangular shape of medium size.

Murrell Knot

Suitable for collared shirts:





With soft ends

With soft ends

How to Tie a Tie in Pictures: The Murrell Knot

How to tie a Murrel knot



Instructions on how to tie a tie with a Murrell knot

  1. Throw the inside of the tie over yourself, with the seams inward. The wide end is on the left and the narrow end is on the right. The tip of the wide end should be pulled out to just below or flush with the belt buckle. We will work with the narrow end of the tie.
  2. Place the narrow end over the wide end, forming a crosshair.
  3. Pull the narrow end towards the neck and pass it under the collar (tie).
  4. After wrapping the collar of the tie once, pull it to the left.
  5. Wrap the narrow end under the wide end of the tie from left to right.
  6. Pull the narrow end up and drop the (tie) collar.
  7. As shown in the figure, pull the narrow end down and to the right.
  8. Forming the front of the tie knot, wrap the knot from right to left.
  9. Pass the narrow end of the collar that has formed.
  10. Pass through the loop on the front of the knot that formed in step 8.
  11. Adjust the resulting knot so that it fits evenly into your collar.

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