How to find your dream job

Life style

Is the dream job always with someone, but not with you? In fact, this is the case for everyone. Thinking about how to find a dream job, people lose sight of the simple truth – there is no job that completely excludes negativity from life. New position – new problems. Sounds uncomfortable? We are not romantic writers, and we are against self-deception. We are about reality, not about fairy tales. A dream job is still a job, although you get paid on it for something that brings pleasure.

Bowandtie's editors invite you to talk about your dream job. We believe that only by doing the business to which he is predisposed, a person can develop his potential and realize himself as a person. Which leads to material and spiritual well-being.

Can you even dream of working?

Let's be honest. People dream of working as little as possible and making more money. Ideally, inherit / win the lottery and not work at all. There are exceptions, but no one at Bowandtie personally knows them.

In principle, work cannot be a dream. We dream of a job because – what? A decent salary, a good schedule, business trips abroad, self-realization – everyone dreams of the benefits of a position, and not how he will make a thousandth photocopy, sit at midnight over a report for the boss or over 10 mockups for a customer.

How to find your dream job No one has ever regretted working too little

A dream job is still a job. The point is the vertical of subordination. Above everyone involved in making money is an auditor or host. Ordinary employee <chief <deputy director <director <owner or shareholders <clients on whom financial performance depends. A freelancer <customer.

An employee would be glad not to work, receiving benefits from the position, but he cannot. The auditor will force, and if you refuse, he will punish with a ruble or stop cooperation. This is the case everywhere, and in our dream job too A dream job is as routine and tedious as any other. And what distinguishes one job from another is only the amount of routine and the benefits received.

How do you get the benefits you want?

According to this formula: time x skills = good. The main variable in the equation is skills. If a person is hungry for the good of an art director, and his skills are only enough to 'rhyme-crap', even if he invests in attempts to take this post 24/7, he will fail.

Desires and possibilities should be weighed. Some things are easier for some than for others. The theory of techies and humanities in action.

Career is wonderful, but it won't keep anyone warm on a cold night.

Sometimes someone is just destined to become a car mechanic from God. It is on this path, having passed from a locksmith in a tire changer to the owner of a service station network, that he will receive the coveted benefits. Instead, a person is only wasting time and energy in trying to build a career as a lawyer, because he is afraid to get his hands dirty, or someone convinced him that this job is more respectable.

It is a trap. Respectability, prestige – it's all in the head, but many are chasing after it. The competition is great. There are many who want to sit in a white shirt and tie under the air conditioner and shift papers – only those who have the necessary skills, talent, and opportunities will receive the desired benefits. The rest will only get 8+ hours of routine.

Focusing only on money or external husks like prestige can play a cruel joke. Highly paid managers will be replaced by robots in a few years. Years of routine and daily overpowering yourself will turn into frustration and lack of prospects.

How to find your own business and not fall into the trap

There is a wise saying: “Make calling your work and you won't work a day.” We understand that this is not easy, for example, in a city where the city-forming enterprise is a military unit. In the text “Why We Difficult to Change,” we mentioned that in the case of “just get up and do” there are always more excuses than arguments “for.” There are opportunities – remote work, moving and searching for jobs on the Internet. There would be a desire to do what you love.

If you know how to do something, do it for money

A person who does not like to write will not write a good book. A person who does not like cinema will not make a good film. Archaeologists are not conducting research out of love for exorbitant fees. Your favorite hobby can and should be turned into a profession. In this case, money will only be a pleasant bonus, not an end in itself.

To find your dream job, decide what you like to do, then find a place where you will be paid money for it. Love to draw – look for vacancies in cartoon and design studios. Love to write – look for jobs for journalists and writers. If you like to troll people – welcome to HKH, pension fund or social security.

“And if you want to make money, there are tons of great places where you can do it faster and better.” (c) Dmitry Medvedev.

How to find your dream job – in brief

Dream job – not necessarily respectable or creative, in the office and with a high salary. Painters, salesmen, teachers, doctors, anyone can love their work. After all, the main sign of a dream job is satisfaction with the benefits received. Good is not only money. Interest is also a blessing. A pleasant team is a blessing. A convenient schedule is a blessing.

The best job is a high-paying hobby

To get a dream job, you need:

  1. Find a compromise between desires and possibilities.
  2. Do what you can do better than others.
  3. Develop in your business.

For different people, the dream job is also different – hence the feeling that someone's job is always better than yours. The irony is that this someone may think that your job is better. This is why people who love their job are so rare.

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