Hair care rules for men

Life style

Men's haircut or hairstyle is one of the elements of men's style. However, if your hair is not entirely 'healthy', the ends of your hair are split or become brittle, the scalp dries up and dandruff appears, then you can forget about a good haircut and hairstyle. Your stylish look will be at risk.

Today we're going to take a look at a few mens hair care tips to keep your hair looking great and 'healthy'!

Damaged hair restoration advertisement

It's amazing how many ads we see on TV for shampoo and other soap products that promise 'healthy hair'! Let's face it. There is no such thing as 'healthy hair'. Hair is mainly composed of protein and keratin. The hair itself has no blood supply or nervous system. Hair is not alive, therefore it cannot be 'healthy'. Since hair is an inanimate structure, it cannot regenerate. Therefore, you need to take proper care of them to maintain their strength, elasticity and radiance.

Some shampoos and conditioners claim to 'repair damaged hair'. You can't resurrect dead hair, no matter what the ad says. If the hair is damaged, the only way to 'repair' it is to trim the damaged length. Just like your car needs service, your hair needs grooming.

How to properly care for your hair

If you have major hair problems, it is best to go straight to a trichologist – a specialist in hair and scalp treatment. In other cases, you can follow our recommendations:

1. Dry your hair gently

Towel drying is one of the main causes of hair damage in men. Guys love to grab a towel and dry their hair like crazy. The problem here is that when the hair is wet it is very easy to damage it. When 'rubbing' your hair with a towel, some of the hair becomes tangled in the strands of the towel and pulls, damaging the ends. To minimize damage from towel drying, shake off excess water and then towel iron in the direction of hair growth. It may take a little longer, but it's worth it. Remember that damaged hair cannot be fixed, but you can wait for new hair to grow back instead of old (for example, after 1-2 haircuts).

Dry your hair gently

Blow-drying is also one of the main causes of hair damage. The hair dryer dries both hair and scalp. Men are not big fans of the hair dryer, but if you need to use it, then follow these tips:

  1. Use special sprays and combs to prevent hair dryer damage. This makes combing easier and protects against heat damage.
  2. Make sure to keep the hair dryer 20-25 centimeters from your hair and move it constantly over the entire surface of your head. This will protect the hair from heat.
  3. Do not dry your hair completely. Leave them slightly damp. This will prevent dry hair.

2. Use a comb more carefully

When hair is damp, use a wide-toothed comb or brush to prevent damage. This will limit the damage done by the comb or brush pulling on the hair.

Use a comb more carefully Use a comb more carefully

3. Wash in lukewarm water

Very hot water dries out hair and scalp. Do not use too hot water.

The first step in maintaining healthy hair is to maintain a healthy scalp.

4. Avoid strong chemicals

Repeated hair coloring and milling can damage your hair. Chemicals (such as ammonia) used in paint can be harmful to your hair and scalp.

A good hairdresser or stylist knows how to properly care for your hair and scalp. Ask him to choose the best product to protect his hair from damage.

5. Don't wash your hair too often.

You can safely wash your hair every day if you use professional shampoos. Otherwise – no more than 1 time in 2 days. Professional shampoos are formulated to add emollients, moisturizers, and protectants to the hair shaft in ways that aren't cheap. In addition, hair can get used to being washed often, so it will become greasy and dirty more quickly.

When you wash your hair, pay more attention to your scalp. It is enough to wash your hair by simply rinsing it in shampoo.

Don't wash your hair too often Don't wash your hair too often

6. Let your hair grow faster and stronger

Eat well, drink plenty of water, take vitamins, get enough sleep, and live a stress-free life all contribute to faster hair growth. Hair is a reflection of the health of the whole body.

Healthy eating is the key to strong and healthy hair Healthy eating is the key to strong and healthy hair

7. Avoid ponytails and baseball caps

Try to avoid the fashion of ponytails or baseball caps. Hair pulled back into a ponytail can cause damage and fall out. The damage can become permanent if you torture your hair further.

Avoid ponytails if your hair is falling out Avoid ponytails if your hair is falling out

Loose your hair, and it crawls in your face? It's time to choose a men's haircut or hairstyle that suits your face shape and hair structure.

8. Control curls

Curly hair is caused by low amounts of moisture and protein. Use a good moisturizing conditioner to style your curls. You can also apply a serum to add radiance and suppleness.

9. Refresh 'tired' hair

Hair becomes dull when the cuticle (outer layers of the hair shaft) is damaged. The well-preserved cuticle layers lie flat (like fish scales) and reflect light. When the cuticle is damaged, light is poorly reflected, resulting in a dull look. Follow the tips above to help protect your cuticles and refresh dull hair.

10. Watch the pool water

Pool water contains chemicals that dry, damage and discolor hair. To minimize damage from chlorine and other chemicals, dampen your hair with tap water before entering the pool. This will help prevent your hair from soaking up water from the pool. Another option is to use a special hair conditioner.

11. Caring for straight hair

Wash long hair every 2 days with an emollient shampoo and conditioner. If you prefer a longer style of hair, trim them every six weeks to remove split ends.

12. Caring for thinning hair

Choose water-based products that don't leave a greasy residue or weigh down your hair, but provide volume and lightness. Strengthening shampoo and conditioner can help solve thinning hair. Cut short, straighten the ends and grow back hair stronger. Try not to leave your hair long, as it will look thin and runny.

13. Taking care of wavy hair

To minimize excessive volume, use a hydrating product and a heavy conditioner to add weight to your hair. A medium length haircut will look great. For styling, add oil-based products that add shine and weight.

14. Taking care of curly hair

The structure of curly hair can prevent natural oils from reaching the ends of the hair. Use a moisturizer to keep your hair soft. Choose short haircuts that will keep you looking neat. Longer styles should be stacked to reduce the volume. Hair should be washed no more often than every other day and with a good conditioner. It will help add extra moisture. Style your hair with an anti-frizz serum.


We have reviewed the basic rules of hair care for men, which will not be difficult to follow. Of course, there are various masks, compositions according to grandmother's recipes, special healing shampoos. All this is probably useful, but it is best to consult with a specialist before using various means.

As always, we welcome your comments and questions.

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