The cool season is rich in weather surprises – drizzling rain, sleet and even heavy rain. Therefore, during this period, a men's umbrella is simply necessary. It will save not only health, but also the impeccable appearance and dryness of clothes, and will also become an exquisite highlight of the individual style of its owner. Is there still reason to doubt the relevance of this useful accessory? If not, then we invite you to go with us on the driest journey in the world. There we will learn what an umbrella can be and how to choose it correctly. Join in and let the downpour wait!
P.S. We also recommend skimming through this article for those who prefer to face dangers, despite the storm, sore throat and chronic runny nose. Perhaps you will find something useful in it for yourself.
Men's umbrella in different weather conditions
First of all, let's figure out in what situation an umbrella is needed. It turns out that this men's accessory is relevant not only in the shower. When can you use it:
- During rain, sleet;
- In sunny weather;
- For saving from the wind.
In all cases, the task of any of the umbrellas is the same – to protect a person from the influence of various weather conditions and natural phenomena on him. But what are the differences between them?
Rain umbrella
Carefully maintain your impeccable appearance? Then the men's umbrella from the rain of a large size and reinforced structure will be the optimal solution for you. It will withstand strong winds and save your outfit from moisture pouring from heaven. The umbrella from the rain is distinguished by a high degree of water resistance of the fabric used in its manufacture.
Leonardo DiCaprio on the red carpet – the men's umbrella cane only emphasizes the sophistication of the actor's evening wardrobe
Sun umbrella
Do not think that this must be a lace accessory exclusively for ladies. But what about the sun canopy and large umbrellas for tables, which are often used on the veranda or outdoors? They can have either waterproof or UV-resistant fabric. All this guarantees the practicality and durability of such models. The UV protection level must be indicated on the label.
The umbrella will be able to protect from excessive sunlight
Wind umbrella
Few people know about such a decision. But it can be very useful not only in autumn or winter. It looks like a man's umbrella like this.
The men's umbrella from the wind is designed in such a way that he is not afraid of a squall of rain
This is a great option for those who run the risk of falling into the grip of strong winds with rain, not only in the city, but also anywhere. When you are armed with such an accessory, you can safely go to nature, go sailing, walk around the country. No weather cataclysms are terrible! Its heavy-duty, asymmetrical design is designed to withstand heavy winds. And the waterproof canopy will keep you wet, even in slanting rain.
But that's not all! Did you know that there are completely extraordinary models of umbrellas? I will show you just a few of them, the most popular on the Internet today. Believe me, what you see is worth your attention!
Modern designer umbrellas
I could not pass by the abundance of futuristic designer ideas that are found on the net today. They are mainly aimed at rainy weather. These are not only exclusive things, some of them have already been put on stream by manufacturers. Attention, here they are – extraordinary, spectacular, inimitable 'brainchilds' of the XXI century!
This umbrella will be preferred by male fans of the adventurous genre.
And such an umbrella will interest those men and women who daily spend time styling their hair.
This is not a men's umbrella, but such a practical designer idea, in my opinion, also deserves attention.
Impressive, aren't they?
Men's umbrella and its types
Usually umbrellas are divided into 2 types:
- Folding;
- Walking sticks.
They are easy to distinguish by their appearance. Folding ones have small dimensions when folded, their price ranges from two hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles. But they are not as reliable as walking sticks. It largely depends on how many times the umbrella is able to fold. The greater this number, the less reliable and durable the design of its component units. Walking sticks are usually more expensive than their compact counterparts, but they are durable, and also able to give a certain aristocracy and sophistication to the individual style of a man. They are especially relevant if you prefer classics or business attire.
The men's umbrella cane will add an exquisite gloss and aristocracy to your bow in a classic, business or casual style
But this is not the end of the umbrella classification. Based on the characteristics of the main mechanism, the following options can be distinguished:
- Mechanical;
- Semiautomatic devices;
- Automatic machines;
- Full machines.
Mechanical models
They open and close exclusively by hand. “Good God, but this is inconvenient!” – you say. How can he disagree with this? But! Experts say that such mechanisms are almost the most reliable and durable. True, there is one important detail: such an umbrella must differ in the quality of the materials used in the production, their assembly and the design itself.
Mechanical men's umbrella gray with reinforced fastening of the dome to the spokes
The price of a men's umbrella with a reliable mechanism will be much higher than 200-500 rubles. This should be borne in mind when choosing a worthy accessory. Mechanical models are not only folding. There are also walking sticks among them.
They differ from mechanics in that they open when you press a special button built into the umbrella handle. This makes it easier to use them. Such models are quite convenient and inexpensive. But you will have to close them manually.
Automatic machines
They open quickly with a button and are equipped with a more reliable mechanism and design than semi-automatic machines. They are very convenient to use as they require a minimum of effort to open the dome.
Full, or double, machines
The most user-friendly mechanism! It allows you to open and even close the umbrella with a button. No hassle or extra effort! But it is necessary to choose not only the most practical mechanism, but also to take into account the reliability of the umbrella design. In an ensemble, these components will extend the durability of your stylish accessory.
Fully automatic – with it you will forget that you need to open or close the umbrella, because you just need to press a button
Important Design Features – Did You Know This?
In addition to the man's preferred mechanism and the pleasant color of the umbrella, when choosing an accessory, you should pay attention to some of its design features. It is very important. Especially if you choose an accessory that will last more than one year and will emphasize the individual style of your various bows.
Look at the fabric from which the dome is sewn. The composition of the fibers used in the fabric is important. It can be indicated on a sewn into the dome or on a paper label. Nylon and polyester are widely used nowadays. They are waterproof, durable enough and pleasant to the touch. Pongee is also used. This fabric has a characteristic rough surface that repels water. It costs more, although high-quality nylon will not be cheap either. But perhaps the most tangible price is satin. This fabric is an aristocrat of its own kind! In appearance, it resembles silk or satin. A person ignorant of fabrics can confuse it with polyester, but satin is a stronger, better quality, water-repellent fabric. It is used only in expensive umbrella models from leading brands.
The size of the dome also matters when choosing. The larger it is, the more likely you are to stay dry. Recently, models of family, double umbrellas are increasingly common. They are very convenient and practical when you are walking in the rain with a business partner or you are going on a date with a girl. Usually, manufacturers 'reward' cane umbrellas with large canopies.
A double, so-called family umbrella is an excellent solution for walking with your beloved in the rain – in cramped quarters and not offended
The knitting needles are also an important part of the umbrella design. There are several factors to consider here. First, it is the material of the needles. Cheap models use inexpensive duralumin. It does not rust, looks decent, but is very flexible. Such a metal may not withstand even small gusts of wind. In addition, he did not perform well in folding structures. Therefore, it is better to stay on models with steel spokes. They are less fragile and not so easy to bend under the slightest load. But the real optimal solution is fiberglass. The knitting needles made of it are flexible enough to safely survive even the turning of the umbrella dome outward by a strong wind. High-quality fiberglass spokes do not break.
Secondly, you should pay attention to the fastening of the fabric to the knitting needles. Its reliability is facilitated by the presence of special protective caps put on the tips of the needles. After all, the edge of the dome must withstand the heaviest loads. For example, during a squally wind. It will come in handy even on a yacht! Protective caps also allow not only to keep the eyes of passers-by intact. And do not forget to check how the fabric is sewn to the knitting needles along their length. In expensive models, the dome can be fastened not with threads, but with special straps made of the same material. This extends the life of the accessory. Since the fabric of the straps folded in half does not wipe as quickly as the threads constantly rubbing against metal.
Even when folded, a man's umbrella gives an image of style, elegance, aristocracy. It is designed to attract the eyes of others. And accordingly, to its owner. But in order to arouse admiration among others, it is necessary not only to choose a high-quality accessory, but also to pay attention to its colors and design. The umbrella should harmoniously fit into the image you have created. Like any spectacular, accent detail. For classic suits, neutral and dark colors are relevant, models of restrained shades are well combined with casual, while catchy options are relevant for street-style and outfits with bright accessories (tie, belt, shoes, socks or a pocket square). As for manufacturers, Japanese brands are considered to be of the highest quality, as well as some European brands.
Do you have an umbrella? Which model would you prefer and why? I look forward to your comments.