Books for men: what to read on the path to greatness

Life style

If there is one thing great people have in common, it is books. They read a lot. Lincoln read everything he could get his hands on (often wrote down the passages he liked on tablets, because he had no paper). Napoleon had a library with 3,500 books to read on Saint Helena, and before that he had a mobile library to take with him on his hikes. The writer Ambrose Bierce, a Civil War veteran and underrated contemporary of Mark Twain, once remarked, “I owe more to my father's books than any other educational and directive influence.” Through deep analysis and literature search, we were able to find and prepare these books for men. We bet some of them you haven't read or heard.

Books for men are the key to success in life

The point is, successful people read a lot. What about young, insanely ambitious people who want to follow in their footsteps? They have this hunger, desire and desire. The question is: what should they read? What will help on the path laid out for them?

Nowadays, many of the book recommendations refer to a specific occupation. If you want to become a writer, there are certain books that you must read. Want to be an economist, that is, genres that you need to delve into. If you want to be a soldier, there is literature for you too. However, there are many books for men that anyone who aspires to leadership, excellence, influence, power and success should read.

These are books for men that prepare you for the top, and also warn you against its dangers. These are the books that everyone should have in their library. So fill your free glass with top-notch whiskey and you can start reading.


'Power Trader' Robert Caro

It will take you a long time to read all 1,165 pages of this work, which tells about the rise of Robert Moses. This will be one of the most gorgeous books for men you will read in your life. Moses has built nearly every major construction project in New York. The public could not stop him, the mayor could not stop him, the governor could not stop him and only once the President of the United States could influence him. Robert Moses was a tyrant. Perhaps he had more intelligence, drive, and strategy than other people. But he didn't have enough compassion. And ultimately, the power turned him into something monstrous.

Robert Moses is a famous American urban planner who shaped the face of modern New York Robert Moses is a renowned American urban planner who shaped the face of modern New York

'The Fish That Swallowed the Whale: The Life of the American Banana King' by Rich Cohen

This book tells the incredible story of Sam Zemurray, a penniless Russian immigrant who, thanks to his hard work and assertiveness, became the CEO of United Fruit, the largest fruit company in the world. The greatness of Zemurrey, in the author's words: 'Is that he never lost faith in his ability to save the situation' For Zemurrey, there has always been a way through an obstacle, no matter how dire the situation.

Samuel Zemurray was born into a poor Jewish family in Chisinau.  Died one of the richest men in America Samuel Zemurray was born into a poor Jewish family in Chisinau. Died one of the richest men in America

Autobiography of Malcolm X

Someone said Catcher in the Rye was to white boys what Malcolm X's autobiography was to black boys. Many chose to read and imitate a man who was born in adversity and pain, fights crime, serves a prison sentence, learns to read a dictionary, finds a religion, and then becomes a civil rights activist before being shot by former supporters while he tempered the hatred and anger that were part of his performances.

Malcolm X has been recognized as one of the most influential African Americans in history Malcolm X has been recognized as one of the most influential African Americans in history

Instructions and tips

'48 Laws of Power 'by Robert Greene

It is impossible to describe this book and give it its full credit. But if you plan to live on your own terms, climb as high as you want, and avoid being controlled by others, then you need to read it. Robert is an amazing researcher and storyteller, he has a deep ability to explain timeless truths through history and examples. You can read the classics and not always understand the lessons. But if you read the 48 Laws, we promise that you will leave not only with practical lessons, but also with an indelible sense of how to deal with difficult and confusing situations. One of the most important laws for young people “always say less than you need to. Always ask yourself, “Am I saying this because I want to prove how smart I am, or because it needs to be said?”

'What I Learned From Losing A Million Dollars' by Jim Paul and Brendan Moynihan

There are many books out there about striving for something. But there are very few of the real people who aspired, achieved and lost it. With every successful move Jim Paul made on his way to the CEO of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, he became convinced that he was a special and free from the rules. Once the markets turned against his trades, Jim lost everything – his fortune, his job and his reputation. This is why this book plays an important role in understanding how arrogance and pride that reaches your head is the beginning of collapse. Learn from stories like this, not your own trial and error. Think about this the next time you think you've learned it all.

'Man in Search of Meaning' Viktor Frankl

This book will turn your idea of ​​life upside down.  Even if she is small, but the person behind her has passed a huge and difficult path. This book will turn your idea of ​​life upside down. Even if she is small, but the person behind her has passed a huge and difficult path.

Ever had to read a book and be so touched or overwhelmed by a story that you cried? Man in Search of Meaning is one of those rare books that can change our core.

Frankl, a Holocaust survivor psychologist, recounts his three years in Nazi death camps. He lost everyone he loved, almost starved to death, was daily beaten and terrorized, and faced death many times. Nevertheless, he survived and can tell us about it.

In the dark depths of his human experience, Frankl discovered what he believed to be the true meaning of life. Even in the face of torture and inhuman treatment, Frankl was able to dive deep into his soul and come out on the other side with a deep understanding of the meaning of life.

This book is a short but deep reading and the beginning of Frankl's approach to therapy known as Logotherapy. If you are looking for more meaning in life, read this book. Want to better understand your purpose? Read this book.

Philosophy and classical wisdom

And even ancient philosophers have something to say to modern men. And even ancient philosophers have something to say to modern men.

'Reflections' Marcus Aurelius

This is perhaps the greatest book ever written. It is an undeniable text about self-discipline, personal ethics, humility, self-realization, and strength. Bill Clinton read it every year, as do many other leaders and statesmen. This is a book written by one of the most influential people who ever lived. It is filled with lessons taught us about strength, responsibility and philosophy. This book will make you a better person and help you better manage your desired success.

'Kyropedia' Xenophon

Xenophon, like Plato, was a student of Socrates. For some reason, his work is not as famous, although it is much more applicable. This book is the best biography ever written about Cyrus the Great, one of the greatest leaders and conquerors in history, who is considered the “father of human rights”. There are so many great lessons here. I wish more people would read it.

Fiction and myth

And even unreal stories will teach courage and courage And even unreal stories will teach courage and courage

'The Apprenticeship of Daddy Kravitz' Mordechai Richler

Duddy is a consummate Jewish con man, always working, always intriguing, always looking for a deal, and everyone scoffs at him because of his limitless ambition. Duddy never stops in his quest to buy real estate to “be someone”, never forgetting his grandfather's teaching that “a man without land is nobody”. Only it didn't turn out the way he planned. In this book, you will learn that the goal-seeking rogue, if he cannot prioritize and if he has no principles, eventually loses everything.

'Iron John' Robert Bly

'Iron John' is a short story written as a metaphorical 'coming of age' by a young man. And it is considered one of the most important literary works when it comes to masculinity and understanding of men.

The book is rich in symbolism and Jungian archetypes. Symbolism shows the various stages that people must go through in order to reach their full potential.


Of course, the men's books listed here are by no means everything you need to be healthy, happy, and successful. This is just the start. But they do give a solid start to your library. Enjoy and be careful there. The path to the top is dangerous.

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