Be Bigger will show the magic of masculine style in new reality show

Life style

We asked a few questions to Alexey Shulepov, the creator of the men's YouTube channel under the serious and memorable name Be Bigger, whose development we have been closely watching for a long time.

A little about the Be Bigger project

The Be Bigger project started a year and a half ago and went against popular YouTube trends: humorous sketches, pranks and vlogs (video blogs), urging the male audience to leave their comfort zone and engage in self-development. To date, the channel has clearly demonstrated to thousands of men how to create a harmonious, attractive, memorable, individual style not only in clothes, but also in life.

An important help here were regularly published videos with up-to-date advice and advice from a professional stylist on wardrobe selection and fashion trends, recommendations from an expert on haircuts, as well as full-length webinars about the secrets of the image of a successful and self-confident man.

Be Bigger is a fairly young channel, but it already has an impressive audience of regular viewers and subscribers. Today we will learn the secrets of the success of this popular and promising project, as well as plans for further development from its creator Alexei Shulepov.

Blitz interview with the creator of the men's channel Be Bigger Alexei Shulepov

– Alexey, I’ll ask straight away and head-on: “Why is it that men's fashion and style have been chosen as the main theme of your project Be Bigger?”

– All the topics on the channel are of interest to me. I am looking for answers to questions with the help of experts from different fields and share this with subscribers. Why style? Beauty will not literally save the world, but it can make our life more enjoyable. Therefore, you should start with yourself and your style.

Alexey Shulepov - Author of the men's channel BE BIGGER Alexey Shulepov – Author of the men's channel BE BIGGER

– People who have taken place in a certain area always attract the attention of others. And many of our subscribers are also interested in learning about how to become a successful person. Does Alexei Shulepov, the creator of the popular channel for men, have a couple of tips for newbies?

– Many give advice on how to become successful. Both paid and free. I think that everyone has their own path to success, there is no single formula. And before looking for an answer to the question 'How?', You need to answer another question: 'What does it mean to you' to be successful? ' When the goal is determined, then it will become clear how to go to it. Diligence will not be a superfluous quality on the path to the chosen success.

– Who constantly collaborates with you on the Be Bigger channel? What are these people interesting for successful and stylish men?

– With Gosha Steele, we have been creating a men's style section from the very foundation of the Be Bigger channel. For five years now, Gosha has been helping successful men from Moscow and St. Petersburg look in accordance with their status. Recently, our team was joined by a haircutter, Andrey Dryazgov, who demonstrated how a haircut and hair styling affects a man's appearance, and with the help of his professionalism showed that it is not worth saving at this point. Valentina Vychuzhanina – founder of the training center – has been teaching courses and seminars on the topic of relations between men and women for 15 years. Sharing her experience and knowledge with the subscribers of the Be Bigger channel, she helps all of us make working on relationships a pleasant process, and the beautiful creatures from Venus become more understandable for men. I'm thrilled to be working on a versatile male YouTube channel with people like this. And I am grateful to them for their contribution.

– Alexey, the Be Bigger YouTube channel has long been giving us a lot of useful information about men's style, relationships with the opposite sex, psychological tricks and other useful things. But good things are never enough! Therefore, I hasten to ask you – how will the channel please its subscribers in the near future? Can you expect something even more explosive than already on the channel?

– This fall we are starting a new season – we have new ideas and new show formats with our experts. First of all, we are launching a reality show about men's style, where we will showcase the work of a male stylist, which usually remains behind the scenes. Men's style experts – Gosha Steel and Andrey Dryazgov – will help our hero build a new great image. And viewers will be able to learn from other people's mistakes and receive a new portion of stylish life hacks. We are glad to those who, together with us, chose the path of self-development on the Be Bigger channel!

New reality show on Be Bigger

Do you dream of becoming attractive, successful and looking like a million dollars, but don't know where to start? Or maybe you are already on this path, but lack a couple of 'highlights' to make your masculine style memorable? Watch the new reality show on Be Bigger and you will succeed!

Do not miss! The first release is available from August 25th!

Subscribe to the Be Bigger channel not to miss new episodes of the show!

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