23 things a man should do in the summer

Life style

Summer has already come and this cannot but rejoice. Everything around is covered with greenery, summer residents traditionally get stuck in traffic jams, and former students of schools and universities are preparing for graduation. In a short 3 months, you need to have time to do a lot of things, including allowing yourself to relax.

We have prepared a list of 23 things every man should do this summer. When you are resting, time does not seem to pass, so we have collected the most interesting events that are worth experiencing this summer. Hurry up to fill your vacation and weekend with new experiences in order to gain strength before the onset of cold weather. Go!

Have a picnic in the park

Eat okroshka

Eat delicious ice cream

Eat watermelon

Go to the zoo with your family

Go to football

Go fishing

Make a trendy hairstyle

Read an interesting book

Take a walk in the city at night

Take a boat ride

Feed the birds

Visit an open-air cinema

Walk barefoot on the grass

Get in shape

Cook barbecue

Meet on the street

Give flowers to your beloved

Swim in the river

Launch air lantern

Make a wish for a shooting star

Meet the sunrise with your beloved

When summer comes, I remember the song of Oleg Mityaev. Here is one of her verses:

'I left in April, I found a reason
I'm cold wrapped in your cold
And he went outside to greet the summer
And summer is a small life. '

It's hard to disagree with the words of the song. I wish to gain impressions in the summer and live this 'little life' brightly.

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