13 Fun Facts About Tie


The tie is the main accessory of the men's wardrobe. It comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and patterns and certainly has a long history. The bottom line is that many of us have worn a tie at least once in our lives. Some people like them, as they give a strict business look. Some people don't like ties, associating it with a noose around the neck. Clothing designers know so much about neckties that they could cover an entire encyclopedia. However, today, we'll highlight 13 fun tie facts that will interest you.

Today we will take a look at ties from a different angle. We have collected some interesting facts that you might not know.

These facts will help you choose a different tie next time. We're going to bust the myths about the most expensive ties, the most durable, the history of modern ties and much more!

Fun facts about the tie

  1. Approximately 10% of the world's population wear a tie.
  2. About 300 lens ago, the British invented a tie that was so thick that it could protect against a sword strike.
  3. Typically, American ties have stripes running from top right to bottom left, while British ties tend to run from top left to bottom right.
  4. One good quality silk tie requires approximately 130-150 silkworm cocoons. We have a whole topic of what a tie is made of. I recommend reading.

    Silkworm cocoon

    Silkworm cocoon

  5. One of the world's largest necktie manufacturers is located in China in the city of Zhengzhou. It produces about 200 million ties annually.
  6. A tie collector is called a grabatologist.

    Tie collector -grabologist

    Tie collector -grabologist

  7. The most expensive tie in the world was created by Satya Paul Design Studio from India. The tie was decorated with 271 diamonds and 150 grams of gold. Its cost was 220 thousand dollars.

    The most expensive tie in the world by Satya Paul Design Studio

    The most expensive tie in the world by Satya Paul Design Studio

  8. There is a tie, which is a leather interlaced string attached to the neck called the Bolo tie. Bolo is the official tie of the state of Arizona in the United States. Oddly enough, it is combined with a bow tie. Read more about the bolo tie in our encyclopedia.
  9. In the United States, people buy about 100 million ties each year, worth $ 1 billion.
  10. In Iran, you will not be allowed to sell ties, as they are a bad symbol, but you can safely wear them.
  11. The modern tie originates from a piece of silk similar to a scarf worn by Croatian soldiers, called cravate. So thank you Croatia! By the way, read the history of the tie on our website.
  12. It should be noted that the first Chinese emperor wore a tie (or something similar) back in 210 BC.
  13. You can buy a tie that can stop a 9mm bullet.

So now you've learned a lot more about ties. By adding these historical and cultural facts to a simple piece of fabric, you will have more fun and joy the next time you wear a tie.

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