Top 9 welding wire manufacturers

Ratings of the best repair products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

For a quick and strong connection of metal parts, a welding operation is used. The most popular type in the industrial field is automatic and semi-automatic welding using special wires. It is selected for a specific brand of metal, allowing you to get a high-quality seam. The composition of the wire electrode should be as close as possible to the material to be welded. Today, a rich assortment of welding wires is presented on the domestic market. Recommendations of our experts will help you choose the best type.

How to choose a welding wire

Types of welding wire. In total, there are about 80 brands of welding wire in Russia. Experts distinguish between 3 types.

  1. Low-alloyed contains no more than 2.5% of alloying additives in the composition. There are 6 brands of such material on the market.
  2. Alloyed welding wire includes material with a concentration of alloying additions in the range of 2.5-10%. The trading network offers about 30 brands of wire.
  3. High-alloyed contains over 10% alloying components. There are over 40 brands of material.

Chemical composition. When choosing a welding wire, experts advise first of all to pay attention to the identity of the chemical composition of the material to be joined and the electrode.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to the concentration of carbon. The lower the content of this element, the more plastic the seam is.
  2. The presence of such chemical elements as phosphorus and sulfur in the composition negatively affects the quality of the weld.

The melting temperature. Another important requirement for a welding wire when choosing. This is the melting point. Experts believe that this parameter should be similar or slightly lower than that of the metals being joined. The accuracy of the weld will depend on the uniformity of the melting of the wire electrode. With the wrong choice of the melting temperature, cracks and slag appear in the seam, and burn-throughs form on the parts to be welded.

General requirements. To achieve a strong and durable connection of metal blanks, you should pay attention to several nuances.

  1. The diameter should be comparable to the thickness of the parts to be joined.
  2. The wire surface should be free of scale, rust, paint traces, oil stains and other contaminants.
  3. Carbon dioxide, helium, argon, a mixture of carbon dioxide and argon are used as a protective atmosphere. If there are problems with equipping the welding machine with inert gas, it is better to purchase a wire with flux. During combustion, it creates a protective environment in the welding area.

We have selected 9 of the best welding wires for review. All of them are sold in the Russian trade network. When allocating places, the opinion of the expert community and the feedback of domestic welders were taken into account.

Rating of the best manufacturers of welding wire

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best Stainless Welding Wire 1 Wester STW08045 0.8 mm 0.45 kg RUB 620
2 AG ER 316LSi d = 0.85kg RUB 810
3 Quattro Elementi 770-407 0.8 mm 0.45 kg 752 r
Best Copper Plated Welding Wire 1 ELITECH 0606.010000 0.8mm 331 r
2 ER70S-6 / SV08G2S GOLDEN BRIDGE f-1.0 mm 115 RUB
Best Aluminum Welding Wire 1 ER5183 (1 mm; 6 kg) ELKRAFT 93621 4662 RUB
2 AlMg5 (1 mm; cassette 6 kg) Bars 4560 RUB
The best welding wire for semi-automatic machines 1 Deka ER308Lsi RUB 7200
2 QUATTRO ELEMENTI 770-384 756 r

Best Stainless Welding Wire

The best way to firmly connect stainless steel parts is to weld with stainless steel wire. The result is a monolithic and corrosion-resistant seam. The material is used in shipbuilding, construction and metalworking. The experts appreciated the capabilities of several products.

Wester STW08045 0.8 mm 0.45 kg

Rating: 4.9

WESTER STW08045 0.8 MM 0.45 KG

When creating Wester STW08045, the Chinese manufacturer used a special alloy. In it, the carbon content is minimized, and the concentration of chromium and nickel is perfectly balanced. Therefore, the material has proven itself perfectly in situations where there is a high probability of intergranular corrosion. Experts point out the wide scope of application of the wire. These are the food and chemical industries, the production of boilers and pipelines. The most suitable stainless steel for joining would be 18Cr: 8Ni, as well as niobium stabilized stainless steel. The product wins our ranking.

Domestic welders note the high strength and evenness of the seam. The best combination of price and quality deserves praise.


  • innovative alloy;
  • durable seam;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • affordable price.


  • not found.

AG ER 316LSi d = 0.85kg

Rating: 4.8

AG ER 316LSI D = 0.8-5KG

The reduced carbon content is also noted by experts at AG ER 316LSi. An Indian manufacturer has developed an alloy with a ratio of chromium, nickel and molybdenum 19Cr: 12Ni: 2.5Mo. The formed seam can be operated in a wide temperature range (-196 … + 350 ° C), it is distinguished by its resistance to intergranular corrosion. The wire can be used to join a wide range of chromium-nickel and chromium-nickel-molybdenum steels. The model becomes the silver medalist in our rating for high plastic properties of the seam and good wettability of the edges being joined.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the quality and affordable price of AG ER 316LSi wire. Among the shortcomings, we can note the difficulties with the selection of a mixture of protective gas.


  • low price;
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • universality of application;
  • seam plasticity.


  • careful selection of the gas mixture is required.

Quattro Elementi 770-407 0.8 mm 0.45 kg

Rating: 4.7

QUATTRO ELEMENTI 770-407 0.8 MM 0.45 KG

Italian products Quattro Elementi 770-407 stand out from the competition with a high price. It is intended for use in semi-automatic machines for joining stainless steel grades. Experts note the high corrosion resistance of the weld, the uniformity of its formation. Thanks to the Italian wire, even inexperienced workers can successfully join parts. At the same time, there are no increased requirements for welding equipment.

Professional welders and hobbyists alike speak flatteringly about the capabilities of Quattro Elementi 770-407 wire. It provides a strong and corrosion resistant seam. The only drawback of the material is the high price.


  • high corrosion resistance;
  • even and durable seam;
  • forgives mistakes for beginners;
  • no expensive equipment required.


  • high price.

Best Copper Plated Welding Wire

Copper-bonded welding wire has an aesthetic appearance. But the main advantage of this material is its low contact resistance. Copper plating provides arc stability and reduces molten metal spatter. The experts selected two proven models.

ELITECH 0606.010000 0.8mm

Rating: 4.9

ELITECH 0606.010000 0.8MM

The Russian-Chinese wire ELITECH 0606.010000 possesses high technical characteristics. The material was highly appreciated by experts for its excellent current lead. The coating is evenly applied, it protects the steel fiber from corrosion for a long time. The composition contains a minimum of harmful impurities, which favorably affects the safety of the welder during work. The arc flares up very quickly, the seams are symmetrical and the same. Copper-plated wire ELITECH 0606.010000 becomes the winner of our rating.

Domestic welders praise wire for efficient and high-quality joining of steel billets. The material is widely used both in the industrial sphere and in the household.


  • affordable price;
  • high-quality coverage;
  • good current lead;
  • minimum of harmful impurities.


  • not found.

ER70S-6 / SV08G2S GOLDEN BRIDGE f-1.0 mm

Rating: 4.8


Chinese copper-plated wire ER70S-6 / SV08G2S GOLDEN BRIDGE attracts Russian welders at an affordable price. It meets the requirements of GOST 2245 and is analogous to the popular domestic model SV08G2S. The experts liked the winding, the manufacturer offers several packaging options (1 kg, 5 kg and 15 kg). Of the advantages of the material, experts note the stability of the geometric dimensions. A layer of copper evenly covers the steel thread, thanks to which the welding machine is not clogged with dust during operation. The wire becomes the silver medalist of our rating.

Domestic users are pleased with the low price, accurate dimensions and durable copper plating. But it is possible to make a high-quality seam only on powerful semiautomatic devices.


  • exact geometrical dimensions;
  • affordable price;
  • several types of packaging;
  • reliable protection against corrosion.


  • a powerful welding machine is required.

Best Aluminum Welding Wire

For welding billets of aluminum and its alloys, a special wire is required. It is suitable for automatic equipment and traditional semi-automatic equipment. Aluminum wire is used in the manufacture of dishes, cars and aircraft. Experts liked the technical parameters of the following materials.

ER5183 (1 mm; 6 kg) ELKRAFT 93621

Rating: 4.9

ER5183 (1 MM; 6 KG) ELKRAFT 93621

Aluminum wire ER5183 ELKRAFT 93621 is widely used in shipbuilding. The material is the result of fruitful cooperation of the German company ELKRAFT with Chinese manufacturers. It is this factor, according to experts, that became the key to the high popularity of wire in our country. At an affordable price, the result is a quality product that meets the requirements of state standards. The welding process is carried out in argon at a constant current in the DC Pulse mode. Suitable for joining workpieces made of aluminum-magnesium alloys, where the Mg content exceeds 3%.

Aluminum wire is the winner in our ranking. Users in reviews praise her for an even and durable seam and ease of welding.


  • affordable price;
  • high-quality seam;
  • ease of use;
  • exact geometrical dimensions.


  • not found.

AlMg5 (1 mm; cassette 6 kg) Bars

Rating: 4.8


AlMg5 Bars can be used under high pressure. A Chinese manufacturer recommends using a material for joining aluminum-magnesium billets, in which the magnesium content does not exceed 5%. The experts included wire in our rating for its low consumption and affordable price. The domestic analogue is considered to be the SV-AMg5 aluminum wire. Requires a DC semi-automatic welding machine to work. In this case, an inert gas argon is used as a protective atmosphere.

Russian welders have no particular complaints about AlMg5 Bars wire. They are satisfied with the affordable price and quality of the weld. There are slight variations in thickness, but for an experienced worker this defect is not critical.


  • affordable price;
  • low consumption;
  • ease of use;
  • even winding.


  • there is a deviation in thickness.

The best welding wire for semi-automatic machines

Welding wire for semiautomatic devices is very popular in our country. This material is offered in a variety of designs, from cold drawn wire to innovative flux products. The experts chose two efficient models.

Deka ER308Lsi

Rating: 4.9


Deka ER308Lsi is used in various fields. Experts note the low carbon content in the alloy, which makes the seam plastic. The advantages of the material should also include resistance to high temperatures. It is recommended to carry out welding work in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide or argon. The wire is suitable for joining stainless steels with 8% nickel and 18% chromium. A stable arc is formed with direct current DC. The material becomes the winner of our rating.

Domestic welders are satisfied with the combination of wire price and its technical parameters. It has proven itself to be excellent in bodywork in the automotive industry as well as in construction.


  • plastic;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • affordable price;
  • wide range of applications.


  • not found.


Rating: 4.8


The unique composition of QUATTRO ELEMENTI 770-384 was developed by Italian engineers. The material has a cross-section of a hollow cylinder, inside which a special powder is poured. Its task is to create an inert atmosphere in the welding zone. In addition, thanks to the powder, the weld is formed and alloyed. Additionally, no shielding gas supply is required, which simplifies the design of the welding machine. The experts gave the material the second place in our rating for innovation.

Users are satisfied with the quality of the seam, the absence of splashes, and uniform spreading. Of the shortcomings, the high price of the product is noted, and welders would also like to see the wire in a kilogram packaging.


  • unique flux composition;
  • no shielding gas required;
  • high-quality seam;
  • no splashes.


  • high price;
  • there are no products in a kilogram package.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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