The best countries in terms of living standards: the top 10 richest in the world in 2019


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Is it good to live in this or that country and how much? It is possible to answer this question with an open mind in one of two ways: based on macroeconomic indicators or the opinion of a certain social group (residents of the country in general). We will consider the first option – harsh and dry statistics that provide generalized, real results based on one indicator – the level of nominal GDP per capita.

Ranking of the 'lucky' countries

Nomination a place Country GDP
'Happy' countries 7 Qatar $ 76,677
6 Ireland 77 160 $
5 Iceland $ 79,271
4 Norway $ 82,773
3 Switzerland $ 85,157
2 Macau $ 86 339
1 Luxembourg $ 115,203


Rating: 4.9


GDP: $ 76,677

The country has good climatic conditions and an incredibly developed economy. Therefore, Qatar is often called the paradise on earth. The standard of living and wages of the state allows each of its citizens to live comfortably at least.

The capital is planning to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022. Many projects are being implemented to build hotels, stadiums and even roads: about $ 20 billion has been allocated for the latter alone.

The high standard of living of the Qataris is due to the recently discovered valuable oil and gas fields. It would seem that one does not necessarily imply the other, but in Qatar, the indigenous people receive significant government assistance, and positions in any area are occupied exclusively by leading ones.

Qatar is considered one of the safest countries in the world: here you don't have to worry about the safety of your wallet and personal belongings. Not the least role in this is played by the presence of a well-developed video surveillance system (cameras are installed on almost every corner).

Qatar has a well-developed healthcare system: any resident of the country (be it a citizen or a visitor) has the right to quality medical services. Locals receive most of them free of charge, and invited workers receive compulsory insurance.

A few words about the tax system – it is extremely simple: there is only one type of taxes in the country – corporate (and the rate is the same – 10%). There are no more taxes. Absolutely.


Rating: 4.8


GDP: $ 77,160

It is known to the world as the 'Emerald Isle' due to its unique climate, which delights with eternal spring. This small friendly state is famous for its tolerant inhabitants, highly developed economy and modern approach to personnel policy: citizenship and nationality do not play a role when applying for a job, the main thing is a person's professional qualities. This recruitment scheme has reduced the crime rate to a minimum.

The Irish government, unfortunately, has been struggling for years with a protracted economic crisis. The reason for this is the difficult economic situation of many Irish people and the massive outflow of youth from the country to other countries of the EU zone. Nevertheless, all this does not prevent Ireland from taking a place in the ranking of the best countries for life in the world.

It is worth noting the special system of taxation of the country, which, by the way, is considered very democratic by European standards. Ireland is distinguished by strong family values ​​and, curiously, family citizens pay half the tax.

The Irish education system is considered one of the best in the world, but regardless of the type of educational institution, it always implies religious education as one of the compulsory disciplines.


Rating: 4.7


GDP: $ 79,271

A unique country – cold and unapproachable (in the literal sense of the word), where restrained, like the local nature, hardworking, simple and strictly abiding by the law people live. More than 98% of Iceland's population is indigenous Icelanders, which indicates the unpopularity of the state among immigrants.

Until recently, the country was considered inaccessible, and its inhabitants led a secluded lifestyle (other European countries, chuckling, called them a redneck). Nevertheless, despite their simplicity, Icelanders honor traditions, work conscientiously and have a noisy rest, you cannot deny this.

Unfortunately, the level of education here cannot be called super-high: only 70% of residents have received secondary education. That does not prevent them from living with dignity and comfort, receiving not too large, but not too small wages – about $ 24,000 a year (after taxes). Unemployment is very low – only 13%.

An excellent environmental situation, a high level of medical services, a stable economy, the ability to defend its own position – all this allows Iceland not only to stay afloat, but also to confidently sail in the right direction. Speaking of our own position: a vivid example is the situation with accession to the EU.

The state has applied to join this organization several times (last 2009) and was fully prepared for new changes. Even the current president of the country at one time won the elections mainly due to the promise to join the European Union. But that changed dramatically in 2013 when the EU decided to reduce Icelandic fishing quotas in order to redistribute them among other countries. And, since it was he who brought the country the lion's share of the income, the Icelanders demanded a referendum, where they voted against joining the EU. Actually, the situation remains unchanged to this day.


Rating: 4.6


GDP: $ 82,773

After the discovery of Norwegian gas and oil fields in the 60s of the last century, life in the country has become almost a fairy tale. But the 'land of trolls' and unique fjords attracts not only with its folklore and natural species: it is one of the most prosperous states in the world.

The country is unique for its unusual situation in the distribution of material wealth: there are few rich people here, but there are no poor at all. 'Guests' from other countries, and the inhabitants of Norway themselves, are pleased with the social policy, which includes a wide range of 'assistance': housing and medical programs, unemployment benefits, impressive payments for the birth of children, etc.

As for the labor sphere, the situation here is very similar to that in Sweden: career growth is guaranteed, but only a qualified specialist can get a high-paying job. The average annual income for the country is about $ 24,000. But you should not consider this amount astronomical, since the prices in Norway are the same: this is one of the most expensive countries in the world. The situation is aggravated by truly shocking taxes: monthly residents of Norway pay more than 1/3 of their wages to the country's piggy bank.

However, the high taxes are explained by the widely developed system of social benefits, which increase annually. The same applies to the medical field: the quality and availability of Norwegian medical services is truly impressive.


Rating: 4.5


GDP: $ 85,157

For many years known for its neutral status, the country boasts one of the most impressive income levels of the population. Although prices for absolutely everything are very high in Switzerland, life here still remains attractive for most citizens and visitors to the country. Why is this so? The answer is rather ambiguous, but there are still several key factors: a diversification (directions for increasing the diversity of industries) model of the economy, almost zero unemployment, a high level of citizens' income, an excellent education system, a low level of corruption, etc.

An interesting fact: many migrants live in Switzerland, but this in no way lowers the level of development of the country for one simple reason – only highly qualified 'guests' are welcome here. Despite the fact that some cities in Switzerland (such as Basel, Geneva and Zurich) are among the ten most expensive to live in the world, thousands of immigrants flock to the country every year.

Many qualified job seekers from other countries (and even from highly developed ones) dream about employment in Switzerland, because it offers one of the most attractive salaries in the world. Needless to say, if the average worker's monthly income is around 6,500 francs (about $ 5,700).

It should be noted the level of local medicine – deservedly one of the best in the world. Most residents of the country have compulsory policies that cover almost all the costs of medical services.

One simple fact speaks about the high standard of living in Switzerland: the average life expectancy in the country is no less than 83 years.


Rating: 4.4


GDP: $ 86,339

In the old days, the Portuguese colony, now the administrative region of the PRC – Macau – is almost 90% represented exclusively by local Chinese or residents of a neighboring province. Like the leader of the rating – Luxembourg, which will be discussed below, Macau cannot boast of a huge area or an impressive population. He doesn't need it: a modest state is not only a major financial center, but also one of the largest, brightest casino cities.

By the way, despite the small number of inhabitants, the population density of this city-state is simply off scale – almost 20 thousand people per 1 square kilometer. Macau can be safely called a multicultural city: thanks to its rich history, many Buddhist, Christian holidays and simply memorable events are celebrated here.

Luxurious beaches, vibrant green parks and sparkling shopping centers, numerous nightclubs, luxury casinos (of which there are 34) – all this is a bustling, bustling Macau. Although the industry is well developed here (mainly textiles and tobacco), more than 70% of all income the country receives from the gambling business, which operates around the clock. The unemployment rate in the autonomy is one of the lowest in the world – it does not exceed (regardless of the year) 3%, which is not surprising, because the number of people employed in the service sector is growing steadily.

The country's economy is developing at a tremendous speed, surpassing even some countries rich in mineral resources: the annual GDP growth is about 14%. This suggests that Macau has a bright future, and for an indefinite period.


Rating: 4.


GDP: $ 115,203

One of the smallest and richest countries in the world. The Grand Duchy has a uniquely developed economy and an incredibly high standard of living. A modest country (only half a million inhabitants) for many may seem truly fabulous: excellent housing conditions, social standards unattainable to most other countries and the highest wages in the European Union.

It is noteworthy that, having better living conditions, Luxembourg is completely dependent on the export of gas and oil, and also has an impressive external debt. The country has a particularly developed banking and finance sector, so for specialists in this field, living here is a real paradise.

An interesting fact: the state is considered the richest in the world in terms of GDP per capita, and more than 45% of its inhabitants are immigrants.

Luxembourg is a real treasure trove for most of the 'neighbors', as significant European capital is concentrated in it. Agriculture and industry are equally developed here, and visitors are attracted by the opportunity to receive an excellent education and decent work.

Speaking of the latter. If you have a higher education, you can find a very profitable option with high wages: the average annual wage in the country is about $ 45,000. At the same time, the unemployment rate (category from 15 to 24 years old) is quite low – only 18%.

Residents of the country, who pay taxes accurately, the state is ready to provide medical care of the highest level, and 80% of its cost is paid by state insurance.

Luxembourg is a benevolent 'island' of a stable industrial economy, prosperity with friendly residents, low prices for household items and food, developed infrastructure, unique architecture and the opportunity to gain financial freedom.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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