The 6 most expensive nuts in the world


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Scientists and nutritionists are almost unanimous about the health benefits of nuts. Regardless of whether a person is on some special diet or not, strives to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight, it is always advised to include a small amount of nuts in the diet. This versatile and tasty product contains a huge amount of proteins, vitamins, trace elements and vegetable oils. Some nuts strengthen the cardiovascular system, others help to increase immunity, and others improve hair health and even help to tolerate asthmatic conditions. In addition, just a small handful of nuts can stifle hunger, providing a burst of energy for almost the whole day.

Some types of nuts are considered delicacies and are not cheap at all. Still sometimes the high price tag is due to the difficulty of extraction, cleaning or transportation. Here we have selected six of the most expensive nuts from around the world.

Rating of the most expensive nuts in the world

Nomination a place Name of product price per kg.
2 Pecan nuts 1 348 RUB
4 Macadamia 896 r
5 Pistachios 848 RUB
6 Cashew RUB 830

Pine nuts

Rating: 4.9


Pine nuts are the fruits of Siberian pine growing in Siberia, Altai, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. These nuts are obtained exclusively in natural conditions. Small white nuts ripen on the branches of a tree, in cones, which are harvested with a chop to separate the fruits. This is quite painstaking and long work. In addition, Siberian pine yields a relatively small nut yield. All this contributes to the formation of a high price for this product.

From the point of view of benefits for the human body, the main value of pine nuts lies in the content of a unique set of amino acids, as well as a significant amount of vitamins B, E, C. Nuts help to compensate for the lack of nutrients for those who lead a vegetarian lifestyle. Also, their regular use has a positive effect on the nervous system, vision and joints, reduces the likelihood of anemia and cancer.


Rating: 4.8

Pecan nuts

Pecans grow on the Illinois hazel tree found in the southeastern United States. It is this country that is the largest supplier of this type of nuts, although they are also grown in relatively small quantities in the Crimea, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Trees bear fruit in the summer, they are pollinated by bees. In appearance, the pecan resembles a walnut, only smoother and more oblong. Harvesting is done by hand, but the difficulty lies in the fact that the fruits grow rather high and are difficult to separate. This is one of the main reasons why pecans are so expensive.

Pecan is considered a versatile and expensive product and can be found in recipes around the world. Nuts are added to a wide variety of dishes, but most often to desserts, especially ice cream. The product is consumed both raw and fried. In addition, edible oil is made from nuts, which is then used in the preparation of vegetable salads. Pecans have a small drawback – you have to remove the shell just before use, since when stored in a peeled form, the nuts quickly acquire a bitter taste. With shells, they can be stored for years, retaining all their useful and taste properties.

Pecans are rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Their regular use (in moderation) improves appetite, increases the overall tone of the body and is a prophylactic agent against eye and heart diseases.


Rating: 4.7


Almonds grow on mountain slopes as small green fruits with nuts inside. This plant does not tolerate the harsh climate. In countries where conditions are not suitable, almonds are most often imported from Indonesia, China, Italy and the USA. On the territory of Russia, it is grown in the southern regions: the Crimea and the Stavropol Territory.

There are several types of this expensive nut. For the preparation of various dishes, culinary specialists usually use a bitter variety of almonds, since it has the most intense aroma. Sometimes it is ground into flour. Bitter almonds are also popular in perfumery. But the sweet variety of nuts is often eaten directly.

Almonds are packed with healthy fats, minerals and vitamins. Moderate consumption helps to normalize weight and gives energy, which is why almonds are a favorite food for those seeking to lose weight or actively playing sports. It also improves the condition of the skin, slows down its aging. However, you should not abuse almonds, as in large quantities it can cause an allergic reaction.


Rating: 4.6


Macadamia is one of the most expensive nuts in the world. On the European market, the approximate cost per kilogram of this product is $ 150. Macadamia or Kindal, as the plant is called by the Australian aborigines (and it comes from Australia), grows on trees reaching a height of 15 meters. Pollinated by only one species of bees, fruits ripen from early spring to mid-autumn. In total, there are nine types of macadamia in Australia, of which only two produce edible fruits.

The first Europeans to describe this plant was the German botanist Ferdinand de Müller, who in the 19th century studied the Australian flora and named the local walnut Kindal after his friend, chemist John McAdam, macadamia. Somewhat later, the trees were brought to other countries with similar climatic conditions. Currently, macadamia, in addition to the Australian continent, is grown in Brazil, Costa Rica and the Republic of South Africa. Ready-to-eat nuts are produced primarily in the United States, as well as the Hawaiian Islands.

The high cost of macadamia nuts is attributed to a number of factors associated with its production. First, it is difficult to deliver, since it is grown in large volumes in only a few countries, and Australia remains the largest supplier. Secondly, manual collection of fruits is a long and laborious process. Well, the third factor is the complexity of processing. The nut shell is three millimeters thick and does not separate well from the kernel, as a result of which some of the products simply crumble during production.

Macadamia is considered one of the healthiest foods: it has a unique chemical composition with an abundance of valuable trace elements. Eating these nuts can help reduce cholesterol levels, improve memory and promote skin rejuvenation. In addition, macadamia oil is used in cosmetology, for the production of masks and creams.


Rating: 4.5


Initially, the pistachio tree grew only in Syria and Iran. Now they are grown in Asia, Africa and Central America, in those regions of the continent where the subtropical climate prevails. But Iran and the USA are still considered the leaders in terms of supplies. This short evergreen plant is resistant to droughts and short-term drops in temperature. Its roots go into the ground to a depth of 15 meters, which allows it to collect moisture and nutrients from dry soil. Pistachio fruits are usually harvested only at night, as the leaves, heated by the sun's rays, release essential oils into the air, leading to dizziness. They are collected both manually and with the help of modern devices that facilitate the process. Such difficulties mainly affect the formation of a high price.

In stores, pistachios are usually sold salty and lightly toasted. They are also used in the production of confectionery, ice cream, oriental sweets. Despite their high cost, pistachios remain a very popular product.

In addition to their high energy value (556 kilocalories per 100 grams), they are rich in vitamins, copper, phosphorus and healthy fats. But the main advantage is the high content of phytosterols. According to research by specialists, pistachios increase hemoglobin, normalize heart function, help prevent prostate cancer and reduce stress levels. It is not surprising that according to Chinese folk signs, pistachios are considered a lucky nut that brings well-being to the house.


Rating: 4.4


This nutritious and tasty nut comes from eastern Brazil. Over time, it was brought to Southeast Asia, Iran and Thailand. Cashews are the fruit of the anacardium tree that grows on the outside of the apple-shaped stalk. The stalk itself, by the way, is also used for food and for making juice or jam. Anacardium is a short (about 7 meters) evergreen tropical plant that does not tolerate climate change.

Before the nuts go on sale, they go through several stages of special cleaning. The fact is that between the seed and the membrane there is a poisonous juice that can lead to thermal burns of the mucous membrane. Therefore, first the cashews are peeled from the shell, then they undergo heat treatment, which makes them safe for consumption. This entire process is mostly performed manually by specially trained workers. In addition to the nuts themselves, the shell is also used, which is processed into oil, which is later used for medical purposes.

Nutritionists advise to regularly consume cashews for metabolic disorders and skin diseases. Also, nuts stimulate brain cells, help to strengthen immunity and prevent caries. Cashews are rich in vitamin B4 and the mineral selenium, and also contain zinc, calcium and potassium. Its nutritional value is 600 kilocalories.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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