Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Does a person need any medication or drugs for fatigue? There seems to be a catch in this question, and rightfully so. After all, fatigue is the same natural concept not only for humans, but for all living beings, as well as vigor. Fatigue is as natural as the state of sleep and wakefulness, and the best remedy for fatigue is proper rest.
Physiological fatigue can be called a feeling of muscle and mental fatigue, satiety with one's own activity, a condition that requires physical rest for the muscular system or prolonged, normal sleep to restore brain function. After a period of rest, a healthy person, an adult or a child, feels a surge of physical strength, a readiness for action, or even a need to act, and the results of mental efforts and the fruits of such intellectual work turn out to be more complete than that of a tired and sleepy person. These are all commonplace truths: a healthy person does not need any medicine for fatigue.
However, there are also such forms of fatigue in which even a long, previously considered full rest, does not lead to the restoration of working capacity. In medicine, this condition is called chronic fatigue syndrome.
This disease is rather difficult to diagnose, although its manifestations are very obvious. This is physical and mental weakness, inability to perform various types of labor, rapid exhaustion. However, despite the simplicity of the diagnosis, this diagnosis can only be made on a 'residual' basis, excluding all other causes of the breakdown. And this requires a lot of labor for the doctor, and the use of various types of diagnostics: both laboratory methods and instrumental, as well as methods of psychological testing.
Therefore, one should not think that if the patient does not have any reasons that lie on the surface, then we are talking about chronic fatigue syndrome. The reason may lie in something completely different, for example, in a long-term helminthic invasion, or in the latent course of iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, before proceeding to the description of drugs designed to fight fatigue, we will figure out what causes, most often found in the clinic of internal medicine, can lead to the occurrence of this condition.
- The reasons for the loss of strength
- Sleep disturbance
- Nutrient deficiency
- Anemia
- 'Coffee lovers'
- Chronic pathology
- How is chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosed?
- Risk factors
- How to treat fatigue?
- Medicines
- The best drugs for fatigue
- Adaptogens
- Doppelhertz ginseng active elixir 250ml
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Mumiyo Altai peeled
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Pantohematogen
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Immunostimulants
- Methyluracil
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Timalin
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Sodium nucleinate
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Instead of a conclusion
The reasons for the loss of strength
The first thing that comes to mind is the lack of time for rest and sleep. A person who is constantly busy working, who has too little time to realize the need for sleep and muscle rest, gradually becomes a victim of chronic fatigue syndrome. What leads to a breakdown? These are the most common reasons. By the way, fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome should not be considered the same condition. As we will see later, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) still has slightly different roots, although, of course, the reasons described below contribute to the development of CFS.
Sleep disturbance
A very important group of diseases that lead to lack of sleep, disruption of sleep phases, and insomnia. These are anxiety, various types of anxiety disorders and depression, the occurrence of periods of sleep apnea, when, due to the low tone of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and soft palate, there is a periodic cessation of breathing.
And if a patient wakes up convulsively several times a night during an adrenaline rush, suffering from suffocation, then, naturally, there can be no talk of a full night's sleep. Obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders lead to these sleep apnea. Such patients often suffer from diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome 'X'.
Nutrient deficiency
The next group of diseases is an insufficient intake of substances for plastic metabolism, or nutrients. We are talking about proteins, fats and especially – about carbohydrates, or energy donors.
Of course, in modern civilized society, we are not talking about forced and long periods of starvation, when a person can barely move his legs, or, as they say, “swells with hunger.” First of all, we are talking about a monotonous diet, the systematic use of fast food, sugary carbonated drinks, canned food, canned food, sausages, cakes. The diet of such a person is depleted in fiber, vitamins and microelements. Patients are worried about chronic constipation, skin allergies, and manifestations of intestinal autointoxication. Such 'fast foods' and snacks, which alternate with long periods of reduced physical activity, are the key to the development of not only chronic fatigue syndrome, but also more serious diseases. Therefore, the life of a modern manager, or “office plankton”, consisting of smoke breaks, osteochondrosis, emergency work, constipation and muscle pain, very often leads to this disease.
Of the clinical syndromes that quickly lead to the development of chronic fatigue, the above anemia can be noted. As a reminder, anemia is not just 'iron deficiency' as is sometimes thought. Anemia is a condition in which the volume of blood is reduced:
- the amount of hemoglobin, that is, directly the respiratory iron-containing pigment;
- hematocrit, that is, the number of formed elements, especially erythrocytes, falls, and hemodilution, or blood dilution, occurs.
Finally, there may be healthy, full-fledged red blood cells in this unit of volume, but there are simply too few of them being produced.
Anemia is not always accompanied by pallor, shortness of breath, and reduced exercise tolerance and other classic signs. Quite often, anemic syndrome, which is limited in its manifestations to chronic fatigue, is not very pronounced, and it can only be diagnosed by laboratory methods.
'Coffee lovers'
The increased exhaustion of the structures of the central nervous system, caused by the formed negative feedback from the abuse of caffeine and stimulants, also leads to fatigue. Yes, indeed, initially, with an adequate response, increased consumption of strong coffee and tea, especially green tea with jasmine, teas such as pu-erh tea, really leads to an increase in performance. But then, with the systematic continuation of the caffeine load, the body loses the necessary time to recuperate, and soon it begins to refuse to work at this rate.
Of course, there is no drug addiction with caffeine abuse, but it is necessary to remember about the existence of such a risk of exhaustion, the appearance of cerebrasthenic syndrome and irritability.
In addition, an excess of caffeine leads many years later to myocardial dystrophy, and let us recall at least the example of the Great Honore de Balzac, who created his dozens of volumes of The Human Comedy, having drunk about 40,000 cups of strong coffee in his entire life, as his biographers calculated.
Chronic pathology
Finally, you can remember other diseases. It:
- chronically gleous invasions;
- allergic manifestations, which are accompanied by itchy skin and deprive a person of sleep;
- urological infections and sexually transmitted diseases with cutting and itching;
- any signs of a decrease in cellular and humoral immunity: chronic forms of infectious diseases and carriage, HIV infection;
- malignant neoplasms;
- intestinal dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics in the form of self-medication;
Of all the various causes of chronic fatigue, which were listed above, absolutely everything should be excluded. And only when it becomes clear that a person has no non-depressive episodes, no oncological pathology, he does not abuse tea and coffee, and he has the absence of anemia and other diseases, then chronic fatigue syndrome can be exposed. What are all the same its signs and criteria? It is difficult to make any diagnosis based on the 'total absence of everything'.
How is chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosed?
Naturally, the diagnosis of such a symptom complex is based on numerous complaints. First of all, these are:
- persistent, repeated absence of a feeling of morning vigor after seemingly full sleep, this state persists constantly;
- against this background, there may be drowsiness during the day, but even after intense physical activity, a person cannot easily and quickly fall asleep;
- irritability and bad mood 'from scratch';
- memory decreases, concentration of attention decreases.
- Then, after a few weeks and months, such somatic symptoms as:
- cephalalgia, or headaches;
- resistance to infectious diseases decreases, frequent tonsillitis and sore throat occur;
- the intensity of immunity decreases, which is manifested by periodic lymphadenitis, mainly in the region of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
- sometimes diffuse muscle and joint pain occurs – paroxysms of myalgia and arthralgia.
It is very important to accurately determine the duration of the course of the disease. Such a pronounced decrease in performance and obvious fatigue, but without any identified illness, should last at least 6 months. It is important that such symptoms are not explained, they have no reasons.
These are the so-called 'big' or obligatory criteria for making this diagnosis. All other symptoms that have been described above are called 'small' criteria, and it is imperative that the same patient has several of them, at least four. For example, this is the presence of muscle pain, irritability, sleep that does not bring rest and occasional sore throat, or the manifestation of pharyngitis.
Thinking people probably already understood that the presence of infectious symptoms, that is, lymphadenitis, myalgia and arthralgia, sore throat, still have something to do with infectious pathology, and this is really so. Currently, it is believed that chronic fatigue syndrome is still an infectious sluggish disease, and it is most likely caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus, or the cytomegalovirus infection, herpes viruses type VI, or other non-cellular life forms.
However, despite the possible presence of the pathogen, the presence of risk factors can be considered extremely important in the occurrence of prolonged fatigue. Therefore, before proceeding to the description of the various drugs that return vigor, let's note what risk factors we know, and what we need to fight first. After all, no medicines can help a patient if he continues not only to be treated, but also systematically worsens his own health.
Risk factors
Let us list those factors that provoke chronic fatigue, lead to a long course of somatic infectious pathology, and worsen the prognosis of any disease. First of all, these are:
- unfavorable ecological situation;
- the presence of chronic diseases – infectious, endocrine, inflammatory and autoimmune, and especially latent ones, creating a 'background';
- low standard of living;
- lack of sunlight, high latitudes;
- increased emotional and physical stress;
- background hypodynamia and a state of chronic stress;
- constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation, computers and gadgets; \
- drug aggression and hypovitaminosis;
- improper and balanced nutrition;
- monotonous and strenuous work;
- psychological pressure: lack of prospects in life;
- a variety of bad habits, ranging from smoking, and ending with household drunkenness, not to mention chemical addiction.
Now that we know about the possible causes, symptoms and influence of risk factors, let's start treating fatigue, but first try to do without medication. The following measures may seem hackneyed and repeated dozens of times, but these recommendations, despite the 'captain's obviousness', are followed by very few.
How to treat fatigue?
It makes sense to see a doctor and ask for a 'means for vivacity' only if all the measures described below, performed systematically, did not lead to the desired result. Here they are:
- adherence to the daily regimen, with the allocation of a full amount of time for sleep;
- planning things for the next day;
- start the day with morning exercises, contrast showers and physical exercises that help to empty the bowels in the morning 'routinely', accustoming him to regular bowel movements. This detoxification is very important for health;
- to move to and from work on foot or by bicycle, of course, if not very polluted air;
- in the process of work, one must not forget to switch oneself from mental work to physical work, performing the so-called industrial gymnastics. If you are standing at the machine – do not forget about unloading, prevention of varicose veins;
- it is advisable to give up bad habits, from endless 'smoke breaks';
- you should give up snacks and fast food at work, from drinking coffee, it is better to take healthy food with you from home;
- in the evening, after work, it is recommended to take a warm, relaxing bath, maybe with aromatic oils;
- take enough time for the kids and don't think about work at all;
- communicate with animals and plants, get yourself a hobby, take up music;
- before going to bed, it is advisable to walk for half an hour in the fresh air, or ride a bike, and in winter, ski;
- finally, a night's sleep should not be shorter than 7 hours for an adult, and it is advisable to train yourself to fall asleep and wake up at the same time;
- just before going to bed, you can drink a glass of clean water;
- the diet must necessarily contain fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, fiber, unsaturated vegetable fats, fresh, organic fish, preferably seafood;
- fermented milk products are required, including those enriched with eubiotics and probiotics.
Such adherence to simple rules can be considered a short encyclopedia of a healthy lifestyle, known to everyone and everyone, but this is how you should begin to treat chronic fatigue syndrome without drugs.
What to do if compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle is not enough? Then you need to see a doctor, and he will already prescribe the necessary drugs. Typically, treatment for various types of fatigue begins with over-the-counter medications. They are classified as adaptogens, or biogenic stimulants. We will start with this group of drugs. However, in the event that these drugs are not highly effective, various immunostimulants, or immunomodulators, are added to them, they constitute a rather large group.
Since mood changes, irritability and episodes of depression are an almost constant component of chronic fatigue, in the case of treatment of episodes of moderate and severe severity, drugs from the group of modern antidepressants and anxiolytics are prescribed.
Abroad, to activate the patient, sometimes drugs banned in Russia are used, which are based on modified amphetamine-type substances. They have been described in some detail in the article 'The Best Cures for Sleepiness'. Therefore, for those who want to know the state of the modern market for these drugs, we refer to this article.
For each drug, the INN is given first, that is, the international nonproprietary name, and then the name of the original drug, generics, or commercial copies, if available. It also provides an approximate range of retail prices for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation for November 2019.
The procedure for transferring funds does not set itself the task of collecting any ratings, or giving any rating to medicines, and are not promotions. Their sequence is random and not the result of collaboration with drug manufacturers or pharmacy companies.
The best drugs for fatigue
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Adaptogens | 1 | Doppelherz Ginseng Active | 434 r |
2 | Mumiyo Altai peeled | RUB 290 | |
3 | Pantohematogen | RUB 620 | |
Immunostimulants | 1 | Methyluracil | RUB 64 |
2 | Timalin | 393 r | |
3 | Sodium nucleinate | RUB 1,480 |
Adaptogens are over-the-counter drugs that contain a variety of alkaloids. By and large, tea and coffee can also be attributed to them, but we will not consider them in this review, since both tea and coffee are often just involved in the development of chronic fatigue as a result of caffeine abuse.
Adaptogens include various extracts, infusions and tinctures of such plant materials as ginseng, more precisely ginseng root, Echinacea purpurea, Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea, Chinese magnolia vine and common rose hips. There are several complex drugs with pronounced activating activity. You should know that almost all adaptogens not only increase vigor, but also nonspecifically stimulate the immune system. Let's consider some of them.
Doppelhertz ginseng active elixir 250ml
Popularity rating: 4.9
Instead of describing mono-component formulations containing any one ingredient, let's talk about the Doppelgerz Ginseng Active. It is available in 250 ml bottles, and 100 ml of this liquid contains 3.2 g of liquid ginseng extract, a little vitamin B6, nicotinamide, and caffeine.
The combined action of ginseng root extract and caffeine has a tonic effect, stimulates the central nervous system, strengthens, fights insomnia, and increases physical and mental performance. There is not much caffeine in the preparation, only 22 mg per 100 ml. It is necessary to take the remedy twice a day, in the first half of the day – one tablespoon, that is, only 30 ml per day. In such a volume, the caffeine content is very insignificant, only 7.3 mg.
For comparison, a 250 ml cup of green tea contains 30 mg of caffeine, while a cup of freshly brewed coffee can have its amount close to two hundred milligrams. Therefore, even in ice cream with chocolate flavor, there is more caffeine than in a daily dose of Doppelherz Ginseng Active. Therefore, this remedy has a complex effect, and is used not only for chronic fatigue syndrome, but also for recovery from infectious diseases. Doppelherz is sold at a price of 400 to 535 rubles, for 250 ml, which is enough for about a week of use, and it is produced by the German company Kweisser Pharma.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage can be considered the high, German quality of ingredients and phyto-raw materials, and the disadvantages – a ban on taking with high blood pressure, excessive irritability, an increased risk of convulsive conditions, as well as in children under 12 years of age. Also, you can not use it for pregnant and lactating women, and in the afternoon. This remedy is not recommended for chronic alcoholism, since a daily dose of 30 ml contains 4 g of pure ethanol, or 9-10 grams of vodka.
Mumiyo Altai peeled
Popularity rating: 4.8
There are several types of mumiyo in nature, and each of them can be considered an excellent biological stimulant with a very wide spectrum of action. The composition of the mumiyo includes more than 200 different organic compounds, including a very complex composition, and therefore the exact composition of the mumiyo has not yet been deciphered. It is known that it is based on humic acids. Shilajit contains a large number of trace elements, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, silicon, aluminum, sodium, iron, cobalt.
Mumiyo even contains such rare trace elements as bismuth and beryllium, zirconium and barium. What is mumiyo made of? It is figuratively called 'the tears of mountain giants', and it is believed that it is a product of inorganic origin. Others are convinced that this is the excrement of wasps, bees, mountain eagles and bats, caked up 1000 years before the formation of tar.
Both of these points of view have the right to life, but mumiyo is recommended not only for chronic and symptomatic fatigue syndrome, but also for all those signs that we called 'small criteria'. These are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, signs of immunodeficiency, and autoimmune pathology. It is advisable to use the mummy 1-2 tablets per day, dissolving them in three tablespoons of water or in warm milk. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, take 1 tablespoon of this solution, on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days, followed by a break of 5 days, and then again a second course, repeated up to 4 times. Altai purified mumiyo is produced by several domestic companies, for example, Pharmgroup LLC, and Fitokom. Mumiyo in tablets is inexpensive, from 35 to 160 rubles. per pack of 30 tablets.
Advantages and disadvantages
The dignity of mumiyo is considered to be a soft and delicate action that allows you to eliminate the loss of strength, minimize the symptoms of fatigue and stress. But mumiyo may also have contraindications. Usually this is a state of increased bleeding, painful and profuse periods, uterine and nosebleeds, hypertensive crises and high blood pressure. It is not recommended to prescribe it to pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children under 12 years of age.
Popularity rating: 4.7
In folk medicine, for many centuries, the tonic, strengthening and strengthening effect of pantocrine on the body has been known. Pantokrin is a special extract from deer antlers cut off during their annual growth, when they are not yet keratinized and filled with blood. The antlers of marals are considered the most valuable, and therefore the best quality pantocrine is produced from the antlers of the Siberian or Altai maral. Reindeer are specially bred for this purpose on farms. At the same time, cutting off young horns is painless and does not harm the animals.
An alcoholic-water extract is isolated from the antlers, and in order to obtain a liquid pantogematogen, it is necessary to dilute the dry pantohematogen, incapable of long-term storage, in ethyl alcohol, and add ascorbic acid and sugar syrup to it, as well as water. Therefore, we can consider liquid pantogematogen approximately the same as reconstituted milk from milk powder. After all, the liquid extract that is released from the horns directly on Altai farms does not go on sale, but is exported.
Pantogematogen contributes to an overall increase in the immune system, and is one of the most powerful adaptogens, surpassing even ginseng in strength. It improves hematopoiesis, increases potency, gives vigor, fights against cerebrosthenic syndrome, contributes to a successful fight against unfavorable environmental factors, and especially at high physical and mental stress.
It is necessary to apply pantogematogen one tablespoon, that is, 15 ml from 2 to 3 times a day, and it is advisable not to do the evening reception too late. The course of admission lasts from 10 to 20 days. You can take tonic baths with liquid pantohematogen. The same manufacturers, that is, Pharmgroup and Fitokom, produce the drug pantogematogen liquid in a solution of 250 ml. The solution is relatively inexpensive, from 120 to 400 rubles, this is one of the highest ranges of retail prices on the pharmaceutical market. Also produced pantogematogen OOO Narine, Biostimul, Altai bouquet.
Advantages and disadvantages
Since pantogematogen is a very strong tonic, it is contraindicated for convulsions, epilepsy and episyndrome, with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, with a high level of its hormones, in the presence of clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis. It is also undesirable to use it in patients with agitation, excessive irritability, insomnia and high blood pressure. It is not indicated in patients with a tendency to thrombosis, with signs of heart failure, severe atherosclerosis, in pregnant and lactating women.
Let us recall that the leading theory of the origin of chronic fatigue syndrome is still viral aggression, which leads to immunodeficiency. Therefore, the second group of drugs that are successfully used are immunity stimulants. It is known that the body's defenses are subdivided into cellular immunity and humoral immunity, which is realized not through the activity of leukocytes and macrophages, but through antibodies. They are produced by plasma cells, descendants of B-lymphocytes. In the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome, inexpensive and fairly effective immune stimulants are used. Let's consider some of them.
Popularity rating: 4.9
Methyluracil is a pill with a difficult to pronounce chemical name that has a number of unique properties. Methyluracil is a stimulant for the growth and maturation of leukocytes, or white blood cells, that protect the body from germs. It is a tissue stimulation regenerator, a light anabolic, a remedy that has the ability to strengthen immunity and suppress inflammation. The principle of action of Methyluracil is the activation of the exchange of nucleic acids, which leads to the acceleration of the synthesis of high-quality hereditary material, and it is needed, first of all, for the synthesis of rapidly dividing cells containing nuclei.
Therefore, this drug is indicated, first of all, for immune cellular disorders, for example, with a low content of leukocytes in the blood plasma, or with various types of leukopenia. The remedy works better in complex therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome, which is really diagnosed, with the presence of laboratory evidence (immunogram), and there is a suspicion of the viral nature of the pathology. Also, this remedy is used for tonsillitis with a low number of leukocytes, after treatment with X-rays, when recovering from radiation sickness, in the presence of wounds, burns and fractures. An adult needs to use this medication 1 tablet (500 mg) 4 times a day, but not more than 6 tablets daily. The course usually lasts about a month.
Tableted Methyluracil is produced by the domestic association Biochemist, and tablets weighing 500 mg number 50 for internal use will cost from 102 to 150 rubles. In addition, Methyluracil is available in rectal suppositories, as well as in the form of an ointment for external use, these two forms are even lower in price, cheaper than 100 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Methyluracil is that this drug has a complex effect on cellular immunity, and at the same time it is well tolerated. The maximum that can be after taking it is allergic manifestations, headache and light dizziness. However, its effect on the fetus and the body of a pregnant and lactating mother has not been studied, therefore it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. It is also contraindicated in children under the age of three. At the same time, there are serious, absolute contraindications: various malignant neoplasms of the blood – leukemia, myeloid leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis and other conditions. In the case of leukemia, on the contrary, it is necessary not to stimulate the red bone marrow, but to suppress it so that it does not produce malignant blast cells.
Popularity rating: 4.8
Timalin is the only drug among those presented in this review that is produced not in tablets, but in the form of a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration, that is, Timalin is a means for intramuscular injections, or for injections. One pack of 10 ampoules, with a dosage of 10 mg, will cost from 390 to 650 rubles. It is produced by a domestic enterprise from St. Petersburg, Samson-med LLC.
What is Timalin for and how is it obtained? This is an extract of the thymus, or thymus gland, and it is secreted from the corresponding glands of calves and young cattle. Timalin restores the normal ratio between different subpopulations of lymphocytes, between T and B cells, enhances phagocytosis, and, like Methyluracil, improves hematopoiesis and stimulates regeneration processes.
Indications for the appointment of injections will be various immunodeficiency states, both in adults and children. It is known that in chronic fatigue syndrome there is an increase in lymph nodes and symptoms of immunodeficiency, but they must be confirmed in the laboratory, by conducting special immunological studies, using an immunogram. Timalin helps to eliminate immunodeficiencies and various infections, heal purulent wounds, it is needed after treatment with cytostatics and immunosuppressants, and so on.
It is necessary to prescribe it for immunodeficiencies intramuscularly, for adults, 10-20 mg, that is, the contents of 1-2 ampoules, for 5-10 days. A repeated course, if necessary, is carried out no more than a month later. It is also used for prophylaxis, for example, in the case of prescribing a course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and then we are talking about one ampoule intramuscularly daily, that is, 10 mg for 5 days.
Advantages and disadvantages
Perhaps the disadvantage of Timalin is the intramuscular route of administration, which gives him the aura of a 'hospital' drug. The second and most important disadvantage is the animal-based product. And this means that in the modern, high-tech world, which is switching to recombinant, genetically engineered systems for the artificial production of necessary substances, for example, monoclonal antibodies, all extracts, extracts from animal tissues are considered 'the day before yesterday' with little evidence.
Therefore, all sales, and all their production is gradually moving to third world countries, including the Russian Federation. These drugs, which are not in demand in the West, include Actovegin from bovine blood, Cortexin from pig brain, Cerebrolysin, and so on. Timalin got into the same group. However, despite the absence of serious randomized studies, Timalin still has results, and he really helps patients with unexpressed degree of immunodeficiency to normalize their condition. And this is very important, including with chronic fatigue syndrome. There are few contraindications for this drug, and, besides pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, this is, perhaps, only an individual intolerance.
Sodium nucleinate
Popularity rating: 4.8
Sodium nucleinate is perhaps the most expensive over-the-counter remedy for chronic fatigue: 250 mg tablets number 50 will cost from 1,385 rubles. up to 2150 rubles. It is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Biosynthesis.
Sodium nucleinate is isolated from baker's yeast, and according to the ATX classification, it is a detoxification drug for anticancer therapy, and at the same time has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. The medicine improves the leukocyte response, the production of leukocytes in the red bone marrow, improves the exchange of nucleic acids. It also regulates the normal ratio between the subtypes of t-lymphocytes, their cooperation with B-lymphocytes and the formation of plasma cells, improves phagocytic activity in various pools of tissue macrophages. Thus, sodium nucleinate seems to unite the properties of both Methyluracil and Timalin. Therefore, it can be prescribed for severe fatigue, which is accompanied by an immunologically proven deficiency, including in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis and sinusitis, in infections such as tuberculosis, as well as to increase the activity of vaccines, which have low immunogenicity. The medicine is indicated for chronic alcoholism, occupational intoxication, and even with the onset of old age with physical agility. Of course, sodium nucleinate is not at all a drug for rejuvenation, but it still improves immunity in old age.
The product should be used after meals, one tablet contains 250 mg of sodium nucleinate, a daily dose of 4 to 8 tablets, divided into 4 doses. The course, on average, lasts 1.5 months, and for the purpose of prevention, the agent is used twice a year: in spring and autumn, 4 tablets per day for 3 weeks, together with multivitamins.
Advantages and disadvantages
Perhaps the single most significant disadvantage is the price of sodium nucleinate, which for a monthly course will be, on average, about 5,000 rubles. per month. However, in comparison with modern expensive drugs for the treatment of immunodeficiencies, which are sold for tens, some for hundreds of thousands of rubles, this price can be considered really very small. The drug is tolerated very well, from side effects there can only be allergic reactions, but even that is rare. Interactions with other drugs have not been identified in this drug, and it is contraindicated only in pregnant women, in the presence of hypersensitivity and during lactation.
Instead of a conclusion
It may come as a surprise that the list of cures for fatigue is completed so quickly: adaptogens and immunomodulators. Of course, one can also list nootropic drugs that are used to correct attention disorders and improve memory, to optimize brain metabolism.
These are nootropics with an activating effect, such as Phenibut, synthetic peptide nootropic Semax, and even ordinary Glycine, which normalizes inhibitory processes. But these drugs from the group of nootropics have already been written repeatedly in relevant articles, for example, about drugs that improve memory.
Medications – antidepressants, ranging from tricyclic to drugs from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are also prescribed by psychiatrists after appropriate consultations if they find signs of depressive or anxiety disorder in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. These are drugs such as Azafen and Sertraline, Prozac and Fluoxetine, Stimuloton and Zoloft.
All of these drugs are already prescription drugs, and any antidepressant is symptomatic therapy: they relieve the symptom, but do not eliminate the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. These remedies have also been described in the relevant articles on anxiety and depression.
Finally, anxiolytics or tranquilizers are used as a means of symptomatic therapy in the complex treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. These are also prescription drugs, the goals and objectives of which are to reduce the severity of fear, anxiety, and reduce emotional stress. These are, for example, such well-known drugs as Mebikar, Atarax, Mezapam and others. They have already been written about in drug reviews.
However, it is extremely important for patients in whom long-term fatigue and loss of strength is the main symptom, to exclude rapid malignant processes. It should be remembered that you will not be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome in Russian polyclinics, and a doctor will be 'worked through' at a meeting for such a 'wasteful and costly' diagnosis. The fact is that this diagnosis is highly refined: that is, in order to get it, doctors need to conduct a lot of research, to exclude everything else. Not a single medical and economic standard will allow a doctor to perform immunological tests for you, take bacteriological cultures and smears, conduct computed and magnetic resonance imaging, use other types of research as part of the establishment of any one diagnosis, for example, PCR for the Epstein-Barr virus and CMV as it would be too expensive.
In addition, the health of Russian patients is not very good even without chronic fatigue syndrome, and in most cases the cause is either oncology, or diabetes, or severe cardiovascular pathology, or alcoholism along with tuberculosis and drug addiction. It is from these diseases that Russians of working age die, along with injuries.
The popularity rating is based on the analysis of demand data from the service.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.