How to choose brake discs

Auto and Moto

The braking system is the most important element of active safety of any car, which is why the choice of spare parts for it, and especially brake discs, on the effectiveness of which the braking distance directly depends, is so important for everyone. In order to make the most rational choice, do not ask the question: “Which wheels are better?”, You need to carefully analyze the manufacturer's recommendations, the technical characteristics of the products on the market, as well as your driving style. You should not seek to install specific products aimed at sports driving in order to improve the performance of the brakes. This is unlikely to give a tangible effect, since this indicator is determined not only by the discs themselves, but also by a number of other factors, in addition, according to the current legislation, the car owner is prohibited from completing and modifying the brake system. So, let's take a closer look at the possible options for choosing.

Standard brake discs

Standard brake discs

This model-specific product is completely identical to what was installed on the conveyor and may differ only in some technological aspects, such as the accuracy of the groove, the name of the alloy from which they are made, and also the cooling efficiency. The last parameter is especially important, since it insures against overheating of mechanisms and brake fluid boiling. Typically, a distinction is made between ventilated and non-ventilated discs. The difference between the first type and the second lies in the presence of special bulkheads and stiffening ribs between the two working surfaces, which ensures the best heat transfer.


We recommend reading an article from an expert on choosing brake pads and the secrets of choosing brake fluid for a car.

Standard high performance brake discs

As a rule, such products are also focused on a specific car model, their geometric dimensions are identical to factory products, and the declared improved performance is achieved by using a denser alloy, as well as perforation and special grooves on the working surface. The grooves, in addition to increasing the friction force, also contribute to the removal of wear products, as well as combustion, during extremely intense braking. It is worth remembering that such design solutions give a slight increase in the efficiency of the braking mechanisms, but contribute to intensive wear of the friction linings.

We identify low-quality brake discs

To our great regret, it is this group of products that is most often subjected to unlicensed copying, and the market is literally flooded with counterfeit products. The main signs of a poor-quality disc include:

  1. runout during braking (indicates a slight curvature of the disc due to rough processing or warpage already at the stage of operation due to the use of a cheap alloy in production);

  2. beating during driving (this defect is much more serious, in this case it is impossible to operate the car, and the disk itself requires immediate replacement, there is no need to talk about braking efficiency at all);

  3. rapid wear of brake pads (this sign can be detected only after prolonged operation, as a rule, it indicates the use of metal of insufficient density, as well as poor-quality milling and ill-conceived perforation scheme);

  4. the appearance of grooves and grooves on the surface of the disc, especially at its outer edge (such a defect signals an extremely low quality of the alloy and the predominance of cast iron with a low grade).

The latter option may also be due to the fact that the material of the disc and friction linings do not fit well with each other.

Certified sports wheels

Certified sports brake discs

Such a solution is advisable only in case of an aggressive driving style, as well as in the case of complex work on tuning and finalizing the car. As a material for sports discs, cermet is used, which is more resistant to overheating and is able to work for a long time in extreme modes, without being warped and without acquiring thermal viscosity. As a rule, such products have an increased diameter, which does not imply the preservation of standard rims. They are focused on installation in sports modifications, so the designers paid special attention to weight reduction, which negatively affects the scheduled service life.

There are also all-ceramic brake discs that offer outstanding performance, but their cost can be comparable to that of a budget car. In addition, to ensure an integrated approach to increasing efficiency, their installation will also require replacement of brake calipers, and this is already a serious alteration of the structure, for which it is necessary to obtain documentary permission.

Choosing a manufacturer

Standard high performance brake discs

Now let's go directly to the choice of the brand of brake discs. In most cases, the choice comes down to three main categories, determined by the price of the product.

  1. The most budget solutions include disks of such brands as 'FERODO', 'STARLINE', 'ABE', 'TEXTAR', as well as products of domestic manufacturers. If you prefer quiet driving, and also own an inexpensive car, then such discs will be a completely justified solution, and their service life will please you.

  2. More expensive products, which may well be installed on a premium foreign car, are distinguished by increased dimensions, and are also focused on use in high-performance systems of cars with a large mass, such as 'Zimmermann', 'RoadHouse', 'ATE' wheels.

  3. The cost of the third category depends entirely on the declared characteristics and target audience, since these are brake discs designed for sports driving: 'VALEO', 'BREMBO', 'BOSCH'.

Quality checking

quality check of brake discs

It is worth remembering that in modern conditions, there is an extremely high risk of acquiring a fake part that imitates a product of a famous brand, therefore it is extremely important to pay attention not only to packaging, but also to visual signs of manufacturing quality.

  1. Most manufacturers, who value their reputation, use die-cast metal blanks for brake discs, so there are very few irregularities on those surfaces that are not exposed to groove, they are almost smooth, which is especially noticeable on the inner surfaces of the ventilation ducts.

  2. Next, you need to pay attention to the quality of processing directly on the working surfaces: the less noticeable the grooves from the turning tool are on them, the better the processing was performed, and the longer they can be used. This indirectly indicates an increased density of the metal, which also has a positive effect on wear resistance.

  3. Next, you should pay attention to the axial curvature of the disc. It is extremely difficult to visually identify small deviations, but a strong curvature will manifest itself with such a simple check.

Counterfeiting criteria

  1. A counterfeit spare part is noticeably lighter than the original, due to the lower density of the material, as well as the desire to use softer alloys that are better machinable.

  2. A genuine branded brake disc has the same thickness around its entire circumference, which is easy to check with a vernier caliper. In addition, its ventilation ducts are characterized by the absence of corners and smooth transitions to the stiffening ribs, which provides greater strength and resistance to deformation. Doubtful products are manufactured using outdated or semi-handicraft technologies and therefore such complex casting mechanisms are not available to them.

  3. Most manufacturers, in addition to branded packaging, introduce special holograms, as well as individual numbers for each part, which allows you to save yourself from acquiring an outright fake.

Classification of parts by target

disc classification

It is worth remembering that any manufacturer in the production line has products that are focused not only on different price categories, but also on the sales market, which predetermines the approach to quality.

  1. The most preferable are those parts that are intended for delivery to the conveyor, that is, original products made for specific requirements of the automaker.

  2. The second group includes discs oriented to the aftermarket, that is, to be installed during the repair or maintenance of not new cars. The requirements for this category of products are significantly lower, since the factory warranty no longer applies to them, and the general wear and tear of the structure does not allow you to feel the difference between a high-quality disc and a part of the middle price category.

  3. The third group includes discs targeted for sale in third world countries. As a rule, these spare parts are here and manufactured under license. At such enterprises, outdated technologies and materials are used, and tolerances can be greatly overestimated.


It is worth noting that even eminent manufacturers do not refuse such a way of making money as selling a license, so when buying brake discs, pay attention not only to the brand, but also to the country where the part is produced.

Summing up

summing up

Thus, to summarize, we can say the following: never buy dubious products, since the savings on the purchase are not at all worth the danger that you expose yourself in case of a decrease in the effectiveness of the brakes.

  1. If you own a car with a fairly high mileage, and your driving style can be described as measured, then budget-priced wheels aimed at the aftermarket are ideal for you.

  2. For relatively new and expensive cars, it is advisable to choose original parts recommended by the manufacturer, in addition, you should not use so-called 'sports wheels'. Remember that improving the efficiency of the braking system can be achieved by comprehensive diagnostics, adjustment, replacement of consumables, and the installation of more efficient discs will not give the desired results without an integrated approach to modernizing the entire system.

  3. Always carefully inspect brake discs before purchasing them, as well as at the initial stage of operation, which will allow you to promptly identify counterfeiting or prevent serious consequences due to an excessively quick disc becoming unusable.

  4. Remember that the key parameter that determines the service life and length of the braking distance is workmanship, and not a loud name, since any, even the most famous company, has its own production facilities in third world countries that produce cheap products for local markets


In the next article, we will tell you how to choose the right alloy wheels for your car. You will learn about the best manufacturers, the main selection criteria, wheel compatibility with cars and many interesting tricks for choosing alloy wheels.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.

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