Antiradar is a special device designed to capture radar signals from the radar unit of police radars and stationary speed cameras. To take a measurement, a radar or camera requires a continuous radio signal transmission over a period of time. It is at this moment that the radar detector picks up the signal and notifies the driver about measuring the speed.
The best manufacturers of radar detectors
The release of radar detectors is currently set up by many companies producing microelectronics.
Street Storm;
In order to understand whether this or that device is suitable for specific operating conditions, you should familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics, as well as with user reviews. The easiest way to do this is on the Internet.
Types of modern radar detectors
The presented devices can be divided into several groups, differing in the principle of operation and technical features.
Monoblock antiradars
The most common type of device today, which does not require special installation skills. It is mounted on 'suction cups' on the windshield, the power connector is connected to the vehicle's on-board network. Shows decent performance and 'catches' most known radars.
A large number of different models for every taste and color;
Wide functionality of the radar part;
Easy to install;
Compact dimensions;
Not suitable for use in vehicles with athermal glass;
May raise questions in those countries where the use of radar detectors is prohibited by law;
After installation, a large number of cables remain in the cabin;
Spaced anti-radar
Combined devices, the radar part of which is separated from the control unit. It is attached to the bumper of the car and is connected using connectors or a radio signal to the center console installed in the cabin. This design provides the ability to perform a hidden installation and place the device away from prying eyes.
Compact dimensions;
Do not attract attention;
No protruding wires;
The possibility of hidden installation;
More expensive than monoblock devices;
Labor intensity of installation;
Radar detectors with navigation part
The main disadvantage of the above-described devices is the inability to timely work out stationary photofixation sensors, which often 'shoot' in the back. For this purpose, devices equipped with GPS navigation are used. The firmware of the devices contains a special database of stationary cameras, and as soon as the car approaches one of them, the radar detector emits a sound signal.
Compact dimensions;
Many models for every taste;
They 'catch' both mobile speed sensors and fixed cameras;
Fast response speed;
Expensive devices;
Not all manufacturers release the latest software updates for their devices;
May not 'know' about new, recently installed cameras;
For efficient operation, the databases should be updated;
Signature-based radar detectors
Market novelties that work differently from their predecessors. A database of such devices is a set of electronic signatures specific to a specific type of signal. When catching the next signal, the device compares its signature with the one in the database and, if it matches, notifies the driver about it. This allows you to maximize the accuracy of work and eliminate false alarms almost completely.
Compact dimensions;
Are able to isolate the signal even in the presence of a large amount of interference;
Eliminate false positives completely;
Ease of installation;
Expensive devices;
It takes time to match and process the signal;
Untimely updating of current databases;
What to look for when choosing a radar detector?
- Actuation range. The sooner the device picks up the signal, the more chances the driver has to reduce the speed to the required minimum. The response range of modern devices varies from 1 to 5 kilometers, depending on the conditions under which the signal is captured;
- The range of sensitivity adjustment of the captured signal. A function that allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the anti-radar response to signals of a given frequency. It can be carried out both in manual and in automatic mode by choosing the measurement program – 'city', 'country road', 'highway';
- Required frequency range of measurement. The most widespread in Russia and the CIS countries are devices operating in the K, Ultra K, X, Ultra X bands. Various devices can record signals operating at other frequencies, but in the current conditions there is no need for them;
- The type of indication of the displayed information. The best models are equipped with sound and symbolic indication, indicating the type of signal and its intensity. An alternative is a liquid crystal display showing the source of radiation and the distance to it.
- Ability to work in the ranges Instant On and POP. They are typical for modern devices that emit a signal only during measurement and fix several targets at the same time. An important function that records the measurement of speed using devices of the Iskra and Berkut series;
- The principle of detecting Strelka radar systems. When choosing a radar detector, it is best to choose those models based on the mixed principle of detecting devices of this class. It consists in the joint work of the radar part and the GSM module;
In the next article we will reveal all the secrets of the correct choice of an accurate and reliable breathalyzer.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.