How to choose a burner – expert advice

Goods for tourism

For tourists, a gas burner has long become a real assistant, solving many problems at the same time. The power source for these devices is natural gas in various states of aggregation, and due to their compact size, these devices do not take up much space in the backpack. All that remains is to choose the right burner, based on the operating conditions and the requirements for it.

How to choose a burner

The best manufacturers of gas burners

Gas burners are fire hazardous devices; models made by well-known manufacturers of household and industrial gas equipment should be chosen. Despite the different specifics of production, compact burner models are present in the catalog of each of them:

  1. Indesit

  2. Primus

  3. Bosch;

  4. Kovea;

  5. Ariston;

  6. Fire Maple;

Having decided on a specific burner model and having familiarized yourself with the characteristics, it is necessary to compare them with the conditions in which the operation will be carried out. It is easier to do this taking into account user reviews, which are presented on thematic forums and social networks on the Internet.

Types of gas burners

Modern burners on sale at the moment are divided into several conventional categories, depending on the principle of operation, type of fuel and functional purpose.

Classic atmospheric gas burners

Classic gas burners

Devices based on the principle of burning natural gas – the most common and cheapest type of fuel. The combustion process occurs due to the supply of fuel through the regulator to a special burner, the appearance of which resembles a classic gas stove. The source of power is both liquefied gas, sold at gas stations in five-liter cylinders, and miniature disposable aerosol cans with gas, which can be purchased at tourist equipment stores. Advanced models are equipped with a special gearbox that allows them to work from a stationary gas network.


  • Compact dimensions;

  • Consumables are extremely cheap and are widely sold;

  • Gives an even flame in all conditions;

  • Democratic cost;

  • High functionality;


  • Some models are rather bulky;

  • Fire hazard, require careful handling;

Pressurized gas burners

Devices, the principle of which is similar to those described above, however, the method of supplying the oxidizer to the combustion site differs dramatically. These models require a special fan that blows air to the source, making the flame stable and powerful. The amount of air supplied is regulated, and with it the power and intensity of combustion change.


  • Stable flame;

  • High efficiency;

  • Suitable for various operations, both domestic and industrial;

  • Ability to work even in adverse conditions;


  • Noisy;

  • The complexity of the design;

  • Perceptible dimensions and weight;

  • More expensive than atmospheric counterparts;

Injection burners

Injection burners

Devices that provide a powerful and uniform flame that allows you to perform serious technological operations, up to cutting metal. Their principle of operation is mixture formation by supplying compressed air under pressure through a special injector, which significantly increases the efficiency of such a device. The source of compressed air is almost always oxygen cylinders or a compressor, which increases the dimensions of the device and makes it stationary.


  • Stable and powerful flame in all operating conditions;

  • Simple design, unpretentious in maintenance and care;

  • Allows you to perform a huge number of technological operations;


  • Requires a compressed air source nearby;

  • Expensive;

  • Heavy and oversized;

Piezo ignition burners

Piezo ignition burners

Almost always compact and miniature devices used for domestic purposes. The source of such devices is a compact collet gas can, which provides compact dimensions and allows you to take it with you on a hike. A piezoelectric element is used to ignite the fire, which significantly improves the capabilities of the device and guarantees ignition even in wet conditions and in strong winds.


  • Compact dimensions;

  • Low cost;

  • Ideal for tourist purposes;

  • Reliable and simple design;

  • Ignition capability even in harsh conditions;

  • Low weight;


  • One collet cylinder is not enough for a long time;

  • The piezoelectric element tends to fail;

Gas burner selection parameters

Criterias of choice

After the type of device and its functional features, as well as the operating conditions, are determined, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics and compare with the closest analogues. It is necessary to pay attention to the following technical points.

Battery type

All of the above burner models operate on liquefied gas – propane or butane, which, in turn, can be supplied in completely different containers.

The most compact and portable burners used for domestic and tourist purposes use compact collet gas cartridges as a battery. Some devices have a separate compartment for such a cartridge, while others are fixed on top of it.

Classic tourist burners with one or two burners operate from five-liter gas cylinders connected through a special reducer. Such devices are widely used for both cooking and heating;


Preference should be given to models that allow you to use multiple power sources with the same efficiency, and also have the ability to connect to a stationary gas pipeline.

Gas used to power the burner

  1. Isobutane is the most common and versatile fuel type. Provides clean combustion without high emissions and high heat transfer;

  2. Propane is a gas that is prone to clean combustion and does not tend to emit harmful substances during combustion. It is found on sale less often than isobutane mixture;

  3. Butane is similar in properties to propane, but the process of its combustion is less pure, in addition, it is quite unstable in the cold season.

How to choose the power of a gas burner

The power of a gas burner is a parameter that displays the efficiency of its operation and the efficiency. It is impossible to achieve a 100% effect from gas combustion, however, many modern models have an efficiency factor of 80-90%. Power is traditionally measured in kilowatts and is indicated in the technical specifications. In the field, the burner power is calculated quite simply – one kilowatt of energy is enough to cook one liter of food. For example, for a company of four people it is necessary to prepare about 2-2.5 liters of food, and therefore a burner capable of delivering a power of 2.5-3 kilowatts will be the most suitable. The same principle is used to determine the power of a gas burner used for other needs – heating a tent, water heating.

Ignition type

  1. Inexpensive gas burners in this regard are devoid of all conveniences – the valve opens the gas supply to the nozzles, while the ignition is carried out using matches or a lighter. This principle is both reliable and not – there are no mechanical elements that can malfunction, however, matches tend to damp, and a lighter can fail at the most inopportune moment;

  2. Piezo ignition is used in advanced devices. It is a compact piezoelectric element that emits a spark and ignites the gas-air mixture at the push of a button. It should be remembered that this kind of ignition requires careful handling and periodic maintenance, and also that it may not work at an altitude of more than 4 kilometers. Even if your burner is equipped with a piezo ignition, matches will never be superfluous;

Choosing a gas burner for a hike

tourist gas burner

The camping gas burner is designed for many cooking and tent heating tasks. Standard atmospheric burners or camping stoves are preferred, with a power of 3-4 kW and an isobutane mixture as the power source. The ignition mechanism does not play a significant role, and therefore there is no point in overpaying for models with piezo ignition.

Choosing a gas burner for a can

Collet-mounted burners are compact and miniature devices designed for local operations, like lighting a fire. To some extent, such devices are an advanced analogue of a lighter with a much longer resource. Compact models with piezo ignition and a power of 1-1.5 kW are the ideal option for such a burner.

Choosing a gas burner with piezo ignition

Piezo ignition is a rather useful function that allows you to light the burner in the absence of matches or a lighter. Such a system is installed in all modern types of burners, and their choice is carried out depending on the tasks assigned to the device.

Choosing a burner for soldering

Choosing a burner for soldering

Soldering or cutting with ordinary gas burners will not work. For this purpose, powerful and efficient devices are needed, equipped with an air blower or an injector. By adjusting the composition of the supplied mixture, it is possible to achieve a flame of the required strength and perform the necessary work related to soldering metals or other materials. Professional burners used for soldering are expensive, and therefore they are needed by a narrow circle of specialists. The power of such devices is 10-15 kW.

In the following articles, our experts will tell you how to choose a travel backpack and the secrets of choosing a thermos.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.

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