9 best gas tanks

Best Garden Product Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A gas holder is a tank for storing and supplying gas. Inside, the chemical can be in gaseous or liquid form. Such vessels are used in private homes, at gas stations and in industry. They can be used to supply propane-butane and other mixtures to a cooking stove, a heating boiler or factory installations powered by liquefied blue fuel. This is the best option in places where there is no gas pipeline. We have prepared a rating of the best gas tanks based on the analysis of product characteristics by our experts. We also took into account user reviews about a particular manufacturer. The material will help you choose a gas tank for specific tasks and not regret the money spent.

Types of gas tanks

Before considering the ranking of the best models, let's look at the types of gas tanks in order to understand the features of the equipment and the advantages of configurations. Gas tanks of all types are designed for:

  1. storage and supply of blue fuel;
  2. distribution of gas between consumers;
  3. measuring the consumed volume;
  4. maintaining the required pressure in the tank.

But individually, the equipment differs in the principle of operation, position in space and type of installation.

Volume parameters

There are gasholders with variable and constant volume inside. The former allow you to collect a small amount of gas (pressure is close to atmospheric), and as it is consumed, the inner chamber decreases due to the lowering cover. To do this, a large piston or water dome is used instead of the rigid top of the tank. Vessels with a constant volume have rigid walls, up to 12mm thick, which allows pumping a large amount of propane-butane or other mixtures into them.

Position in space

Gas tanks from our rating are also divided into vertical and horizontal. In both cases, these are cylindrical containers, but when installed vertically, the vessel will take up less space on the site. The disadvantage of this form is the reduced evaporation area, as a result of which the fuel will have to be heated in winter in order for it to better flow to the consumer devices. Horizontal gas tanks do not have such problems, since they have a lot of space for the evaporation of liquid contents. But to install such a vessel, you will have to allocate enough space.

Installation method

Gas tanks from our rating also differ in the way of installation. Underground models require more installation costs (dig a pit, fill in a sand cushion, lower the container with a crane, fill it up and create a blind area). But this ensures the preservation of blue fuel in the liquid phase even in the most severe frosts. Another plus is the increased safety, since if it leaks, propane, which is heavier than air, will go into the ground. Ground gas tanks are easier to install, but in winter in cold regions additional gas heating may be required. Such models are also considered more dangerous.


Some gas tanks are equipped with a chassis, which allows them to be transported as a trailer, attaching to a car. This is applied by the repair services. The mobile unit easily changes its location, but usually has a small capacity and needs heating in the cold season.

How to choose a gas tank

Understanding the design features of the gas tank, we note what to look for when choosing:

  1. Volume. For food preparation, a small bottle of 100-500 liters is sufficient. If heating is required at home, then use a tank for 1000-20000 liters. Large containers with a capacity of 20,000-50,000 liters of fuel are used only for cottage settlements or in industry.
  2. Land area. If the land plot next to the object is small, then it is advisable to purchase a vertical gas tank. But then you should think about additional heating, which accelerates evaporation. When the installation area is not limited by anything, a horizontal vessel is more optimal.
  3. Temperature in the region. In warm regions, it is enough to fill the foundation and place the gas tank above the ground. It's cheap and effective. Residents of cold regions are better off immediately spending money on underground installation, which will ensure year-round gas supply and eliminate the need to heat the contents of the tank.

How to fill a gas tank

  1. Gas tank filling can be carried out by people who have undergone special training and have a certificate. To do this, they invite a certified service that delivers propane in tanks by car. To fill a stationary tank, it is required to provide access to it – the maximum length of the refueling hose is 40 m. The connection to the gas tank inlet is made only with a steel clamp, no home-made structures are allowed.
  2. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. It is allowed to fill up to 85% of the container, and leave the rest to evaporate. Refueling is carried out only during daylight hours. The tank on the chassis is blocked with 'shoes' and must be grounded. In this case, the employee must be dressed in personal protective equipment.
  3. Refueling is calculated according to the meter installed on the tank car. In the domestic sphere, it is better to prepare cash. Refueling of industrial facilities often allows for cashless payments according to the details, in a prearranged agreement.
  4. Propane is pumped from the tank to the gasholder by means of a pump, a compressor or by heating to increase the pressure from evaporation. For heating, it is better to refuel gas in the fall. If the cylinder is used year-round and its volume allows, then refueling is performed at the end of winter, when propane is slightly cheaper. With small vessels (50-200 liters), loading onto a car and self-transportation to a gas station is allowed.

Rating of the best gas tanks

Understanding the basic parameters of the choice, let's move on to the rating of the best gas tanks. TOP-9 will show proven products with optimal characteristics.

Nomination a place Name of product rating
Rating of the best gas tanks 1 VPS 5.0
2 Tosto Serbatoi 4.9
3 City gas 4.8
4 Antonio Merloni 4.7
5 FAS 4.6
6 Deltagaz 4.5
7 Kadatec 4.4
8 Chemet 4.3
9 Bear 4.2


Rating: 5.0


In the first place in the rating of the best, the products from the Czech manufacturer VPS are located. The company produces gas tanks only in horizontal configuration. There are five options in the catalog in terms of volume from 2700 to 10000 liters, which is suitable for organizing heating of a private house with an area of ​​50 to 550 m². This is enough to provide the boiler with the necessary fuel supply, with a capacity of 25-85 kW. Most of the tanks are designed for operation at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees, and only a small model of 2700 liters needs additional insulation or heating in winter, since the gas in it freezes at -20 ° C.

Our experts have awarded the product the first place in the rating due to the increased protection against cracks. To do this, each gas tank is tested with a flaw detector. At the manufacturing stage, the vessel is subjected to 650 degree heat treatment to relieve residual stresses. All this allows you to withstand pressure up to 15.6 bar, which users like in the reviews. The final protection against corrosion is provided by the Ilaepox epoxy coating, so the cylinder can be buried in the ground without additional treatment.


  • 5 options for choosing the volume;
  • technical passport in Russian;
  • completed with a pressure gauge;
  • increased resistance to mechanical stress.


  • high price;
  • most often an underground installation or a concrete base is required;
  • tank weight from 730 to 2480 kg – only special equipment is needed for unloading;
  • only horizontal models are available.

Tosto Serbatoi

Rating: 4.9

gas tank Tosto Serbatoi

The second place in the rating is taken by products from Tosto Serbatoi. The Italian manufacturer produces gas tanks under the Amico brand. The vessels are made of plastic that can withstand loads of up to 1000 kg per m². This protects the material from corrosion when stored in moist soil. A complex system of shells is used to strengthen the structure. The set already includes safety equipment, shut-off valves and gas sampling valves in two phases (steam and liquid). The owners in the reviews like the double gas level indicator – one is placed directly on the container, and the second (electronic) is carried into the room and duplicates the readings.

In our opinion, the product earned a place in the ranking due to the additional reinforcement of the tank walls, which makes it easy to transfer soil pressure. The gas tank is protected by a shaped pipe welded around the cylinder. The stiffeners are interconnected by vertical bridges, which increase the strength of the structure. This allows the vessel to be buried near the road in the courtyard, along which not only people walk, but also cars drive.


  • high neck with sturdy lid;
  • there is already a pressure gauge and a gearbox inside;
  • compact placement due to vertical design;
  • all gas tanks are tested with a hydraulic pressure of 2.265 MPa.


  • high price;
  • only vertical models;
  • the walls of the cylinder themselves are plastic;
  • there is no container with a capacity of more than 4500 liters.

City gas

Rating: 4.8

City gas

The third place in the rating belongs to a product from a Bulgarian manufacturer that produces gas tanks for surface and underground installations. In this regard, the catalog contains models with high necks, convenient for servicing the tank underground, with high nozzles when the tank is partially buried and with low necks when installed outdoors. A feature of the Bulgarian brand gas tanks is a one-piece cylindrical body with three welded seams in the construction. The walls on the outside are additionally treated with a polymer epoxy composition, so the company is not afraid to give a guarantee for goods up to 30 years, which customers like in reviews. But to preserve the warranty, regular maintenance of the equipment by certified services is required with the fixation of the work in the passport.

We have added the gasholder to the rating of the best due to the presence of additional sensors for controlling the excess of liquid located in the selection valves. This increases operational safety and stops flow in the event of a flow failure.


  • strict compliance with the norms of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturer's warranty up to 30 years;
  • different options for the height of the neck and branch pipes;
  • operation in regions with a temperature of -40 … + 40 ° C.


  • high price;
  • only horizontal models;
  • no capacity less than 2700 liters.

Antonio Merloni

Rating: 4.7

Antonio Merloni

The fourth place in the rating belongs to another Italian company that produces a wide range of gas tanks. The catalog contains cylinders with underground and surface location, vertical and horizontal. In terms of volume, units are produced from 1000 to 5000 liters. Thanks to the largest gas tank, it will be possible to organize heating in a house with an area of ​​350 m². Buyers in the reviews like that the manufacturer supplies the vessels with a concrete base (for vertical models). The kit includes a polymer bag and anode-cathodic protection.

Our experts included Antonio Merloni gas tanks in the rating due to the manufacturer's increased attention to the tightness of the necks. On all tanks, the contour of the niche is carefully welded and has a strong top cover that prevents precipitation from entering the gearbox and sensors. The brand also has the largest number of tank modifications in terms of installation method and position in space.


  • small containers do not require a concrete slab;
  • high legs of gas tanks;
  • correct preservation of goods in the warehouse, excluding corrosion or damage during storage;
  • all assembly takes place in an Italian factory.


  • no containers over 5000 liters;
  • high price;
  • for underground models, a sand cushion of 20 cm and a pit with a depth of 3.2 m are required.


Rating: 4.6


The fifth place in the rating is occupied by a gas tank from the domestic manufacturer FasKhimMash. The company manufactures vessels with surface and underground location. To protect the metal from corrosion, an epoxy is used, which is applied using a hot airless spray technique. In this case, the components are fed separately, and not mixed, which makes the type of coating especially reinforced. Reservoirs are completed with angle valves, control tubes, manometers and mechanical levels.

We put the gas tank in the rating due to the presence of a high manhole-manhole of 800 mm, which allows deep burying of the container for increased safety. Such a vessel can be installed next to the living room or even in a child care facility for heating. This manufacturer also has a special model of a gas tank with double metal walls, which is popular at gas stations in Russia. FAS is also the leader in the range of cylinder volumes provided, where there is a range from 2.7 to 25 m³.


  • more affordable price than competitors;
  • horizontal and vertical installation possibilities;
  • choice of neck height;
  • there are containers with a capacity of up to 25 m³.


  • some models do not have a neck;
  • the weight of even a small 2.7 m³ gas tank is 500 kg;
  • the pressure gauge has a tube spring.


Rating: 4.5


The sixth place in the rating is occupied by a gas tank from a German brand, produced at production facilities in Germany and the Czech Republic. The company has been manufacturing gas storage tanks for over 20 years, therefore it has accumulated sufficient experience and offers very high quality and reliable products. The distinctive mark of the product is the yellow color of the gas tank body, which helps to safely transport the overall structure and not damage it accidentally during excavation near the installation site. The cylinder capacity can be from 2.7 to 100 m³. All types of gas holders have powerful legs with ready-made holes for fastening. Owners love the compact eyelets that do not spoil the look of the product when placed on the ground.

We have placed the gas tank in the ranking of the best due to the possibility of installing shut-off valves and a group of valves both from the edge of the tank and in the middle. This is a rare solution, which has almost no analogues in competitors, but such a design is more convenient for maintenance. This type of gas tanks is also the leader in the ranking in terms of volume of 100,000 liters.


  • compact mounting lugs;
  • large selection of volumes (up to 20 options);
  • a 100,000 liter model is suitable for heating an entire cottage village;
  • vessels from 10,000 liters have three rows of legs.


  • high price;
  • all welds are made only from the outside.


Rating: 4.4


This place in the rating is given to the Czech product under the Kadatec brand. The gas tank is known for its bright green color. The vessel is supplied with all the certificates for use in residential buildings, office buildings, gas stations. All welds are X-rayed for pores, cracks and lack of fusion. To protect fittings and devices from precipitation, products are equipped with plastic caps made of non-freezing polymer, which users praise in reviews. During the test, tests are carried out at a pressure of 25 bar to ensure safe operation at the standard 15 bar.

According to our experts, the product deserves a place in the rating due to the increased protection of the walls against corrosion and the high strength of the structure. The cylindrical part is connected to the spherical ends with two annular overlapping seams, which increases the rigidity. The surface is treated with an epoxy resin, 1 mm thick, which outperforms competitors. The thick coating not only protects the metal from rust, but also expands the operating temperature of the cylinder up to + 45 ° C.


  • volume range from 500 to 100,000 liters;
  • reliable protection against corrosion;
  • X-ray welding control;
  • frost-resistant plastic covers.


  • the condensate trap is not included in the standard package;
  • anode-cathodic protection will have to be purchased separately;
  • in most modifications there is no gas alarm.


Rating: 4.3


This place in the rating was taken by a product from the Polish manufacturer Chemet. The gas tank is produced with a standard diameter of 1250 mm and in three lengths – 4300, 5850 and 7850 mm, which determines the capacity of the vessel: 4122, 5440 and 7820 liters. The reservoir is painted dark green. Gas holders are produced from low-carbon steel, which is degassed by vacuum. As a result, the cylinder has good shock resistance and low corrosion rates. The epoxy layer is applied hot to increase the protection of the steel. Chemet is one of the few to offer a 40-year warranty on gas storage modules.

Experts have included the product in the rating thanks to the particularly reliable shut-off and safety valves, which have positive customer reviews. The Polish manufacturer produces only cylinders itself, and installs the equipment from the American brand Rego, which increases the resource of valves and reducer. Even if moisture gets into the neck, the equipment will not deteriorate.


  • high fittings for easy installation of regulators;
  • can be equipped with an enlarged neck to monitor the condition of the tank through a manhole;
  • complies with the norms of the Russian Federation and EU countries;
  • collar amplifier that prevents deformation of the structure from seasonal soil movement.


  • only three volume options;
  • happens in one horizontal version;
  • there are no small versions so a lot of space is required


Rating: 4.2


The last place in the rating is given to goods from a domestic manufacturer. The products are manufactured in the city of Klim, Moscow region. Gas tanks are available from 2200 to 14200 liters. The cylinders are painted in dark blue with a protective epoxy layer and have the bear's logo under the roof of the house. The structure is welded from steel, with a section of 10 mm. The calculated values ​​for the number of fillings are 1000 cycles. All units are designed for underground installation, saving space in the yard. Buyers in the reviews like the price of the gas tank, which is an order of magnitude lower than the imported counterparts.

We included capacity in the rating due to endurance. Although it is guaranteed for 35 years, in practice the gas tank can last up to 50-60 years. It also has a particularly strong neck, made with embossed walls, which withstands increased pressure from shifting soil. The strength of the gas tank body is provided by shells, which can be up to 8 units, depending on the length of the tank.


  • fully adapted to the Russian climate;
  • attractive price;
  • produced in the suburbs, which is convenient for logistics.


  • even the largest containers have only two pairs of supports;
  • maximum tank 14,200 l;
  • not the neat eyelets.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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