9 best drugs for poisoning

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Of course, it is impossible to create an article that would tell about all the poisonings, and fully satisfy all the needs of the reader. After all, the causes of poisoning can be very different, and there is even a special science about poisoning and antidotes – toxicology. But even toxicology is subdivided into several independent disciplines. For example, military toxicology, industrial and agricultural toxicology are known. There may be poisoning with naturally occurring poisons, pesticides, medicines, and even substances taken for the purpose of intoxication, or alcohol substitutes. But here we will not consider these poisonings, but let's talk about those fairly common situations that, alas, happened to everyone, and occupy the first place in terms of frequency among acute infectious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. It will be, of course, about food poisoning.

It is necessary to immediately draw a line between poisoning and acute intestinal infections, despite the fact that a very large similarity of symptoms is possible between them, and sometimes it turns out that food poisoning is first treated, and then, according to the test results, the causative agent of a typical intestinal infection is revealed. So, in the early days, many intestinal infections, for example, such as salmonellosis, dysentery, coli infection caused by pathogenic E. coli, proceed in the same way as ordinary food poisoning. But if in the case of poisoning a person usually suffers for a short time, 1-2, maximum 3 days, then in the case of an acute intestinal infection, the process stretches for long days, and sometimes weeks. The condition is stably poor, the gastrointestinal symptoms do not disappear, there is a temperature, fever, symptoms of intoxication persist for a long time, specific symptoms also appear (colitis with dysentery, damage to the intestinal lymph nodes with typhoid fever) and a pathogenic pathogen is released during appropriate tests.

In the case of food poisoning, especially those that last for a short time, within one to two days, a person usually improves his health on his own. And only in rare cases, with special severity, dehydration, or when poisoning occurs in a pregnant woman, in a child, in an elderly person, then hospitalization and appropriate tests are necessary. Then, various pathogens that have entered the body can be isolated, and it becomes clear what caused the poisoning, but this is not always done, usually – only during group outbreaks in organized groups, when the Rospotrebnadzor service is connected. Let's take a closer look at the common signs of food poisoning and the symptoms that arise in this case.

Common signs and symptoms

Since food products containing pathogens or their poisons enter through the mouth, it is advisable to consider the symptoms of poisoning from the top down, as the food lump containing harmful substances or pathogens moves.

Usually, any poisoning begins to manifest itself with discomfort in the epigastrium, with an unpleasant sensation in the stomach, then nausea occurs, and then vomiting. Vomiting can be single, in simple cases, in some cases – multiple, and sometimes it is stubborn, painful, and eventually leads to bitterness in the mouth associated with the penetration of bile from the duodenum into the upper gastrointestinal tract, and with dehydration.

Further, with the movement of toxins through the intestines, a diffuse, diffuse pain in the abdomen joins, which is not stabbing, not cutting, as in the 'acute abdomen'. The patient specifically 'twists his stomach', then there is an urge to defecate. Such specific pain does not change with the position of the body, the patient does not seek a comfortable position, but more often tends to go to the toilet.

In addition to such pain and discomfort, there is a rumbling in the abdomen, and less often – bloating, or flatulence. Such a painful episode ends with diarrhea, and, moreover, diarrhea associated with damage to the small intestine is always profuse and watery. At the beginning, of course, at the first visit to the toilet, normal feces that were in the distal parts of the large intestine leave, and then episodes of profuse diarrhea begin, which can be of a different nature. So, if we take acute intestinal infections, then with salmonellosis there is a greenish, offensive stool, with cholera it is an almost colorless liquid, reminiscent of rice water. With food poisoning, as a rule, the number of visits to the toilet is not as great as with real intestinal infections, and a person may well get by with five to seven episodes of bowel movements a day. If everything is over the next day, then we can assume that you are in luck.

With further penetration of the source of poisoning further along the intestine, it reaches the large intestine. There is a spasm, which, most often, is felt as a painful feeling in the lower left abdomen and on the right, as well as in the transverse direction, according to the location of the transverse colon. Especially great discomfort and spastic pain occurs in the lower left abdomen, in the projection of the descending colon and sigmoid colon, the muscles of which are spasmodic. The patient develops signs of colitis, which, in addition to such pain, are manifested by the appearance of mucus in the feces, and in a serious condition, streaks of blood.

Classic colitis occurs with amoebic, or bacterial dysentery, or with shigellosis. In contrast to the defeat of the small intestine, the stool appears scanty, which more resembles a blood-slimy 'spit', but at the same time there is a painful, repeated and sterile urge to defecate, which are formed by the affected nerve plexuses of the large intestine.

In addition to these local lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, general manifestations of food poisoning most often occur. These include, first of all, chills, severe weakness and weakness, and in rare cases – a slight increase in temperature. As a rule, in severe food poisoning, when too many poisons have entered the human body, sometimes general symptoms even appear first. For example, at the beginning, a few hours after eating, there is malaise and chills, and then almost immediately – nausea and repeated vomiting.

If we are talking about severe cases associated with dehydration, then there is an increase in heart rate, or tachycardia, blood pressure drops, pallor of the skin occurs and skin turgor decreases, convulsions, and fainting are possible. The patient is worried about the expressed thirst, he is constantly thirsty, and in severe cases with vomiting it all immediately comes out. These patients need to replenish fluid and electrolyte losses with intravenous infusions. How do you put all these symptoms 'in their places'?

Gastritis, enteritis, colitis …

The above sequence of appendix of symptoms of gastrointestinal tract lesions finds its explanation in the clinical diagnosis. So, if the patient has symptoms of the upper, that is, gastric dyspepsia – nausea and vomiting, then these are symptoms of gastritis, which almost never occurs in isolation with food poisoning. Most often, gastroenteritis occurs when, after nausea and vomiting, there is profuse watery stools, a feeling of discomfort and 'twisting' pains in the umbilical region.

It is important to note the dynamics of the development of symptoms. Usually everything starts from the top, with nausea and vomiting, then the nausea and vomiting stops, and an intestinal disorder joins. Less often, the patient 'rinses' on both sides at the same time, but nevertheless, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting that first appeared and disappear first. If too many toxins or microbes have entered the body and have successfully reached the large intestine, then a picture of gastroenterocolitis appears. Then there is nausea, vomiting, loose watery stools appear. It then turns into scanty, slimy, blood-streaked stools.

As a rule, the more the parts of the gastrointestinal tract are affected, the stronger and more pronounced the general intoxication. However, most often doctors who work in the intestinal departments of infectious diseases hospitals, and to whom patients with severe forms of food poisoning are delivered, are diagnosed with gastroenteritis. The peculiarity of this diagnosis is that here in a person, in addition to intoxication, there is still an abundant loss of fluid, which can lead to dehydration, especially in children and the elderly. Repeated vomiting leads to the loss of chlorine ions, a breakdown of basic electrolytes in the blood plasma, and this can cause multiple organ failure, collapse, and hypovolemic shock.

Consider two main types of food poisoning: intoxication and toxicoinfection. Why is this needed? So that the victim himself could roughly imagine what he encountered.

Food toxicoinfections and intoxication

What is the difference between toxicoinfection and intoxication? Let's remember what an infection is. Infection, an infectious process is the interaction of the human body and a pathogenic microorganism, in any case, it is the antagonism of two enemies. When it comes to infection, then there is always some other living being, some pathogen that is actively trying to get into the human body through the deeply echeloned defense of the immune defense, and, ideally, begin to multiply inside our body. An example of infections can be a septic state, when microbes are found in the blood, the same cholera. Vibrio cholerae 'sees' the meaning of its existence in the fact that its descendants multiply in the cells of the intestinal epithelium, and with a huge amount of loose stools spread over the largest possible territory. The infectious process can be considered one of the stages of the life cycle of microorganisms, associated with the birth of offspring, and the need to scatter it as much as possible throughout the world.

Toxic infection: there are many microbes

When can we talk about toxic infection? When the food initially contains a lot of microbes, for example, in one gram of the product from several hundred thousand to several tens of millions of microbial cells. Most often, toxic infection is caused by proteus, enterobacteria, pathogenic E. coli, clostridia, salmonella, and many others, including opportunistic microorganisms. Since during toxicoinfections a significant number of microbes enter the human body, the diseases proceed as 'small' real intestinal infections, and they have an incubation period, but very short. On average, from 1 to 3 days. Then the classic picture begins to be realized, most often associated immediately with gastroenteritis, or enterocolitis. Indeed, during the incubation period, food lumps, deeply 'stuffed' with microorganisms, move quite deeply along the intestinal tract. At the same time, there are few direct bacterial poisons, or toxins, in the case of toxic infections.

Intoxication: no microbes

As for food intoxication, there are no living beings, no microorganisms at all, or there are at least a small amount of them, which 'does not make the weather' and does not lead to an infectious process. In this case, in food and dishes there are only products of their vital activity, microbial toxins, or real poisons.

And just in this case, when the products are stuffed with ready-made, pure bacterial poisons, toxicosis or food intoxication occurs. Their main difference is that toxins, getting into the stomach, are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, and therefore a few hours after eating, after 2-3 hours, sometimes faster, there is malaise, chills, and only then nausea usually appears and vomiting. That is, if you get sick very quickly, and it is associated with food, then there is a great chance that microbes did not enter your body, but only their poison. Therefore, it is enough to carry out detoxification therapy, and after 1-2 days the condition will return to normal. In this case, it makes no sense to take any antibiotics, since the temperature usually does not rise, and there is simply no one to fight antibiotics with: there are no microbes.

Figuratively speaking, antibiotics can be compared with a regular army armed with cannons, and food intoxication with a raid of nomads. Nomads rush through the village for several hours, grab everything that comes to hand, and by evening they are gone. A regular army armed with cannons is simply not needed here, since it does not have time to arrive on time. Therefore, prescribing antibiotics is pointless, and even harmful. Firstly, they will finally destroy the normal intestinal microflora, and secondly, only a doctor should prescribe them.

What microorganisms are most often to blame for the occurrence of food intoxication? These are staphylococci, especially Staphylococcus aureus, which produces a strong enterotoxin, and some other microbes.

Area or volume?

If we talk about food poisoning, then we should also remember which product could cause the poisoning. If it is a dense product, for example, a vinaigrette, or a meat salad, then, as a rule, the severity of the condition will be easier than if we are talking about liquid dairy products, which should not be swallowed, but drunk. The explanation is very simple. Microorganisms, or their toxins, which are on solid foods, are located on their surface, and not in depth. Such a product, for example a salad, is a dense nutrient medium. Germs can be on the cabbage, but not deep, on the surface of the green peas, but not inside the grain, even if the infected vegetables are inside the salad itself.

But milk is a liquid nutrient medium, and microorganisms multiply not only on the surface, but also in the depths of the milk, affecting the entire volume of the product. Therefore, the amount of toxin or live bacteria consumed in food is measured in cubic units in the case of liquid foods, and in square units in the case of dense foods, in the same way as volumes and areas are related to each other.

That is why if a person drank two glasses of suspicious milk in the morning, and after an hour felt bad, then he has the right to think that a rather severe intoxication awaits him ahead. After all, the beginning is very fast, it all started with chills, nausea and vomiting, and he ate a liquid substance containing many toxins, or even many microbes. Therefore, intestinal antiseptics are indispensable here. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently begin to provide emergency assistance according to all the rules. But before we talk about non-drug and drug therapy for acute poisoning, let's say a few words about such a legendary form of food intoxication as botulism.

Botulism myths

Botulism is a unique intoxication, since no infectious process occurs between the pathogen and the person. There is no struggle, and there is no pathogen itself. Botulinum clostridia is not a causative agent, she is not interested in such 'trifles' as a personal struggle with a person. She produces the strongest toxin in nature, and with only one single purpose – to get a corpse.

Clostridium is not going to interact with the human body, reproduce, fight immunity. It generally does not come into contact with living organisms, inside which breathing occurs, and there is an increased concentration of oxygen. She only needs a dead, silent piece of meat, only in it can she begin to divide and reproduce. Therefore, in dense environments, for example, in the same mushrooms, in sausage, in fish, there are focal colonies containing spores, and vegetative forms, and botulinum toxin.

Quite often, a whole company feasts on some kind of food, and only one person gets sick. This confirms the fact that botulinum toxin is distributed in products in a 'square-nested' manner, according to the growth of colonies. Sausage, fish, mushrooms, clostridia are considered corpses, since there is no air in the thickness of the products, which is what is needed for reproduction. Therefore, it does not completely infect all products: there is a lot of oxygen in liquid media, and inside the sausage, wherever it got, it formed a colony there.

By the way, sodium nitrite, which is necessarily added to minced meat in the production of sausages, protects them from the proliferation of Clostridia, that is, microorganisms that cannot tolerate oxygen. If sausages were made in an artisanal way, without adding sodium nitrite, then they should be avoided, since you can get, if not botulism, then severe poisoning with other Clostridia. Even in the laboratory, when these microorganisms are studied, there are special dense media on which microbes are inoculated, placing them deeply in the very middle of a test tube filled with gelatin, in which there are pieces of liver or other nutrient substrate.

In practice, one of the most dangerous situations is not bloated cans, which they talk about all the time, but finding products that are dangerous for botulism in a warm environment, when clostridia multiply and toxins are formed. In this case, we are not talking about canned food at all! Clostridia will have enough and just be in the depths of the product. For example, if there is a transportation of smoked fish, or the same sausages in a car. The cabin is warm and a new production of toxins begins in a homogeneous environment. Such poisoning with 'gifts' from the village, or from another city that has been driving for a long time (sometimes 2-3 days) can be very severe. However, we turn to emergency care for acute food intoxication.

Urgent care

If, a few hours after eating, nausea or single vomiting occurs, then you should in no case take antiemetic drugs, but, on the contrary, stimulate this process. To do this, you need to drink (for an adult) four to five glasses of ordinary water at room temperature, and induce vomiting on your own. It is advisable to do this several times, until clean water flows. If there is vomiting, independent and repeated, then you still need to drink water to facilitate such spontaneous gastric lavage. In between vomiting, it is advisable to drink water in small sips, but often, and even better – special solutions designed to combat dehydration. These are rehydron, citroglucosolan, and others. Here we will not dwell on the fight against dehydration in detail, a special article is devoted to this, to which we refer the reader.

After cleaning the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to deal with the binding of toxins in the intestinal lumen, the prevention of the reproduction of the remaining microorganisms, especially in the case of toxic infection, as well as the correction of dysbiosis, which is caused by diarrhea, microbial and toxic aggression. In the event that food poisoning is not severe, then the use of eubiotics and prebiotics, as components of the normal intestinal microflora, will allow them to cope with 'uninvited guests' without the use of more serious drugs.

When to call an ambulance?

When do you need to immediately call an ambulance, and not try to be treated yourself? First of all, when we are talking about a small child up to 3-4 years old, with nausea and vomiting, because children develop dehydration very quickly, which is very difficult to stop at home. The same is required in the case of food poisoning with nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman, or in an elderly person, especially suffering from severe, chronic diseases.

It is necessary to urgently call a doctor if any unusual symptoms appear, for example, such as with botulinum toxin intoxication. These are usually neurological disorders: nasal voice, swallowing disorder, choking, difference in pupil size, double vision, ptosis, or drooping of the upper eyelid, urinary retention, and so on. Botulinum toxin usually does not cause any of the classic symptoms of poisoning, such as diarrhea and vomiting, it acts on the transmission of nerve impulses. And if we add that the products 'stuffed' with toxin do not change the taste and smell at all, then it becomes clear what an insidious enemy this is.

Drug therapy

Moving on to the reception to the review of medicines, it should be recalled that the medicines listed in the list are not at all an attempt to create advertising or anti-advertising to some manufacturers. Their sequence of presentation, given commercial and international non-proprietary names are given in accordance with international and domestic clinical guidelines, modern pharmaceutical reference books, and official sites dedicated to pharmaceutical preparations. First, the INN, or international non-proprietary name, is given, then, if available, the name of the original drug, the name of commercial copies, or generics. The range of prices relevant for January 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation is also shown.

The best drugs for poisoning

Nomination a place Name of product price
Intestinal antiseptics and bacteriophages 1 Nifuroxazide (Ersefuril, Counterdiar, Nifural, Stopdiar, Enterofuril) 358 r
2 Intesty-bacteriophage liquid 770 RUB
Sorbents (adsorbents) 1 Enterosgel 394 RUB
2 Polysorb MP 334 r
3 Lactofiltrum 414 RUB
Dysbacteriosis correction 1 Hilak-Forte 494 r
2 Bifidumbacterin 83 rbl.
3 MAXILAC 424 r
4 Advantages and disadvantages 397 r

Intestinal antiseptics and bacteriophages

It was said above that if the state of health does not suffer too much, and on the second day you feel better, then you can do without intestinal antiseptics. But in the event that there is a long period of diarrhea, then it is advisable to take these medicines, but not antibiotics, but antiseptics. We will not go into detail about the difference between these classes of antimicrobial compounds, but just give some of them that effectively fight food poisoning.

Nifuroxazide (Ersefuril, Counterdiar, Nifural, Stopdiar, Enterofuril)

Popularity rating: 4.9


This is a modern drug from the group of nitrofurans, and the 'ancient' Furazolidone also belongs to them, with which they still try to treat lamblia in children, but Furazolidone is really a rather old drug. Nifuroxazide, or the original drug Ersefuril, which is produced by the French company Sanofi Aaventis, will not be too cheap. One pack of 14 capsules, 200 mg each, will cost from 350 to 640 rubles in pharmacies.

This drug is highly active against a whole group of microorganisms that cause not only foodborne infections, but also some real intestinal infections. These are Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, which cause dysentery, pathogenic E. coli, Salmonella, and other microbes.

It is necessary to take the drug in the presence of acute diarrhea, which proceeds without accompanying symptoms, for example, without a serious deterioration in well-being, without a high temperature. If there are these symptoms, then it is necessary to call a doctor, perhaps hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital will be necessary, and then antibiotics should be prescribed. It is necessary to take Ersefuril one capsule every 6 hours, that is, 4 capsules a day, but no longer than 7 days. If the state of health has not improved, and the diarrhea has not stopped, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big plus of Ersefuril is the fact that it does not affect the normal intestinal microflora in any way, and does not cause dysbiosis. Therefore, after it you can not prescribe eubiotics, it is very gentle on the normal intestinal microbiota. On the other hand, the agent is contraindicated in case of high sensitivity to nitrofurans, pregnant women, as well as children under three years of age. Ersefuril may, in rare cases, cause allergic skin reactions, such as rashes or hives. You should also take into account the relative high cost of this drug. One pack of 14 capsules is just 4 days of intake, but those four days should be enough to treat uncomplicated diarrhea.

Intesty-bacteriophage liquid

Popularity rating: 4.8

Intesty-bacteriophage liquid

In order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the gastrointestinal tract, it is not necessary to take antibiotics or even antiseptics. Sometimes you can 'land a landing' of live hand-held viruses, or bacteriophages that feed on these very microbes. Such intestinal (intestinal) bacteriophages are produced by the domestic company Microgen from Nizhny Novgorod. One bottle of Intesti-bacteriophage will not be cheap, from 730 to 1100 rubles. The volume of the bottle is 100 ml. The drug is a mixture of live sterile bacteriophages, which destroys the causative agents of dysentery and salmonellosis, harmful Escherichia coli of different groups, as well as the most common food poisoning microorganisms – Proteus, enterococci, staphylococci and others.

It is a clear liquid, slightly yellowish, which must be given to the patient after identifying pathogens in acute intestinal infections or empirically, presumably, in foodborne diseases. The bacteriophage is applied orally, 4 times a day, an hour before meals, from the very onset of the disease and for a week. Adults need to be given 30 ml of liquid at a time, respectively, during the day the entire bottle will be used up completely, and a weekly course of treatment will be quite expensive, at least 5,000 rubles. Naturally, children need a smaller amount of the drug, but still, a bacteriophage cannot be considered a cheap remedy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the high cost is the only drawback of the bacteriophage. Otherwise, it has only one pluses: it is a biological medicine, has no side effects and contraindications, it can be prescribed to children from the first months of life, it does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, and can be considered the most gentle and modern type of treatment. On the other hand, there is another small biological disadvantage. Bacteriophages are very specific viruses, and if food poisoning or intoxication is caused by a microorganism that is not included in the 'set', then the bacteriophage will be useless. It is hoped that the viruses are selected so as to destroy the most common pathogens.

Sorbents (adsorbents)

Everyone knows that sorbents are first aid for poisoning, for acute intestinal infections, of course, if the patient does not have repeated uncontrollable vomiting. Sorbents have a huge active surface, which is many times larger than the volume of particles of the sorbing material. The ratio of area to volume determines the activity of the material, and the amount of absorbed substance relative to its own weight.

When taking sorbents, it must be remembered that they absorb literally everything. Therefore, if you take them with meals, there will be no result. If they are taken in an hour along with other drugs, they will simply suck in all the drugs, and there will be no result either from drugs or from sorbents. Therefore, they need to be taken separately from taking medications and from taking food – about 2 – 2.5 hours after a meal and for the same time before, that is, in the interval between meals. N, since in case of poisoning a person is on a 'starvation diet', the main condition for sorbents is the absence of repeated, indomitable vomiting.


Popularity rating: 4.9


Enterosgel, produced by the domestic company Silma, is a ready-to-use sorbent, more precisely, a translucent paste, consisting of organic silicon compounds – polymethylsiloxane. To use it, you need to dissolve a small amount of paste in half a glass of water, and then drink. For children, Enterosgel is available with a strawberry flavor, which is much easier to swallow than a tasteless mass.

Enterosgel has a high absorbency, or adsorption capacity. It is indicated for all acute intestinal infections: with dysentery and salmonellosis, with coli – enteritis. It is prescribed in long-term therapy for acute and chronic viral hepatitis B and C with severe intoxication and arthralgic syndrome. But most often it is used for functional diarrhea, for alcohol poisoning, for various intoxications at work. This is a chronic poisoning with lead, mercury, cadmium, carbon monoxide, arsenic.

Enterosgel helps not only with intestinal disorders. In the event that a patient, especially a child, has a food allergy, which is manifested by urticaria, itchy skin, allergic dermatitis, then Enterosgel helps to reduce the symptoms of allergic lesions. It is necessary to take Enterosgel between meals – one and a half tablespoons three times a day, while it is necessary to dilute Enterosgel in half a glass of water, or take the paste inside, and then drink it with water. Enteros-gel is well tolerated, there are no symptoms of overdose. Enterosgel is produced by the domestic enterprise Silma, and a large plastic tube of 225 g costs 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, only cases of individual intolerance should be attributed to the disadvantages of Enterosgel, with prolonged use of high doses, constipation may occur. Some people have an instinctive feeling of nausea when trying to swallow a completely tasteless mass, but this symptom is neurotic in nature, and has nothing to do with the composition of the sorbent. The gel is successfully used in pregnant women and in the mother during breastfeeding, and it is contraindicated, perhaps, in the case of a low intestinal tone, since this can also lead to constipation.

Polysorb MP

Popularity rating: 4.8

Polysorb MP

If the sorbent has a very high activity, then it doesn't matter what it consists of. An example of such a sorbent that is under our feet is Polysorb MP. It is composed of silicon dioxide. This is the usual sand that dot all the beaches of the planet. There is only one difference: through industrial processing, silicon dioxide acquired colloidal properties, that is, it became like a gel. As a result of the creation of such a unique structure, each gram of Polysorb can 'absorb' about 300 mg, that is, up to 1/3 of its own weight, of various toxins, radionuclides, pathogenic proteins and other harmful substances. As a result, a small amount of Polysorb MP is needed for a single dose, and it can effectively collect all pathogenic compounds, bind the molecules of bacteria toxins, various allergens, viruses and heavy metal compounds.

Polysorb MP can be used for acute food poisoning, chronic intoxications, viral hepatitis, including in young children, in pregnant and lactating women. It is necessary to prescribe Polysorb MP according to the scheme, in teaspoons and tablespoons, in accordance with the patient's body weight, instructions are given on the package. Polysorb MP is a very light powder, and when a person in a pharmacy buys a large jar that weighs only 50 grams, it seems to him that this jar is empty until he comes home and opens it. Such a large can costs 409 rubles, and Polysorb MP is produced by an enterprise of the same name.

Advantages and disadvantages

This sorbent has practically no drawbacks, except for one thing: first, the powder must be thoroughly mixed in half a glass of water and a suspended suspension must be created. At the same time, her taste is not very pleasant. More precisely, there is absolutely no taste, and this is what many cannot bear. Also, Polysorb MP, like other sorbents, is not recommended for exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, the threat of ulcerative bleeding, and in other similar conditions. It is undesirable to use sorbents for a long time, including Polysorb MP, in persons with a tendency to chronic constipation, bedridden patients, and very elderly people. In the elderly, any change in diet very often leads to the development of constipation, and in this case, the use of a highly active sorbent is a risk of constipation.


Popularity rating: 4.7


Lactofiltrum can be classified as a complex sorbent. It consists of two separate components: lactulose, which is a good breeding ground for the development of normal intestinal microflora. The second component is the plant enterosorbent lignin. The combined effect of these two components makes it possible to strengthen immunity, remove various microbial toxins, antigens and pathogenic factors released outward, especially when a large number of microbial cells are destroyed.

Lactofiltrum is indicated for use in cases of intestinal microflora disorder – dysbiosis, after antibiotic treatment, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic hepatitis, and various types of drug and food allergies.

It should be used 3 times a day, as in previous cases, between meals and separately from other medications. Adults 2 – 3 tablets 3 times a day. The average course of treatment is 2 to 3 weeks. Laktofiltrum is produced by the domestic company ABBA Rus. A pack of 30 tablets costs about 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

By its nature, Lactofiltrum is a cross between a sorbent and an eubiotic. This allows it not only to capture and bind harmful substances, but also to have a beneficial effect on the normal intestinal microflora without harming it. The price of Lactofiltrum is low, but on the other hand, the drug can very rarely cause allergic reactions, and will be contraindicated if intestinal obstruction is suspected, in case of exacerbation of gastric ulcer, with the risk of developing atonic constipation.

Dysbacteriosis correction


Popularity rating: 4.9


Finally, we should talk about one more truly unique product: Hilak forte drops. Why are they unique? Their task is to establish nutrition and improve the colonization of the large intestine by the newly introduced bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from probiotics. But Khilak-Forte does not apply to dietary fiber, and to none of the above types of prebiotics. These are the waste products of healthy intestinal microorganisms that form a familiar habitat for our friends.

According to the classification, it again had to be squeezed into anti-diarrhea drugs, although in fact this clear solution with a sour smell in its pure form is a drug that normalizes the intestinal microflora.

All other indications are secondary and associated with the active activity of normal microflora. So, an extended list of indications for the use of the drug Hilak forte will not only be constipation. These are gastritis and salmonella infection, dyspepsia and functional diarrhea, dermatitis and urticaria, and so on.

The preparation contains metabolic products of normal Escherichia coli, fecal streptococcus, and also several types of lactobacilli. It may come as a surprise that waste products stimulate the multiplication of new microorganisms. It is hardly possible to imagine that a room full of feces or debris will push for the continuation of the human race. But in microorganisms, everything is arranged differently. Their waste products, including lactic acid and its buffer salts, protect the multiplying colonies from the potential harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

You need to use it either before meals, or during meals, 3 times a day. Adults – an average of 50 drops per appointment, children – 30 drops, and infants – 20 drops. It is produced in the form of drops for oral administration, and a bottle of 100 milliliters will cost 500 rubles. It is produced by the German company Ratiopharm.

Advantages and disadvantages

With the help of Hilak Forte, 'greenhouse' conditions are created for newly appeared microorganisms that have not yet fixed in the intestines. First of all, Hilak Forte stimulates the growth of acidophilus and lactobacillus flora. It is harmless, it is perfectly tolerated by both adults and children, it can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, and again, of all the contraindications, only rare individual intolerance is possible.


Popularity rating: 4.8


Bifidumbacterin contains only one kind of beneficial microorganisms: bifidobacteria. The drug is produced in capsules, and one capsule contains 5 conventional doses. These beneficial microbes, once in the intestines, begin to fight against harmful microorganisms that constantly attack us. Bifidobacteria fight against staphylococcal infection, pathogenic E. coli, dysentery shigella, pathogenic yeast. The fact that we very rarely get sick with acute intestinal infections is the merit of our normal microflora. And only if tens and hundreds of millions of pathogenic microorganisms enter our body, then this line of defense will be broken.

Bifidumbacterin is indicated for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immediately after the cessation of diarrhea in food poisoning, and for their prevention, after antibiotic treatment, for the correction of reduced immunity. Take Bifidumbacterin half an hour before meals, or with meals – 5-10 capsules 1 to 3 times a day for adults. Bifidumbacterin is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Ecopolis, and 30 capsules will cost about 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Eubiotics generally have few shortcomings. As for Bifidumbacterin, only the presence of one active component can be considered its disadvantage, therefore it is not so balanced, and in the presence of chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract, it is difficult for bifidobacteria alone to occupy and hold positions on the 'intestinal bridgehead'. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, the drug is contraindicated only with increased sensitivity to it. Also, tablets and capsules are not given to children under 3 years old, but in this case, the contents of the capsules can be poured into the warm mixture to the baby. However, only a pediatrician should prescribe the drug to children, taking into account their body weight.


Popularity rating: 4.7


Maxilac is also a modern eubiotic, which contains a lot of colony-forming units (CFU) in one capsule, almost as many as there are people living on our planet – several billion. In addition, for the purpose of primary nutrition of young microbial colonies, the capsule contains fructose in the form of small oligopolymer chains.

In Maksilak there are three types of bifidobacteria, four types of lactobacilli, and additionally – two more types of lactic acid microorganisms that are very important for intestinal health, in total – 9 representatives of normal microflora. The capsule with prebiotic microorganisms is very well protected from the harmful effects of gastric juice, pancreatic enzymes, as well as from the effects of bile acids. The capsule dissolves directly in the intestines, which contributes to the high efficiency of this drug.

Maxilac is shown as a biologically active food supplement, as a remedy after taking antibiotics, as a drug to increase general immunity with a tendency to frequent infections, including ENT organs, ARVI, and with functional intestinal disorders. Maxilac is taken in adults – one capsule per day with meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. The product is produced in Poland. A package of 10 capsules costs 440 rubles. Thus, a monthly course of the drug will cost 1,300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Maxilak has only one drawback: perhaps the price will seem high enough to someone. However, it is extremely convenient to take: one capsule once a day, and this with meals. Thus, patient adherence to treatment will be the best. Compare with other medications that you need to take three to four capsules after meals with an additional glass of water. None of this is required here. And one more thing: for a price of 1,300 rubles, the patient receives not one, not two, and not even three types of normal bacteria of the intestinal microflora, but three times more, as many as 9 species.

Instead of a conclusion

To avoid food poisoning, it is enough to carefully follow a limited number of rules. Among them – the obligatory washing of hands before preparing food and before eating, thoroughly washing vegetables and fruits with soap and water, scalding them with boiling water, just like green crops. It is very important to defrost meat just before cooking; it should not be left uncooked for a long time. You need to hide food from flies, avoid eating raw meat, such as sliced ​​or heh. It is necessary that the temperature in the refrigerator does not rise above 6 degrees, you need to eat in canteens as rarely as possible and not eat fast food. Be careful about mushrooms, if you do not know exactly what kind of mushroom it is, then it is better to throw it out. It is very important not to buy homemade sausages, which are sold outside the market without permits, pickled and salted mushrooms in an artisanal way, do not buy canned food with an expired shelf life or with incomprehensible numbers and labels. Do not take smoked fish at train stations and off hand.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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