8 modern antivirals for kids

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

According to pediatricians, a healthy child with normal immunity attending kindergarten suffers from 4 to 6 colds during the year. Such a frequency of diseases can be considered a normal reaction of healthy immunity to pathogens coming from outside.

According to experts from the World Health Organization, during an acute respiratory viral infection, if we are not talking about influenza, special antiviral drugs are not needed. Moreover, if the child's temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, antipyretic drugs are not needed either. There is enough rest (bed rest), cool humidified air (ventilation and wet terry towels on the battery) and plenty of drink (absolutely anything). You may need vasoconstrictor nasal drops to prevent otitis media and antitussives for dry, debilitating cough.

But few of their parents have a sufficient reserve of composure to limit themselves to simple measures. In addition, in children with adenoid vegetations (in common parlance – adenoids), the likelihood of otitis increases, and the parents of such children prefer to give their babies medicine from the very beginning of the disease, hoping to prevent complications. For those who believe that treating colds without antivirals is not a cure, we present an overview of antivirals for children.

Necessary warning: there are no homeopathic remedies in the ranking. WHO warns against the use of homeopathy for any infections, including seasonal SARS, the UK National Health Service has banned doctors from prescribing homeopathic medicines, and the Russian Academy of Sciences in its memorandum declared homeopathy a pseudoscience. We try to follow a scientific approach when preparing a drug review.

We consider it necessary to note: if with an ordinary seasonal respiratory viral infection, or a 'cold', antivirals can be dispensed with, then with the flu they are indicated. More information on how to distinguish a cold from the flu was described in the rating of the review of antiviral drugs for children and adults at the link.

Antiviral Review for Children

Nomination a place Name of product price
antiviral for children from birth to 2 years 1 Viferon candles 523
2 Grippferon nasal spray 208
antiviral for children from 2 to 7 years old 1 Arbidol powder for suspension preparation 350
2 Kagocel 252
3 Oseltamivir 728
antiviral for school children 1 Ingavirin 410
2 Amiksin 537
3 Zanamivir 700

Antiviral overview for children from birth to 2 years

This is the most difficult group of patients. Theoretically, babies from birth to six months should be protected by antibodies that come from the mother through the placenta, and later enter the body with breast milk. In practice, this does not always work. and not everyone is able to establish breastfeeding for one reason or another. So, such children are not immune from infections, while their own immunity is still poorly formed, and the body itself is far from always able to tolerate fever and intoxication caused by the disease without harm.

And at the same time, there is not a single agent with a direct antiviral effect, approved for use in children of this age. There are only immunomodulatory drugs and homeopathy, which will not help the child in any way, but can calm his parents.

Viferon candles

Popularity rating: 4.9

Viferon candles

For children from birth, suppositories with 150,000 IU of active ingredient are used. There are also suppositories with higher dosages of Viferon, they are used to treat children over 7 years old and adults.

Contain human recombinant (that is, produced by genetically modified bacteria) interferon. This is a substance that has both a direct antiviral effect and the ability to stimulate the body's immune response.

They are used rectally, which is quite convenient for parents, 2 times a day. that is, every 12 hours. The duration of the course is 5 days.


  • convenient form of application.


  • allergic reactions are possible.

Grippferon nasal spray

Popularity rating: 4.6

Grippferon nasal spray

Another drug based on human recombinant interferon. The spray is not absorbed through the mucous membranes, that is, it does not affect the entire body, which is why it is considered safer. And it is difficult to overdose in this way.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted the need for frequent use – babies under one year old are injected with 1 dose (1 'zilch') in each nostril 5 times a day. Moreover, it is in the day, that is, every 4 – 5 hours without a break for a night's sleep.


  • only local action.


  • need to be applied 5 times a day.

Antiviral review for children 2 to 7 years old

In this age category, the choice of funds becomes a little wider, but also not too great. Limit the use of drugs as dosage and form of release. For example, it is believed that pills should not be given to children under 3 years old, as it is difficult for a baby to swallow them and may choke. For the same reason, medicines in capsules are not recommended for children under 7 years old.

Therefore, not all the funds from the current section of the review of antiviral for children can be used directly from the age of two years of a baby's life. You need to pay attention to age restrictions.

Arbidol powder for suspension preparation

Popularity rating: 4.8

Arbidol powder for suspension preparation

Approved for use in children over 2 years old.

There is powder in the dark glass vial. which must be diluted. First, pour approximately ⅓ boiled water volume of the vial, shake well until the powder dissolves, then add water to the mark (100 ml). Then the required dose is measured with the supplied measuring spoon. For children from 2 to 6 years old, it is 10 ml. The prepared suspension cannot be stored for more than 10 days.

Take 4 times a day for 5 days. Considering that there are only 100 ml of suspension in a bottle, it turns out that for a full course you need to buy two bottles at once.


  • has a direct antiviral effect.


  • high cost of treatment.


Popularity rating: 4.5


It does not act directly on viruses, but stimulates the body's synthesis of interferons, which, in turn, have antiviral activity. You can take it from the age of three, in the first two days of illness – 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next 2 days – a tablet once a day.

Of the side effects, only allergic reactions were noted.

Speaking about the disadvantages of this drug, it should be noted that since it itself does not affect viruses, but stimulates the immune response, the effectiveness of the action will depend on the severity of the individual immune response.


  • rather simple reception scheme.


  • effectiveness will depend on the state of the body.


Popularity rating: 4.3


Trade names: Tamiflu, Nomides, Oseltamivir phosphate

This medicine is intended for children over a year old, has proven effectiveness, but only against the flu virus. That is, it can be used only with the unequivocal confidence that the current illness is not a cold, but the flu.

Possesses direct antiviral activity.

For children from one to 8 years old, a powder for preparing a suspension is intended. Using a special measuring cup, measure 52 ml of drinking water, pour into a bottle and shake vigorously. After that, an adapter must be inserted into the neck of the bottle, which allows you to measure the required dose of the resulting suspension. For children from one to 6 years old (weight less than 15 kg), this is 30 mg of active ingredient. You need to take it 2 times a day.

You can store the finished suspension for no more than 10 days at room temperature and up to 17 days in the refrigerator.

It must be said that the remedy has many side effects, of which headache, nausea, and vomiting are most often noted. Dispensed by prescription.


  • recommended by WHO for the treatment and prevention of influenza.


  • many side effects.
  • prescription.
  • high price.

Review of Antivirals for School Children

It is much easier for children over 7 years old to choose antiviral. You can use any of the funds described among the antivirals for other age groups, only in appropriate dosages. Or you can take drugs approved for use by schoolchildren and adolescents.


Popularity rating: 4.7


Acts at the level of cells, activating the synthesis of antiviral proteins. In addition, it stimulates the production of interferons.

For children from 7 years old, a dosage of 60 mg is prescribed (there is another 90 mg for adults). You need to take it once a day for 5 – 7 days (7 capsules in the package).


  • take only 1 time per day.
  • packaging is enough for a course of treatment.
  • few side effects.


  • not.


Popularity rating: 4.4


For children over 7 years old, 60 mg tablets are intended.

Inhibits the activity of virus reproduction in cells, stimulates the synthesis of interferons.

Convenient course of use in children: you need only 3 tablets, 1 each on the first, second and fourth day of illness (on the third day you need to take a break).

Side effects are possible allergic reactions, dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), chills.


  • 3 tablets per course of treatment.
  • taken 1 time in 24 – 48 hours.


  • undesirable effects are possible.


Popularity rating: 4.2


Trade name: Relenza.

Another drug designed to treat flu exclusively. Can be used in children from 5 years of age.

Possesses direct antiviral activity. It is produced as a means for inhalation in a special form – rotadisk, which must be inserted into the bottle – the dischaller included in the kit. 1 rotadisk is designed for 4 inhalations.

Apply 2 inhalations twice a day for 5 days. That is, one rotadisk is enough for the day of admission, and there are 5 of them in the package, just for the course.

Inside the drug is not absorbed, acting only locally, without affecting the vital organs. But this does not save from side effects. The possibility of swelling of the face and larynx due to allergic reactions, bronchospasm due to irritation of the respiratory tract by particles of the drug was noted.


  • proven efficacy against influenza (WHO recommended).
  • only local action.
  • packaging is enough for a full course of treatment.


  • possible side effects.

The popularity rating is based on the analysis of demand data from the wordstat.yandex.ru service.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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