7 modern drugs for food allergies

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Surprisingly, almost all foods can be considered potentially allergic to certain people. Only water, salt, and sugar do not cause allergies. But water can also cause allergic skin reactions such as urticaria, excess salt causes swelling and increased blood pressure, and impaired glucose metabolism, in the end, can lead to diabetes mellitus.

When it comes to food allergies, there is an interesting age-related trend. Food allergies are primarily a child problem. According to the World Health Organization, the average prevalence of food allergies in the global population is 2.5%.

This means that one in 40 people, including infants and the elderly, will show signs of a local or systemic immune response to a particular food. But if we take economically developed countries, then babies suffer much more often, on average – 7% of children. By adolescence, the incidence of food allergies decreases to 3%, and in adults the incidence is even less. This is, of course, due to the fact that children still have an immature immune system, and it often reacts in the wrong place, and not there, as it should.

But if we take not the average population, which is practically healthy, but, for example, a compromised one – children with allergic diseases, then the number of cases of food allergy grows significantly. Of 10 children with atopic dermatitis, three are severe food allergies. Thus, in this subpopulation, the number of food allergy sufferers is 30%. This suggests that food allergy, especially in childhood, may be a marker of general immune immunological disorders.

Therefore, basically, this article is intended for parents of those children who have certain signs of food allergies. Accordingly, the review of medicines will be as gentle as possible, and even designed for use in babies. But adult patients with an allergic reaction to any food products can also use all those medicines, which will be discussed later, but, of course, as prescribed by a doctor. First, let's define what food allergens are in order to 'know the enemy by sight'. After all, it is better to avoid danger than to take medicine later.

What are food allergies and allergens?

Almost always, substances in food that cause allergic reactions are proteins, because proteins are immunogenic and the body's defense system responds best to them. This reaction consists in the production of allergic immunoglobulins of class E, or the occurrence of cellular reactions. Immunoglobulins E, which are sometimes called reagins, and mediate a rapid immune response, are normally practically absent in blood plasma. They appear in the presence of parasites, since helminths are extremely allergic, especially their surface antigens.

In the presence of an allergen, these immunoglobulins bind to special cells, attach this very food allergen to them, and biologically active amines, primarily histamine, are released. And he already causes urticaria, and Quincke's edema, and itchy skin, and lacrimation, and hoarseness, and swelling of the tongue. The same mechanism is at the heart of the diagnosis, and is used in allergy testing.

The very same food allergy is always defined as a perverse, or pathological reaction to any food or substance, in which local or general immune mechanisms are involved.

Overview of Food Allergy Drugs

Nomination a place Name of product price
1 Chicken eggs
2 Peanuts and nuts
3 Cow's milk
4 Soy products
5 Seafood – fish and seafood
6 Cereals and their allergens
7 Additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers …
Basic principles of treatment
DRUG THERAPY 1 Ketotifen (Zaditen) RUB 62
2 Fenistil 391 RUB
SECOND GENERATION, SAME THIRD 1 Desloratadin (Erius, Desal, Lordestin, Nalorius, Ezlor, Elisey) RUB 538
2 Loratadin (Claritin, Claridol, Lomilan, Loratavel) RUB 29
3 Levocetirizine (Zodak-Express, Suprastinex, Ksizal) 279 r
4 Rupatadine fumarate (Rupafin) 460 RUB
Nutritional recommendations for a nursing mother with child allergies

What causes food allergies?

Protein substances that cause allergies can be complex, that is, glycoproteins, or simple. Their molecular weight is usually 10 to 70 kilodaltons (kDa), and the potential for a protein to become an allergen depends on specific structural centers that can react with immunoglobulin. In order to be an allergen, a substance must be persistent. It must be thermostable so as not to collapse during boiling and frying, dissolve well in water, and be resistant to the action of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, that is, acid-resistant and resistant to proteolysis.

There are a very large number of protein allergens that satisfy these conditions, but nevertheless, almost 90% of all cases of food allergic reactions in adults and children account for only 8 foods, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis. Each of these well-known allergens will be briefly reviewed below, in descending order of importance and frequency.

Surprisingly, real, high-quality chocolate, which is still considered a 'scary' allergen, actually causes almost no allergic reactions. If we talk about severe lesions that end in anaphylactic shock, and even death, then the reason is peanuts, various seafood and crustaceans, that is, shrimp, fish, and species of hazelnuts. If the patient only has a food allergy, then the risk of severe complications, shock and death is very low. But it seriously increases in the event that medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, or there is a whole bunch of concomitant allergic diseases, and, above all, bronchial asthma. What are the Allergic Big Eight foods?

The Magnificent Eight

The G8 foods are listed in the order in which they correspond to the frequency of food allergies. However, it should not be assumed that if a person has tolerance to all of the G8 foods, then they are not food allergic. He can live for several decades, and then face an inexplicable deterioration in well-being, for example, by eating strawberries. It is not included in this list, but it can cause severe reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.

In addition, you need to understand that this list is still conditional. After all, one and the same product can be thermally processed, it can be cooked for quite a long time, and this process can lead to the fact that some allergens will lose their aggressiveness, while others, on the contrary, will enhance their harmful properties. Everyone's favorite chicken eggs open the sad procession.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs.jpg

The best, largest and freshest red-stamped chicken egg contains as many as 13 protein allergens, such as ovoglobulin and ovomucoid. Some of them are not complete allergens because they can break down when heated. As a result, 50% of people with an allergy to chicken eggs can tolerate eggs when it comes to hard-boiled eggs, for example, in salads. But sometimes even hard-boiled eggs cause allergic reactions, and they are most difficult in cases of using soft-boiled eggs in a bag, and especially for those who like 'eggnog'.

Peanuts and nuts


Peanuts, or peanuts, are among the most severe and harmful allergens. In addition to peanuts, soy is also part of the legume family, and it also exhibits intense allergenic properties. Almost all peanut proteins are allergens, but they often enter the body without warning. Traces of peanuts are often found in various spices, they are part of chocolate, and if you constantly pay attention to this, then a person learns that peanuts constantly and intrusively invade his life.

The condition is aggravated by the fact that both roasting and boiling sharply increase the allergenic properties of this nut. It was said above that in young children, especially those with bronchial asthma, peanut allergy can lead to anaphylactic shock, and even death. However, 20% of those children who have reacted to peanuts, then become tolerant to it, and stop perceiving this nut as an allergen.

Other nuts should also be mentioned, these are practically all nuts that are used in culinary business. These are pistachios, walnuts, cashews, chestnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds and macadamia, hazelnuts. Only pine nuts are an exception: allergies develop to them much less often.

Cow's milk


Cow's milk proteins lead, and rank first in the frequency of occurrence of food allergies in children at the earliest date of its occurrence. The highest rates are observed in the first year of life: this is approximately every 30th infant. By the age of 5, children are improving their immune system, and 8 out of 10 are no longer sensitive to cow's milk, and by adolescence, this figure drops to almost zero.

Therefore, this point of the Big Eight must be carefully read either by mothers of small children, or by girls who are preparing to become a mother. Any milk protein can be an allergen, but most often it is serum albumin, beta-lactoglobulin, and both forms of casein. One should not think that switching to goat's milk will improve the situation, it can even act as a cross-allergen. The situation is complicated by the fact that milk allergens are resistant to boiling, pasteurization, and even drying, so milk powder is also an allergen. The most common reason for the development of allergies in infants is feeding with milk formulas, and this must be remembered.

Soy products


Soy products are rarely bought and used in their pure form, but they are often added to various products, and they are also proud of it. Soy protein, of course, is a full-fledged alternative to meat, but allergens such as glycinin and conglycine determine a rather severe course of soy allergy, with pronounced general or systemic reactions. Quite often, the oral cavity is affected, and untreated soybeans lead to the development of anaphylactic shock. Although in modern developed countries, including Russia, in the 21st century, you can see mild symptoms of allergic manifestations in the oral cavity, or even an asymptomatic course. For these mild manifestations, one must 'thank' the heat treatment, since soy allergens are very thermally unstable.

Seafood – fish and seafood


Fish and seafood are hardy allergens. Their proteins are thermostable and do not break down even during prolonged cooking, baking, and steaming. Cod is highly allergenic, and seafood such as shrimp, crabs, lobster, scallops, that is, crustaceans and shellfish.

Allergenic albumin in different fish is very similar in structure, and this facilitates cross-allergic reactions. If a person has a pronounced allergy to cod, but he eats pollock, then this reaction can also manifest itself in pollock, simply because its protein has a very similar structure.

It is important that, unlike milk, allergies to fish persist for life, just like allergies to the same shrimp. A very important and unpleasant feature will be severe allergic reactions even to a completely insignificant ingestion of an allergen into the body. This condition can manifest itself with all possible types of allergies, up to anaphylactic shock.

In the event that there is an allergy to crustaceans, then a person is even forbidden to have an aquarium if it is supposed to feed the fish with dried food, which includes daphnia or copepods. The ingestion of the smallest particles of dry food into the lungs will cause serious respiratory reactions, up to attacks of bronchial asthma and bronchospasm.

Cereals and their allergens

Cereals and their allergens.jpg

Of course, the most famous plant allergen is gluten, which is found in barley, rye and oat products. The second protein is gliadin, which is found in wheat. Young children are also the first to suffer, starting at six months of age, when they are introduced to complementary foods. Babies can have severe systemic reactions, and from the well-known there can also be manifestations of the so-called oral allergic syndrome, which is accompanied by allergic reactions in the oral cavity, but we will talk about it later.

Additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers …

Additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers.jpg

This group includes a large number of different allergens. Fortunately, these allergens are no longer members of the G-8, and severe allergies are found in only one in every thousand. First of all, we are talking about natural spices such as saffron. It is also gelatin, pectin, carrageenan, annatto dye, which is used in cheese making. Carmine, a red dye that comes from insects, is a strong allergen. Preservatives such as benzoic acid, salicylates, quite often cause attacks of bronchial asthma.

Cross surprises

If a person has identified any allergen, then there is a possibility that tolerance will develop to him, and he will no longer cause allergic reactions with age. But this is not always the case. More often than not, there are unpleasant 'surprises' on the other hand called allergic cross-reactions.

So, if a person has a pronounced allergy to wormwood pollen, and he does not tolerate the period of its flowering, then he can react to celery, carrots, dill, cumin and anise, to red pepper and chamomile flowers.

If a person's eyes begin to watery, his nose clogs up and his face swells in response to sunflower pollen, then he will have the same allergic reactions to sunflower oil and to all products that contain this oil. These are mayonnaise, mustard, halva, and so on. In this case, there is no cross-reaction, it is just that there are traces of pollen in the final products, but they are packed and hidden very deeply.

A patient with a severe allergy to cat hair may not tolerate rabbit meat, and a patient with mushroom intolerance is deprived of the joy of eating kefir, noble varieties of cheese with mold, and even products made from yeast dough, since fungi 'work' everywhere.

There are also more ridiculous combinations. Men and women who are allergic to condoms, that is, natural latex, are more likely to get avocados and chestnuts, figs and spinach, tomatoes and pineapples as food sources of allergies. The list can be continued for a very long time, you just need to know about such surprises.

Before proceeding to the description of medicines for food allergies, we describe the most frequent manifestations of it.

How does food allergy manifest?

Food allergy, like any form of allergy, can occur both in the form of local symptoms and general ones. Generals are significantly heavier than local ones. The most common is the so-called oral or oral allergic syndrome. There is itching inside the mouth, slight swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. Most often this is to blame for cross-allergy to pollen, as well as allergy to shrimp – crustaceans. The second local manifestation is conjunctivitis and rhinitis. This is a massive watery discharge from a swollen and swollen nose, watery eyes, redness and itching in the eyes. The third place in frequency is occupied by the so-called gastrointestinal symptoms of irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. These are nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea, vomiting associated with food intake.

Finally, general reactions such as anaphylactic shock are also possible. But even if there are no signs of shock, that is, a sharp decrease in pressure and deterioration of systemic hemodynamics, then there may be a real threat to life. This is suffocation associated with extremely severe bronchospasm, as well as laryngeal edema, when there is a mechanical obstruction to the penetration of air into the respiratory tract. In this case, life can be saved by an urgent operation – conicotomy, when it is necessary to give air access to the larynx, literally by cutting the throat.

Basic principles of treatment

Before prescribing medications, let's try to do without them altogether. To do this, the patient keeps a so-called food diary, in which he describes each ingested product in an extremely detailed and scrupulous manner, and then describes whether or not there is a change in well-being. Keeping a proper food diary is the key to so-called elimination therapy. 'Elimination' means removal, and it is a way of identifying an allergen by periodically removing suspected foods from the menu for a week or two. The only drawback is a lot of time.

Of course, not just one allergen can cause a food allergy in a patient, but several. Then a general hypoallergenic diet is taken, which is called the basic diet. Most often, this is a very rigid diet, table number five, which is usually prescribed for acute hepatitis, liver and biliary tract damage. All meals are boiled, steamed, and a detailed description of this diet can be found in various nutritional textbooks. When a patient develops a stable remission, for a month or longer, then the alleged allergens are gradually introduced into the diet. As soon as the expected reaction occurs, the suspected allergen will be found. Naturally, products from the G8 are introduced first, since there is a high chance of detecting an allergen.

Below we will talk about the most effective and popular medicines for food allergies, which can be purchased in the Russian Federation in pharmacies of all forms of ownership. For each drug, the INN, International Nonproprietary Name, the name of the original drug (if any), and commercial copies will be given, as well as the acceptable price range for that drug. The price range is valid for September 2019.

Drug therapy

We are all accustomed to using antihistamines for various types of allergies. The first thing that comes to mind is Suprastin, aka Chloropyramine, Diazolin, Tavegil, or Clemastine, and even Diphenhydramine. Of course, for lack of anything better, these drugs can be used to stop an attack of not only food, but also any allergy as an emergency. But for targeted and long-term treatment, these drugs are not applicable. Their era ended in the 20th century as they cause severe sedation, lethargy, and anticholinergic side effects. First of all, it is dry mouth and difficulty urinating.

It was found that the drug of the first generation of antihistamines is able to penetrate the blood into the central nervous system, that is, to overcome the blood-brain barrier. As a result, with prolonged use of patients, concentration of attention decreased, learning ability and memory deteriorated. There was also a decrease in the speed of reaction, a slowdown in the coordination of movements. Patients taking first-generation drugs could not drive a car or work in hazardous jobs in the presence of moving machines, mechanisms, sources of electric current, and so on. An additional 'anti-bonus' is a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

To make matters worse, all first-generation antihistamines act very briefly, only a few hours, and must be taken several times a day. And frequent use increases the severity of side effects. All this has led to the fact that these funds are banned for over-the-counter sale almost all over the world.

Therefore, instead of 1st generation antihistamines, so-called membrane stabilizing agents can be prescribed. This is Ketotifen, dimetindene or Fenistil is prescribed in a short course. Consider these medications.

Ketotifen (Zaditen)

Popularity rating: 4.9

Ketotifen (Zaditen) .jpg

Ketotifen, or Zaditen, stabilizes the membranes of those very basophils, or mast cells that secrete histamine. And all manifestations of systemic and general allergies depend on histamine. Ketotifen has another beneficial property. It removes eosinophils from the respiratory tract, which also secrete histamine there, and get there due to the activation of a special platelet factor.

This remedy prevents attacks of bronchial asthma, and therefore is mainly used in asthmatics, as a preventive measure, but not only. These are Hay fever, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis, urticaria and conjunctivitis. Many of these allergic reactions can occur with food allergies. Zaditen is prescribed for adults 1 mg twice a day with meals, if necessary, the dose can be increased, but not more than 4 mg. As for children, the drug is prescribed for them from 3 years and older, 1 mg each, as well as adults, and children aged 6 months – 500 mg each. Ketotifen is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Ozone, and the tablets are very cheap, one pack of 30 tablets, designed for two weeks of use, 1 mg each will cost no more than 100 rubles.

The best drug from this group was Zaditen, but its registration period in the Russian Federation has expired, and therefore Zaditen, unfortunately, cannot yet be found in pharmacies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of ketotifen is a preventive direction. However, the downside is its 'long-playing' side. Do not assume that if you are sure that you have eaten something allergic, but while you feel well, then you can use this drug for prevention. This, of course, is so, but only then should they begin to use it 1 – 2 months before a possible error in the diet, only after what period of time a noticeable therapeutic effect develops.


Popularity rating: 4.8


Fenistil is a very popular drug that comes in the form of a gel and drops, and is indicated for use from an early age. It can be used even by babies from the age of one month. Fenistil is a drug from the group of histamine receptors, and is well tolerated, since Fenistil practically does not have a pronounced anticholinergic action that causes dry mouth, dysuric disorders.

It is shown, in addition to food allergies, with hay fever, Quincke's edema, insect bites, atopic dermatitis and chickenpox. For adults, it is necessary to apply 60 to 120 drops per day, which are divided into three doses, but no more than 50 drops 3 times a day. Fenistil is produced by the domestic Tula pharmaceutical factory, and a package of 20 ml drops will cost 340 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fenistil is, perhaps, the only histamine blocker that can be used in babies from 1 month of age, it is a very, very safe remedy. However, if you get too carried away and an overdose occurs, then there may be tachycardia, dilated pupils and dry mouth, since the anticholinergic effect in case of an overdose will still be pronounced, and especially in babies. Effects such as urinary retention and fever can give rise to a false diagnosis of respiratory viral infections and neurological disorders.

The second generation, it is the third

Antihistamines of the 2nd generation are the main group of drugs that stop all allergic attacks, with the exception of those that are life-threatening. Looking ahead, we say that in life-threatening conditions of anaphylactic shock, only parenteral administration of pressor amines, that is, norepinephrine, as well as synthetic corticosteroid hormones, for example, dexamethasone, is used. Taking any pills is simply pointless.

It is necessary to take antiallergic drugs of this generation in the shortest possible courses, and only if there are signs of allergic reactions. For prophylaxis, that is, in a state of complete health, it makes no sense to take them. In fairness, it should be added that all 2nd generation antihistamines should be used with great care in any cardiac pathology. They can have a bad effect on the heart if used for a long time and in large doses. Based on the data on cardiotoxicity, some very promising second generation drugs were discontinued.

Desloratadin (Erius, Desal, Lordestin, Nalorius, Ezlor, Elisey)

Popularity rating: 4.9


Erius is a modern drug that can be used both in adults and in children from six months of age, in syrup, 2 ml per day. It is also a blocker of histamine receptors, but does not have the sedative effect of 1st generation drugs and has a longer lasting effect. It effectively stops the cascade of allergic reactions, and if allergic manifestations do occur, then they proceed in a less pronounced form.

Erius works well against itching, allergic edema and smooth muscle spasm. It is important that, unlike 1st generation drugs, Erius does not cause any drowsiness, and while taking it, you can drive a car, since psychomotor reactions do not slow down. The drug is indicated exclusively for the treatment of an already existing allergic condition, such as, for example, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or urticaria.

The drug can be used in adults in syrup or in tablets, for adults 1 tablet per day. Erius is produced by the English pharmaceutical company Schering-Plow, and one pack of 10 tablets, which will last for a long time (after all, the drug is taken when an allergic situation arises) will cost from 550 to 900 rubles.

There are also domestic counterparts, the cheapest of them is produced by Canonpharm production, this is Desloratadin-Canon. For the same packaging, you will have to pay only 130 rubles. But the question of whether a cheap drug helps in the same way as the real Erius remains open.

Advantages and disadvantages

Erius has many virtues. While taking it, you can drive a car, work at work associated with hazardous working conditions, it causes few side effects, and, most importantly, you can take just one pill a day, and the next day, allergic symptoms are usually stopped. .

Nevertheless, Erius can cause side effects, and most often it is a headache, dry mouth, and increased fatigue. Interaction with other drugs has not been identified in Erius, but due to the lack of clinical data, it is still not recommended to use it in pregnant and lactating women.

Loratadin (Claritin, Claridol, Lomilan, Loratavel)

Popularity rating: 4.8


Claritin is the second popular drug from the second generation, which is used extremely widely: allergic conjunctivitis, acute allergic rhinitis, unpleasant vasomotor manifestations in hay fever, atopic dermatitis, urticaria and pruritus, food allergies.

The drug is available in a colorless transparent syrup and tablets, and is indicated for use in babies over 2 years old. For the smallest, which weigh less than 30 kg, the dosage is 5 mg 1 time per day. Claritin acts quickly, within half an hour after administration, and the maximum effect develops after 10 hours. Claritin has no sedative or hypnotic effect, it does not cause any negative effects on the central nervous system. This drug is produced by the same Schering-Plau company, and 10 Claritin 10 mg tablets will cost from 200 to 250 rubles. Such a low price is due to the fact that the drug is included in the list of essential drugs, and the limit prices for it are set by the state. But there are even cheaper analogs. Loratadin of the domestic company Vertex will cost you 10 times cheaper, from 29 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to Erius, Claritin has an undeniable advantage: while all other positive aspects are equal, Claritin is very cheap, with excellent quality. Of course, it also has side effects, the same headache, but it occurred in only 2.7% of cases, which is not much higher than the frequency of placebo. If taken by adults, then, sadly, it can be combined with alcohol. It does not enhance the effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system, does not accelerate intoxication, and does not increase the intoxication of the body with ethanol.

Levocetirizine (Zodak-Express, Suprastinex, Ksizal)

Popularity rating: 4.7


Zodak-Express is a drug that contains levocetirizine. Do not confuse it with Zodak, which contains desloratadine. There may be a little confusion. Also, some confusion may arise with the drug Suprastinex, which is also a generic version of levocetirizine. In principle, it can be confused with Suprastin from the first generation. Zodak-Express in a dose of 5 mg, No. 7 produced by the Czech company Zentiva costs 279 rubles.

It is used for all of the above conditions, from oral allergic syndrome to urticaria and itchy skin. The drug belongs to the selective histamine antagonists, and also affects cellular immunity, reducing the migration of eosinophils and reducing the exudative component. It is important that the drug does not have an anticholinergic effect, and does not affect the release of serotonin. It is necessary to use the medicine once a day, one tablet for adults, adolescents and children over 6 years old, but if we are talking about small children, then starting from 2 years old and up to 6 years old, you can give levocetirizine in drops, in a dose half as much, or 2, 5 mg per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Zodak-Express are exactly the same as for all drugs in this group. This is a selective blocking of histamine, no dry mouth, and no effect on urination, no sedation, and a convenient 1 time per day intake. The side reactions of the drug are the same as those of other representatives: headache, and fatigue, but there was still an increased appetite. Since Zodak-Express, like other drugs, are used in the shortest possible courses, the side effects simply do not have time to develop. There was experience with long-term use of levocetirizine, which lasted 6 months, without any side effects.

Rupatadine fumarate (Rupafin)

Popularity rating: 4.6


Finally, consider the last drug on our list, but far from the last of the 2nd generation antihistamines. This is a Spanish-made drug Rupafin, which costs no more than 460 rubles. per pack of 7 tablets, and is rare in pharmacies. It also selectively blocks histamine receptors and is powerful and long-lasting. The main indication is the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria, and it is prescribed one tablet once a day. But this drug was included in the official clinical guidelines for food allergy from 2018.

Advantages and disadvantages

Contraindications for this drug are progressive stages of hepatic and renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years old, and with caution, the drug should be used in patients with cardiac pathology, low potassium levels, poor cardiogram readings, slow heartbeats. Do not use this medication with or with grapefruit juice. This remedy may cause inhibition of motor reactions, therefore it is not recommended to use it if increased concentration is required. Side effects also included headache, slight fatigue and slight drowsiness, which passed quickly and did not require discontinuation of the drug.

There is no third!

The third generation of antihistamines does not yet exist. For advertising purposes, many of the second generation drugs, the same Suprastinex, Erius was magnificently called the third generation drugs. But, unfortunately, they have not yet overcome this bar. For the third generation, a complete absence of cardiotoxicity and influence on the central nervous system is required. About cardiotoxicity has already been mentioned above, and in the event that the dosage of these drugs is still exceeded, or they are taken for a long time, symptoms of anticholinergic reactions may occur, such as reflex urinary retention, dilated pupils and dry mouth. That is why it is necessary to use the medicine with caution in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and obstructive processes of the urinary tract.

Nutritional recommendations for a nursing mother with child allergies

In conclusion, one should dwell on one question: how should a nursing mother eat if the child has a suspicion of food allergy? In this case, a diet similar to the elimination diet is required, and the nursing mother completely excludes almost all products from the 'Big Eight', and at once.

These are dairy products, beef, eggs, fish and peanuts, soy, as well as all foods that can cause false allergic reactions. These are cocoa, pineapple, honey and mushrooms, extractive broths and spicy dishes, smoked meats and spices.

A nursing mother should strictly avoid the use of kvass and carbonated drinks (except for medicinal mineral water), as well as those products that release histamine. These include radishes, radishes and sauerkraut, pickles, smoked meats and sausages.

The baby may experience discomfort associated with the spoiled milk taste, as the mother may eat foods that change the taste. These are salted fish, garlic, onions.

What then should Mom eat? These are vegetables and fruits that are green and white. These are cauliflower, zucchini, green apples. Shown are vegetarian soups, meat varieties – turkey, rabbit, lean pork, mainly in the form of steamed cutlets. From cereals you can use buckwheat, rice, pearl barley and oatmeal. You can use pasta, wheat bread, or wheat-rye. From drinks – herbal teas, compotes and fruit drinks, for which fruits of a dull color are taken, for example, apples and pears. Also, a nursing mother needs to be given calcium supplements.
The popularity rating is based on the analysis of demand data from the wordstat.yandex.ru service.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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