7 best sauna heaters

Ratings of the best repair products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Many owners of private houses in Russia are building baths on their plots. This building is intended not just for washing, but for healing and spiritual pastime. In the process of building a bath, it is important to pay close attention to thermal insulation. Since rather aggressive conditions are created inside for the building material (high humidity, temperature differences), experts recommend not using every insulation. When buying, experts advise you to consider several important points.

How to choose a heater for a bath

  1. The environmental friendliness of the insulation is coming to the fore today. It should not emit harmful compounds either under the influence of moisture or under the influence of high temperatures. The most harmless are heat insulators based on natural materials.
  2. Since there is an open fire in a traditional Russian bath, fire-resistant heat insulators must be used to decorate the stove and the room in which it is located.
  3. It is necessary to choose insulation based on its durability. It should not crumble or exfoliate during sudden temperature changes or contact with water.
  4. There is a high level of humidity in the bath. Given the high temperature, preference should be given to insulation that is resistant to cold water and overheated steam.
  5. For each stage of building a bath, you should choose the most optimal material. For example, it is best to fill the voids between the logs of a log house with the help of a mezhventsovy insulation. And for insulation of the floor or attic, expanded clay or mineral wool is suitable.
  6. You should also consider the options for the subsequent decoration of the bath. If you plan to apply plaster and paint outside, then the popular foam will do. And it is more convenient to mount a thin foil insulation under a wooden lining.
  7. There are many heat insulators suitable for a bath on the market, which differ significantly in price. But in the pursuit of immediate profit, it is important not to forget about the subsequent installation and maintenance costs. For example, inexpensive mineral wool will retain its insulating properties only with a competent device for steam and waterproofing. And this will require additional financial investments.

We have selected the 7 best sauna heaters for our review. All of them are actively used in Russia for external and internal thermal insulation. When distributing places in the rating, the opinion of the expert community was taken into account, as well as feedback from builders and users.

Rating of the best heaters for a bath

Nomination a place Insulation rating
Rating of the best heaters for a bath 1 Mezhventsovy insulation 5.0
2 Foil insulation 4.9
3 Basalt insulation 4.8
4 Mineral wool 4.7
5 Foam glass 4.6
6 Styrofoam 4.5
7 Expanded clay 4.4

Mezhventsovy insulation

Rating: 5.0

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Traditional Russian baths are made from a wooden frame. Mezhventsovy insulation is used to insulate the walls at the construction stage. This heat insulator becomes the winner of our rating for a number of reasons. The experts consider the most important of them the homogeneous structure and high density of the material. It is produced in the form of strips, the thickness of which varies over a wide range (4-15 mm). Mezhventsovy insulation fills all the pores, forming a reliable barrier to cold air and moisture.

Domestic builders like to work with tape jute. It is easy to install, you just need to roll it out on a log and fix it with construction brackets. Of the shortcomings of the insulation, the stiffness and fragility of the fibers is noted; in the event of a break, the thermal insulation properties deteriorate.


  • homogeneous structure;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • effective thermal insulation.


  • fragile fibers.

Foil insulation

Rating: 4.9

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Foil insulation is widely used in baths. It is used for thermal insulation of the ceiling inside the steam room, as a finishing material for the chimney. In addition to keeping heat and light inside the premises, creating a fire-resistant layer, foil insulation prevents the penetration of noise. At the same time, experts note the fineness of the material, which saves interior space. The second place in the ranking is explained by the appearance of corrosion on the foil layer. Therefore, an additional anti-corrosion treatment of the metal surface is required.

Builders are satisfied with the low weight of the insulation, ease of use, environmental friendliness and hygiene of the material. The only drawback is the need to apply paint and varnish material to foil.


  • small thickness;
  • effective heat and noise insulation;
  • ease;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • low corrosion resistance.

Basalt insulation

Rating: 4.8

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Basalt insulation is very popular in the construction of baths in our country. Experts consider its main advantages to be environmental friendliness and safety. Natural material is non-flammable, does not emit harmful compounds, and is resistant to moisture. The service life of basalt exceeds 30 years, while maintaining high heat and sound insulation qualities. During operation, the basalt layer does not attract insects and rodents. Thermal insulation can withstand severe temperature and humidity changes. Basalt insulation gets the bronze of our rating, the high price limits its scope.

Construction experts speak flatteringly about the simple installation and versatility of the material. To the disadvantages of basalt, they include a large weight of insulation.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • versatility.


  • high price;
  • great weight.

Mineral wool

Rating: 4.7

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Until recently, mineral wool was the undisputed leader among thermal insulation materials in Russia. According to experts, it continues to maintain its leading position in the market and in our rating due to its affordable price, fire resistance and resistance to biodegradation. In addition, the material exhibits good sound insulation properties. As for the disadvantages of mineral wool, the main problem is the loss of useful qualities when wet. Because of this, it is necessary to additionally use hydro and vapor barrier in order to increase the service life of the mineral wool.

Russian builders know everything about mineral wool, about the intricacies of installing this material and areas of application. In addition to the steam room, the heat insulator can be used in all rooms, if contact with water is excluded.


  • affordable price;
  • easy installation;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to biological damage.


  • low moisture resistance;
  • harm to the respiratory system and eyes.

Foam glass

Rating: 4.6

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Foam glass is considered one of the most modern heat insulators on the domestic building materials market. Experts predict a great future for it, and the yearly increasing sales volumes confirm the bold forecast. So far, the high price remains the limiting factor, which also affected the position in our rating. However, the material has such important characteristics as environmental friendliness, resistance to temperature extremes, moisture, acids and organic solvents. The heat insulator does not attract rodents and insects, there is no soil for the development of mold or fungi. Foam glass is best suited for indoor sauna insulation.

Users managed to appreciate the durability of the insulation, ease of installation, harmlessness to the human body.


  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • resistance to biological damage.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.5


The most favorite insulation among domestic users is polystyrene. It is used in the construction of residential buildings, garages and baths. But experts warn of some usage restrictions. An unpleasant feature of the foam is the release of phenol-containing compounds, this is observed at high temperatures. The material burns well, which is also a negative factor when insulating a bath. But for moisture resistance and ease of installation, the insulation falls into the TOP-6 of our rating. It can be used for exterior wall decoration of the bath.

Users praise the insulation for an affordable price. The technology of installing foam plastic has been worked out by our builders to the smallest detail. The material is easy to cut, it is lightweight, and it is filled with construction foam in the joints between the boards.


  • low price;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease;
  • simple installation.


  • narrow scope of application;
  • flammability.

Expanded clay

Rating: 4.4

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Expanded clay remains the best bulk insulation for a bath. Its scope is usually limited to floor and attic arrangement. The material is not afraid of moisture, rodents do not like it, microorganisms do not develop in it. Experts also emphasize such strengths of the thermal insulator as low cost, durability and environmental friendliness. As for the disadvantages, first of all, it should be noted the inconvenience of movement and installation. If it is enough to scatter expanded clay in an even layer in the attic, then when installing the floor, it is more often added to the concrete mixture. The material loses its properties when the granules are damaged.

Users are attracted by the low price of a heat insulator, harmlessness and durability. But the builders do not like to carry bags of expanded clay to the attic.


  • low price;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance.


  • limited scope;
  • inconvenience of installation.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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