7 best remedies for blooming pool water

Best Garden Product Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A private pool or backyard pond is a joy to have when the water stays clean and clear. But the stagnant reservoir itself serves as an excellent breeding ground for the fungus, so it gradually blooms (an unpleasant smell and a greenish tint appears). Mechanical cleaning of the pool with a scraper, as well as regular water changes are too tedious, therefore biological and chemical agents have been developed. Such preparations contain beneficial bacteria that eat others, or chlorine derivatives that kill microorganisms. We've ranked the best pool bloom remedies to help keep your pool clean. The TOP-7 includes products with positive reviews and good characteristics.

Rating of the best remedies for blooming pool water

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best remedies for blooming pool water 1 Biofors Aqua Balance 1 401 rub.
2 МАК Kids 5 – 10433 410 RUB
3 Markopole Chemicals 738 RUB
4 MAK 4 1 085 rub.
5 Master pool 740 RUB
6 Anti-algae agent Algitinn 1l 305 RUB
7 BioBac biological pond cleaner, 5 l RUB 3 800

Biofors Aqua Balance

Rating: 4.9

Biofors Aqua Balance

In the first place in the rating is the Aqua Balanse from Biofors. It contains specially bred cultures of bacteria that actively eat other organics. This strikes an optimal balance between decomposition and denitrification processes. The content is supplied in a bottle of 600 ml. The set includes a measuring spoon of 20 g for dosage, depending on the capacity of the pool (1 spoon for each cube of liquid). The product effectively protects against blooming and removes thread algae. It can be applied directly by dissolving in a pool or adding to a biofilter. Users in the reviews like that after a one-time treatment from flowering, for prevention, it is enough to add 10 g per 1000 liters every week (half the reduced rate).

In our opinion and most of the reviews, the product deserves the first position in the rating due to its contribution to the high transparency of the water. Its action leaves no residue. The bacteria completely metabolize other microorganisms. If grass or leaves get into the pool, they will disappear on their own.


  • combats green bloom on pool tiles;
  • reduces the content of ammonia and nitrates in water;
  • suitable for aquariums and does not harm fish;
  • helps to improve the efficiency of biofilters.


  • high price;
  • in ponds can harm ornamental algae;
  • turbidity is observed on the first day after application;
  • the action slows down when the temperature drops below +5 degrees.

МАК Kids 5 – 10433

Rating: 4.8

МАК Kids 5 - 10433

The second place in the rating is given to the funds from the MAK company. The product is sold in sachets of 20 pieces per package. The preparation is designed for small children's pools to prevent flowering in them. The developers have completely eliminated chlorine in its composition, ensuring maximum safety. Cultured microorganisms from the packaging feed on other bacteria and live off oxygen. Recommended for use in combination with biofilters. Customer reviews suggest that this drug is very easy to use – many poured a bag into the pool once a week, and this was enough to prevent flowering. This allows you not to change the composition in the pool and maintain cleanliness, not only visible, but also at the chemical level.

We have added the product to the rating due to the safest composition, which is designed for children's pools. The substance has absolutely no smell. Contact with baby's skin is non-irritating. Even if the baby accidentally swallows water, nothing will happen. It is allowed to swim after use after 20 minutes.


  • no chlorine;
  • there is no smell;
  • simple use;
  • low cost per package.


  • high consumption – 1 sachet per 500 l;
  • it is required to mix the water masses in the pool well;
  • it is desirable to have biofilters – without them, efficiency decreases.

Markopole Chemicals

Rating: 4.7

Markopole Chemicals

The top three in the rating includes a pool product from 'Macropul'. Chemicals contains chlorine derivatives, coagulants, isocyanuric acid and algicide. The product is used in pump filters, where it is installed in the form of a cartridge. The product eliminates flowering mechanically. The cartridge contains a coagulant that allows particles of no more than 0.07 microns to pass through. This traps any microorganisms coming from the water supply or seeping through the sand filter. In addition to retaining bacteria, the cartridge removes suspended matter and foreign matter.

We have placed the product in the rating because it is the most economical among the competitors in terms of consumption. For a pool with a capacity of 10-50 m³, you will need 1 cartridge every one to two weeks, depending on the number of users. If this is not enough (the reservoir is very hot in the sun, a large flow of visitors), then a more frequent change is allowed. We recommend taking a closer look at this product for the owners of sanatoriums and rest homes.


  • can be stored for up to three years in a package;
  • put into the pump filter (you do not need to scatter and mix anything);
  • acts with equal force both on the first day of operation and on the last;
  • environmentally friendly.


  • application is possible only with a pump that supports work with cartridges;
  • requires weekly filter flushing;
  • work with the product in rubber gloves;
  • the effect is reduced if the pool is not refilled every day with fresh water at the rate of 50 liters per user.


Rating: 4.6


The fourth position in the rating belongs to the domestic product MAK4, produced using Austrian technology. It is marketed as a long-term cleaning agent. The product can be produced as a dispenser float. Inside there is a complex of substances Quattrotabs (four tablets). They include: symlosen and aluminum sulfate. Additionally (no more than 10%) copper sulfate is used. Reviews on the Internet testify to the effective purification of water from flowering and giving it a blue tint. One tablet is suitable for a liquid volume of 3-10 m³. Four tablets are enough for a spacious pool up to 40 m³.

We have included this product in the rating because it is extremely easy to use. To use it, you do not need to have a filter with built-in cartridges, or to dilute the drug by stirring. The capsule is placed in the pool and floats on the surface due to its mushroom shape. The plastic case weighs 130g and won't sink. Naturally, the product is gradually washed out of the capsule and prevents blooming in the pool for 6-8 weeks.


  • increases filtration efficiency;
  • liquid disinfection;
  • removing flowering;
  • significant clarification without additional effort;


  • high price;
  • the float must be removed before each bathing of people;
  • if the product has not been used within 3 years, then it is disposed of as hazardous waste.

Master pool

Rating: 4.5

Master pool

Our rating is continued by the 'Master Pool' tool. The product is positioned 4 in 1. It simultaneously performs the function of removing harmful bacteria that cause blooms, destroys algae, increases transparency and helps to maintain the softness of water. The drug does not contain chlorine, therefore it is safer. It is impossible to mix it with chlorine on your own to clean stagnant reservoirs. The substance is sold in a bottle containing 1 liter. It is necessary to apply 25-30 ml for every 10 m³. For convenience, measured edges are provided on the 50 ml cap. During the initial processing it is required to use 1.5 caps for every 10 m³. The product actively removes cloudiness and is suitable for both rubber pools and tiled walls.

The product is rated by our experts as the best in terms of stiffness stabilization. It has a neutral PH level, so water softened with a filter and special preparations will not harden after using a disinfectant. In more often with a tile from a dark tile, plaque will not form.


  • there is no chlorine in the composition;
  • no lime deposits form on the walls;
  • compatible with inflatable and stationary pools;
  • kills harmful bacteria.


  • cannot be mixed with chlorine due to a chemical reaction;
  • if the water is heavily contaminated, it will not cope (just drain and recruit new).

Anti-algae agent Algitinn 1l

Rating: 4.4

Anti-algae agent Algitinn 1l

The penultimate place in the rating is given to the Algitinn product from the Markopul trademark. The product consists of the substance algicide and is supplied in a 1 liter container. The product is designed to be diluted in the pool itself. It is positioned as an effective way to combat algae and bloom. The tool was first patented in 2014 and is a relatively new domestic development. Buyers in the reviews like the price, which is many times cheaper than analogues.

In our opinion, the product deserves a place in the rating due to its versatility. It can be used to treat the walls of a drained pool to prevent blooming immediately. To do this, 200 ml is diluted in 10 liters and applied to the tile until completely dry, after which you can fill the bowl. In the case of the first filling, 150 ml are added and the water is continuously filtered for 10 hours. If the bowl is heavily soiled with algae, it is recommended to use 250 ml with the same mixing process. Separately, a solution with 100 ml of 'Algitinn' and 500 ml of water can be used for antifungal treatment of plastic and rubber tracks, tile edges and floorings.


  • convenient measuring scale on the bottle wall;
  • does not contain copper and heavy metals;
  • can be mixed with chlorine;
  • works without plaque.


  • not suitable for SPA pools;
  • cannot be used with geysers and fountains;
  • deteriorates from freezing or heating in the sun.

BioBac biological pond cleaner, 5 l

Rating: 4.3

BioBac biological pond cleaner, 5 l

Our rating is completed by a product from BioBac in a 5 liter container. The inside of the bucket contains a powder consisting of bioactive organisms and mineral absorbents. 75 g of the product is designed for 2.5 m³ of liquid, so a 5 kg bucket is enough for a huge bowl that can hold up to 100 m³. But due to its high ecological purity and other properties, this product is more suitable for artificial reservoirs. It does not harm fish, but rather strengthens their immune system and promotes the growth of individuals. The product actively fights blooming and eliminates the unpleasant odor from stagnant water. Microorganisms eat up the silt, so there will be no sediment in such a pond or dug pool. Reviews show that the water does turn from green to blue.

Our experts included the substance in the TOP-7 due to mosquito control. A humid environment serves as a place for active reproduction of these insects. The agent, dissolved in water, helps to kill mosquito larvae. There will be fewer pests around your pond. The biological composition of BioBac also lowers the ammonia content.


  • safe for the environment;
  • can be used in fish ponds;
  • reduces the number of insects;
  • decomposes sludge and bottom sediment;
  • eliminates bloom and unpleasant odor.


  • high cost in a container of 5 liters;
  • effective only at temperatures from +12 to +35 degrees.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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