Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Studying at a university that provides first-class knowledge opens up ample opportunities for the student. After all, an expert in his field, especially when it comes to jurisprudence, will never be left idle. Professionals of this profile have been and will be in demand everywhere. Not every educational institution in Russia can boast of great opportunities and valuable teaching resources. Here is a rating of the best universities in Russia in terms of the quality of the education provided.
The giants of Russian legal education
Nomination | a place | University | Popularity rating |
Rating of Russian law universities | 1 | Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafina | 5.0 |
2 | SFedU, Rostov-on-Don | 4.9 | |
3 | NRU HSE ('Higher School of Economics') | 4.8 | |
4 | Moscow State University Lomonosov | 4.8 | |
5 | SPbSU (Peter) | 4.6 | |
6 | PSNIU (Perm) | 4.5 | |
7 | ISU (Irkutsk) | 4.4 |
Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafina
Rating: 5.0
The State Law University of Moscow is deservedly considered one of the leading in the country. This is a budgetary educational institution. University students receive here both theoretical knowledge and high-quality practical skills. In the process of providing knowledge, teachers use a unique approach: they strive to educate in their wards the main qualities of a successful lawyer: love for their work, purposefulness, etc. The history of the university began back in 1931, when the first correspondence courses of Soviet law were organized in the capital. And now, almost 90 years later, more than 17,000 students study at one of the best law universities in Russia, more than 300 candidates of sciences, about a hundred doctors of sciences work. According to the results of a survey of readers of one of the Internet portals (PRAVO.RU), it was the Moscow State Law University that was recognized as the best law university in the country in 2015.
Over the long period of existence of the educational institution, its structure has changed several times: branches were modified, new ones were created, often transforming into completely independent institutions. Over the entire period of its work, the Moscow State Law Academy has graduated more than 150,000 true professionals in their field, confidently continuing the long tradition of legal business. Among the graduates of the university there are honored artists of the country, eminent scientists, etc.
SFedU, Rostov-on-Don
Rating: 4.9
Over the past few years, Southern Federal University has been ranked among the top ten law schools in the country. The higher educational institution is located in two cities – Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog. Its history begins in the distant 1915: at the height of the First World War, the faculties of the Imperial University of Warsaw were evacuated to the south of the then empire. The initiator of his transfer to Rostov was Nikolai Pariysky – the organizer of medical science, an eminent surgeon, teacher and doctor of medicine.
In 2006, by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, 4 universities were united in SFedU at once: three of them are Rostov (state, pedagogical, academy of architecture and arts) and one is Taganrog (radio engineering). At present SFedU is considered one of the best and largest scientific and educational centers in Russia. In 2014, the rating agency 'Expert RA' awarded the university the class 'C', which means a high level of training of its graduates.
In 2016, the university included 12 institutes, 5 academies, 6 faculties and branches, 2 representative offices, 19 innovation and research centers, 3 research institutes, a Regional Research Center and even a museum.
The Faculty of Law of the university currently consists of 8 departments, where more than a hundred qualified teachers convey to students valuable knowledge in various areas of jurisprudence. Many of the teaching staff have advanced degrees and are authors of legal papers. SFedU graduates are some of the best representatives of the legal system of the Southern region. Among them are Daniil Koretsky (criminologist, Doctor of Law, Professor of SFedU), Igor Stepanov – one of the managing partners of the company 'Eberg, Stepanov, Aksyuk and Partners', etc.
NRU HSE ('Higher School of Economics')
Rating: 4.8
The National Research University of Moscow is one of the largest not only in the capital, but also in Russia. Undoubtedly, it is considered one of the best universities in terms of the quality of the education provided. The Higher School of Economics (HSE) cooperates, and very closely, not only with domestic universities, but also with renowned foreign universities, business schools, etc. NRU HSE provides its students with the opportunity to undergo an internship at any of the partner universities.
The educational institution consists of 4 campuses: in addition to the capital, there are also divisions in Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and St. Petersburg. Since 2013, NRU has been included in Project 5-100, the main task of which is to adapt domestic universities to world standards. After a couple of years of active and successful educational work, the university got into the top 4 project leaders, showing one of the best results.
Interesting fact. The Higher School of Economics is the leader in terms of the number of students enrolled in budget education based on the results of the Olympiads – about 1,000 people.
NRU students have the opportunity to participate and achieve success in research, expert and other types of work in the field of not only domestic, but also international law. HSE employees took part in the modernization of several areas of the country's development (in particular, healthcare and education), drafted effective strategies for the country's development, helped reform the civil service, etc.
Moscow State University Lomonosov
Rating: 4.8
The undisputed leader of our rating, one of the best higher educational institutions and the best among legal ones. No other university can yet compare with Moscow State University in terms of the quality of education, and its law faculty graduates lawyers of the highest class. In addition to studying compulsory disciplines, the educational institution offers excellent electives for the choice of students related to pedagogy, foreign languages and some sections of legal science.
Moscow State University Lomonosov is considered one of the oldest classical universities in the country. This is one of the largest scientific and cultural centers in Russia. The university includes 15 research institutes, 43 faculties, about 30 departments and as many as 6 branches, 5 of which are located outside the country (all in the CIS).
Moscow University was founded back in 1755, and the idea of opening such an institution belonged to the Russian statesman Shuvalov and a prominent natural scientist, the first in his path – Mikhail Lomonosov. Today, the university includes more than 600 buildings covering a colossal area of almost 206 hectares.
Students of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University have the opportunity to undergo practical training in various courts, at enterprises, in government bodies, etc. The graduates of the faculty successfully develop their careers in the court, prosecutor's office, government bodies, commercial organizations, and also continue their studies in order to enter graduate school.
Among the graduates of the university there are many prominent politicians, scientists, there are even Nobel laureates (V. Ginzburg, N. Semenov) and statesmen (M. Gorbachev).
Rating: 4.7
The State University of St. Petersburg is deservedly included in the rating of the best universities in terms of the quality of education, which produce first-class specialists, including lawyers. Their professional training is provided by a 'powerful' team of candidates and doctors of sciences, distinguished lawyers and scientists of Russia. This is another 'old-timer' among the major well-known universities: one of the leading classical universities in the country.
In 2009, then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law regulating the activities of two leading Russian universities – Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. Both received the status of 'unique scientific and educational complexes'. SPbU, for example, can issue diplomas of its own design to its graduates, and also has its own educational standards (like Moscow State University).
St. Petersburg State University can be considered unique in its kind, because it is included in the ranking of the best universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings. In addition, according to the rating of the British Times Higher Education magazine, St. Petersburg State University is one of the best universities providing the highest quality level of training for its students.
PSNIU (Perm)
Rating: 4.5
The State National Research University, located in Perm, is one of those universities that provide a high level of legal knowledge, graduating first-class specialists in jurisprudence. Among the main teaching directions of the Perm state are the development of labor law, the study of problems of social security and human protection, state power and morality, etc.
The university is one of the classics. It was the first in the Urals among higher educational institutions, opening its doors to students in 1917. To date (for 2016) PSNIU includes 4 universities, 12 faculties, 78 departments.
Perm University actively cooperates with international organizations. Within the framework of such cooperation, Perm students go on business trips abroad on long-term training programs.
For many years the educational institution has been maintaining close ties with Oxford (Great Britain), Aix-Marseille (France), the universities of Louisville (USA), as well as universities in a number of Latin American countries.
In 2018, Perm State National Research University was ranked among the best Eurasian universities according to the British publication 'Times Higher Education'. According to the results of the same year, the information group 'Interfax' included the Perm national one in the top ten according to the criterion 'Education'.
ISU (Irkutsk)
Rating: 4.4
Irkutsk State University is the oldest higher educational institution in Eastern Siberia, founded in 1918 by the interim government of the region. The organizer of the university is the famous Russian teacher, psychologist, philosopher – Professor M. Rubinstein. ISU has 2 branches: in Angarsk and Bratsk.
The educational institution boasts a high-quality training program that allows to nurture professionals in their field: lawyers who are suitable for work not only in local government and public authorities, but also in any organizations (including commercial ones) that require special legal knowledge. This is possible due to the fact that university students receive classical legal and diplomatic education.
Irkutsk State has been actively cooperating with a number of foreign educational institutions for several years. These include the Mongolian and Savoy Universities, as well as a number of research organizations.
The university includes 7 institutes (in particular, students receive legal knowledge not at the law faculty, but at a separate Institute of Law at ISU), 10 faculties, 4 departments, 6 research organizations (including 2 research institutes) and 3 educational centers.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.