6 best floor screeds

Ratings of the best repair products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In all modern private houses and buildings, a screed is used to level the floor. It is a cement-sand composition with various additives. With the help of the material, it is possible not only to prepare the base for finishing, but to create a layer of heat and sound insulation. A rich assortment of mixtures from different manufacturers is presented on the Russian market. When choosing a material, experts recommend paying attention to several characteristics of the screed.

How to choose a floor screed

  1. Application area. Cement-sand compositions are resistant to various negative influences. Therefore, most of them can be used for work inside and outside buildings. But the degree of frost resistance is often limited to -30 …- 35 ° C, which limits their area of ​​use for the northern regions. Some mixtures are dominated by waterproof properties, such products are ideal for bathrooms and toilets. The most environmentally friendly screeds are recommended for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.
  2. Layer thickness. Each manufacturer indicates the optimal thickness of one layer of screed. If you just need to level the floor slab, then you can use thin-layer mixtures (10-100 mm). But when it is necessary to hide pipelines or a warm floor in a screed, then a composition with a maximum coating thickness of up to 250-300 mm is required.
  3. Drying time. Some rooms require more than just a quick leveling of the floor. It must dry instantly so that you can walk on the surface. One of these premises is a bathroom. For such cases, it is better to choose a composition with a drying time of 3-4 hours. At the stage of building a house, you can endure it for several days. But the fully screed is gaining strength longer, usually it is possible to continue finishing only after 3-28 days.
  4. Screed weight. Some supporting structures are not able to withstand the additional load from the concrete pavement. In this case, you should take a closer look at ultra-light compositions, in which foam glass plays the role of a filler.
  5. Sound and heat insulation. Some manufacturers add fillers to the screed, which give the coating sound and heat insulation properties. Despite the higher cost of the material, buying it can become more economical.
  6. Pot life of the solution. When you need to fill large areas with a ready-made solution, then such an indicator of the screed as the viability of the mixture will be important. Small rooms can be completed in 30-40 minutes, while at production sites, this time increases to several hours.
  7. Mixture consumption. Concentrating on the cost of the screed, you should also learn about the material consumption. Often, cheap trains are consumed in large volumes, and then they also sit down. Therefore, buying more expensive material can ultimately become a more profitable event.

We've included 6 of the best floor screeds in our roundup. All compositions are widely represented in building stores in Russia, they were highly appreciated by experts and domestic users.

What is better screed or self-leveling floor

Leveling coating type




+ reasonable price

+ evens out large differences (from 300 mm)

+ versatility

+ strength and durability

– alignment is carried out using additional devices

– low surface quality

– large layer thickness (at least 10 mm)

Self-leveling floor

+ easy alignment

+ you can do it yourself

+ high quality coating

– high price

– the coating is not subject to restoration

– alignment of small drops

Rating of the best floor screeds

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best floor screeds 1 Weber Vetonit 6000, 25 kg 439 r
2 Fast-setting floor screed Bolars, 25 kg 231 r
3 Perfekta Fibrosloy, 25 kg 195 RUB
4 Axton, 25 kg 175 RUB
5 Heat-insulating floor screed Paladium Palafloor-307, 12 kg 523 r
6 Sand concrete M-300 RUSEAN, 40 kg 140 RUB

Weber Vetonit 6000, 25 kg

Rating: 4.9

Weber Vetonit 6000, 25 kg

Weber Vetonit 6000 screed allows you to perform basic leveling of the floor with a high level of quality. The manufacturer recommends making the layer thickness in the range of 10-250 mm. The composition is considered universal, it can be used in residential buildings or public institutions. With the help of a cement-sand mixture, it is allowed to arrange a “warm floor”. Thanks to its fast drying (3 hours), the screed is optimal for the most visited premises. It is allowed to lay floor coverings after 15 hours. Experts highly appreciated the leveling ability of the Russian composition, giving it the laurels of the winner of our rating.

Users liked the fast drying and curing, low shrinkage, no cracks and delamination.


  • universality of application;
  • wide range of thicknesses;
  • fast drying;
  • high strength.


  • not detected.

Fast-setting floor screed Bolars, 25 kg

Rating: 4.8

Fast-setting floor screed Bolars, 25 kg

Bolars quick-setting floor screed has excellent technical characteristics. The leveling layer dries quickly enough, after about 5 hours you can walk on the screed. The composition is somewhat inferior to the leader of the rating in layer thickness (10-100 mm). The manufacturer recommends creating monolithic coatings, screeds on a separating layer, floating structures. The mixture can be used in rooms with different humidity levels, with temperature changes. Construction work should be carried out at a temperature of +5 .. + 30 ° С, but the created coating can be operated in the range of -40 … + 60 ° С. Finishing is allowed in 3-14 days.

Users are satisfied with the strength of the screed, resistance to moisture, temperature extremes. Only not all bases can be leveled with one layer.


  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • high strength;
  • fast drying.


  • small layer.

Perfekta Fibrosloy, 25 kg

Rating: 4.7

Perfekta Fibrosloy, 25 kg

Reinforced base screed Perfekta Fibroslooi is designed for leveling floor bases, covering pipelines, creating floating structures. Operational characteristics are maintained in a wide temperature range (-50 … + 70 ° С), the coating has an excellent frost resistance indicator (50 cycles). The recommended thickness of one layer is 10-120 mm, with the addition of crushed stone, this figure can be increased to 350 mm. Unlike the leaders of the rating, the mixture dries longer, walking on it is allowed only after 12 hours. Due to the high strength of the screed, it is allowed to lay concrete and stone tiles.

According to experts, the screed deserves third place for strength, the ability to work in a semi-dry way. Users are only dissatisfied with the drying time.


  • reinforced with fiberglass;
  • wide scope;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • frost resistance.


  • dries for a long time.

Axton, 25 kg

Rating: 4.6

Axton, 25 kg

It is best to level floor bases in rooms with high humidity with the Axton screed. It quickly gains strength, while the coating does not crack and does not shrink. As for the thickness of one layer, the manufacturer recommends not to go beyond 10-80 mm. The composition is suitable not only for baths and toilets, but also for outdoor structures. The composition loses to the winners of the rating in the drying time, only after a day you can walk on a leveled surface. Experts note the good noise and heat insulation properties of the screed.

Users praise the composition for easy leveling, fine stone fraction, good moisture resistance. The disadvantages include a small layer, the possibility of laying only at a temperature of +5 … + 25 ° С.


  • moisture resistance;
  • good noise and heat insulation;
  • economical consumption;
  • small fractions of stones.


  • dries for a long time;
  • limited application temperature.

Heat-insulating floor screed Paladium Palafloor-307, 12 kg

Rating: 4.5

Heat-insulating floor screed Paladium Palafloor-307, 12 kg

Simultaneous leveling of the floor and its insulation can be done using the Paladium Palafloor-307 screed. This ultra-light composition based on cement and foam glass has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. The product has earned the attention of experts for its environmental friendliness, so it is suitable for children's rooms, lounges, dining rooms and kitchens. The thickness of one layer is in a wide range of 20-300 mm, but due to the small mass, it is allowed to restore dilapidated housing, arrange overlapping houses.

The high price, long drying time (48 hours) did not allow the screed to take a higher place in our rating. Domestic builders are satisfied with the quality of the screed, ease of leveling, and thermal insulation properties.


  • noise and heat insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • light weight;
  • wide range of thicknesses.


  • high price;
  • long-term drying.

Sand concrete M-300 RUSEAN

Rating: 4.4

Sand concrete M-300 RUSEAN

For large volumes of construction work, it is most profitable to use the Russian M-300 RUSEAN floor screed. It is sold at the most attractive price, while experts pay attention to good technical parameters. With the help of the composition, it is recommended to equalize height differences up to 150 mm; it is suitable for creating a warm floor system. The durability of the coating deserves praise, therefore, sand concrete is suitable for finishing office and public buildings. The leveling layer can withstand frost down to -35 ° C.

Large fractions of stone (5 mm) did not allow the composition to outperform competitors in the rating, which would require additional grinding after drying. For a very long time, the screed is gaining strength (up to 28 days), although it is allowed to lay the finish after 10 days.


  • low price;
  • wide scope;
  • frost resistance;
  • large layer thickness.


  • gains strength for a long time;
  • large fraction of stones;
  • high consumption.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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