5 best chisels

Ratings of the best repair products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

When carrying out repairs in an apartment and a house or for carrying out tasks in a workshop for the manufacture of metal structures, you cannot do without a chisel. It is a small tool made of chrome vanadium or chrome molybdenum steel, which has a cutting edge and a hammer. The blade width varies from 10 to 40 mm, which affects productivity and access to tight spaces. The striking part is made in different shapes, depending on the category of the instrument.

Our experts have prepared a rating of the best chisels that have passed the test of time from craftsmen and ordinary users. The article is based on customer reviews and product characteristics that attracted the attention of specialists. The rating will help you choose a convenient and suitable tool for working with metal, brick, concrete, asphalt and other materials.

Rating of the best chisels

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best hand chisels 1 Chisel for metal Stanley FatMax 4-18-332 25х305 mm RUB 871
2 FIT 46722 193 r
3 TOPEX 03A149 302 RUB
The best chisels for rock drills 1 SDS MAX MATRIX 70343 18x25x600 mm 404 RUB
2 MATRIX 70311 (40×400 mm) 280 RUB

Best hand chisels

In the workshop or for repairs, the cheapest option is to use hand chisels. In order for the cutting part to cut through hard materials, it is necessary to hit with a hammer on a penny, designed for strong blows. The tool does not require electricity and can be operated in all positions. With chisels of this rating category, it will be possible to cut a sheet of metal, cut out a workpiece, knock down welding drops from the surface, gouge a channel, gouge a brick out of a wall, etc. But manual work quickly gets tired, so it won't work for a long time with such a chisel.

Chisel for metal Stanley FatMax 4-18-332 25х305 mm

Rating: 4.9

Chisel for metal Stanley FatMax 4-18-332 25х305 mm

Experts gave the first place in the rating of the best chisels to products from the American manufacturer FatMax, although now most of the products for the Russian market are produced at factories in China, but in compliance with the brand's standards and on its equipment. This chisel has been tested in Europe and Russia, and in the store you can always ask for a certificate of conformity for review. The goods are sold only through the dealer network, which protects the buyer from counterfeiting. The inventory is designed for locksmiths use in the shop during everyday use. The cutting edge width is 25 mm, which is convenient for chopping or descaling. The rod is made of a powerful hexagon and has a length of 305 mm. In the reviews, the masters share that they can cut through a sheet up to 5 mm thick with a few strokes.

The experts have rated the model as the best for cutting carbon and alloy steel, brass, copper, aluminum and cast iron. The chisel will cope with the weld. The tool will come in handy when dismantling, where with its help it will be possible to cut off bolts, rivets and nuts. Thanks to the wide strip around the nickle, the craftsman's hand is reliably protected from hammer blows.


  • Cuts cleanly and does not jag;
  • high-quality coverage;
  • ergonomic handle;
  • it serves for a long time when cutting steel.


  • a penny splashes over time;
  • it is inconvenient to operate for a long time due to the weight of 800 g;
  • the cost is much higher than analogues.

FIT 46722

Rating: 4.8

FIT 46722

This product in the ranking belongs to a Canadian company that has organized production in China to reduce the final cost. The chisel in the form of a hexagon is cast from tool steel with increased impact resistance characteristics. The handle is equipped with a thick vibration-absorbing rubber grip. A protective 'mushroom' prevents the hammer from hitting the hand. The 22 mm cutting edge is ideal for cutting through the wiring ducts. The length of 250 mm is convenient for working in confined spaces.

Experts recommend this chisel in the ranking as the most affordable option in the category of hand tools for stripping masonry or cutting small channels in concrete. This is the best option for home renovation applications. You will also need a chisel to screw nuts in order to unscrew the old fasteners, so it will come in handy in the garage of any owner.


  • does not slip in the hand due to the thick rubber handle;
  • lowest price in the rating category;
  • confidently cuts concrete of any brand;
  • weight 450 g is more convenient for manipulation on a vertical wall or ceiling.


  • the protective pad is soft and does not hold a blow well (it will only protect against fracture when hit by a hammer, but it will hurt);
  • only for concrete – instantly blunt on metal;
  • the grip is not ergonomic.

TOPEX 03A149

Rating: 4.7

TOPEX 03A149

The third place in the ranking belongs to the chisel of a Polish manufacturer, which produces products in its homeland. The tool is made of high-strength steel and is designed for crushing concrete, brick, plaster and stone. The hexagon pin ends with a blade with a 19 mm edge width. Narrow tip for faster penetration and high disassembly performance. Many users in the reviews especially like the chisel handle, equipped with four finger tabs. This promotes a firm grip so that the rig doesn't fly out of your hands. A wide rubber plate at the end reliably protects the master from hammer blows. The chisel looks decent, and the brand logo on each product enhances the protection against counterfeiting.

In our opinion, this is the best tool in terms of value for money. The chisel is also useful when dismantling masonry, for example, when expanding a door or window opening. This is facilitated by a long 400 mm rod, which can be used on thick walls without injuring your hands.


  • made in Europe;
  • acceptable price;
  • reliable grip;
  • light weight 370 g.


  • the plastic apron constantly slides over the pin;
  • installs longer (because of the length of 400 mm) in places where increased accuracy is required.

The best chisels for rock drills

This category of equipment in the ranking is used in conjunction with hammer drills. The chisel is inserted into the chuck of the power tool and is hit by the 'drunk bearing' in the gearbox. Using such equipment, it will be possible to quickly make large holes in the masonry, disassemble partitions or remove the old finish layer. The length of the chisel is selected based on the thickness of the walls. But the use of this equipment automatically implies the presence of a hammer drill, and it is also not suitable for working with metal.

SDS MAX MATRIX 70343 18x25x600 mm

Rating: 4.9

SDS MAX MATRIX 70343 18x25x600 mm

This is a German product in the ranking, manufactured at production facilities in China. The tooling is made of an 18 mm hexagon with a spattered blade end. The width of the cutting edge is 25 mm and is optimal both for removing the outer layer and for dipping into the material. The chisel length is 600 mm and is designed for use in non-rotating impact mode. The shank is in SDS-max configuration and is only compatible with large construction rock drills.

According to our experts, the chisel should be among the best due to its large length of 600 mm. This is one of the maximum indicators that is suitable for punching ventilation channels and laying pipes in the walls of houses with a cross section of 500 mm ('Stalinkas'), in order to do all the work on one side and avoid overlapping holes. According to reviews, this is a hardy chisel that will last a long time and does not need to be sharpened regularly.


  • one of the largest chisels in the category;
  • wide blade 25 mm;
  • one click installation into the cartridge without the use of a key;
  • protection against spontaneous slipping;
  • does not need to be sharpened often (once every few months is enough).


  • makes the hammer drill 1.18 kg heavier;
  • not designed to work with rotation (impact only);
  • only suitable for large rock drills.

MATRIX 70311 (40×400 mm)

Rating: 4.8

MATRIX 70311 (40x400 mm)

A product from a German brand manufactured in Europe. The chisel has a rod section of 14 mm and an expanding blade 40 mm wide. The length of 400 mm is optimal for impacting walls from the height of the master without using a stepladder. In reviews, users love the sharp edge and efficiency. This is achieved through alloy steel fabrication and subsequent hardening. The sharpening angle is not accidental and was selected by the developers of the company experimentally. A recess in the shank retaining slot prevents the tool from accidentally slipping out of the chuck.

Our experts recommend this model from the rating as the best for quick removal of the outer layer of trim. A flat chisel with a 40 mm blade can easily pry off the plaster layer and lift it up for effective removal. Light weight and suitability for small rotary hammers with SDS-plus chuck facilitates long working hours during the day.


  • light weight 460 g;
  • sharply sharpened scapula;
  • Suitable for small and medium rock drills thanks to the SDS-plus chuck shank;
  • does not rust and retains its shape well, since it is made of 40X steel;
  • manufactured directly in Germany.


  • hollowing out a niche in the masonry for a very long time;
  • under excessive load from immersion in the material, it can bend.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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