16 best remedies for burns

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Quite rarely, there are people who in advance, with knowledge of the matter, collect their home first-aid kit. Most often, it gradually collects those funds that a person was forced to buy for some urgent need. These are medicines for headaches, diarrhea, pressure, cough. These words fully apply to all kinds of remedies for burns – thermal, sun, boiling water burns. Injuries, frostbites and burns most often happen by accident, but for some reason each of us is almost always sure that this will never happen to him. But when, nevertheless, such a nuisance as a burn occurs, then there is an urgent need to apply an effective first aid remedy for burns as soon as possible.

This rating will help you choose the required drug and purchase it in advance. After all, burns belong to the type of accidents in which the speed of emergency care significantly affects the further course, and the speed of recovery. So, if literally a few seconds after the burn with boiling water, it will be instantly cooled with cold water, then tissue damage will be minimal, and the regeneration rate will be greatest.

In everyday life, burns of the first and second degree are most common. The difference between them is that with second-degree burns, bubbles with transparent contents are formed (most often, these are burns with boiling water), and with the first degree, only a zone of redness, or burn erythema. It is strictly forbidden to open the bubbles, in order to avoid the introduction of a secondary infection. In the event that the burn is more serious, or if its area exceeds 9% of the body area (the area of ​​your own palm), then you need to urgently contact the emergency room.

Sunburns differ from boiling water burns in that it is not at all necessary to use antiseptics and antibacterial drugs to treat them. Indeed, when exposed to the sun, the integrity of the skin does not suffer, and bubbles, as with boiling water, do not appear. Therefore, there will be enough painkillers, cooling compounds, and agents that improve the trophism of the skin and reparative processes.

This rating includes a variety of drugs, and for ease of perception, they are divided into different dosage forms for topical use. These are sprays and aerosols, gels and ointments, special plasters and anti-burn dressings. Any of the remedies described works well with minor burns, and should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Rating of the best remedies for burns

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best burn sprays 1 Panthenol spray 316 RUB
2 Olazol 249 r
3 Acerbin RUB 400
4 Amprovisol
The best burn gels 1 Solcoseryl 273 r
2 Lyoxazin – gel 162 r
3 Apollo gel 289 r
The best creams for burns 1 Bepanten plus 472 r
2 La Cree 223 r
3 Silvederm (Sulfargin) 343 r
The best ointments for burns 1 Stellanin 359 r
2 Keeper, Rescuer, Healing and other balms RUB 137
3 Radevit – ointment RUB 319
The best bandages and plasters for burns 1 Branolind RUB 85
2 Voskopran with dioxidine, methyluracil, levomecol RUB 290
3 Gelepran (with lidocaine, miramistin, silver) RUB 350

The best burn sprays

Aerosols and sprays have an important advantage over other topical forms. With just one movement of the finger, the agent is applied to the burned area, and even over a large area, the required amount of the drug is distributed with lightning speed. All aerosols perfectly relieve pain, swelling, and reduce the intensity of erythema, or burn redness.

All these products have an invaluable advantage: you do not need to touch fresh burn wounds at all. The application of other drugs involves contact with the skin surface, if only in order to evenly distribute the ointment or cream on the burned surface. This can be painful, especially in young children. All aerosols and sprays are sprayed from some distance, and are free from this drawback.

Most often, sprays and aerosols are used for sunburns – after all, they occur on a large area of ​​an open body, unlike burns with boiling water, and you can spray a spray or aerosol on a large surface very quickly.

Panthenol spray

Rating: 4.9

Panthenol spray

This product belongs to the stimulants of regeneration, or tissue repair, and contains dexpanthenol, which is a dermatotropic vitamin-like substance. Dexpanthenol also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to spray the spray from one to several times a day, trying to ensure that the entire burnt surface is completely covered with foam. Panthenol spray is indicated for use not only for thermal, but also for chemical and sunburn. Therefore, people with fair skin types, prone to sunburn, are advised to take this spray with them to the beach. It can be applied for contact dermatitis, and for purulent skin diseases such as an abscess or boil as part of a combination therapy. Panthenol is produced by the German company Aeropharm GmbH, and one 150 ml bottle can be purchased at a pharmacy for 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Panthenol can be considered a wide spectrum of action against chemical and sunburns, with burns with boiling water. It can be used for various injuries, and even for open wounds. The only condition is that there is no ongoing bleeding. Panthenol is well tolerated, and no restrictions, including in the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, have been identified, with the exception of individual intolerance. In children, the drug can also be used, but with a prerequisite – that it should be applied by adults.

The disadvantages include the rare occurrence of an allergic reaction. It should also be understood that Panthenol contains only provitamin as an active ingredient, it has no antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Therefore, in the case of neglected burns, with the addition of a secondary infection and the presence of pus, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and use other means. But that is precisely why it can be safely recommended for sunburns – only the acceleration of skin recovery, and nothing more.


Rating: 4.8


Olazol is a complex aerosol that contains several components. It contains a local anesthetic – benzocaine, sea buckthorn oil, which softens and improves tissue regeneration, the antibiotic chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol), and the antiseptic boric acid.

Olazol is indicated for use not only for burns with boiling water, it is prescribed for wound infections, with erysipelas and trophic ulcers, with dermatitis with secondary infection and other conditions when the risk of bacterial infection is high. Since it contains an anesthetic and an agent for improving skin regeneration, it is also used for sunburn.

Olazol is applied to the surface of the burn from one to 4 times a day, depending on the need. Before applying, the balloon must be vigorously shaken several times, and the foam must be applied from a short distance, up to 5 cm.Olazol is produced in 80 ml cans, produced by its domestic company Altayvitamins, and you can buy a can for 185 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some believe that Olazol is not recommended for the treatment of sunburn. But this is not so, in the official instructions sunburn is not a contraindication. It's just that it will show itself even better in a burn wound, for example, after a burn with boiling water. From side effects, it can cause allergic reactions, but this happens infrequently. Individual intolerance to the components is most often noted for boric acid and chloramphenicol, and you should especially carefully monitor its tolerance in young children. The positive qualities of this remedy include the ability to both treat a microbial complication and prevent it, especially at a time when the burn blisters will spontaneously open up, exposing the eroded surface. And it was at this time that the benzocaine, which is part of Olazol, reliably anesthetizes the wound that has appeared.


Rating: 4.7


Acerbin is not an aerosol, but an ordinary spray, that is, the medicinal substance in it is not under pressure, and therefore it is necessary to press the nebulizer several times. Acerbin belongs to antiseptics and disinfectants, and it is indicated for use not only for thermal, but also for chemical burns, as well as for open wounds and skin ulcers. Since it does not contain reparants that accelerate skin recovery, it is not indicated for sunburn, but it will help after scalding with boiling water.

It is a clear yellowish liquid, has antimicrobial and wound healing effect, due to malic, benzoic and salicylic acid. It is desirable to apply Acerbin on the burned surface, and then apply a sterile gauze bandage on top. In the case of 1st degree burns, the bandage may not be applied and should be applied once a day to prevent microbial complications. In the case of a 2nd degree burn, it is advisable to use a sterile dressing after opening the blisters. Acerbin is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical company 'Pharmacoitiche Fabrik Montavit Gez.m.b.H.', and one bottle of 80 milliliters can be purchased for 325 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Acerbin is its possibility of using it in pregnant and lactating women. The big plus of Acerbine is its mild keratolytic effect, which means that it will well help prevent infection of burns that are on the skin with a well-developed stratum corneum, for example, on the palms and on the soles. Side effects include a slight burning sensation at the site of application, which usually disappears by itself.


Rating: 4.6

This medicinal product is a complex remedy for use in shallow burns. It contains anesthetic anesthesin, cooling menthol, propolis, which has a pronounced regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as ergocalciferol, or vitamin D 2. Amprovizol is a greenish-yellow liquid with the smell of mint and propolis. Amprovizol has an enveloping effect and can be indicated for application to the oral mucosa. It is used for stomatitis and gingivitis, including ulcerative, tonsillitis, for sunburn and chemical burns, for burns with boiling water. Its cooling and lightening effect is especially well manifested in cases of sunburn.

Amprovizol is applied within a few seconds to the burn area from a distance of 20 cm. The frequency of application is as necessary. In the event that we are talking about sunburns of the skin of the face, then it is necessary to avoid contact with the eyes when applying the drug to the face. The drug Amprovizol is produced by the pharmaceutical company Altayvitamins, and this drug costs about 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of Amprovizol is the ability to apply it not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Therefore, it should always be in the home medicine cabinet, as it helps with sore throat, oral cavity burns, for example, from hot food, and many other lesions. Individual intolerance to the drug may occur in individuals who are allergic to bee products. For women during lactation, as well as for pregnant women, this remedy is not contraindicated.

The best burn gels

Gels are agents for direct application to the burn surface, just like creams and ointments. The gels are characterized by light consistency, uniform distribution over the surface of the skin, rapid evaporation, which brings a cooling effect, which is especially noticeable in large areas of sunburn. After drying, the burn surface is covered with a protective film. The gels are designed for shallow burns and are best used for first-degree burns when no blistering (sunburn) has formed. Let's consider the most effective and frequently found in pharmacies samples of gels for treating burns.


Rating: 4.9

Solcoseryl gel

Solcoseryl is produced not only in the form of a gel, but also in the form of an ointment. This drug belongs to regenerating agents, and helps tissues to quickly recover from burn stress and stimulates cell division. The main component of the gel is a common extract from calf blood, which in its composition contains amino acids necessary for protein synthesis in the restoration of damaged tissues. As a result of the application of Solcoseryl to the burn area, the cells of connective tissue – fibroblasts are stimulated, which causes their proliferation and collagen synthesis. Like any gel, Solcoseryl has a light consistency, does not contain fats, does not stain clothes, and forms a protective film on the surface of the wound.

It is recommended to use Solcoseryl and its analogues when the burn wound begins to dry out, that is, in the recovery phase. Solcoseryl is indicated not only for burns with boiling water, but also for sunburns, for scratches and wounds, in the complex treatment of trophic ulcers and bedsores. In the event that the wound gets wet, or if burn blisters have just opened spontaneously, then you need to wait until the burn wound becomes dry. Solcoseryl must be applied in a thin layer once or twice a day. You can also apply it under a bandage. The course is determined by the condition of the wound, or burn surface, and Solcoseryl can be applied until complete recovery.

Solcoseryl is produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerland, and the cost of one tube of gel in 20 g starts from 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Solcoseryl can be considered the undesirability of its application to a weeping burn wound after opening the blisters, as well as the lack of antibacterial protection, since it does not contain either antiseptics or antibiotics, and the allergic reactions occurring in the form of marginal dermatitis along the periphery of the burn wound. In some cases, there may be a burning sensation after applying the gel. If Solcoseryl is used correctly, in the healing phase of the burn, then it is very useful, and allows you to quickly cope with tissue damage. But it is precisely the lack of antibiotics and its good resilience that makes it a popular treatment for sunburn.

Lyoxazin – gel

Rating: 4.8

lyoxazin burn gel

Lioxazin-gel for burns is a basic compound – hydroxypropyl cellulose, on which the anesthetic lidocaine and allyloxyethanol are placed in a special way. This product comes in sachets with a gel inside.

Lyoxazine works, improves microcirculation in the blood capillaries of the skin, and prevents vascular spasm. The antiseptic effect is associated with the action of allyloxyethanol, the analgesic effect with lidocaine. This gel creates conditions for the fastest regeneration, but, unlike Solcoseryl, protects the skin from the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

This gel is shown not only for burns of the first and second, but also for burns of the 3rd degree, with sunburn, as well as with radiation burns and with bites of various insects. It is necessary to apply lyoxazine by squeezing out the gel and evenly distributing it, with a repetition of the treatment after 6 hours. Then, the next day and until the condition of the skin is normalized, the drug is applied once a day every day. Lioxazin is produced by the Research and Production Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation 'Pharmzashchita'. The cost of one pack of Lyoxazin-gel is from 111 rubles. for one package weighing 30 g, that is, for one application.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Lyoxazin-gel is its high cost, since the opened package must be used immediately completely. This means that on the first day, at least 222 rubles will be spent, and then 111 rubles daily, at least for 3 days. As a result, a decent amount runs up. At the same time, other drugs, such as some of the aerosols and gels that we looked at, turn out to be just as effective as a result. They relieve pain, cool and protect against the development of microorganisms, but they turn out to be more cost-effective. The advantage of this gel is the ability to use it not only for sunburn, but also for more serious burns, as well as for radiation injuries. Of course, this is extremely rare in everyday life, or does not occur at all, but, nevertheless, the indications for use in this remedy are wider. In addition, Lyoxazin, in addition to the gel, is also available in the form of wound-healing napkins, or an anti-burn dressing.

Apollo gel

Rating: 4.7

Apollo gel

The next popular gel that helps with burns is the Apollo anti-burn hydrogel. Its composition is simple and effective: it is a local anesthetic, anilocaine, which has an analgesic effect, and iodovidone, which acts against pathogenic microorganisms and prevents infection of the burn wound. In addition, the additional components that make up the drug prevent the formation of bubbles, or make them smaller.

The gel is indicated for the treatment of household burns with boiling water, as well as burn wounds and sun damage. Despite the fact that the packaging of the medication itself indicates that this is a sterile gel for healing burns, it can be used for other wounds, where it will anesthetize and prevent the reproduction of pyogenic microflora. It is necessary to apply this remedy several times a day, and the course of treatment can be from 3 days to a week until the wound surface is completely closed. You can buy a package of hydrogel in a tube weighing 20 g for 231 rubles. It is produced by the company of the same name.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the only drawback of this gel is its relatively high price. Its balanced composition avoids additional use of various natural components, bee products, synthetic antibiotics, which reduces the allergenicity of the agent. It is contraindicated in those patients who have hyperthyroidism, individual intolerance to iodine, as well as local anesthetics. It is advisable not to use it for pregnant and lactating women, but only because during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is advisable to generally avoid any medications, including those for topical use.

The best creams for burns

Unlike gels, burn creams are capable of intense hydration, and penetrate much deeper into the skin, since they are an emulsion of active ingredients that is in a liquid phase. The cream does not evaporate, and does not form a protective film on the skin, but it penetrates into the depth of the dermis more intensively, and contributes, albeit not so good protection, but a much faster start of regeneration. Creams are great for sun damage, when exposed to boiling water. The retail pharmacy chain offers various burn creams, and this rating includes the most popular and effective representatives of this dosage form for topical use.

Bepanten plus

Rating: 4.9


Cream Bepanten plus compares favorably with just Bepanten in that it contains not only the provitamin dexpanthenol, which is also found in the Panthenol spray of the same name, but also the antiseptic chlorhexidine. Therefore, in addition to stimulating tissue regeneration in the healing phase, Bepanten plus is able to suppress the manifestations of various infections in a burn wound, and prevent contamination of the wound with pathogenic flora.

Bepanten Plus cream is indicated not only for various burns, both thermal (boiling water) and radiation (solar), but also for various open injuries and wounds, and in the complex therapy of trophic ulcers.

Bepanten plus should be applied, if necessary, several times a day on burns. This cream can also be used under a sterile dressing. Produced by Bepanten plus the German pharmaceutical company Bayer Pharma, and you can buy a tube weighing 30 g for 380 rubles. For comparison, a simple Bepanten cream, without chlorhexidine, can be purchased at a pharmacy for 188 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Bepanten plus cream is the ability to apply it not only in the healing phase, like Panthenol spray, or simply Bepanten cream, but also at the threat of infection. The disadvantage of this remedy may be only individual intolerance, as well as the manifestation of allergies in the form of contact dermatitis, itching and urticaria. The manufacturer does not recommend prescribing this cream together with other topical antiseptics, due to the mutual possible decrease in activity.

La Cree

Rating: 4.8

La Cree

La-Cree burns cream does not belong to medicines, but to parapharmaceuticals or cosmetics. But this cream can quickly reduce pain and swelling symptoms in minor first-degree burns (for example, sunburn), and various natural substances help in this. The cream contains bisabolol, violet extract and panthenol. They reduce inflammation, increase the regenerative function of the skin and soothe the burn site. Walnut extract heals and disinfects.

This cream is used not only for minor burns, but also for contact dermatitis, eczema and other skin lesions accompanied by symptoms of irritation. For burns with boiling water, it is indicated in the healing phase. This cream should be applied as many times a day as needed, as it is quickly absorbed and moisturizes the skin. A 30 g package can be purchased for 130 rubles, and this entire cosmetic line is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company ZAO Vertex.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of La-Cree cream is the absence of preservatives, various means for fragrances, hormones and dyes. Therefore, if we compare it with cheap creams and other cosmetic products, then it compares favorably with its safety profile, and can be used in patients with polyvalent allergies, in young children, in pregnant and lactating women. But if we compare the strength of the antiseptic effect of this cream with real medicines, then in this respect the cream shows a rather low efficiency. And therefore, it is recommended to use it only for first-degree burns, with solar skin lesions, and if no concomitant infection has occurred. If there is oozing, suppuration, then more serious means must be used.

Silvederm (Sulfargin)

Rating: 4.7


Silvederm is a representative of the group of creams that contains such an effective antiseptic drug as silver, in the form of silver sulfadiazine. The cream is whitish-yellow in color, and is indicated for the treatment of burns, bedsores and trophic ulcers. This cream has only an antiseptic effect, and is indicated for use in the complex therapy of local treatment of burns only if there is a high risk of infection, or a secondary infection has already joined. In the event that such a risk has passed, then you can refuse to apply this cream, since in addition to an antiseptic effect, it does not stimulate regeneration. It is used with a frequency of once or twice a day in cases of prophylaxis or minor infection, up to several times a day in case of serious infection. Silvederm is produced by the Spanish pharmaceutical company ALDO-UNION S.A., and you can buy the product in a tube weighing 50 mg for 380 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this cream are pronounced antiseptic activity, and the disadvantages are the relatively high price, the presence of contraindications to the use of the cream in babies up to one year old, in pregnant women and during breastfeeding. With intolerance to silver and with polyvalent allergies, itching, symptoms of nausea and epigastric discomfort may occur with prolonged use on extensive burned surfaces. Sometimes there is such a local reaction as burning and pain, which goes away on its own. It is also undesirable to use it for sunburns, since it will not help regeneration, but only dry the skin. But in the case of treatment of blisters after burns with boiling water, Silvederm will significantly help prevent wetting and infection.

The best ointments for burns

The most widely represented in the retail pharmacy network are all kinds of ointments for the treatment of burns, or local remedies on an ointment basis. Unlike creams and gels, the base of the ointment is a fatty substance, for example, lanolin, which is obtained from the washing waters of sheep's wool. Ointments are slowly absorbed, stay on the burn surface for a long time, fit well under sterile antiseptic plasters.

Usually, it is recommended to apply ointments at night, because in the daytime, and especially when applied to closed areas of the body, they can stain clothes, leaving greasy marks on them. But for all their shortcomings, ointments are a powerful enough tool for both antiseptic effects and to increase the healing of the skin with burns, for example, of solar origin. This rating includes the most popular and effective ointments for burns.


Rating: 4.9


Opens the rating of the anti-burn ointments Stellanin, or diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. In addition to this difficult-to-pronounce active substance, the ointment contains dimethyl sulfoxide, or Dimexide, and a petroleum jelly base. Stellanin refers to stimulants of tissue reparative capacity, and is used in the healing phase of burn wounds. The composition of the ointment includes active iodine, which is capable of having a bactericidal effect. This ointment, in addition to improved wound healing, protects burned surfaces from attachment by a secondary infection.

In addition to first and second degree burns, which are most common in everyday life, the ointment is indicated for the treatment of trophic ulcers and pressure ulcers, various small abrasions and scratches, as well as in surgical practice for the treatment of postoperative wounds. You should not use this remedy for radiation and sun injuries to the skin immediately after receiving them, since Dimexide will cause an intense blood flow, which will increase the pain.

It is necessary to apply the ointment either on open skin or under a patch, in this case, dressings should be changed once a day when treating a burn. If the bandage is not used, then the ointment is applied either once a day, preferably at night, or twice. This ointment is produced by the domestic company Pharmpreparat, and a 20-gram tube can be purchased for 352 rubles. in retail.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Stellanin include an activating action due to the content of dimexide, which accelerates the development of granulation tissue, the absence of a systemic action, that is, absorption into the bloodstream even with damaged skin. But this ointment has a number of contraindications: thyroid diseases, iodine intolerance and thyrotoxicosis, children under 18 years of age and pregnancy – a rather serious list for a local remedy. Also, when using the ointment, itching, hyperemia and other allergic reactions are possible.

Keeper, Rescuer, Healing and other balms

Rating: 4.8


Consider one of the representatives of this vast family, namely, the Healing balm. Approximately the composition of all these drugs is the same, and they all belong to parapharmaceuticals. So, the Healing balm contains vegetable oil, beeswax, lavender and rosemary essential oils, mint and calendula extract, vitamins E and A, olive and sea buckthorn oil, and tea tree oil. This recipe is very reminiscent of the hereditary recipes that our grandmothers passed on to each other from generation to generation. Based on the above components, it can be understood that the Healer balm, like its analogs, has a fatty base, therefore it may well be called a liquid ointment.

It is used to treat minor burns, such as sunburn, helps with abrasions and scratches, bruises, diaper rash, chapping and frostbite. But also these balms will help prevent boiling water infection of the burn, if there are no antiseptics at hand. A balm is applied from one to several times a day, you can use it under bandages. This drug is produced by the Russian company KorolevPharm, and a package of 30 g can be purchased for 92 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of all these balms are common – they are parapharmaceutical preparations that are not highly effective in suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, if the burn surface was infected, then the Healing Balm, its analogues can only cope with the mildest variants of the spread of infection.

But on the other hand, the ability to soften the skin, the rare development of allergies can be attributed to the positive aspects. Of the contraindications, only the individual intolerance of the components remains. The composition of these balms is quite varied and well-chosen, and since they help with sunburn, frostbite, cracks, bruises, calculations and scratches, with insect bites, such remedies should be in every home medicine cabinet. True, it is advisable to store the balm in a cool place.

Radevit – ointment

Rating: 4.7

Radevit - ointment

Finally, consider Radevit ointment, which is an exclusively vitamin complex. This ointment contains retinol, or vitamin A, alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin E, ergocalciferol or vitamin D 2. This ointment does not prevent the penetration of infection or cure it, but it has a pronounced dermatotropic effect, stimulates regeneration processes and improves cell division of the basement membrane epidermis.

In complex therapy, this ointment, in addition to chemical and sunburn, is indicated for atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, for dry skin and for psoriasis, for trophic ulcers and open wounds. This ointment is applied twice a day, it is necessary to apply it to the areas of burns of the first and second degree, to bursting bubbles after a burn with boiling water. The duration of therapy can range from several days to several weeks. This ointment is produced by the domestic company Retinoids, and a package of 35 g can be purchased for 382 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of this ointment include its defenselessness in relation to infected burns, and therefore it can be used only after the elimination of the infectious process. Radevit is not used in pregnant women, and in the process of breastfeeding, in conditions of hypervitaminosis of these vitamins, in the presence of hypersensitivity and an increased allergic background. But if, after the elimination of the acute stage of the burn, the skin heals with difficulty, a condition of dry skin has arisen, then Radevit ointment will perfectly cope with the problem that has arisen and normalize the healing process. It was this ability that allowed her to take her place in the ranking of anti-burn ointments.

The best bandages and plasters for burns

Finally, in conclusion, it is necessary to consider ready-made dosage forms, which are a cross between ointments, creams and gels, and antiseptic dressings. Medicine does not stand still, and the combination of all these components into one single whole made it possible to significantly simplify the process of caring for burns, both superficial and deep. As a result, the area of ​​the burn is not only exposed to the action of medicinal ingredients, but at the same time the dressing creates the necessary moist environment, prevents the formation of bubbles, or reduces their size, and also helps to isolate the wound from air and bacterial flora.

All dressings and plasters are modern, easily fixed to the burn surface, easily removed, do not stick and do not cause irritation. The only natural contraindication is sunburn. After all, they appear on a large surface, are characterized by the absence of skin destruction, and do not require the use of such serious drugs. Consider the most modern and popular dressings and plasters for the treatment of burn wounds.


Rating: 4.9


Branolind anti-burn dressings are based on the antiseptic and regenerating effect of the Peruvian balm. The dressing is a gauze cloth, which consists of a large-pore and environmentally friendly cotton cloth impregnated with a drug. Peruvian balsam consists of various essential oils of medicinal plants, and contains cinnamic and benzoic acid esters. It is a thick, aromatic liquid of dark brownish red color. Dressings impregnated with Peruvian balsam not only help with boiling water burns, but also actively heal wounds and prevent the appearance of scars and scars. Once applied to the burn area, it can numb the patient for more than 36 hours.

To apply the dressing, you must open the sterile packaging, which contains a disposable napkin. If it is necessary to cover a smaller burn, it is cut out according to the required area, then the protective layer is removed from the bandage, and it is applied to the desired place, and then the outer, surface layer is removed. After that, you can fix the resulting compress with a plaster or bandage. It is advisable to change these dressings for burn wounds of the first – second degree once every two days.

The famous German company Paul Hartmann produces Branolind dressings, and the cost of one dressing with an area of ​​10 by 20 cm starts at 80 rubles. One pack of 30 napkins will cost 2399 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of the Peruvian balsam is very high, and therefore the Branolind dressings are used not only for the treatment of burns and wounds, but also in plastic surgery and dermatology. They are very popular abroad for nail removal, skin transplantation, various plastic surgeries on the face, in the complex therapy of infected wounds. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity, and the complex effect of the balm makes it possible not to acquire additional drugs for skin regeneration and prevention of scars and scars after the burn wound has healed.

Branolind dressings can also be applied to children. With all the advantages, the disadvantage is the high cost. If the burn is minor, then a three-day treatment will cost from 250 rubles, and too long can cost a pretty penny, especially for a Russian consumer. It is also simply pointless and very costly to use it for sunburn, because you have to paste over the entire back, shoulders and arms.

Voskopran with dioxidine, methyluracil, levomecol

Rating: 4.8

Voskopran with dioxidine

Finally, we must give the floor to the domestic manufacturer. ZAO Dressings (Russia / Poland) presents a line of products for the treatment of local wound infections – Voskopran dressings. Sterile dressing based on a mesh polyamide textile base with a healing composition applied to it.

The basic dressing contains beeswax, vitamin E and propolis. In the event that the patient has an ordinary, 'clean' burn, and there are no secondary signs of infection, for example, a fresh burn with boiling water, then you can use the basic dressing, which does not include additional drugs, and the therapeutic effect is provided by the dermatoprotective properties of wax. propolis and vitamins. Additionally, three types of dressings are produced that contain levomekol, methyluracil and dioxidin.

In the treatment of infected burns and burn wounds, a dioxidine coating is most suitable. Dioxidin is a highly effective antiseptic, it shows pronounced activity in many infections, from common streptococci to resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. You should use Voskopran with dioxidine only if the burn wound is not capable of self-healing for a long time, if the timing is much longer than expected, and the condition of the burn wound raises concerns.

A bandage with methyluracil is indicated at the stage of active healing, after suppression of the infection.

  1. Voskopran is not used to treat sunburn.
  2. Voskopran is applied to burns once a day. A pack of 5 dressings with an area of ​​about 38 square centimeters each (57.5 cm) can be purchased for 550 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is not for nothing that all the bandages with special coatings applied to them were placed at the end of the rating, as if summing up all the funds that were listed. The dressings have practically no disadvantages, with the exception of individual intolerance, as well as contraindications that exist for each of the means. They are very standard: it is not recommended to use dressings with dioxidin and levomekol on a large area of ​​burn wounds in pregnant and nursing mothers, careful use of their streets with an increased allergic background is required, and so on. But there is no getting away from these standard contraindications, no matter how effective and safe the drug we use. As for the rest, convenience, complex effect, multicomponent composition, antimicrobial protection – make Voskopran dressings very comfortable. They are recommended for the treatment of burn wounds, cuts, abrasions and scratches in everyday life, and it is desirable that they be in every medicine cabinet.

Gelepran (with lidocaine, miramistin, silver)

Rating: 4.7


Finally, at the end of the rating, we should mention a type of disposable anti-burn dressings produced by the same company. These dressings are called Gelepran, because they are no longer based on a wax coating with additives, but a soft gel. Due to this, these dressings are applied very easily and painlessly, and this similarity makes them similar in terms of softness of application to an aerosol. Gel dressings adhere well to the skin, so you can cover them on top with a dressing with a moderate to weak hold.

There are two types of Gelepran:

  1. a very effective antiseptic miramistin, which fights against almost all known microorganisms, viruses and fungi, and at the same time is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and is very well tolerated;
  2. Gelepran with lidocaine, which can be applied to the skin immediately after a burn occurs to reduce or eliminate pain.

Dressings with miramistin are indicated for all forms and deep burns, ranging from first degree burns with boiling water, and ending with rather serious ones – degree 3A. Lidocaine dressings are indicated immediately after burns, in the presence of severe pain syndrome. The cost of two disposable Gelepran napkins with lidocaine with an area of ​​71/2 by 5 centimeters is 195 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disposable dressings with gel are a very convenient tool in the treatment of not only superficial burns and wounds, but also in the presence of more severe trophic disorders, ranging from radiation sickness to dry and wet gangrene, chronic trophic ulcers in vascular insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. Contraindications include exclusively individual intolerance to the components. Given the lack of resorptive action and the high safety of miramistin and the local form of lidocaine, these agents can be used when applied to small burn surfaces in all groups of the population, including pregnant and lactating women.

All these dressings show high convenience and efficiency, and the presence of highly active wound-healing, antibacterial components and substances stimulating repair make Gelepran napkins an irreplaceable assistant in any home medicine cabinet.

In this rating, all the necessary groups of local drugs that are used to treat burns were considered. Everyone can choose any product to their liking to complete their home medicine cabinet. But still, it is necessary to remember about prevention, and to know that almost all household burns, from thermal ones to solar ones, arise due to our carelessness and negligence, as well as in the absence of proper supervision of young children.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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