15 loudest animals in the world


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Almost all living things on Earth have hearing organs and are capable of making various sounds. They use their voice to intimidate the enemy, demonstrate superiority, warn their relatives about an impending danger, attract the opposite sex, and in many other situations. There are species among animals that are much louder than humans. The human cry is at 70 decibels, while there are many species whose voice reaches over a hundred decibels at a peak intensity. It is worth noting that sounds over 120 decibels are extremely painful to hearing, and if you are close to a source of 150 decibels or more, a person can get serious damage to the eardrum. We invite you to learn about the loudest representatives of the animal world.

Ranking of the loudest animals in the world

Nomination a place name Sound level
Ranking of the loudest animals in the world 15 African lion 87 dBA
14 Howler Monkey 90 dB
13 Coca frog 100 dB
12 hippopotamus 110 dB
11 Hyena 112 dB
10 Wolf 115 dB
9 African elephant 117 dB
8 Bull frog 119 dB
7 Cicada green grocer 120 dB
6 One-whined bell ringer 125 dB
5 Northern elephant seal 126 dB
4 Moluccan cockatoo 129 dB
3 Kakapo 132 dB
2 Sperm whale 166 dB
1 Blue whale 189 dB

15th place – African lion

Rating: 3.6

African lion

Lions are the largest representatives of the feline family; adult males can weigh up to 250 kilograms. If we add to this powerful jaws, sharp claws on strong paws and the ability to reach speeds above 50 kilometers per hour kilometers per hour, then it is not surprising that this species belongs to the category of terrestrial super-predators, occupying the top of the food chain in its ecological niche. African lions live in the eastern and southern parts of the continent, preferring savannas and areas overgrown with bushes. As a rule, they gather in prides – small groups that hunt in an area of ​​50 to 250 square kilometers. Lions communicate with each other using soft sounds, poses and tactile gestures. But the formidable roar of a lion with a maximum volume of 87 decibels is intended to mark the boundaries of possessions and intimidate other animals.

14th place – Howler Monkey

Rating: 3.7

Howler Monkey

Howler monkeys belong to the family of arachnid monkeys, they are found in dense rain forests in South and Central America. They live on trees in groups of about 15 individuals, spend most of their time looking for food in the form of fruits and green vegetation. Thanks to the enlarged hyoid bone, howler monkeys can emit loud cries of up to 90 decibels, which can be heard at a distance of five kilometers. Most often, in this way, primates warn members of their flock of an impending danger or call their young to themselves. This ability significantly increases their chances of surviving in the jungle, where visibility is limited by dense thickets.

13th place – Coca frog

Rating: 3.8

Coca frog

The homeland of this species of frogs is the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, after the 20th century they spread to Hawaii, the Virgin Islands and some part of the California Peninsula. Reptiles choose broad-leaved shrubs as their habitat. It is interesting that coca in their development bypasses the stage of tadpoles, hatching from eggs small, but already formed, this improves their survival and promotes rapid reproduction. Despite their diminutive size (the length of the frog usually does not exceed five centimeters), they produce sounds of 100 decibels, comparable in volume to the noise of a gasoline lawnmower. The spread of coca to dormitory areas of the Hawaiian Islands has even led to a drop in property prices in frog habitats.

12th place – Behemoth

Rating: 3.9


A large herbivorous mammal found on the African continent, south of the Sahara Desert. Being semi-aquatic animals, hippos settle near freshwater bodies of water, usually each individual occupies its own section of the coast with a length of 50 meters near the river and up to 500 meters on the lake. Adult males can weigh up to four tons, which, combined with the inherent aggressive nature of the species, makes them formidable opponents for any creatures that encroach on their habitat. They are able to withstand even such gigantic rivals as elephants and rhinos. To scare off enemies and attract females during the mating period, hippos use their frightening roar, reaching 110 decibels. It is noteworthy that these animals are capable of making such a loud sound even when their head is under water. In addition to roaring, hippos also communicate with each other through short uterine sounds.

11th place – Hyena

Rating: 4.0


Hyenas live in Asia and Africa, usually found in the savannah or any other area with an open landscape. Although they are known as carrion scavengers, they actually kill a significant portion of their prey on their own. Hyenas hunt in groups of five and up to a whole hundred individuals, pursuing a prey at a speed of up to 65 kilometers per hour. These nondescript dog-like predators are able to compete in speed with gazelles and antelopes. When communicating with each other and during an attack, hyenas produce unpleasant sounds, which are a mixture of laughter, howling and growling. The volume of such a peculiar laugh is 112 decibels, and it can be heard at a distance of ten kilometers.

10th place – Wolf

Rating: 4.1


Wolves are found in most of Asia, they are also common in Eastern Europe and the North American continent. Predators, as a rule, live in flocks for a long time in an occupied area, only occasionally moving from place to place. A flock can include up to 40 individuals. To indicate their territorial rights, keeping other packs at a distance, wolves make themselves known with a loud howl, reaching the level of 115 decibels. Howling is also used when communicating over long distances and during the mating season. Contrary to the beautiful myth, wolves do not actually howl at the moon, but in the moonlight they, like other nocturnal predators, are most active, as a result of which their howl can most often be heard at such a time.

9th place – African elephant

Rating: 4.2

African elephant

The largest land mammal on our planet is also one of the loudest creatures. The elephant's characteristic trumpet roar reaches 117 decibels and is carried over a distance of more than ten kilometers. Through it, animals warn a potential enemy, or communicate with congeners at long distances. Elephants are characterized by collective behavior, they constantly maintain contact between members of the herd, making various sounds for this with the help of their trunk. These giants lead a nomadic lifestyle, constantly moving in search of food. Given the size and weight, sometimes exceeding 8 tons, it is not surprising that the herbivorous elephant has to consume a huge amount of food, eating 16-18 hours daily.

8th place – bullfrog

Rating: 4.3

Bull frog

Unlike most amphibians, the largest of the true frog family is located far from the bottom of the food chain. An amphibian up to 25 centimeters long and weighing 500-600 grams eats literally everything that it can swallow, including mice, birds, snakes and young frogs (including its own species). And having fallen into the clutches of another, more massive predator, the frog emits a deafening cry with a volume of 119 decibels, reminiscent of a bull's bellow. Such a defense mechanism often puts the attacker into a stupor, allowing her to flee. This mooing also serves to attract the opposite sex during the breeding season. Bull frogs are found in North America, from the southeastern states to the Canadian province of Ontario.

7th place – Cicada green grocer

Rating: 4.4

Cicada green grocer

This type of cicada lives in Australia, in the coastal regions of the southeastern part of the continent. As a rule, they are found in meadow and swampy areas. Green grocers are the loudest insects on the planet, with their tiny size (wingspan not exceeding 13 centimeters) they are capable of chirping at a volume of 120 decibels. Cicadas sing mainly during the breeding season, making sounds with the help of special plates located at the base of the abdomen. Vibration of the records during singing occurs at a speed of up to 480 times per second. Even one such cicada is clearly audible at a distance of about 400 meters, while being close to the choir of Australian green grocers will result in painful sensations, headaches and even temporary hearing loss for a person.

6th place – Single-bellied bell ringer

Rating: 4.5

One-whined bell ringer

The bird is from the citing family, found in Guyana, Venezuela and Brazil. Males of single-whisker bell ringers differ from females in slightly larger size (about 28 centimeters in length), a long thin outgrowth on the beak and the ability to emit screams at a volume of 125 decibels. For comparison, the noise level of an aircraft taking off reaches 120 decibels. Such vocal abilities are explained by the presence of strong abdominal muscles and an unusually wide beak in these birds. They use their singing exclusively to attract the attention of females, and before the start of his short but deafening “serenade” the male usually tries to get as close as possible to a potential partner.

5th place – Northern elephant seal

Rating: 4.6

Northern elephant seal

Mammals from the family of true seals are found near the west coast of North America. In addition to their size and large body weight, they are related to real elephants by another anatomical feature – a thickened outgrowth on the nose, similar to a short trunk. Such “decoration” is present only in males, it serves to enhance the resonance of the emitted roar. Like humans, they can control their tone of voice. Depending on the key, the calls of the elephant seals are used for mutual identification at a distance, warning of danger or scaring off enemies. The loudest roar reaches 126 decibels.

4th place – Moluccan cockatoo

Rating: 4.7

Moluccan cockatoo

The Moluccan cockatoo is an endemic species of Indonesia, it is found in its eastern part, and also found on the Indonesian Moluccan islands of Ambon and Seram. The birds are quite large, have a body length of up to 50 centimeters, an average weight of 850 grams, and females are larger than males. For residence, Moluccan cockatoos usually choose tropical rainforests or mangroves, nest on tree tops. Birds keep in pairs, gathering at the same time in flocks of 16-20 individuals. In case of a stressful situation, cockatoo screams at a volume of up to 129 decibels, their cry spreads around the neighborhood for 8 kilometers.

3rd place – Kakapo

Rating: 4.8


Kakapo parrots live in the forests of the South Island of New Zealand. These are large birds with a body length of 60 centimeters and weighing from two to four kilograms. In the course of evolution, this species of parrots has lost the ability to actively fly, the wings serve only for safe descent from a height. Kakapos are nocturnal; during the day they usually sleep in crevices of rocks or other shelters. During the mating season, males are able to call on females with an extremely loud low-pitched sound, reaching 132 decibels. Currently, kakapos are endangered, their number is about two hundred individuals.

2nd place – Sperm whale

Rating: 4.9

Sperm whale

Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales, with a body length of 20 meters and a weight of 50 tons. They live in all oceans, from the Arctic to the borders of the Antarctic continent. When communicating, sperm whales use three types of signals: squeak, clicks, and rapid crackling. Adults make sounds at a level of 166 decibels, but the intensity of the cry of their cubs can be as much as 162 decibels. This is higher than the noise of a space rocket during launch.

1st place – Blue whale

Rating: 5.0

Blue whale

Like the sperm whale, the blue whale's habitat extends to almost the entire world ocean. This is the largest of all creatures in the world, the length of adult whales reaches 33 meters with a mass of 120-150 tons. Huge animals use voice signals, exchanging messages with other members of their species, especially during the migration period. The sounds they produce range from 60 decibels to an impressive 189 decibels, according to scientists, such a call is recorded at a distance of 200, and sometimes more than 400 kilometers. The cry of a blue whale at the peak of volume is equivalent to the most powerful explosion of a volcano. For comparison: a sound of 190 decibels is able to rip out rivets in metal structures, and for a person, such an effect is fraught with a complete rupture of the eardrum and even damage to the lungs.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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