15 best potato fertilizers

Best Garden Product Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

It is possible to achieve a good harvest of potatoes with the help of fertilizers. Some gardeners are afraid to resort to their help, worrying that the roots will absorb a lot of 'chemistry'. But if the soil is not fertilized, then the tubers will not reach varietal sizes, and their taste may deteriorate. In order to get high-quality root crops and not harm the health of those who will use them, it is necessary to select safe fertilizers.

Potatoes are very responsive to both organic and mineral fertilizing. And also among gardeners, combined organomineral fertilizers are popular. All dressings are subdivided into root and foliar. The first to fertilize the soil when planting potatoes, laying them directly in the hole. And the latter feed the plants during their dynamic growth. This review will look at the best mineral, organic and compound fertilizers.

Rating of the best fertilizers for potatoes

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best mineral fertilizers for potatoes 1 Fertika Potato-5 RUB 611
2 Weaving Nitrofoska RUB 100
3 Hera potato RUB 180
4 TerraSol + for potatoes 329 r
5 Bona Forte potato RUB 600
2 Bionex-1 RUB 50
3 Orgavit chicken droppings 139 RUB
4 Biomaster turkey litter 123 r
5 Bona Forte Horse RUB 499
2 Fasco for potatoes 642 RUB
3 Gumi OMI potatoes, carrots, beets RUB 50
4 Fertika WMU universal 210 RUB
5 JOY Seedling 82 RUB

The best mineral fertilizers for potatoes

The composition of mineral fertilizers usually contains a large amount of micro and macro elements. They are primarily used for early potato varieties that require more nutrition due to the shorter growing season. Mineral formulations not only quickly saturate plants with useful substances, but also protect them from pests or diseases.

Fertika Potato-5

Rating: 4.9

Fertika Potato-5

The Russian brand Fertika produces a complex granular fertilizer Potato-5. The product contains: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. And also the product is supplemented with useful microelements (boron, sulfur, copper and others). The composition of this fertilizer is chlorine free. It is used during soil preparation, when planting potatoes, during the growing season. The nutrient stimulates tuberization.

Fertika Potato-5 is sold in plastic bags of 1-25 kg. After saturation of the soil with this fertilizer, the gradual release of nutrients begins. Plants during the growing season will gradually absorb them and develop more organically. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed with the soil so that the tubers and granules do not come into contact openly.

Gardeners speak well of Fertika Potato-5 fertilizer. They note that after using it during planting, you can count on friendly shoots and in the future strong potato tops. And most importantly, the yield is beyond praise. Many people note a safe and effective composition. But they complain that, due to the high demand, it is often difficult to find it on sale.


  • good ratio of minerals;
  • lack of chlorine;
  • friendly shoots;
  • strong tops;
  • excellent harvest.


  • are quickly sold out.

Weaving Nitrofoska

Rating: 4.8


The Russian manufacturer Rusagrokhim produces the universal fertilizer Sotka Nitrofoska. This is a mixed nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium supplement in a ratio of 10/10/10. Nitrofoska is used as the main feed when planting potatoes in rows. And also the bushes are fed with it during the growing season. Suitable for use on all types of soil. Nitrofoska from Rusagrokhim does not contain nitrates.

Weaving Nitrofosk is sold in briquettes of 1 kg. It is a granular product. Method of application – sprinkling. This mineral fertilizer is used from March to the end of September. The manufacturer recommends wearing gloves when using this product. And it is imperative to store the fertilizer bag in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children.

Consumers love this versatile fertilizer and praise it in their reviews. Gardeners note that this tool has clear instructions and it really works. When it is used, uniform tubers grow in potatoes, their taste improves and keeping quality increases. And also many are impressed by the fact that this product has universal application.


  • balanced composition;
  • can be used on all types of soil;
  • does not contain chlorine compounds;
  • makes potato tubers uniform and tasty.


  • may irritate the skin.

Hera potato

Rating: 4.7

Hera potato

Complex mineral potato fertilizer Gera contains nitrogen (not less than 12.0 g), phosphorus (not less than 11.0 g) and potassium (not less than 23.0 g). The product is intended for the main application and subsequent top dressing during the entire growing season of potatoes. Thanks to this tool, the ground and root part of the bush is actively growing. With it, plants are more resistant to diseases, pests or other adverse environmental influences.

Fertilizer Gera is sold in packages of 1.0 kg. It is a mixture of pink and white granules. It is recommended to mix them well before use. Pour the granules directly into the holes or under the bushes, and then water the potatoes. The granules dissolve and leave no residue. Hera has no unpleasant odors, the skin does not irritate.

According to gardeners' reviews, Hera potato fertilizer contributes to the fact that the tubers become more tasty, sweet and good in maturation. But at the same time, they note that when using this product, the yield does not become more outstanding – the feeding does not affect the size of the potatoes. Although the ground part of the plant grows very dynamically and is disease resistant with this fertilizer.


  • balanced set of nutrients;
  • without smell;
  • does not irritate the skin;
  • makes potatoes more delicious.


  • does not affect the size of root crops.

TerraSol + for potatoes

Rating: 4.6


The manufacturer TerraSol + produces a combined mineral fertilizer (fertilizer mixture) for potatoes. The composition of this product is enriched with trace elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, boron, copper and zinc. TerraSol + has proven itself well in soil preparation, during local immersion directly into the holes before planting, as well as during fertilizing during the growing season.

TerraSol + is sold for dry potatoes, placed in 2.5 kg bags. It is often used in spring / autumn when digging soil. If the soil is well cultivated, then 50-70 g of this fertilizer per 1 m² is enough. On problem soils, this amount can be increased to 90 g per 1 m². When feeding the plant with this agent, it is distributed no closer than 8-10 cm from the stem, and then covered with a moist layer of soil. If the soil is too dry, then it is watered abundantly.

Many people like TerraSol + fertilizer for potatoes. In the reviews, they note that this product guarantees healthy growth and a rich harvest, improves the taste of root crops. This is largely due to the presence of boron. The fertilizer mixture is convenient to use, has no unpleasant odor and is safe for people or pets.


  • perfectly matched proportion of batteries;
  • packages of 2.5 kg;
  • safe for people and pets;
  • provides a rich harvest;
  • improves the taste of potatoes.


  • can be difficult to find on sale.

Bona Forte potato

Rating: 4.5

Bona Forte potato

The Bona Forte trade mark produces fertilizer for potatoes with the addition of zeolites, which has a prolonged action. The composition contains bioavailable silicon. It stimulates plant growth and strengthens their immune system. Other important elements are presented in a chelated form, due to which they are fully absorbed and last longer.

One granule of Bona Forte potato product contains the required concentration of all components. The fertilizer is sold in packages of 5 kg. The recommended period of use is spring-summer. The granules are spread over the top layer of the soil. Dosages are selected depending on the needs of the plant. If the weather is dry, then watering is required after fertilization.

According to reviews, thanks to the Bona Forte fertilizer, the yield of potatoes and their taste characteristics are noticeably increased. Many people like that due to the prolonged effect, this top dressing needs to be applied much less often. Potatoes are environmentally friendly, since zeolites do not collect heavy metals or other hazardous compounds, preventing them from entering the plants in excess.


  • zeolites and bioavailable silicon;
  • prolonged action;
  • all elements in one granule;
  • high productivity;
  • improved taste characteristics of potatoes;
  • the best keeping quality (shelf life).


  • not found.

The best organic fertilizers for potatoes

In the past, gardeners used exclusively organic fertilizers for potatoes. They can be applied on all types of soil. Such fertilizers are considered completely safe and are used for various vegetable crops. However, for the effective use of organic matter, you need to be sure that there are a sufficient number of microorganisms in the ground that will break it down into useful elements.

Fields Russian Biohumus

Rating: 4.9

Fields Russian Biohumus

The Russian brand Fields Russkie produces organic fertilizer Biohumus. It contains 4-8 times more humus than manure and composts. Among the nutrients present in it, there are: enzymes, vitamins, antibacterial components, growth hormones. The manufacturer claims that vermicompost is able to have an effect for 5 years.

Biohumus Fields Russkie is a litter manure processed by earthworms. This organic mass does not have an unpleasant odor, it is free from harmful microorganisms and has a granular shape. If plants react inertly to manure, then to Biohumus immediately. 1.5 cups of this product are added to the holes for potatoes, mixing it with earth.

According to reviews, Biohumus Fields Russkie is loose, homogeneous, rather dense (not peat and not soil), has an almost black color. There is no large debris. Gardeners highly praise this product, but note that it is important to observe the dosage. With this eco-food, you can count on high potato yields and improved taste characteristics.


  • excellent composition;
  • plants immediately react to it;
  • potato bushes grow healthy;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste characteristics.


  • need to be applied more often than the manufacturer promises.


Rating: 4.8


Fertilizer Bionex-1 is a composted chicken manure. This natural product has a high content of active organic matter that stimulates the processes of restoring fertility. The fertilizer contains a complete set of minerals that plants need for healthy growth and abundant fruiting. Trace elements are presented in an accessible form, so they are quickly absorbed by the root system.

Bionex-1 is sold in packs of 2 kg. For plant nutrition, this product is used in liquid or dry form. It is brought in on the day of planting potatoes locally in the hole for 4-6 tablespoons. Also, potato bushes are watered with this product every 2-3 weeks during active growth and flowering. To do this, pre-infuse 300 g of Bionex-1 in 10 liters of water during the day.

Gardeners speak well of composted chicken manure. However, they note that it is imperative to work with gloves and make sure that the product does not get on the skin, eyes or digestive tract. Bionex-1 has an attractive price. With it, potatoes grow better, bushes look healthy, and tubers are uniform and tasty.


  • natural composition;
  • universality of application;
  • economical use;
  • provides a good harvest of potatoes.


  • there is a smell.

Orgavit chicken droppings

Rating: 4.7

Orgavit chicken droppings

Microbiosynthesis enterprise produces Orgavit chicken manure in the form of granules. This biologically active, environmentally friendly product is used to increase soil fertility, to provide plants with mineral nutrition elements. Suitable for all types of soil. Dry droppings are in no way inferior in properties to fresh ones. But in terms of quantity it is needed much less (4 kg of fresh droppings can be replaced with 1 kg of dry).

Orgavit chicken manure is produced in the form of dry granules, which look quite aesthetically pleasing. This product is very easy to use. It is free of pathogens and virtually no chlorine. Chicken manure from Orgavit optimizes soil acidity. No dirt or bad associations are created during use. In the case of potatoes per 1 m², 150-200 g of Orgavit should be used.

In reviews, consumers note that Orgavit granulated chicken manure increases yields by 60-70%. It also increases plant resistance to disease. Potatoes produce uniform tubers with improved flavor characteristics. Many people like that this fertilizer has a wide range of applications, but they are still confused by the smell. It is not as pronounced as in fresh droppings, but it is still present.


  • completely natural organic matter;
  • granular form;
  • easy to use;
  • increases productivity;
  • normalizes soil acidity.


  • has a smell.

Biomaster turkey litter

Rating: 4.6


Granular turkey manure from Biomaster is an environmentally friendly product. This product is distinguished by high biological activity, since it contains micro and macro elements, as well as humic acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and natural antibacterial components. Thanks to this remedy from Biomaster, it is possible to create highly fertile soil.

Produced turkey droppings from Biomaster in dry granules. Treated with a natural bioactivator 'AktiGum'. The granules do not contain pathogenic flora. They are practically devoid of any smell. They can be purchased in packs of 10 liters. The product can be used dry as a free-flowing fertilizer. Or it is infused with water and used for irrigation.

Reviews of turkey litter are mostly good. Gardeners note that this fertilizer looks aesthetically pleasing and very comfortable to use. Against the background of its application, potatoes give excellent shoots, the bushes are strong and do not get sick. The harvest is abundant. Potatoes taste good and can be stored for a long time. But especially sensitive noses still catch the slight odor of droppings.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • lack of pathogenic flora;
  • dry granules;
  • noticeably improves soil fertility;
  • high productivity.


  • slight smell of droppings.

Bona Forte Horse

Rating: 4.5

Bona Forte Horse

The popular Bona Forte brand produces organic fertilizers with a high content of active ingredients. With its help, it is possible to naturally increase soil fertility. Along with horse manure, the product contains: mineral NPK-complex, bioavailable silicon, lowland peat, relict peat, phosphate rock.

Bona Forte Horse can be purchased in 5 kg bags. The product is practically free of unpleasant odor. With this tool, the soil is treated in autumn or spring. For potatoes, fertilizers are taken from 0.6 to 0.8 kg / m². The granules are also distributed locally in the holes during planting of potatoes, but they must be sprinkled with earth, since the roots should not come into contact with the fertilizer. Also, granules can be infused with water for 2-4 days.

Gardeners speak very well of Bona Forte horse fertilizer. They like that it has an extended duration of action, so it is enough to apply it no more than 1-2 times per season. They also praise this product for being odorless, disease-free and free from weeds. Even after prolonged storage, the valuable properties of this fertilizer are preserved. Potatoes grow large and tasty with it.


  • fertilizer 4 in 1;
  • increased duration of action;
  • has no smell;
  • convenient to use;
  • significantly increases productivity.


  • not detected.

The best organic fertilizers for potatoes

Organomineral fertilizers contain organic substances and mineral compounds. Such fertilizers are considered the most effective because they contain all the necessary elements for plant and soil nutrition. Organomineral additives help to increase fertility and productivity.

Buysk fertilizers OMU potato

Rating: 4.9

Buysk fertilizers OMU potato

The Buisk Chemical Plant produces WMD, which is used for the main application to the soil and for feeding plants during the growing season. Mineral components together with humic compounds form effective organomineral complexes. Thanks to them, nitrogen and potassium decrease in mobility. And phosphorus is easily absorbed by plants.

Sold potato WMD in the form of granules. The package may contain 3-5 kg ​​of fertilizer. Distributed in small quantities. The additive has a shelf life of 5 years. This fertilizer can be used for soil digging, for local application during planting, for top dressing before hilling. The product is consumed very economically.

According to reviews, organic fertilizer from the Buysky Chemical Plant helps to improve the metabolism of plants, reduce the risk of infection with various diseases. Gardeners note that thanks to such fertilization, the yield increases significantly. And potatoes behave much better in maturation and do not darken. Also, many are impressed by the fact that there is no chlorine in the composition.


  • high content of nutrients;
  • economically spent;
  • yield increases;
  • potatoes keep better.


  • if you carelessly, you can get poisoned with this fertilizer.

Fasco for potatoes

Rating: 4.8

Fasco for potatoes

The Russian brand Fasco produces organic-mineral fertilizer for potatoes. The manufacturer calls his product 5M-granule, since each of its granules contains 5 macro and micronutrients. Thanks to this composition, potato bushes eat evenly and fully. Such a composition guarantees an efficiency of application higher than that of conventional fertilizer mixtures.

Fertilizer is produced in the form of rather large granules, but when watering, they dissolve rather quickly. Fertilizer is used as the main fertilizer in soil preparation. The product is evenly distributed over the surface of the soil, and then digging or loosening is performed. Fertilizer is also used when planting potatoes.

Gardeners speak well of Fasco's dry fertilizer for potatoes. They love that this product has a long-lasting effect. It perfectly increases yields and improves the taste of potatoes. But some are confused by the fact that fertilization rates are not written in detail. Though they have learned to adapt and often choose this product for its effectiveness and affordable price.


  • each granule has the same composition;
  • dissolves quickly;
  • increases productivity;
  • prolonged action;
  • improves the quality of potatoes.


  • the application rates are not detailed on the packaging.

Gumi OMI potatoes, carrots, beets

Rating: 4.7


The manufacturer BashIncom produces a soft organic mineral fertilizer based on fermented chicken manure. It also contains a mineral NPK complex, GUMI fertilizer, as well as boron and copper. The product is designed to increase fertility and improve soil structure. Thanks to this product, the plants are fully nourished and bear fruit abundantly.

Gumi OMI is sold dry in packs of 700 g. This amount is usually enough to fertilize 10 m². It is used dry or I insist (at least 2 hours) with water. Use fertilizer in bulk before digging the soil, locally in the holes on the day of planting, or as fertilizing irrigation every 2 weeks.

According to reviews, Gumi OMI is very effective on potatoes. Thanks to this fertilization, good germination is ensured, the bushes are less exposed to diseases and attack by pests. The harvest is large and uniform. Potatoes have better taste characteristics, and later they stay longer and do not spoil. And thanks to the versatility of use and the attractive price, Gumi OMI is among the favorites of many gardeners.


  • balanced composition;
  • acts gently;
  • universality of application;
  • increases the yield of potatoes.


  • can irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Fertika WMU universal

Rating: 4.6

Fertika WMU universal

Organomineral universal fertilizer from the Fertika trademark contains potassium humate, ammophos, carbamide, potassium sulfate and limestone flour. Thanks to such a mixture, the humus content in the soil increases, and its fertility is restored. Plants, including potato bushes, stimulate the immune system. The manufacturer promises that the yield will be increased and the taste of the grown vegetables will be improved.

For sale Fertika OMU universal in granules. They are contained in 2.5-5 kg ​​bags or in plastic cans. Potatoes with this tool are fed for the first time during the budding period, and the second time after flowering, 15-20 g per bush. When fertilizing in the form of a solution, the same amount is preliminarily diluted in 10 liters of water.

Many gardeners praise such fertilizer in their reviews. They note that each granule of the mixture contains a complete balanced set of macro- and micronutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of potato bushes and tubers. The product is effective and easy to use. The fertilizer is used optimally and fully justifies its purpose. But it is quickly sold out, so there may be difficulties with the acquisition.


  • effective composition;
  • stimulates the immune system of plants;
  • significantly improves the quality of the soil;
  • is optimally spent;
  • increases potato yields.


  • there may be difficulties with the acquisition.

JOY Seedling

Rating: 4.5


A manufacturer from St. Petersburg produces a specialized fertilizer with a high content of humic and fulvic acids – JOY Seedling. This organomineral fertilizer is intended primarily for seedlings, but many gardeners willingly use it to feed potatoes. They like the rich composition of this product, which includes all the trace elements necessary for this vegetable: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, boron.

The fertilizer JOY Seedling is on sale in bottles of 330 ml in liquid form. The product can be used for both root and foliar feeding. The product has a rather specific smell due to the sulfur present in the composition. Some gardeners practice watering the soil with this fertilizer before planting potatoes. Subsequently, potato bushes are watered with this agent 2-3 times more during the growing season.

In the reviews, gardeners note that JOY Seedling fertilizer enhances protective functions and promotes healthy growth of potato bushes. Thanks to this product, the potato crop pleases with the quantity, size of individual root crops and their taste characteristics. However, this tool is classified as moderately hazardous, and therefore requires special care in use.


  • well thought out composition;
  • economically spent;
  • improves soil condition;
  • strengthens the plant's immune system;
  • increases productivity.


  • specific smell.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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