Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
People often perceive their own health as the sum of the normal state of organs. Everyone wants to have a healthy heart, a well-functioning liver, a clear mind and kidneys capable of efficient and long-term work. But few people think about how to maintain the vascular network in good condition. She carries a huge volume of blood every day. Oxygen and plastic substances are transported through the arterial vessels, and carbon dioxide and products of tissue metabolism are transported through the venous vessels.
The vessels constantly contain not only those substances that the body needs, but also those molecules that have already become unnecessary, and even harmful. In order for the transport of harmful and waste substances along the vascular bed to be safe, it is necessary to keep the internal expulsion of the vessels, or the endothelium, in perfect order. In the event that the endothelial cells are healthy, then they do not carry an extra electric charge, do not attract molecules of harmful substances, do not change the fluidity of blood. Healthy endothelial cells allow for many years to avoid the growth of atherosclerotic plaques, thrombotic complications, the risk of chronic vascular insufficiency.
The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of various vitamin complexes, mono-component preparations, natural substances that normalize vascular function and exhibit a protective effect. Since there are a lot of such funds, it is rational to combine them into groups. These are natural vitamins and minerals, remedies that eliminate the energy deficit of endothelial and myocardial cells, regenerating membranes, as well as some remedies that have migrated into the preventive field from medicine, but they will be discussed at the end of the rating.
- Rating of the best drugs for blood vessels
- The best natural remedies for blood vessels
- Taxifolin Baikal (dihydroquercetin)
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Doppelherz Active Omega-3
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Hawthorn Forte
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Atheroclephitis
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Venomed herbal tea
- Advantages and disadvantages
- The best vitamins and minerals for blood vessels
- Ascorutin
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Magne-B6 Forte
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Panangin
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Energy and cell membranes
- Qudesan Q 10 forte
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Lecithin (granules)
- Advantages and disadvantages
- L – maxi carnitine (Solgar)
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Cardio Active Taurine
- Advantages and disadvantages
- The best drugs of 'big medicine' for blood vessels
- Riboxin
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Preduct OD (Rimecor)
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Cardiomagnet
- Advantages and disadvantages
Rating of the best drugs for blood vessels
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best natural remedies for blood vessels | 1 | Taxifolin Baikal (dihydroquercetin) | 1 350 rub. |
2 | Doppelherz Active Omega-3 | 584 r | |
3 | Hawthorn Forte | 110 RUB | |
4 | Atheroclephitis | 248 r | |
5 | Venomed herbal tea | 142 RUB | |
The best vitamins and minerals for blood vessels | 1 | Ascorutin | RUB 29 |
2 | Magne-B6 Forte | 381 r | |
3 | Panangin | 135 RUB | |
Energy and cell membranes | 1 | Qudesan Q 10 forte | 365 RUB |
2 | Lecithin (granules) | 390 RUB | |
3 | L – maxi carnitine (Solgar) | RUB 1 659 | |
4 | Cardio Active Taurine | 309 r | |
5 | Riboxin | RUB 37 | |
6 | Preduct OD (Rimecor) | RUB 688 | |
7 | Cardiomagnet | RUB 185 |
The best natural remedies for blood vessels
In modern pharmacies there are a large number of dietary supplements based on phytoextracts or animal ingredients. Consider the most effective means for combating vascular diseases, for the prevention of thrombosis, capillary ischemia.
Taxifolin Baikal (dihydroquercetin)
Rating: 4.9
Taxifolin Baikal is considered a unique natural compound, which is produced from a special part of Siberian larch wood, which is located at the butt of the tree. The modern industry produces quite a few varieties of dihydroquercetin, but the leader in purity and activity is Taxifolin Baikalsky, which is produced by the Siberian Cedar company. Purity and efficiency are achieved by the synthesis of a special, crystalline form of ultrapure dihydroquercetin.
This vitamin is packaged in capsules weighing 300 mg, each capsule contains a white or pale yellow powder. The mechanism of action is a powerful antioxidant activity and inhibition of pathological processes of lipid peroxidation, which leads to degeneration and destruction of membranes.
Taxifolin has a pronounced capillaroprotective effect. It preserves the membranes of blood capillaries, promotes the activation of blood microcirculation, including in the coronary arteries of the heart and brain, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, their deposition on the vascular walls, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other vascular accidents.
It is necessary to take Taxifolin Baikal once a day, one capsule with a meal. The average course duration is one month. The cost is 1350 rubles for a pack of 30 capsules, calculated for a month of admission.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Taxifolin Baikal (dihydroquercetin) is considered to be a very high activity, which is not limited only to the protection of capillaries. The drug has an antihistamine effect, is an excellent antioxidant, it prevents cell aging, improves liver function, and activates tissue respiration. The vitamin has ideal compliance, it is applied once a day, is well tolerated, and significantly increases the body's immune reserves. Taxifolin prepares it for increased mental and physical stress.
But this drug also has negative sides, which are associated with the high demand for it and the peculiarities of its distribution. Taxifolin is not a cheap vitamin. It is produced only at one enterprise, and its quantity is not so high that wide circles of the medical community and the population know about it. At the same time, it is dispensed through a dealer network, and does not always appear in pharmacies.
Doppelherz Active Omega-3
Rating: 4.8
It is a purified polyunsaturated fatty acid obtained from the fat of salmon fish. Thus, this agent is a drug of animal origin. In addition to fatty acids, the composition includes fat-soluble vitamin E. As a result, this complex fights oxidative stress, reduces the amount of fat that circulates in the peripheral blood, and can be deposited on the walls in the form of atherosclerotic plaques.
The tool reduces platelet aggregation, with prolonged use as part of complex therapy, it can lower blood pressure, stabilize cell membranes. Doppelherz Omega-3 helps to normalize the immune system, and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Together, all these effects help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents. This vitamin for blood vessels is also indicated for the normalization of cerebral circulation: both for the prevention and for the treatment of various vascular diseases of the brain (hypertensive encephalopathy).
One capsule contains 800 mg of fish oil and 16 mg of vitamin E. Dosage regimen – one capsule per day with meals, the capsule can be taken with water. One package of 30 capsules, designed for a monthly intake, on average costs 400 rubles in pharmacies, and it is produced by the German company Kweisser Pharma.
Advantages and disadvantages
A big plus will be the ability to use it not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of vascular pathology. This vitamin can be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, while you just need to take into account that one capsule corresponds to only 0.01 bread unit. This vitamin works especially well with medications to lower cholesterol levels and with a lipid-lowering diet. The negative side of this vitamin complex is the inability to cope alone with high cholesterol levels against the background of existing plaques that impair blood flow, and therefore in such cases it is necessary to connect cholesterol-lowering drugs to therapy, which has already been a separate article.
Hawthorn Forte
Rating: 4.7
This supplement based on plant components is produced by the domestic company Vitamir; plant vitamins for vessels are sold in capsules of 300 mg. Besides hawthorn fruit extract, capsules contain green tea and red wine extracts. Healing bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, contained in extracts of hawthorn, green tea and wine, make it possible to use this remedy as a food supplement to maintain normal functions of the cardiovascular system. This complex normalizes the heart rate and has a tonic effect. The components of green tea and wine help to stabilize cell membranes, prevent oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of cancer.
It is necessary to use this vitamin for blood vessels one capsule three times a day with meals, the duration of the course is usually 1 month, and then the course can be repeated after a two-week break. The cost of one pack of Hawthorn Forte – 30 capsules, designed for 10 days of administration, is, on average, 150 rubles, so the cost of a monthly course is already 450 rubles, in prices of the end of 2018.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Hawthorn Forte will be its good tolerance, and the content of only natural ingredients, but it must be remembered that hawthorn is able to increase blood pressure, and in case of severe rhythm disturbances, it may be contraindicated. Therefore, before the first use, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Green tea can tone up, therefore this vascular vitamin is not recommended for those patients who have increased excitability, irritability, or insomnia.
But in the event that Hawthorn forte is used according to indications, then it helps to normalize the function of the cardiovascular system, and especially in those patients who have bradycardia, or slow heart rate, there is morning weakness and they slowly adapt to the daily work schedule.
Rating: 4.7
The active additive consists of one component – it is the clover herb, its alcoholic tincture. Red clover is a highly effective natural compound, it significantly reduces the concentration of atherogenic lipid fractions in blood plasma, reduces the amount of total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins. Clover extract works by redistributing cholesterol from one lipoprotein to another. This ensures its faster metabolism and excretion from the body. Also atheroclephitis helps to suppress oxidative stress. This helps to improve the structure of the vascular wall, which makes it less permeable to various agents.
Atheroclephitis is indicated for hyperlipidemia, that is, with a high cholesterol level, which is not stopped by normalizing the diet: if the diet has not yielded the desired results within two months. Atheroclephitis is then prescribed one teaspoon diluted in half a glass of water three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is assumed to be long: from 3 to 6 months. The Altai plant Evalar produces this vitamin for vessels, and a 100 ml bottle for oral administration will cost an average of 300 rubles. If we count the volume of a teaspoon as 5 ml, then this bottle is enough for 20 servings, or for one week of admission. Therefore, the cost of a monthly course will be about 1200 rubles, which is not so little.
Advantages and disadvantages
The disadvantage of Atheroclefit is called an inconvenient mode of use associated with the need to drip a large number of drops into a teaspoon, not entirely successful packaging, which does not allow taking the drug for at least a month without going to the pharmacy, as well as the need to constantly take it 30 minutes before meals. All this is not as convenient as just taking one capsule a day. In addition, the drops contain ethyl alcohol, therefore, Atheroclefit cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, adolescents, people with epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries, liver pathology, and chronic alcoholism.
Since one daily dose of Atheroclefit contains almost 5 g of absolute alcohol, it is recommended to refrain from driving during treatment. If the duration of the course is 3 months or more, then this creates significant inconvenience. Still, this infusion is able to significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol without resorting to buying expensive special drugs, such as Crestor, Liprimar. But at the same time, the patient must be on a cholesterol-lowering diet – this is an indispensable condition.
Venomed herbal tea
Rating: 4.6
This complex of vitamins for vessels is a complex herbal remedy, which is produced in filter bags weighing 1.5 g for the preparation of herbal tea. It contains horsetail and yarrow herb, fireweed herb and lemon balm leaves, birch leaves, rose hips and hawthorns. This herbal tea strengthens the vascular wall of the capillaries, improves metabolic processes in the endothelium due to silicic acid, which is contained in the herb of horsetail. The fireweed herb promotes vasodilation, or vasodilation, with its sedative properties. Hawthorn and rose hips are considered sources of bioflavonoids and ascorbic acid. It has a capillary-protective and strengthening effect.
This herbal tea is shown, mainly for prophylaxis, but in combination with drugs, it can be used to treat hypertension, atherosclerosis, chronic cerebral ischemia, hypertensive and post-traumatic encephalopathy and other conditions associated with circulatory disorders.
For use, you need to insist one packet in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, and drink one glass twice a day with meals. The average course of application is 1 month. This herbal tea is produced by the Russian company Naturofarm, one package of 20 filter bags, designed for 10 days of reception, will cost, on average, 120 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of this tea is the presence of a rather rare component – horsetail herb, a donor of silicic acid. This product is inexpensive, and lovers of natural teas will love it. On the other hand, making herbal tea is not convenient for everyone, filter bags can tear, and if squeezed, they can burn fingers. This vascular vitamin cannot alone cope with severe disorders in the work of blood vessels, for example, with thrombophlebitis, venous and arterial thrombosis, with severe atherosclerosis. Therefore, the best field of its application is prevention. And for her, it is perfect for both adults and children, since the only contraindication is individual intolerance.
The best vitamins and minerals for blood vessels
Above were listed herbal preparations, complexes of herbal supplements, monocomponent solutions based on herbal extract, as well as capsules with fish oil. But in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, minerals and some 'real' vitamins are essential. Let's consider the most famous and commonly used ones.
Rating: 4.9
Ascorutin is one of the available and favorite folk vitamins for blood vessels. It is composed of ascorbic acid and rutoside, the source of rutin. This vitamin has pronounced vasotropic properties. Its main importance is to prevent increased fragility of thin capillaries, to reduce their permeability. The vascular wall strengthened in this way becomes less accessible for the tissue fluid to sweat through it, as a result, the degree of edema decreases, especially with varicose veins on the legs. In people of age, spontaneous hemorrhages quite often occur when small vessels are ruptured, especially on the hands and fingers during exercise. Ascorutin will help you avoid these unpleasant symptoms. These two components, being in one preparation, mutually enhance their action, and rutin additionally protects ascorbic acid from oxidation.
In addition to the prevention of vascular disorders, Ascorutin is indicated for patients who use anticoagulants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that thin the blood. Such funds can increase the permeability of the vascular wall, and Ascorutin successfully resists this. You need to use Ascorutin one tablet 3 times a day, regardless of food intake. Ascorutin is produced by the domestic Pharmstandard, and the average cost of one package of 50 tablets is only 50 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The big plus of Ascorutin is its low cost, pleasant sweet and sour taste, and a small number of contraindications. These are hypersensitivity, childhood, diseases such as thrombophlebitis and inflammatory vascular disease. Ascorutin is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy. In rare cases, there may be side effects in the form of an allergic reaction or headache, but with the correct prescription, the drug is well tolerated.
Magne-B6 Forte
Rating: 4.8
Magnesium is known to be an essential mineral for life. One of its main tasks is participation in the transmission of nerve impulses, including autonomic signals to the vessels, which, in response to these impulses, are capable of either expansion or spasm. Vitamin B6 regulates many metabolic processes, including the process of absorption of magnesium in the intestine, its penetration into the cells of the vascular endothelium.
The complex is shown for such pathological conditions as frequent heartbeat, muscle discomfort, increased fatigue or spastic pain in the intestines. In addition, these vitamins for blood vessels are important in the complex treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, if the patient is prescribed diuretics, and magnesium and potassium salts are gradually washed out of the body. With a significant deficiency, well-known night cramps in the legs can occur. Magne V 6 is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and it cannot be called cheap: a package of 30 capsules costs about 600 rubles, despite the fact that three or four tablets are prescribed daily. The course of treatment is one month. Thus, the cost of a monthly course will be about 1800 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Magne B6 is the high frequency of the starting substances and imported quality, the high activity of this vitamin, and the ability to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of magnesium deficiency. But this drug is still considered quite expensive, and is contraindicated in patients with severe renal dysfunction, in children under 6 years of age, in some hereditary diseases – phenylketonuria or galactosemia. Magne B6 is secreted into breast milk, therefore it is not recommended for use in nursing women. Magne B6 can cause symptoms of overdose, but this vitamin for blood vessels, even in a healthy person, is an excellent way to prevent magnesium deficiency, and in this case, if there are no unpleasant symptoms, then 1 or 2 tablets a day for 1 month will be enough.
Rating: 4.7
It is the preferred drug for replenishing magnesium and potassium deficiencies. It is known that these elements associated with aspartic acid (i.e. in the form of aspartate) improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, and this optimizes the parameters of cardiac output and cardiac output. In the case of a deficiency of these substances, a person has a predisposition to an increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels develops, and myocardial nutrition worsens. Panangin is shown not as an independent treatment, but as an additional drug in the treatment of patients with heart failure, with postinfarction cardiosclerosis, with the development of ventricular arrhythmias, as well as with the appointment of diuretics, and especially diuretics such as furosemide, which actively remove potassium and magnesium from the body.
It is necessary to take Panangin after meals, the average dosage is one or two tablets three times a day. The duration of the course is associated with the peculiarities of the treatment of the underlying disease of the heart and blood vessels, therefore the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. Panangin is produced by the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, and one package of 50 tablets will cost, on average, 160 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Panangin will be its low price and a good effect associated with improving the functioning of the heart in the case of a real deficiency of potassium and magnesium. But it will be contraindicated if there is an excess of these compounds in the body, or there is an obstacle to their excretion through the kidneys, that is, acute and chronic renal failure. This medicine is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, in Addison's disease, and in some heart rhythm disturbances, such as atrioventricular blockade.
Therefore, the primary indications for the appointment of Panangin should be determined by the attending physician. This remedy is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children. But most often the situation associated with chronic vascular disease occurs in people of mature and even old age who have a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in food. Therefore, it is actively prescribed by therapists and cardiologists. This drug improves the quality of life and strengthens the cardiovascular system for very little money.
Energy and cell membranes
Vitamins are especially popular not only among patients with various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, but also among healthy patients, and even among athletes, which improve the energy metabolism of cells and maintain the order of the lipid layer of membranes that are part of any cell. These are preparations that contain Coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone, Lecithin, l-carnitine, which helps with heavy physical exertion, and taurine compounds. Consider the popular remedies that are designed to protect the cardiovascular system under stress and certain diseases.
Qudesan Q 10 forte
Rating: 4.9
Kudesan drops, produced by the domestic company VneshtorgFarma, contains ubiquinone. It is also called coenzyme Q10, or Coenzyme Q10. This molecule is indispensable in the active transfer of electrons in mitochondria, ubiquinone is a provitamin, which significantly improves tissue respiration and increases the production of ATP, and it is a universal energy donor inside the cell. Along the way, Kudesan helps to stabilize cell lipids, they are not destroyed by the influence of various free radicals, and do not undergo peroxidation. In healthy people, ubiquinone improves vascular health and ECG readings. With its systematic use, exercise tolerance is improved.
Shown Kudesan for diseases such as hypertension and angina pectoris, chronic heart failure. It is also used in people without heart and vascular diseases, but who will have to increase physical activity.
It is prescribed once a day, for adults, 15 drops for prevention. The duration of the course is from 2 to 3 months. As for the treatment, here the dose in drops is slightly higher, but it is not given here, since the doctor should prescribe Kudesan for the purpose of treatment. The cost of one bottle of 20 ml is on average 350 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
Kudesan is well tolerated, and allergic reactions rarely occur from side effects. At the same time, Kudesan as a vitamin for blood vessels has a large list of indications in children, and is used starting from the age of one year. In babies, it is indicated in the complex therapy of chronic pyelonephritis, kidney damage, in hereditary diseases associated with it by degenerative processes, in muscular dystrophy and congenital myopathies. Kudesan is indispensable in a planned manner, as a means of prophylaxis before the forthcoming operation on the heart and on large vessels, for example, before coronary artery bypass grafting. On the other hand, the form of release in drops is not entirely convenient, and in some cases, Kudesan may interact with other medications that the patient is taking, so a doctor must prescribe it.
Lecithin (granules)
Rating: 4.8
For the first time, Lecithin was isolated from egg yolk and is a mixture of phospholipids with triglycerides. Lecithin is a part of many components, and first of all – into the composition of cell membranes, including the vascular endothelium. It takes an active part in the work of the liver and lungs, regulates the synthesis of bile, and in the cardiovascular system Lecithin is able to stabilize the level of fats – triglycerides in the blood plasma, and remove excess atherogenic cholesterol fractions from tissues and blood vessels. In this case, lecithin is used in the complex prevention of atherosclerosis, together with lipid-lowering drugs. In addition, lecithin is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, since this substance is part of the baby's nervous tissue. Shown lecithin, with increased body weight, with chronic vascular insufficiency, and with various diseases of the central nervous system. It must be used 1 granule 2 times a day, and the cost of a 250 g package produced by the German company Pro Vista is a decent amount – 1126 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of Lecithin will be a wide range of indications, the ability to prescribe it for prevention, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. It has a very small number of contraindications, is able to actively prevent atherosclerosis, improve the metabolism of phospholipids, and the transmission of nerve impulses. But at the same time, good and high quality Lecithin, obtained from the best soybeans, is quite expensive.
L – maxi carnitine (Solgar)
Rating: 4.7
Many people believe that carnitine is needed only by athletes who are experiencing intense physical activity, and this tool is needed to break down fats. But in reality, the situation is a little different. Pure L-carnitine is indeed involved in energy metabolism, and it is consumed under various loads, both physical and mental. Rational fat burning with the introduction of L-carnitine into the body allows not only to achieve a decrease in body weight during exercise, but also to destroy the lipid reserves that exist in the lumen of blood vessels, and are the precursors of atherosclerotic plaques.
In the event that the patient has hyperlipidemia, then it is quite possible for him to use L-carnitine. It is prescribed for amino acid deficiency, in adulthood and old age to improve concentration, in patients with chronic circulatory disorders. Carnitine is produced by the American company Solgar, and the cost of this drug is quite high. A bottle of 30 carnitine tablets, which is designed for 1 month of use for adults, will cost, on average, 2,000 rubles. This drug is the most expensive in the entire ranking of vitamins for blood vessels and heart.
Advantages and disadvantages
The high cost and relative scarcity of the company's products limit the widespread use of L-carnitine. For the rest, being prescribed according to indications, this vitamin for blood vessels and membranes allows you to reduce the severity of bad cholesterol in the blood plasma, increases efficiency, and reduces fatigue. A contraindication to the appointment may be a nervous state, agitation and insomnia, and it is better to use this remedy in the morning, when there is a whole day ahead for an active and fulfilling life.
Cardio Active Taurine
Rating: 4.7
This vitamin for blood vessels and heart is produced by the well-known domestic company Evalar, and it is positioned by the manufacturer as a means for the complex treatment of cardiovascular insufficiency. Due to the active component of taurine, which is contained in one 500 mg tablet, this food supplement reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood plasma, cleanses the vascular wall, improves the strength of heart contractions, lowers blood pressure, and improves human performance during increased physical exertion.
It is necessary to use this drug one tablet twice a day, half an hour before meals. The average course of treatment is 1 month. In the event that the patient uses it for prophylaxis, then half a tablet is enough 2 times a day, during the same course. Cardioactive Taurine is produced by ZAO Evalar, and the cost of one package of 60 tablets is 330 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of all preparations containing Taurine is their benefit in ophthalmology. It is used for various ocular disorders, especially in patients with diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts. Clinical practice shows that it is in such patients that associated diseases most often exist, since there is a direct connection between vascular pathology and visual impairment in old age. The disadvantage of this vitamin for blood vessels is that it is not a medicine, and it helps best only in complex treatment. Independently, the isolated therapeutic activity of taurine in diabetic angiopathy has not been proven in any way.
The best drugs of 'big medicine' for blood vessels
Finally, at the end of the rating devoted to the health of the heart and blood vessels, we will consider some drugs that are most often used in the treatment of various diseases, but recently they have begun to be used for prevention in the initial stages of varicose veins, with high cholesterol, and with the deposition of cholesterol plaques in vessels. It is an energy donor – Riboxin, myocardial protector – Preductal and a drug for improving blood flow Cardiomagnyl.
Rating: 4.9
Riboxin has a second name – this is inosine, and it is used as an anabolic non-steroidal compound. It dilates the blood vessels of the heart, and has an antiarrhythmic effect. Previously, Riboxin was prescribed for myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, with dystrophy of the heart muscle against the background of physical exertion. Currently, Riboxin is widely used for prevention, especially in people who experience these very increased physical activities, for example, in athletes. Riboxin should be prescribed 200 mg 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10-15 days. Riboxin is produced in tablets by the pharmaceutical company Biochemist, and its cost is low. For 50 tablets, you can pay 50 rubles. This is one of the lowest funds in our rating.
Advantages and disadvantages
The disadvantage of Riboxin, like many metabolic compounds, is their impossibility to cope with any disease alone, especially with severe myocardial dysfunction, with intoxication, and severe metabolic disorders. But in the event that Riboxin is used together with a well-chosen therapy, then diseases of the heart and blood vessels are milder, unpleasant symptoms decrease, and the cost of this remedy is very democratic, and it can be used almost without restrictions, it is contraindicated only for gout.
Preduct OD (Rimecor)
Rating: 4.8
This drug is widely used as a protector of blood vessels and heart muscle from hypoxia, that is, from a lack of oxygen, and contains trimetazidine. It is packaged in special extended release capsules. From these capsules, the active substance passes into the body at a constant rate, and slowly. Trimetazidine works by preparing cells to decrease their level of activity under conditions of hypoxia. In the event that a decrease in oxygen in the blood catches cells by surprise, then their structures begin to collapse, membrane and ion channels are blocked, the ratio of sodium and potassium changes. The use of trimetazidine allows you to minimize all these pathological processes, prepare the cell for hypoxia by reducing the concentration of internal adenosine triphosphate.
Preductal is shown in patients with various diseases of the cardiovascular system, and in some cases – in people for prophylaxis with the onset of arterial hypertension, with the occurrence of high cholesterol levels, and in other categories of patients. Preductal is produced by the French company Servier laboratory, and one package of 30 capsules, designed for a monthly intake, costs 937 rubles. Preductal is used one capsule daily, in the morning, with meals.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of this trimetazidine is its good protection of the heart muscle and large vessels from hypoxia. After all, hypoxia is a universal pathophysiological mechanism that occurs in very many conditions, and not only in sick people. It protects well, but there are also some contraindications. So, it is not recommended to take it in case of renal failure, in the elderly over 75 years old, in patients with severe liver disease, in people with Parkinson's disease, tremors, and in people under 18 years old. Preductal is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Also, this tool is quite expensive, but in the event that the patient really has a serious disease of the cardiovascular system, then Preductal is one of the best patient support drugs.
Rating: 4.7
Finally, to conclude the review, consider the most popular 'cardiac aspirin', or Cardiomagnet. For a long time, doctors found out that low doses of aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, can thin the blood, or reduce platelet stickiness. Such drugs are called antiplatelet agents, or antiplatelet agents. Cardiomagnet belongs to such means.
It is used extremely widely for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. This is thrombosis when there are serious risk factors such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. Shown Cardiomagnet for the prevention of vascular catastrophes with increased body weight, when smoking. Usually it is prescribed in a dosage of 150 mg on the first day, and then in a dose that is half that – once a day. The drug has an enteric form, and, according to the manufacturer, it does not have a harmful effect in the stomach, and does not contribute to the process of ulceration. Cardiomagnyl is produced by the German company Takeda, and the cost of one package, calculated for a month of admission and consisting of 30 tablets, is 138 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Cardiomagnyl and other 'cardiac aspirins' will be the well-known and proven effect of preventing vascular catastrophes. It really improves blood fluidity, and is indispensable in the complex treatment of various diseases, and as a means of prevention. But in some cases it is necessary to be wary of side effects, because sometimes there is an intolerance to aspirin, aspirin asthma. Also, this drug is categorically contraindicated in children and adolescents under 12 years of age due to the possibility of Reye's syndrome, persons with reduced blood clotting, for example, with thrombocytopenia or hemophilia. Therefore, only if Cardiomagnet is prescribed by a doctor, it will bring significant benefits to you and the health of your blood vessels.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.