15 best cough syrups

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Colds are often accompanied by a cough. It is observed in tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and a number of other pathologies. For the treatment of cough, liquid dosage forms are very popular: syrups or elixirs. They are preferred both in the treatment of children and adults.

When choosing such a dosage form, they are guided by the type of cough, the cause of its appearance, depth and other characteristics. There are 4 main groups of medicinal syrups:

  1. Antitussives – suppress the cough reflex, and also soften mucosal irritation. Suitable for painful dry cough.
  2. Mucolytic – liquefy phlegm, reduce the viscosity of the secretion, contributing to its better discharge from the respiratory tract. Treat a wet but unproductive cough.
  3. Expectorants – stimulate the active discharge of sputum and clear the bronchial lumen. They worked well for wet, fairly productive coughs.
  4. Complex funds – have the following effects: mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and others. Their composition is usually combined and they are suitable for the treatment of productive cough with phlegm.

Our experts have conducted research and ranked the best cough syrups for the adult category of patients and for children.

15 best cough syrups

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best cough syrup for adults 1 Sinekod 224
2 Ambrobene 115
3 Herbion primrose syrup 285
4 Dr. Mom 192
5 Ascoril Expectorant 253
6 Libeksin Muko 494
7 Bronchoton 112
Best cough syrup for kids 1 Gedelix 408
2 Dr. Theiss plantain syrup 263
3 Lazolvan 204
4 Herbion with plantain 277
5 Fluditec 415
6 Linkas 160
7 Codelac Neo 190
8 Glycodine 108

Best cough syrup for adults

Finding cough syrups for adults is much easier than for children. When deciding which drug to buy, first of all, they take into account the peculiarities of the cough symptom, as well as the manufacturer who produces this drug. Many trusted pharmaceutical companies specialize in the production of such a dosage form.


Rating: 4.9


The first in the ranking of the best is the Swiss syrup Sinekod. It contains an active substance – butamirate. It is a centrally acting antitussive agent that does not belong to the opium alkaloids either chemically or pharmacologically. It is intended for the treatment of dry coughs of various origins.

The syrup is positioned as vanilla, but it is not very close to this taste, but it is completely without dyes – transparent. Take it orally before meals up to 4 times a day. A measuring cap is attached to the bottle, so adults measure 15 ml for themselves without problems at a time. It takes up to 60 ml of syrup per day. For a full course of treatment, an adult will need 2 bottles of 200 ml.

In the reviews, patients note that already on the second day of using Sinekod syrup, the impulses to cough become much less and it is already possible to sleep peacefully at night. And after a week with a painful lingering dry cough, it is possible to part completely. Sinekod is deservedly included in the rating of the best, since it effectively suppresses barking, unproductive cough. In order not to be disappointed in the drug and not to worsen your condition, it is important to take it strictly according to indications.


  • effectively suppresses dry cough;
  • does not contain dyes;
  • protection of the bottle from being opened by children;
  • measuring cup included.


  • big expense for an adult.


Rating: 4.8


The second position of the rating is given to the German Ambrobene syrup. It contains ambroxol hydrochloride. This agent is marketed as an expectorant and mucolytic. It is effective for unproductive cough that occurs in acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by impaired formation and discharge of sputum.

Ambrobene syrup is transparent, does not contain dyes. Its taste is not very pleasant, but you can hear a raspberry odorant. Includes a measuring cup. Adult dosage 10 ml (2 measuring cups) at a time. In the first 2-3 days, the drug is taken 3 times a day after meals, and in the following – 2 times a day. For the course of treatment, an adult will need 2 bottles of 100 ml.

According to the reviews of those who cured a cough with Ambrobene syrup, it becomes clear that the drug is quite effective. But you can achieve greater efficiency if you consume more liquid during treatment. Ambrobene was included by our experts in the rating of the best, because in a matter of days it makes a productive cough out of an unproductive cough and at the same time practically does not cause side reactions.


  • quickly converts dry cough to wet;
  • does not contain dyes;
  • well tolerated by patients.


  • may have a mild laxative effect due to sorbitol.

Herbion primrose syrup

Rating: 4.7

Herbion primrose syrup

Herbion primrose syrup from the pharmaceutical company Krka (Slovenia) took the third place in the ranking. Contains active ingredients: primrose roots and thyme. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and its better discharge.

The syrup is light brown in color, rather liquid with a pleasant sweetish herbal taste. For correct dosing, the bottle is equipped with a measuring spoon. Adults consume 15 ml (3 scoops) at a time 3-4 times a day after meals. The full course of treatment may require 2 bottles of 150 ml. If not all of the syrup is consumed, then after opening it can be used in the future throughout the entire shelf life.

Reviews about this tool are mostly positive. Patients like the taste of this syrup and the fact that it works well both with residual and incipient coughs, as well as in the midst of the illness. Herbion primrose syrup for its natural composition and mild effect on the patient's body is deservedly in the ranking of the best cough remedies.


  • an effective herbal expectorant;
  • delicious;
  • measuring spoon included;
  • stored for a long time after opening.


  • a big expense for an adult.

Dr. Mom

Rating: 4.6

Dr. Mom

The fourth position in the ranking is occupied by the Indian syrup Dr. Mom. It is a multicomponent herbal remedy. It contains extracts of 10 plants, levomenthol and auxiliary components. It has bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

The syrup is an emerald liquid with a sweetish menthol-herbal taste. Adults take the medicine 5-10 ml 3 times a day. Taking into account the fact that Dr. Mom syrup is allowed to be consumed for 2-3 weeks, the consumption for an adult will be very large. In order not to be mistaken with dosing, a measuring cup is included in the kit.

Reviews of the drug are mostly good. Dr. Mom has helped many to get rid of cough with difficult sputum due to pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis. This syrup is included in the rating of the best, because it not only helps to cough up, but it becomes much easier to breathe with it – the edema disappears. But due to the multicomponent plant composition and high content of sucrose, people with problematic gastrointestinal tract and diabetes should use it with caution.


  • a large number of plant extracts in the composition;
  • beautiful emerald color;
  • acts quickly;
  • facilitates breathing, increases the discharge of sputum.


  • the manufacturer did not regret sucrose;
  • after opening, the syrup is good for only 28 days.

Ascoril Expectorant

Rating: 4.5

Ascoril Expectorant

The fifth in the ranking of the best is another Indian drug – Ascoril Expectorant. It contains 3 active ingredients: bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol. It is recommended for use in acute and chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases with viscous, difficult to separate sputum.

The syrup is an orange viscous liquid with a specific fruity odor. Light sweetness does not overpower strong bitterness – the taste is not pleasant. Pineapple and currant fragrances are not felt. With a dry, exhausting cough and wheezing in the lungs, this drug acts as an excellent student. Adults take Ascoril Expectorant 10 ml 3 times a day. The shelf life of the syrup after opening the package is not reduced.

According to patients' reviews, it becomes clear that as part of complex therapy, this drug has proven itself from the best side. He deservedly appeared in the rating of the best, since he starts to act from the 'first cap'. But patients should be prepared for the fact that in the first days of treatment, the cough will intensify. And when used in high doses, tachycardia, nausea, and abdominal pain may occur.


  • effectively eliminates attacks of dry cough;
  • from the 3rd day of use makes the cough moist;
  • well tolerated if dosages are observed.


  • unpleasant taste;
  • if the dosage is exceeded, it causes tachycardia, epigastric pain.

Libeksin Muko

Rating: 4.4

Libeksin Muko

The sixth position in the rating is given to the French syrup Libexin Muco. It contains carbocisteine, a mucolytic agent that reduces the viscosity and increases the elasticity of secretions. It is effective in various acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum.

Light brown syrup with aromatic additive – 'rum'. Such a purely adult version, and children's Libeksin Muko is pink in color with cherry and raspberry flavor. One measuring cup of the preparation contains 750 mg of carbocisteine. Take the medicine in 1 measuring cup 3 times a day between meals. The maximum therapeutic course is 8 days.

In the reviews, patients note that Libeksin Muko came to their taste, and they also like its effectiveness. With him, you can quickly say goodbye to a painful cough at night. This drug is included in the rating of the best, insofar as in a short period of time it converts a dry cough into a wet one, and coughing up occurs like clockwork. But it should be borne in mind that the composition contains ethanol and sucrose.


  • pleasant 'grown up' taste;
  • significantly facilitates coughing from the first applications;
  • effective for various diseases of the ENT organs.


  • ethanol and sucrose in the composition;
  • can provoke abdominal pain, tachycardia.


Rating: 4.3


The seventh place in the rating is given to the Bulgarian drug Bronchoton. It contains active substances: ephedrine (stimulates breathing, expands the bronchi), glaucine (suppresses the cough center), basil oil (antimicrobial and antispasmodic effect). The syrup is effective for dry cough that occurs against the background of bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough.

The syrup is liquid, transparent with a pronounced herbal taste. Adults take it 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 3-4 times a day. But it is important not to exceed the dosage during treatment, otherwise headache and nausea are guaranteed. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is 7 days.

According to patient reviews, Bronchoton allows you to feel relief after the first times of use. It effectively reduces the urge to cough. After 3-4 days of treatment, the cough ceases to be hasty and turns into a wet one. Among inexpensive drugs, this is one of the best, so it is deservedly included in our rating.


  • suppresses the cough reflex;
  • facilitates breathing, relieves pain;
  • lack of dyes in the composition.


  • there is no measuring spoon or cup;
  • an impressive list of contraindications.

Best cough syrup for kids

For the treatment of cough in children, pediatricians often prescribe syrups. This form of release of the drug allows you to solve the problem when the kids refuse to take the medicine. Most syrups come with a pleasant aroma and taste that can easily interest a child.


Rating: 4.9


German Gedelix is ​​the first in the ranking of the best children's cough syrups. It is a herbal preparation containing ivy leaf extract. It is rich in saponins, therefore it has an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect. The tool is used to treat children from birth with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, accompanied by a cough with difficult sputum discharge.

The syrup is a thick, homogeneous liquid with a honey tint without sediment. It is not bitter, herbaceous with pronounced aniseed notes. Dosages for children of different ages are different. For babies and young children, it is recommended to give syrup diluted in a small amount of water. The average duration of treatment is 7 days.

According to the parents' reviews, this syrup has worked well in the treatment of cough in children. It is included in the rating of the best for its effectiveness, as well as for the absence of sugar and alcohol in the composition. With this drug, sputum begins to drain well after 2-3 days of use. If the treatment is started on time, then Gedelix does an excellent job as a solo drug.


  • natural composition;
  • no sugar and alcohol;
  • even for newborns;
  • acts quickly;
  • pleasant taste;
  • after opening the primary packaging it is stored for 6 months.


  • development of an allergic reaction is possible.

Dr. Theiss plantain syrup

Rating: 4.8

Dr. Theiss plantain syrup

The second place in the rating is occupied by another German syrup from Dr Theiss. This is a phyto-preparation based on plantain lanceolate extract. Honey and peppermint are present as auxiliary components. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect.

The syrup is an opaque, viscous brown solution with a specific odor. The taste is slightly tart with bitterness, but rather sweet, so the children drink it without any problems. It is suitable for treating babies from 1 year old. There is no measuring spoon or cup included. The manufacturer suggests dosing the drug in teaspoons.

Parents leave mostly positive reviews about this medicine. If you start taking this syrup at the first coughing, then it quickly relieves symptoms and prevents the disease from developing. It is included in the rating of the best by our experts, since it has proven itself well both in complex treatment and in mono therapy. Among the possible side and contraindications, he has only increased individual sensitivity.


  • natural composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • effectively solves the problem of difficult sputum separation.


  • contains sucrose.


Rating: 4.7


The third place in the rating is taken by the Spanish syrup for children Lazolvan. The active substance in it is ambroxol. This expectorant and mucolytic agent actively enhances secretion in the respiratory tract. This syrup is appropriate for various acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma), accompanied by the release of viscous sputum.

The syrup is a colorless, slightly viscous liquid with the smell of wild berries. Comes with a handy measuring cup. This cough medicine can even be used to treat children under the age of two. Take the medicine by mouth, regardless of meals.

Reviews about this cough medicine are mostly positive. Some are a little confused by the composition, but this syrup is not marketed as phyto. It is included in the rating of the best, because it helps a child to cope with a cough well. He quickly removes phlegm, so wheezing disappears and the child quickly recovers.


  • quickly copes with the task;
  • does not contain sugar;
  • convenient measuring cup.


  • if the child drinks little liquid, it can cause the accumulation of phlegm.

Herbion with plantain

Rating: 4.6

Herbion with plantain

The fourth position in the rating went to Gerbion syrup with plantain from Krka (Slovenia). It contains a liquid extract of leaves of plantain lanceolate and mallow flowers, as well as ascorbic acid. It promotes the discharge of phlegm and facilitates this process, relieves inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect.

The color of the syrup is brown. It is very sweet with a specific herbal aroma. In children's practice, they use it from 2 years old. The dosage regimen depends on the age category. The drug is taken orally after meals. It is recommended to drink it with a glass of tea or warm water. The set includes a measuring spoon, and a dispenser is fixed in the neck of the bottle.

Parents in their reviews note that the drug is effective and the cough disappears in just 2 days. This syrup was also included in the rating of the best for its taste characteristics. Although the large amount of sucrose in the composition does not allow diabetics to use it, it is very tasty and children drink it quite willingly.


  • herbal ingredients in the composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect;
  • quickly relieves dry cough.


  • development of allergic reactions is possible.


Rating: 4.5


The fifth in the ranking is the French cough medicine Fluditec. It contains carbocisteine, a mucolytic agent that is appropriate for various diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the release of large amounts of viscous mucus.

The syrup is a clear liquid of light yellow (non-toxic) color with a pronounced banana taste. It does not have a bitter aftertaste, so babies are willingly treated with it. Suitable for treating children from 2 years of age. The package contains a measuring cup that allows you to conveniently dispense the drug.

According to the parents' reviews, it becomes clear that with this drug, children quickly cease to be tormented by a night cough, they cough up better during the day, and after 3 days of treatment, only a slight cough remains. Fluditec deserves to be ranked among the best because it can cure a wet cough in a matter of days.


  • effectively and quickly acts;
  • volume – 125 ml (enough for the entire course of treatment);
  • leaves no bitter aftertaste.


  • a lot of sucrose and a dye in the composition.


Rating: 4.4


The sixth position in the ranking is occupied by the Pakistani combination drug for cough Linkas. It contains 10 extracts of medicinal plants. Makes the cough less intense and more productive. The drug dilutes phlegm, promotes its better evacuation, and also relieves inflammation in the respiratory tract.

The syrup is dark brown with a viscous consistency and a pronounced taste of licorice. Approved for use by children from 6 months. For ease of dosing, a measuring cup is included in the kit. During the course of the therapeutic course, it is not recommended to take Linkas simultaneously with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that reduce the formation of sputum.

Reviews about Linkas are mostly good. Parents note that after the first use, a barking cough disappears in children. Dry quickly turns into wet and phlegm is easily separated. Linkas is deservedly included in the rating of the best by our experts, because in the presence of a large amount of plant components, it practically does not cause allergic reactions and acts very quickly.


  • extracts of medicinal plants in the composition;
  • allowed from 6 months;
  • not bitter;
  • makes cough productive and makes it easier for sputum to pass.


  • in advanced cases, it is not always effective.

Codelac Neo

Rating: 4.3

Codelac Neo

The seventh place of the rating is occupied by the Russian syrup Codelac Neo. It contains an active substance – butamirate. It is a centrally acting antitussive agent. It has an expectorant, moderate bronchodilating effect, and also relieves inflammation. Eliminates dry cough that accompanies influenza, acute respiratory infections, whooping cough or other pathological conditions.

The syrup is completely transparent without color, has a vanilla, slightly chemical, aroma. Its taste is sweetish, but mixed with bitterness. The bottle comes with an interesting double-sided (5/3 ml) dispenser spoon. It is also equipped with a child-proof cover. Codelac Neo is used to treat children from 3 years of age.

Parents leave mostly positive reviews about this drug. Already in just one day of using Codelac Neo syrup, the first results are noticeable. The drug is included in the rating of the best, because it suppresses the cough reflex, but at the same time gently converts an unproductive cough into a wet one. After 3-5 days of use, it is recommended to switch to herbal syrup therapy.


  • quickly relieves attacks of dry cough;
  • has a mild expectorant effect;
  • convenient spoon dispenser;
  • lack of dyes in the composition.


  • contains ethanol;
  • development of an allergic reaction is possible.


Rating: 4.2


Completes the rating of the best Indian drug Glycodin. It contains: dextromethorphan (antitussive), terpinhydrate (expectorant), levomenthol (mild antispasmodic). Glycodin syrup is prescribed for the treatment of various kinds of diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a dry irritating cough.

The syrup is yellow-brown, viscous with a characteristic aroma and caramelly sugary-sweet taste. In children's practice, it is used from 4 years old. After oral administration, relief comes after 10-30 minutes. In young patients, the effect on the cough receptor lasts for 6-9 hours.

Some, due to the content of dextromethorphan, are afraid to give such syrup to children. But in critical situations, when a dry cough is so painful that it provokes a gag reflex, Glycodin manifests itself at its best, which parents note in their reviews.


  • effective for a hacking cough that provokes the gag reflex;
  • economical consumption;
  • measuring spoon included.


  • tasteless;
  • not sold without a prescription everywhere.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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