14 best remedies for nerves and stress

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Unfortunately, quite often the workers of the first table in pharmacies, the so-called pioneers, who directly communicate with customers, listen to exactly such questions: 'what do you have from your nerves, what can you drink from stress'? Of course, seasoned professionals are well aware of what most buyers need. However, such vague wording can be confusing: there is not a single ICD-10 diagnosis called 'nerves' or 'stress'. Perhaps the closest in meaning is post-traumatic stress disorder, for example, a difficult experience due to the loss of loved ones. The cause of this disease is a serious trauma.

Of course, the pharmacy worker has no right to advise and sell prescription drugs. After all, they are not doctors. Therefore, numerous vitamins, biologically active additives, herbal products, nootropic drugs are used. Before you begin to list the most affordable and popular remedies for nerves and stress, it should be remembered that stress is not always evil. Stress can also have a positive function.

The benefits of stress

An example of positive stress is the correct procedure for being in a bath or sauna. After the body temperature rises, blood will drain from the internal organs to the hot skin. When the capillaries expand and intense sweating sets in, many pour cold water over them, throw themselves into an ice hole or snow. Is it stress? Stress, of course. But at the same time, the body temperature exceeds normal, and the person has no risk of catching a cold. At the same time, gymnastics of the capillaries takes place, the dilated vessels narrow, and the blood rapidly flows from the skin, overflows the internal organs and deep layers of subcutaneous tissue.

This is an example of physical stress, which is nothing more than a mechanism for adapting to changes in rapidly changing conditions of existence. 'Chronic' bathing is life-threatening, just like chronic stress. Long-term overload contributes to the development of neuroses, anxiety, depression. Patients experience vegetative seizures, or panic attacks.

Biochemistry and stress symptoms

In addition, there is a biochemical basis for nervous stress. With prolonged exposure to a traumatic factor, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to produce adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and it affects the adrenal glands. As a result, they release the so-called stress hormone, or cortisol. The synthesis of cortisol is accompanied by the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

As a result, this hormonal 'stress cascade' promotes the mobilization of glucose from tissues, resulting in hyperglycemia, or increased serum glucose. This is a natural mechanism of preparation for active actions, for example, to escape or to attack. For this, muscle food, that is, sugar-glucose, must be mobilized. And therefore, just in case, it rushes from the tissues into the blood.

The universal mechanism of stress is accompanied by the preparation of the cardiovascular system: the heart begins to beat faster, and blood pressure rises. Sometimes this is even good, since such short-term stress stimulates vital activity, and, for example, a cold shower in the morning stimulates a person to actively start a working day. But if the stress hormones act constantly, then hypertension develops, a predisposition to diabetes mellitus appears, and immunity is impaired. Since glucose leaves the tissues, a person experiences longing, and even a passion for sweet, fatty and starchy foods. This is why chronic stress contributes to rapid weight gain. But in some cases, the opposite picture is observed: chronic stress leads to a lack of appetite, and even exhaustion.

The symptoms of stress and neurosis are fairly well known to everyone. This is, first of all, sleep disturbance, most often insomnia, frequent awakening at night, but there may be overwhelming daytime sleepiness. Most often, these conditions occur together. This is a chronic fatigue that does not leave a person even after a weekend and vacation. The patient complains of headaches, lack of appetite, or, on the contrary, gluttony. Quite often, there are periodic diarrhea, alternating with constipation, sweating, tremors in the hands. These are all symptoms of an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.

Erectile dysfunction may occur in men, and decreased libido in women. A decrease in concentration of attention is added, memory problems arise, a person loses interest in those activities that used to bring joy and were a hobby or hobby. The emotional sphere is changing. Mood swings occur, or depression begins to dominate with various fears and uncertainties in the future, or melancholy, despondency and a sense of hopelessness arise.

Rating of the best remedies for nerves and stress

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best vitamins and supplements (dietary supplements) from nerves 1 Magne-B6 457 r
2 Glycine complex magnesium B6 108 RUB
3 Tryptophan Calm Formula RUB 291
4 Immunal 332 RUB
5 Vitrum superstress plus RUB 811
Best Herbal remedies for stress and nerves 1 Peony tincture RUB 20
2 Motherwort dragee number 50 RUB 33
3 Validol RUB 70
4 Novo-Passit RUB 350
5 Dormiplant – Valerian 434 r
Best Medicines for Stress & NERVES 1 Phenibut 123 r
2 Nootropil 265 RUB
3 Valocordin RUB 160
4 Grandaxin RUB 858

OTC pharmacotherapy for stress

How do you manage stress and nerves with over-the-counter drugs? Of course, it's best to deal with stress without medication at all. Basic and simple tips are given at the end of the article. This ranking of drugs includes non-prescription drugs, with the exception of the very last one – Grandaxin (tofisopam). On the one hand, this is correct. After all, a person can immediately, experiencing insomnia or anxiety, come to the pharmacy and the drug will help him in the early stages of the development of stress disorder.

On the other hand, there is a danger that the patient will constantly strive to use OTC drugs for fear of going to a psychiatrist. After all, if there is serious depression, or severe anxiety, then serious nerve treatment is also necessary. This article on anxiety is just about modern drugs that are sold exclusively by prescription, ranging from tricyclic antidepressants to atypical antipsychotics. But here we will talk about simple and well-known drugs. The price range is for mid-June 2019 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership.

The rating includes some anti-stress vitamins and dietary supplements, preparations based on herbal raw materials, as well as some medicines that can be bought without a prescription, with the exception of the latter.

The best vitamins and supplements (dietary supplements) for nerves and stress

Vitamins and dietary supplements are more likely not to cure, but are able to prevent certain situations that can lead to stress and a nervous breakdown. Thus, low immunity can lead to the occurrence of somatic disorders, and then to anxiety. Lack of B vitamins will negatively affect the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, and so on. So what vitamins, vitamin-like substances and supplements are most needed by the patient in order not to develop stress and 'torment the nerves'?


Rating: 4.9


One of the most famous complexes of pyridoxal phosphate, or vitamin B6 with magnesium, is the eponymous Magne B6 complex. It is indicated not only with a lack of magnesium deficiency – with muscle pains and cramps. It is used for malaise and fatigue, irritability, feelings of resentment and anger, for various sleep disorders. All these symptoms are characteristic of neurosis and stress.

The drug is a pleasant-tasting brown liquid, packaged in ampoules, and you need to take it three to four ampoules a day. To open the ampoule, you just need to cover the tip of it with some kind of tissue and break it off with a sharp movement. After the other end of the ampoule is also broken off, its contents are poured into a glass of water. This original method of application is very popular with children who love to watch it.

Three to four ampoules are needed daily, the contents of which can be taken after meals three times a day. Magnesium B6 is produced by Sanofi from France, and the cost of packaging in 10 ampoules of 10 ml will be 600 rubles. It can be considered a rather expensive vitamin and mineral complex, because the daily cost of taking it will be about 200 rubles. Magne B6 is sold in tablets, and 30 tablets, designed for 10 days of use, have a range of retail prices from 475 rubles to 800 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this complex will be a pleasant taste, the ability to influence the metabolism of vitamin B6 and magnesium, which play a sufficient role in stress. There are few contraindications for use: this is severe renal failure and the simultaneous administration of levodopa. Of course, you cannot give it to children under 1 year old, but it is unlikely that babies at this age will have that anxiety and stress, which is described in the article. A negative point can be called a rather high price, as well as a contraindication to use in pregnant and lactating women.

Glycine complex magnesium B6

Rating: 4.8

Glycine complex magnesium B6

This complex is a dietary supplement, and consists of two components: the simplest amino acid – glycine, and pyridoxine. Glycine itself has been described many times in various articles. It is a very mild and natural inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system that improves sleep and decreases mental psycho-emotional stress. It helps to improve performance.

The fact that magnesium soothes, reduces the dominant of excitation in the central nervous system, improves the processes of inhibition, was mentioned above. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride, is involved in an enormous number of metabolic processes that regulate the nervous system. Therefore, these components, taken together, have a good ability to prevent stress, reduce the symptoms of neurosis. Adults must use the remedy for a monthly course, one tablet twice a day, with meals. This drug is inexpensive, a pack of 30 tablets will cost from 115 to 130 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantage of this complex will be a richer composition than in the previous case, as well as a democratic price. Of the contraindications, there will be only individual intolerance. However, if you recall the previous drug Magnesium B6, which is produced by the world famous and one of the best companies Sanofi, then in this case there will be more contraindications. So, severe renal failure and the use of levodopa are indicated. If such conditions are not indicated in the official instructions for a product containing magnesium and B6, only produced by another company, 'smaller caliber', then this can only indicate an insufficient study of contraindications.

Tryptophan Calm Formula

Rating: 4.7

Tryptophan Calm Formula

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is part of proteins, and its special role is to normalize circadian rhythms, it improves the alternation of the cycle of wakefulness and sleep. Tryptophan is the source of melatonin, the very pineal hormone that drives this cycle. Melatonin is formed from serotonin, and tryptophan will be the source of serotonin. Therefore, this amino acid can be considered the amino acid of calmness, good mood and emotional uplift.

The indications for taking this drug from Evalar will be irritability, emotional stress, anxiety and reduced performance. Tryptophan is used for sleep disorders, since it is able to improve its depth and quality, tryptophan allows you to get a full sleep, and is also able to fight jetlag, that is, with frequent flights with a quick change of time zones.

Tryptophan is used in a course, the minimum course is 1 month, and you need to take 1 or 2 capsules twice a day, regardless of food intake. The company produces the drug by Evalar, and a package of 60 capsules, designed for 1 month, will cost from 809 to 1500 rubles. A pack of 15 capsules will cost 260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this remedy will be a mild effect on sleep and good mood. If the patient is worried about insomnia, and he is taking a melatonin drug, for example, Melaxen, then it is better instead to first try not to immediately take an artificial analogue of the finished hormone, that is, not to create a biochemical 'prosthesis', but to try to improve the production of his own hormone by increasing the concentration of its precursors , it will be more physiological. The drug has very few contraindications, only individual intolerance, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. The relatively high price will be a relative disadvantage.


Rating: 4.6


Immunal is an immunomodulator, But who said that the lack of healthy immunity is a hindrance to stress and neurosis? Just against the background of a low immune status, all anxious, depressive and neurotic episodes most often unfold. The drug is a herbal remedy, but it is placed in the dietary supplements section, since it is most often used for prevention.

This is an extract of Echinacea purpurea, which is available both in liquid form and in tablets. Echinacea extract is a pronounced immunostimulant that enhances the defenses of our body. This is manifested in an increase in the number of leukocytes, in the activation of the capture of harmful microorganisms by them, that is, in the activation of phagocytosis. Echinacea extract is able to accelerate the fight against harmful microbes and their destruction. It has been established that people who take echinacea extract in the midst of an epidemic are less likely to get the flu and they are less likely to have a 'cold' on their lips, or herpes.

This remedy is shown both for strengthening immunity and for the prevention of immune and stress disorders. The solution must be taken 2.5 ml three times a day. If Immunal is in tablets, then you need to give one tablet three times a day for adults. In order for a pronounced therapeutic effect to arise, the drug must be taken for at least 1 week, but not more than 2 months. Immunal is produced by the well-known company Sandoz, a bottle of 50 milliliters, which is enough for a week of administration, costs from 320 to 590 rubles in pharmacies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Immunal will be the presence of a natural component that increases the body's defenses, and this is very important in the fight against stress. The downside will be the high price and content of ethyl alcohol in the solution. This means that if a person takes cephalosporins with this drug, then there will be a possible incompatibility. It is also undesirable to use this solution in people with drug and alcohol addiction, in children, It is better to take pills here.

Vitrum superstress plus

Rating: 4.5

Vitrum superstress plus

Vitrum superstress plus are high-quality imported vitamins produced in Switzerland by Takeda. It contains alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin, vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin PP, and pantothenic acid. Concentrations are selected in a special way so as to provide the full daily requirement for vitamins in conditions of increased stressful mental and physical stress. It is necessary to take the drug one tablet daily with meals, the course of administration is on average two to three weeks. One tablet has a weight of 1350 mg, and the package contains 30 such tablets. They are also not cheap, from 700 to 1100 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Vitrum superstress plus will be good tolerance, because it contains only essential vitamins. Their concentrations are selected in a special way, this drug compares favorably with most other vitamin complexes, especially domestic ones. However, there are also downsides. This drug can help in the complex treatment of anxiety and stress, but the intake of vitamins alone will not cope with stress, so it is better to use it just, as it was said, with stress, in order to avoid stress and neurosis, that is, for the purpose prevention.

The best herbal remedies for nerves and stress

It is no exaggeration to say that various herbal preparations are the basis of OTC drugs for treating various types of nervous disorders and anxiety conditions, for the treatment of acute and chronic stress and 'nerves'. Of course, these are all mild drugs, and cannot be used to cope with severe stress and depression, such as repeated suicidal attempts. But since 80% of all patients have a fairly mild form of stress disorder, these herbal medicines are invariably popular in pharmacies. They can act simply to improve sleep, for more calmness, for focus, and sometimes pharmacists sell them as a remedy for 'shattered nerves' without going into details.

Peony tincture

Rating: 4.9

Peony tincture

The evading peony and its tincture have been known since antiquity: it is a very light, very mild and practically no contraindication sedative of plant origin. The tincture has a yellowish tint, and is used for increased nervous excitability. This medication is used in drops, 30 to 40 drops per dose three times a day. The average duration of treatment is one month. If the doctor deems it necessary, the course can be repeated soon. This drug is produced by all firms, 'and who are not lazy', this tool is quite cheap and a large bottle of 100 milliliters will cost only 25 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this tool is the presence of ethyl alcohol, strength 40 degrees. Therefore, it is possible that this tool can be abused by persons with chronic alcoholism and substance abuse. The remedy is contraindicated in hepatic and renal failure, in childhood, in pregnant and lactating women. The downside is the fact that peony tincture can not always be found freely in the pharmacy. Also, the drug will not be able to independently cope with serious stress and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Motherwort dragee number 50

Rating: 4.8

Motherwort dragee number 50

We are all accustomed to the fact that motherwort extract is a liquid. But here it is a dry extract that consists of plant parts. According to the pharmacotherapeutic group, it also belongs to sedatives, that is, herbal sedatives. Interestingly, in addition to a calming effect on the central nervous system, motherwort reduces the frequency of heart contractions, and at the same time helps to increase the strength of heart contractions, while lowering blood pressure. It is shown in the initial period of increased nervous excitability, in the presence of vegetative-vascular paroxysms, in insomnia.

Adults should use motherwort extract one tablet three or four times a day, one hour before meals. The course of treatment is up to 1 month. A large number of domestic firms produce motherwort extract, and its cost ranges from 40 to 110 rubles per package of 50 pills.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the dry extract can be considered the absence of ethyl alcohol for the solution, and therefore the drug can be prescribed not only to adults and children, but also to persons with an addiction to alcohol and patients with chronic alcoholism. The drug is cheap, found in pharmacies everywhere. However, as in previous cases, herbal remedies are not able to cope with severe depression or anxiety disorder on their own; here you will need to consult a doctor and prescribe more serious drugs.


Rating: 4.7


Well, about what, but about Validol, you can not say anything at all: this is a universal and beloved folk remedy. Roughly speaking, it is a hard mint combined with isovaleric acid ester. For some reason, many believe that Validol is able to protect against a heart attack and an attack of angina pectoris. Apparently, there is a stereotype: when a person grabs his heart, then he is given Validol. But it only has a sedative vasodilator effect, and is a little distracting. If a person has a serious attack of angina pectoris, or coronary heart disease, then he needs nitroglycerin, which increases blood flow to the coronary vessels. Validol in the event of a severe attack will not be able to do anything.

But if a person has a panic attack, a neurotic disorder, simple pain in the region of the heart, not associated with myocardial ischemia, then such a hysterical cardioneurosis Validol is quite capable of. It is necessary to take it one tablet at a time under the tongue, and stand until completely absorbed. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 3 tablets. Validol is produced by almost all domestic pharmaceutical factories, plants and enterprises, and Validol is inexpensive. For a pack of 10 tablets, you should pay from 25 to 80 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Validol is not a drug that needs to be taken in courses for treatment as planned. This remedy is special, and you need to apply it 'from case to case', with panic attacks, hysterical neuroses or attacks of pain in the heart. In a planned manner, for several days, Validol is practically not prescribed. This remedy can be considered symptomatic, it distracts, reduces the severity of autonomic dysfunction, but does not have any therapeutic effect. Otherwise, all the mint candies that are produced in confectionery factories would be considered a medicinal product. The fact that menthol is combined with valerian extract also does not give it any advantages over serious medications. Validol is available everywhere, is cheap, and can stop panic attacks if needed.


Rating: 4.6


The next widely known drug is Novo-Passit. It consists of the following recipe: extracts of lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, passionflower and elderberry. It is sold both as a liquid extract and as a tablet. The extract and tablets contain a guaifenesin that has anti-anxiety effects. The complex preparation is able to help with anxiety, soothe and fight nerves and stress.

The drug relieves mild forms of insomnia, allows you to cope with headaches, and even mild migraines. It helps to fight the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, is used in the complex treatment of climacteric syndrome, helps to cope with neurotic diarrhea, which alternate with constipation. Doctors-dermatologists prescribe it for atopic seborrheic eczema, as well as for those itchy dermatoses, in which itching is caused by increased nervous tension. This remedy is prescribed 3 times a day before meals, one tablet or 5 milliliters of solution. Novo-Passit is produced by Ivex Pharmaceuticals, and the volume of a solution of 100 milliliters will cost from 170 to 330 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but some side effects may be due to exposure to guaifenesin. This is a tremor in the hands, drowsiness, slight muscle weakness. Since the composition includes St. John's wort, photosensitivity is possible. If the patient has fair skin, then while taking Novo-Passit he is not recommended to visit the solarium and avoid exposure to sunlight. The solution contains ethyl alcohol, though of a low strength, 12%. On the other hand, with short courses, the drug helps to cope with the phenomena of stress and nervousness, and it is contraindicated only for people with chronic alcoholism, children under 12 years old. Contraindications include consequences of brain trauma, epilepsy and convulsive syndrome.

Dormiplant – Valerian

Rating: 4.5

Dormiplant - Valerian

Dormiplant-Valerian actually has not two component parts, but one; these are just the roots and rhizomes of valerian. They are taken in case of irritability, anxiety and excitement, for various sleep disorders, primarily in case of falling asleep disturbance. In tablets, this product contains 500 mg of rhizomes with roots of dry extract. The extract from plant raw materials is isolated using 70 degree ethyl alcohol, but, of course, alcohol tablets are not contained. In order for the agent to have a sedative effect, it is necessary to take it without chewing, one tablet once a day. In case of nervous excitability and irritability – in the morning. The course of treatment is from one to one and a half months. If sleep disturbance is a symptom of stress and upset nerves, then this pill is taken half an hour before bedtime. Dormiplant-Valerian is produced by the German company Dr. Wilmar Schwabe, and a pack of 25 tablets can be bought from 430 rubles. up to 63o rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

In fact, this drug is a common valerian extract, which is inexpensive from domestic raw materials in the Russian Federation. But German chemical technology makes it possible to extract everything that is possible from valerian, and therefore this drug acts much better and more actively than domestic small yellow valerian tablets. However, it must be remembered that this remedy can enhance the effect of sleeping pills. And if a person is treated with this remedy, then it is still necessary to refrain from driving a car. In the event that the work is associated with moving machines and mechanisms, then before taking this drug, you need to consult a doctor. Also, the remedy is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, under the age of 18 years.

The best medicines for nerves and stress

It was decided to include in this section well-known drugs that are sold without a prescription. These are Phenibut and Nootropil. They both help increase the body's resistance to stress and increased anxiety. The section includes the usual Valocordin, or Corvalol. Simply, this medicine has a certain 'flavor' that few people know about. Finally, at the end of the review, it was decided to include a prescription drug here. This is a daytime anxiolytic, anxiety-fighting drug – Grandaxin. This drug has been (and still is) the 'gold standard' in the treatment of mild anxiety, stress and nervousness for many decades.


Rating: 4.9


Phenibut is a drug that is widely known only in the Russian Federation, and it is produced by the Obninsk Chemical-Pharmaceutical Factory. It reduces fear, improves sleep, reduces nervous tension. It fights well with asthenovegetative syndrome, sweating, redness of the skin, and prevents panic attacks. The drug improves mental performance, indicators of attention and memory.

It is important that the remedy can be prescribed to patients with stressful reactions who have lost interest in life and in their favorite activities. Phenibut motivates the patient to be active. It is necessary to use the drug in a course, the duration of the course is from 4 to 6 weeks. The average dose of the drug is 250 – 500 mg, three times a day. Also, this remedy can be taken to prevent motion sickness, that is, with seasickness. One tablet is taken one or two hours before travel. Phenibut is inexpensive, a package of 50 tablets of 250 mg each – from 330 to 415 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the disadvantage of Phenibut is the insufficiently solid evidence base, so it is not used abroad. This tool is inexpensive, relatively safe, and it has few contraindications, perhaps only ulcerative and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, children under 2 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.


Rating: 4.8


Nootropil, or Piracetam, is the most well-known and widely used nootropic with a lot of research and a good evidence base. The drug improves the functions of the brain, including neurotransmitter transmission, increases the plastic tone of the nervous tissue, and improves metabolism. As a result, bioelectrical rhythms on the electroencephalogram improve, and mental abilities are restored after various heavy loads, as well as stress.

The drug is indicated for memory impairments, stress, disruption of adaptation mechanisms, in healthy people. 'In healthy people' – this means – in the absence of organic brain lesions, epilepsy, dementia and other disorders. Nootropil should be used orally during a meal, 2 or 4 tablets per day in 2-3 doses, if we are talking about 1200 mg tablets. Nootropil is produced by the Belgian company USB – Pharma, and its cost is quite low. One package of 20 tablets of 1.2 g each costs from 220 to 298 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Nootropil will be the ability to take it for a prophylactic purpose, for example, during a period of severe mental stress during exams, during a student session, or simply during an emergency mode of work. It will stabilize the mechanisms of memory, attention, cognitive functions, and prevent their breakdown. This will eliminate stress in the bud, preventing it from developing. On the other hand, with severe stress disorders, severe panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive personality changes, this drug alone will not help. But it will be used in complex therapy, which will be prescribed by a psychiatrist.


Rating: 4.7


The secret of Valocordin, or Corvalol, is that, in addition to mint oil, hop oil, and ethyl bromine isovalerianate, (that is, practically the constituent parts of Validol), phenobarbital is included in its composition. Phenobarbital is a barbiturate anticonvulsant drug, and all barbiturates are sold strictly by prescription. Valocordin, Corvalol, Valoserdin and other analogues are inexpensive and sold without a prescription. So, one milliliter of Valocordin contains 18.4 milligrams of phenobarbital.

This allows this drug to work very well against phobias, anxiety disorders, sleep disturbance, vegetative dystonia, neuroses and just agitation, anxiety, irritability. Everyone knows that it is a clear liquid with a special aromatic odor. The drug is taken before meals. In adults, usually a dose of 15 drops 3 times a day, and if you have trouble falling asleep before bedtime, you can take 30 drops. One of the best varieties of the drug, real Valocordin, is produced by the German company Crevel Moiselbach. The cost of one package (20 ml) is approximately from 117 to 270 rubles, but domestic counterparts can also be found, much cheaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of Valocordin are a continuation of its advantages. He's too famous and his smell is very familiar. If a person walks along the entrance, and because of some door smells like Valokordin, then most likely pensioners live there. Therefore, it is not very convenient for a person who goes to work in the morning to be constantly treated with Valocordin. If, after taking him, he smells like Valocordin all the time, then the staff will sympathetically ask if everything is in order and if he has heart problems. Everyone knows that Valocordin is dripped when 'a person feels bad'. Therefore, it is better to use it at home, and it is especially good before bed. Also one of the drawbacks is its too well-known smell.

It should be said that such types of Valocordin have appeared in which phenobarbital is absent, but the name of the drug can be misleading. Before you buy Valocordin or Corvalol, always look at the recipe to see if it contains phenobarbital. As a rule, drugs that do not have phenobarbital are much cheaper, but they help much worse.


Rating: 4.6


Finally, we conclude the review by looking at a serious stress and nerve drug, but serious in the sense that it requires a prescription. This is Grandaxin, with the active ingredient tofisopam. It is a good daytime tranquilizer, and belongs to the benzodiazepine. The most important thing is why it is called daytime – it does not interfere with active life. It has no pronounced sedation, does not relax muscles, and does not have an anticonvulsant effect. It regulates subtle mental and autonomic disorders and is mildly stimulating.

It is well tolerated, does not cause addiction in therapeutic doses and does not develop withdrawal, it can be quickly canceled. Shown Grandaxin for a very wide range of functional disorders: stress and neuroses, emotional stress, anxiety, apathy and even obsessive experiences. The indications will be various autonomic disorders: throwing into fever, sweating, nausea. Grandaxin is indicated for patients, including those with post-traumatic stress disorder, with menopause with hot flashes, and even with premenstrual syndrome. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, with pain in the heart of a functional nature and in many other conditions.

It must be prescribed by mouth, 50 mg, one or two tablets 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum dose 3 tablets. The Hungarian company Egis produces Grandaksin, and the cost of one package of 60 tablets, designed for 3 weeks of administration, is not cheap: from 750 to 1200 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the disadvantage of Grandaxin is the fact that it is prescribed by prescription, it is very popular. Advantages include the absence of addiction, the absence of the need to slowly lower the dose, good tolerance and the ability to influence a large number of stressful manifestations and neurotic states. Overdose and symptoms appear only after taking very high doses. And, perhaps, this drug should not be used for the treatment of depression and anxiety as a single remedy, since aggressive behavior may increase due to the activating effect of the drug. And even the risk of suicidal attempts increases. Also, you should not use the drug in patients with epilepsy, because activation can increase the threshold of convulsive readiness.

We do without drugs!

In conclusion, it should be advised to start treatment not with pharmaceuticals, but with simple methods: consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist. These specialists help to find the cause of the existing problem, and to influence it. If this fails, then you can change the attitude towards her. In some cases, the reception of a competent psychoanalyst is highly indicated, although in our country there is a large deficit of these specialists.

It is necessary to have normal physical activity, which helps to improve the metabolism of serotonin, namely, he is responsible for a good mood. Bathing procedures, swimming, moderate sports activities help to cope with stress. You can also use numerous relaxation techniques, massage, yoga, meditation.

You should take care of your lifestyle. Bad habits do not allow you to get rid of stress, alcohol can only allow you to forget about your problems for a few hours. Then, when the hangover syndrome occurs, the person is many times worse than if he was just alone with his problems. Strong coffee and tea, as well as a few cigarettes, do not help in the treatment of stress. Excessive toning and vasoconstriction of the cerebral vessels further aggravate the physical symptoms of stress, and lead to the development of poor health.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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