13 best remedies for sore throat

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Sore throat is a common symptom that is known to almost every one of us from childhood. A sore throat can be a harmless symptom of SARS, or it can be a formidable sign of meningococcal nasopharyngitis, which can be the cause of meningitis and generalized infection.

Sore throat is an important diagnostic sign, and an experienced specialist, during questioning and examination, can establish not only an approximate, but even an accurate diagnosis. For example, having found the characteristic spots of Belsky-Filatov-Koplik on the oral mucosa, you can safely diagnose measles.

A sore throat can be accompanied by various accompanying symptoms, such as soreness and swelling of regional lymph nodes, fever, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea, and other signs. A sore throat is one of those unpleasant conditions that everyone begins to fight in their own ways, without waiting for the first visit to the doctor.

In this regard, the retail pharmacy network sells a wide variety of products for eliminating sore throat. Some of them simply relieve the symptom, since they contain local anesthetics in their composition, but do not affect the inflammatory process. Other preparations contain antiseptics and antibiotics that act on the microbial flora and promote disinfection. But in the case when pharyngitis or tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection, antibiotics will be useless, and even harmful, since they will contribute to the development of intestinal dysbiosis.

But an ordinary person is unlikely to understand all these subtleties. Therefore, the rating of the most popular forms for the treatment of sore throat includes drugs that are classified according to their physical characteristics. These are aerosols and sprays that are sprayed, these are chewable tablets, lozenges and lozenges, or solid dosage forms.

It concludes with a 'budget' sore throat medication that is the lowest cost and available to almost everyone.

Rating of the best remedies for sore throat

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best sprays (aerosols) for sore throat 1 Hexetidine (Hexoral, Maxicold Lor) 173 r
2 Jocks 279 r
3 Ingalipt 117 RUB
4 Proposol – propolis extract 162 r
5 Miramistin 232 RUB
The best tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sore throat 1 Neo-angin RUB 138
2 Faringosept 147 RUB
3 Septolet 146 r
4 Grammidin RUB 311
5 Lizobact 255 RUB
Inexpensive sore throat medications 1 Gargle with table salt and iodine tincture
2 Furacilin 55 RUB
3 Cameton RUB 54

The best sprays (aerosols) for sore throat

Sprays and aerosols occupy the first place in the ranking of drugs for fighting sore throat, because they have the most convenient and quickest form of application. Aerosols differ from sprays in their delivery mechanism. An aerosol can contains a preparation under pressure, so it is enough to press and hold the spray button once, and the active substance will spray in the required direction. As for the sprays, there is no excess pressure, you need to create it yourself, periodically pressing the spray button.

In addition, the aerosol forms much smaller droplets, and they, being fed under pressure in a thick cloud, cover even hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity with an even layer, but the spray needs to be applied much more carefully, especially by putting the spray tip into the corners of the oral cavity, where it can accumulate. a large amount of discharge.

Hexetidine (Hexoral, Maxicold Lor)

Rating: 4.9


The French remedy Hexoral, which contains the antiseptic hexetidine, opens the rating of sprays and aerosols for sore throat. There is also a domestic analogue containing hexetidine – Maxikold Lor. Hexetidine is good because it has a detrimental effect not only on the bacterial flora, but also on being active against viruses and pathogenic fungi.

Hexoral is a red liquid with a slight mint odor. In addition to acting on pathogenic microorganisms, hexetidine is able to relieve mucous membranes. This remedy is shown for a variety of inflammatory processes of the oropharynx and oral cavity, among which are various forms of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, inflammatory diseases of the dentition, such as gingivitis and stomatitis.

Hexoral is also used in dental practice to prevent secondary infection after tooth extraction. In addition, Geksoral can be used to prevent bad breath. This remedy for sore throat is sprayed into the oral cavity twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening after meals. After application, the resulting solution must not be swallowed, the duration of the drug is determined by the doctor. This product is produced by the French company Famar Orleans, Hexoral 0.2% aerosol 40 ml can be purchased for 260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hexoral spray for sore throat can be prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. It is not toxic, but it can be used in children from an age when they understand that this agent cannot be swallowed, on average, from 3 years old. Hypersensitivity very rarely develops to Geksoral, and only with very long-term use can a gradual taste disturbance occur. This remedy is not prohibited in pregnant and lactating women, but since it is generally undesirable to use any medications during pregnancy and lactation, if you can refuse them, you must carefully weigh the ratio of possible risk and benefit.

Jox is a modern analogue of Lugol's solution

Rating: 4.8


The next effective spray for the treatment of sore throat and called Yoks, as you might guess, has to do with iodine. This is a modern analogue of the well-known Lugol's solution to all of us, which was applied directly to the oral mucosa and for this, a cotton swab abundantly moistened with Lugol was used, wound on tweezers or on a needle. Now Yox's spray contains the organic form of iodine, povidone – iodine, supplemented with allantoin. In addition to these active substances, the spray contains menthol, citric acid, ethyl alcohol, water and other components.

Jox is a transparent red-brown liquid, belongs to antiseptics, and when applied to the oral mucosa, elemental iodine is released from it. Due to this, the agent has not only an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, but also fights inflammation.

As in the previous case, the medicine is active against fungi, protozoa, viruses and many microorganisms, and Jox is indicated for all inflammatory infectious diseases of the oropharynx, for prophylaxis before dental surgery, for various forms of angina. The agent is used 2 to 4 times a day, but if necessary, Jox can be sprayed more often, every 3-4 hours.

This medicine for sore throat is produced by the Czech company Teva, not to be confused with the Israeli one. A spray with a volume of 30 ml can be purchased for 203 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The remedy for sore throat Jox is well tolerated, and only if the patient has an individual intolerance to iodine compounds, then the drug cannot be used. If it is used very often and for a long time, then an excess of iodine, or iodism, will develop. In this case, the drug must be canceled. Since iodine as an element is quite active, it is impossible to use this medicine together with other means for treating the throat at the same time. It should not be swallowed or inhaled, but in adults, following this recommendation will not cause difficulty. Jox is contraindicated in hyperthyroidism, in the case of concomitant use of iodine preparations for other purposes, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children under 8 years of age. But in general, the Jox drug can be considered a highly effective remedy for relieving local inflammation and reducing sore throat, both in adults and children.


Rating: 4.7


Perhaps, the domestic aerosol Ingalipt contains the most complex composition of all the drugs for sore throat presented in the rating, and not only in the form of aerosols and sprays. It contains plant and synthetic components. These are peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, antiseptics and disinfectants – in addition to plant extracts, Ingalipt contains norsulfazole and streptocide. This allows it to have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory complex effect. Due to essential vegetable oils, the product refreshes and acts as an antiseptic.

Indications for taking Ingalipt are exactly the same: the whole extensive list of inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and tonsils, including it is indicated for spraying with aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis and laryngitis.

It is necessary to spray the aerosol 3 to 4 times a day; the manufacturer recommends rinsing your mouth thoroughly with boiled water before spraying to remove food debris. Ingalipt is produced in the form of an aerosol by the Ukrainian company Microfarm, and you can buy a 30 ml can for 60 rubles, and a manual spray is produced by the domestic company Vips-honey, and 20 ml of a spray can be bought for 70 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this remedy for sore throat can be considered the presence of aromatic and fragrant essential oils that refresh well and have a pleasant taste. Ingalipt is contraindicated only in case of individual hypersensitivity, which is very rare, and can be used in children, pregnant and lactating women. Perhaps the only drawback of this popularly beloved drug for the treatment of sore throat is its low effectiveness, since norsulfazole and streptocid helped well against various infections in the seventies of the last century, now they are considered insufficiently effective. But if we are talking about a common cold, then Ingalipt can be in great demand, especially in the first – second days of the onset of symptoms.

Proposol – propolis extract

Rating: 4.6


Everyone knows that propolis, or bee glue, is an inexhaustible source of various healing substances. These are flavonoids, aromatic acids, essential oils, amino acids and pollen components, many trace elements, even such rare ones as strontium, vanadium, tin and cobalt. Propolis contains many different vitamins.

Proposol, which contains an alcoholic solution of propolis, is indicated for use in catarrhal diseases of the oral cavity, in aphthous and ulcerative gingivitis, in stomatitis, in chronic periodontal diseases, as well as in the complex therapy of angina, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis and diseases of the ENT organs.

Proposol is sprayed at the moment of inhalation, and the spray can last up to 2 seconds. In case of an acute inflammatory process and severe sore throat, it is necessary to irrigate the oropharynx up to 3 times a day, and after the relief of acute pain syndrome, you can do with double irrigation. Usually, it takes 5 to 7 days of daily oral cavity treatment to completely relieve a sore throat.

This healing aromatic medicine is produced by the domestic company Altayvitamins, and you can buy an aerosol can containing 50 ml of propolis in the form of an alcohol solution for 120 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

To propolis, as to other bee products, the patient may have hypersensitivity and allergic reactions. But everyone knows perfectly well whether they are allergic to honey and bee products, or not, therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties with the problem of tolerance. But it must be remembered that the drug contains high concentrations of ethyl alcohol, and it is not recommended to spray an aerosol when driving a car, and when working with fast-moving mechanisms and dangerous vehicles. That is why Proposol is recommended to be given to children starting only from the age of twelve, and it is undesirable to use it in pregnant and lactating women.

Since the remedy for sore throat Proposol does not contain agents with a pronounced antimicrobial and antiseptic activity, it will find its best use in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx.


Rating: 4.5


Miramistin is a highly effective antiseptic developed by domestic scientists. The active substance has a very difficult to pronounce name, which we will not give here, let's just say that it belongs to quaternary ammonium compounds.

Miramistin is indicated for candidal stomatitis, for various acute and chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis, for periodontal disease, for prophylaxis during the fitting of dentures. The general list of indications is more than three dozen different diagnoses. Miramistin helps to get rid not only of various types of bacteria, but also of fungi, viruses, and even of herpes and human immunodeficiency viruses. Miramistin can be used for ulcerative stomatitis, promotes tissue regeneration and epithelialization.

The tool is used three to four times a day, in addition to irrigating the throat, you can rinse it with Miramistin, also 3-4 times a day. Miramistin is produced – a spray in bottles, of various volumes, from 50 to 500 ml. For example, a package of 150 ml spray can be purchased for 270 rubles. This wonderful drug is produced by the domestic company Infomed K.

Advantages and disadvantages

A definite advantage of this remedy for a sore throat is that it has neither taste nor smell, and is a neutral, slightly foaming liquid. This antiseptic does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and does not cause allergies. You can rinse your mouth with Miramistin as often as you like, it is not absorbed through the skin and through the mucous membranes, does not enter the bloodstream and does not cause a systemic effect.

Perhaps, apart from individual intolerance, which is extremely rare, there are no other contraindications. This remedy can be used in children, pregnant and lactating women without any restrictions. Perhaps, in terms of the ratio of efficacy and safety, this drug is the best of all the drugs included in the rating of drugs for sore throat, and at the same time it is sold at an affordable price. And the fact that it can be used for emergency prevention of urogenital infections, and for the treatment of urological and gynecological diseases, only increases its value.

The best tablets, lozenges and lozenges for sore throat

Moving on to the next group of topical sore throat medications, which are perhaps the largest number of different drugs in the retail pharmacy chain. We are talking about all kinds of forms for chewing and sucking, and for this there are candies, tablets and lozenges. These dosage forms have their pros and cons.

The disadvantages include the need to chew or dissolve the product for a long time, and not everyone may like it. For example, in the workplace it is much more convenient to retire and spray with an aerosol or spray, which takes a matter of seconds. In addition, all of these products can be dangerous for young children, as children inadvertently can either swallow them or, worse, inhale them.

But there are also undeniable advantages. Firstly, the resorption of lozenges or tablets lasts a long time, and at this time the maximum concentration of active substances affects the mucous membrane and the bacterial flora. Secondly, you can go about your business and at the same time be treated, for example, while driving, in public transport, and under other circumstances. It is among these drugs that there are many herbal components, but patients with diabetes must be sure to remember that almost all of these drugs contain sugar. Therefore, if possible, you should ask the pharmacies for sugar-free tablets.


Rating: 4.9


Sore throat medicine Neo-angin is both a disinfectant and an antiseptic. These lozenges contain dichlorobenzyl alcohol as an antiseptic and amylmetacresol disinfects. Levomenthol is added to freshen breath. Neo-angin is also produced without sugar, the auxiliary components contain anise oil, mint oil, tartaric acid, and there is no glucose syrup in these tablets. The medicine has a slight anesthetic effect, so the agent also has an analgesic effect.

This remedy is used for sore throat for all inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, ranging from viral infections and stomatitis and ending with pharyngitis, and sore throats. The drug is very simple to use: adults and children over 6 years of age are advised to slowly dissolve one tablet after two or three hours. During the day, it is allowed to use no more than 6 tablets.

Neo-Angin is produced by the German company Klosterfrau Berlin, and a pack of 16 pieces can be freely purchased for 92 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this drug include the rare use of side effects, the possibility of long-term use, it is allowed to combine it with other drugs, and even with local remedies, this drug can also be used in pregnant and lactating women.


Rating: 4.8


A proven and reliable drug for the treatment of sore throat. Pharingosept contains ambazon, which is both an antiseptic and a disinfectant. Additionally, cocoa is introduced into the composition of the tablets, so the tablets have a brown color and a specific smell. In addition, lemon-flavored tablets are also available. Ambazon helps to slow down the reproduction of bacteria, that is, it is a bacteriostatic.

The greatest antiseptic effect is expressed 30 minutes after the onset of resorption, and Faringosept is used for symptomatic treatment of all of the above diseases of the oral cavity, which are infectious and inflammatory in nature, for the prevention of secondary complications during dental manipulations, and in other conditions.

You need to dissolve the tablets completely, half an hour after eating. After resorption, it is advisable not to eat or drink for 3 hours to maintain the local therapeutic effect. This advice can be fully attributed to all drugs described in this article. The remedy is indicated for adults, but no more than 5 tablets per day, and for children from 3 to 7 years old – no more than 3 tablets per day. The average course of treatment is 3 or 4 days. Faringosept is produced by the Romanian pharmaceutical company A.O. Therapy, and 10 tablets in a package with a dosage of 0.01 g costs 105 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pharingosept is a reliable and well-proven remedy; overdose of the drug is impossible. The remedy does not interact with other medications, including for topical use, and of the side effects, only rarely occurring allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash can be noted. Faringosept is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, all other categories of patients can use this drug, including pregnant and lactating women, but diabetics need to be careful, since sucrose is included in the resorption tablets.


Rating: 4.7


The next antiseptic, which comes in the form of light green lozenges, is the well-known Septolet. In their composition, they somewhat resemble the above-mentioned Ingalipt aerosol, since they contain peppermint and eucalyptus oil, menthol, and benzalkonium chloride and thymol act as antiseptics. These lozenges mainly affect gram-positive bacteria, which have a cell wall and most often cause various forms of angina. There is also a pronounced antifungal or fungicidal effect against candidiasis, and peppermint oil and menthol relieve pain and give fresh breath. In addition to its complex action, eucalyptus oil promotes freer breathing by reducing mucus secretion.

Every day, you can slowly dissolve each lozenge after 2-3 hours, but no more than 8 pieces per day for adults and children over 12 years old, at a younger age the number of lozenges is reduced.

Lozenges are indicated for all infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity, when there is a sore throat. The Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA produces these lozenges for a sore throat, and a pack of 30 lozenges can be purchased for 150 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Septolete pastilles are very well tolerated by both adults and children. Diabetics should refrain from taking, or consider that each lozenge contains 175 mg of sugar. The instruction warns that it is undesirable to combine the intake of Septolete and drinking milk, since milk reduces the effectiveness of antiseptics. Lozenges can be used for pregnant and lactating women, but for all categories of patients, including healthy people who use lozenges for prevention, it is imperative to separate food intake and drug resorption. If you fulfill this simple condition, then you can achieve a rapid reduction in sore throat.


Rating: 4.7


Grammidin contains a real antibiotic, or gramicidin C. Grammidin is available in two forms: only gramicidin, as well as gramicidin with the addition of lidocaine, or Grammidin with an anesthetic.

The second form is more effective for relieving sore throat, since lidocaine immediately reduces pain when swallowing, and reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors in the oral mucosa. The pronounced analgesic effect will persist for 40 minutes after resorption.

Gramicidin in high concentrations destroys bacteria, and an additional beneficial effect of gramicidin is to increase salivation during resorption, which facilitates cleansing the oropharynx from all kinds of plaque, excess mucus, and inflammatory exudate, which is a substrate for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Grammidin is indicated for all of the above-mentioned infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oropharynx, with angina and pharyngitis, with stomatitis, erosive ulcerative gingivitis.

It is necessary to use Grammidin between meals and liquids, adults are prescribed two tablets, which follow one after the other with a break of half an hour, 4 times a day. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed Grammidin one tablet 4 times a day.

Grammidin is produced by a domestic company, Valenta Pharm, and the Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant. A package of 20 tablets for resorption with an anesthetic will cost 350 rubles, which is a rather high price compared to other drugs in the rating.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has already been said above that Grammidin with an anesthetic is one of the best remedies for the treatment of sore throat; it very quickly and successfully relieves pain. Also, Grammidin is able to clear the throat of excess mucus by the formation of saliva, and the disadvantages of Grammidin are the prohibition on taking it during breastfeeding, and careful use during pregnancy. Allergic reactions to the drug occur quite rarely, but if you dissolve Grammidin with an anesthetic, then lidocaine can lead to slight numbness of the tongue, as happens during anesthesia at the dentist.

A plus is the enhancement of the antimicrobial effects of other drugs by Grammidin, which can be used together to rinse the throat, used as sprays, and so on.


Rating: 4.6


Lizobact is the only antiseptic in the rating for the treatment of sore throat, which contains vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride, as well as lysozyme. Lysozyme is produced in the human body, it is a protein enzyme, and is able to break down various bacterial cells, irreversibly damage the structures of fungi and viruses, and also takes a large part in the processes of local immunity on the mucous membranes. Vitamin B6 promotes the fastest healing of erosions and ulcers, and helps in the production of class A secretory immunoglobulins.

Lizobact is available in tablets for resorption, and is indicated for all infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa, for gum pathology, for stomatitis and ulcerative lesions, as well as for herpetic lesions of the oral cavity. Lizobact must be absorbed slowly, and the tablets must not be chewed. The longer the tablet is in the mouth, the better. For adults it is usually enough to suck two tablets up to 4 times a day, and for children from 3 to 7 years old – one tablet three times a day is enough. The company Bosnalek, which is located in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, produces tablets for sore throat Lizobakt. One package of Lizobact in 30 tablets can be purchased for 220 rubles. retail.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big plus of Lizobact is its structural similarity to biological substances – lysozyme and pyridoxine, which are not foreign and immunogenic. Therefore, it is well tolerated by pregnant women and nursing mothers, it helps well with sore throats for children, the symptoms of an overdose are practically not felt in the recommended doses, and as for the interaction of the drug with other drugs, it only enhances the effect of antibiotics, which quickly cope with the infection.

Inexpensive sore throat medications

Are there really no such remedies for a sore throat that do not require any significant financial costs, or, at least, are very affordable and cheap? Of course there are, and these are throat gargles. Consider the most popular prescription recipes that you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare yourself at home.

Gargle with table salt and iodine tincture

Rating: 4.9

table salt and iodine tincture

Everyone in the household has regular table salt, and a 5% iodine tincture. If you take one teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot water, drip three drops of iodine into it, stir, and slowly gargle with the resulting remedy every one and a half to two hours for one or two days, then it is quite possible to eliminate acute pain syndrome in uncomplicated cases.

The action is explained very simply. Table salt, being in a fairly concentrated solution, begins to draw water from the surface of the swollen tonsils and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. This reduces swelling, and the irritation of pain receptors decreases. It is not for nothing that dressings with a hypertonic salt solution have long been successfully used in surgery for the treatment of open and festering wounds.

Iodine, on the other hand, performs a disinfecting and antimicrobial function, and completely with iodine intolerance, with pathology of the thyroid gland, when taking iodine-containing preparations, it can be replaced with another surface antiseptic, – with a few drops of brilliant green solution.

Should you add baking soda? Many people add baking soda along with salt. In fact, baking soda, as a remedy showing basic (alkaline) properties, helps to loosen the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and the surface of the tonsils. A looser surface is a convenient substrate for the mechanical retention of plaque and microbial cells on it, and it is better to avoid the appearance of such ready-made media for the development of microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to do without soda.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this method is the absolute cheapness and availability of the initial funds, the ability to regulate the frequency of rinsing yourself, and the disadvantage is the need to prepare the procedure, warm the water, and each time prepare a new portion for rinsing. The amount of iodine should not exceed three drops per glass of water, and this water should never be swallowed, even by accident. The dose of iodine contained in the tincture is actually very large, and in no case should tincture be used to treat iodine deficiency, as various newspapers sometimes advise. For this, there are special vitamins complexes or drugs.


Rating: 4.8


Furacilin is sold in pharmacies in the form of small yellow tablets for external use and for solution preparation. The active ingredient is called nitrofural, and it is a nitrofuran drug. One tablet weighing 0.2 g is diluted in 100 ml of hot water, that is, in half a standard glass. In order to prepare a solution for future use, it is advisable to immediately buy one package of 10 tablets, and dilute them in 1 liter of water. Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod offers a package of 10 Furacilin tablets at a price that starts at 3 rubles. It is unlikely that a more affordable drug can be found on the market.

As a result, a 0.2% solution of furacilin will be obtained, and rinse with an acute sore throat 4 times a day, between meals and water, using one glass or 200 ml of a warm, almost hot solution. The course of treatment is about 5 days. It is advisable to use the prepared solution completely within 3 days, and it is better to store it in a cool place and well closed, in glass packaging, and not in a plastic container.

Of course, you can also purchase a ready-made solution of furacilin for external use at the pharmacy, which is sold in sterile 400 ml vials. One bottle costs about 200 rubles. The whole advantage of this finished dosage form is that it is sterile, and also that it is not prepared by you, but by other people. And yet, if you compare 3 rubles. and 400 rubles, it turns out that one bottle of furatsilin turns out to be the most expensive remedy in the entire rating of drugs for fighting a sore throat.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this tool and method is the extremely low cost of furacilin, a fairly high efficiency and effect on streptococci and staphylococci, anaerobic microorganisms and all the main representatives of the pathogenic flora that cause damage to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The negative aspects include a ban on gargling for children under 3 years old, when the baby does not know how to gargle, as well as intolerance to nitrofurans, which can manifest itself in the form of an allergic rash, nausea and throat irritation.


Rating: 4.7


Sprays and aerosols are known to be among the fastest and most effective treatments for sore throat. Which aerosol is the most affordable for the citizens of the Russian Federation? Is there a product that costs less than 100 rubles and is packaged as an aerosol? Yes, there is such a remedy. This is Cameton. It includes camphor with a cooling effect, eucalyptus oil, levomenthol and chlorobutanol.

Cameton refers to disinfectants and antiseptic drugs, it must be used for all inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity, which are accompanied by swelling, pain, hyperemia of the mucous membranes and their redness. In addition, Cameton is indicated for use in rhinitis and sinusitis. The agent must be sprayed into the mouth, and, if necessary, into the nasal cavity during inhalation.

The frequency of application is from 3 to 4 times a day. This spray is metered, that is, if you press the valve once, 100 mg of the drug will be sprayed from the balloon, which is very convenient, and makes up one therapeutic dose. The domestic manufacturer Vips-honey produces Cameton in the form of an aerosol in a 45 ml canister, at a price of 55 rubles. As for a spray with a volume of 20 ml in a spray bottle, its price is 38 rubles. per packing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Convenient form, metered aerosol spraying, and low price made Cameton very popular. Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction and skin rash are very rare, systemic effects do not occur, since the drug does not enter the bloodstream. Cameton can be used in combination therapy. It is not recommended for children under the age of 5 years, but not because they will be harmed by the medication, but simply because they may be poorly able to handle aerosol cans without adult supervision, and which can pose a known hazard. It is also not recommended to use Cameton for pregnant and lactating women, but only because sufficient observation experience has not been accumulated.


In a small rating it is impossible to consider not only all manufactured drugs, but even all forms for topical use. So, attention was paid to solutions for inhalation, including ultrasound, which can eliminate a sore throat. The group of drugs for lubricating the throat has not been considered, in part because modern aerosols and sprays completely replace old drugs such as Lugol's solution.

Still, the main task can be considered completed. A reader who has conscientiously studied the material provided can quite navigate the variety of drugs sold for the relief of acute pain in the throat, and choose them according to his taste, shape, and wealth.

The only thing that should be remembered is the need to see a doctor, or even call a doctor at home in the case when the pain syndrome in the throat is accompanied by severe discomfort. Also, symptoms such as high or very low fever, rash on the skin or mucous membranes, upset stools, aching joints, jaundice, swollen lymph nodes, and other symptoms of a rapidly developing and severe infection should also be alerted.

Self-medication and the use of all the funds listed in the rating is possible only in the case of the classic development of symptoms of a respiratory viral infection or a common cold, in the first days after the onset of the disease, as well as during the period of recovery or convalescence.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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