13 best drugs for memory and attention

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Human memory belongs to the highest mental functions; without it, full-fledged thinking, analysis and synthesis of the information received is impossible. Currently, memory is called one of the properties of the central highly organized nervous system, which allows you to save, accumulate and reproduce information received from the outside. Also, memory allows you to reproduce it many times, and change it, that is, memory is the basis of learning and the formation of a purposeful skill.

The more perfect the central nervous system, the higher the memory capacity, the reliability of storing information, and the shorter the time required for playback and the higher its speed. The more neurons, and the more developed the network between them, the better the above conditions are met. Therefore, at present, of all the creatures living on earth, man has the best indicators related to various types of memory. But the decrease and impairment of memory is called hypomnesia.

In addition to hypomnesia, there are so-called paramnesias, which are associated not with the weakening of memory, but with its perversion. These are, for example, pseudo-reminiscences and confabulations, which are well known to psychiatrists dealing with the problems of chronic alcoholism. These are false 'inserts' instead of forgotten episodes, a different mixture of real and imaginary, past and present.

As for hypomnesia, it usually occurs in old age, being a normal phenomenon of age-related involution of the central nervous system, that is, a 'planned' deterioration of its higher functions.

What are the causes of memory problems?

However, hypomnesia can occur at any age, sometimes it is a consequence of various organic diseases, accompanied by brain damage. The most common causes of memory impairment are:

  1. severe traumatic brain injury with prolonged loss of consciousness;
  2. ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes (the larger the volume of the focus, the more severe the memory damage);
  3. neuroinfections such as tick-borne encephalitis, neurosyphilis and herpetic encephalitis;
  4. severe forms of epilepsy with loss of consciousness, status epilepsy;
  5. focal neoplasm of the brain.

Very often, various metabolic and exogenous intoxications lead to a significant decrease in memory. This is a chronic hepatic and renal failure associated with the accumulation of nitrogenous substances in the blood, malignant jaundice. Exogenous intoxication most often includes chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.

A decrease in memory may also develop as a result of disruptions in adaptation mechanisms against the background of increased mental stress and systematic lack of sleep. These are periods of preparation for exams, excessive stress at work, lack of opportunity to rest, unfavorable environmental conditions. All this leads to memory impairment.

Currently, there are a large number of different drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements that are designed to improve the metabolism of nervous tissue, blood supply and microcirculation, affect certain receptors, and thereby stimulate memory mechanisms.

Many drugs will be considered in this rating, and they can be prescribed for a variety of diseases, accompanied by impairment of memory and attention, as a cognitive function. However, there is a group of funds that will not be reflected in this rating. First of all, it is homeopathy, which has no evidence base and scientific effect, for example, the drug Divaza. Also, the rating will not reflect funds based on biological extracts from any animal organisms. These are Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, Cortexin, and other drugs. They are not used in countries with developed medicine, and do not have evidence-based effectiveness according to the rules of international research. For all other drugs included in this review, the price is current as of May 2019.

Rating of the best drugs for memory and attention

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best Nootropics 1 Nootropil (piracetam) – Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootobril, Noocetam, Pyramem 254 RUB
2 Phezam (piracetam + nootropil) – Combitropil, Piracesin 301 RUB
3 Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid) RUB 86
4 Recognan (citicoline) – Ceraxon 544 r
5 Gliatilin (choline alfoscerate) – Cerepro, Cereton, Gleatser 768 RUB
Improvement of cerebral circulation and microcirculation 1 Cavinton Comfort (Vinpocetine) 596 r
2 Vinpotropil RUB 150
3 Trental (pentoxifylline) 134 r
4 Picamilon (nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid) 93 rbl.
5 Sermion (nicergoline) 459 r
Funds of individual groups 1 Tanakan (Ginkgo biloba) – Ginos, Memoplant RUB 1,146
2 Akatinol Memantine (memantine) – Maruksa, Memantal, Memantine, Memorel, Noogeron, Tingrex RUB 4,998
3 Pronoran (pyrebedil) RUB 520

Best nootropics

Nootropics is a fairly large group of drugs that can improve cognitive functions, and at the same time they do not significantly affect the microvasculature and blood circulation in the brain. However, many of these drugs, in one way or another, improve the rheological properties of blood. But their main quality is to improve attention, memory and memorization mechanisms, they increase the resistance of the central nervous system to mental and physical stress, and therefore can be recommended as an aid, if necessary, to memorize large volumes of material, in the period before exams and student sessions.

Consider the most famous drugs from this group. Also, Recognan and Gliatilin were included in this group, since their effect is closest to nootropics.

Nootropil (piracetam) – Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootobril, Noocetam, Pyramem

Rating: 4.9

Nootropil (piracetam)

Nootropil, or Piracetam, is one of the main nootropic drugs on which a certain evidence base has been accumulated. The drug belongs to the metabolites of gamma-aminobutyric acid, and improves the transfer of impulses between neurons. It has a minor effect of improving microcirculation while simultaneously increasing blood flow. The use of nootropil in patients with functional disorders of memory and attention improves these indicators, and this can be indirectly confirmed by changes for the better in the rhythms of the brain on electroencephalography. Piracetam is used for various memory and attention disorders, only if the patient is not diagnosed with dementia. It is necessary to use Nootropil inside, during meals or outside meals, 3 times a day, the average daily dose is one capsule 2 – 3 times a day. Nootropil is produced by the Belgian company USB, and 30 capsules of 800 mg each cost, on average, 240 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Nootropil and at the same time an advantage is the fact that this drug has been used for a long time, all its good and bad sides are known. So, piracetam has practically no symptoms and signs of an overdose, and side effects show a clear dose dependence. Thus, the incidence of side effects, on average, did not exceed 1%. These are hypersensitivity, headache, nausea, itching. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, due to the lack of the necessary research.

Phezam (piracetam + nootropil) – Combitropil, Piracesin

Rating: 4.8


Phezam is a combined drug that belongs to nootropics and psychostimulants, and in addition to piracetam, it contains cinnarizine. Cinnarizine belongs to calcium blockers and antagonists of histamine receptors, and this combination produces a vasodilating effect, protects brain cells from hypoxia, improves the mechanisms of attention and memory. Additionally, the use of cinnarizine helps patients with dizziness and increased sympathicotonia, when it comes to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Phezam is used in the complex therapy of cerebral atherosclerosis, in the recovery period after strokes and brain injuries, with organic lesions, such as encephalopathy of various origins. They are treated for chronic alcohol intoxication, a condition after serious illness with manifestation of asthenia and inactivity. Phezam found its application in otoneurology. It is indicated for tinnitus, Meniere's disease, and central forms of vertigo. Fezam can be taken in short courses for seasickness and air travel, for prophylaxis. It is necessary to use Fezam one or two capsules three times a day for no longer than 3 months, when it comes to adults. Phezam is produced by the Bulgarian company Balkanfarma, and a package of 60 capsules costs 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of Phezam, and very significant, include the fact that Cinnarizine, with prolonged use, can lead to parkinsonism, that is, to disorders of the extrapyramidal nervous system, despite the fact that the drug is very well tolerated and does not cause overdose symptoms.

Therefore, it is necessary to use it as short courses as possible, and in no case should it be prescribed to patients with parkinsonism and Huntington's chorea. Other contraindications would be children under 5 years of age, pregnancy and lactation, hemorrhagic stroke, severe liver and kidney disorders, and psychomotor agitation syndrome.

Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid)

Rating: 4.7

Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid)

Phenibut belongs to aminobutyric acid preparations in a slightly modified form. Its characteristic feature is not at all the activation of the patient, as in the previous case, but on the contrary, it improves falling asleep, relieves anxiety and feelings of tension. Phenibut is able to have a positive effect in epileptic seizures, despite the fact that it does not have a pronounced anticonvulsant activity. It is very good for mild relief of irritability, emotional overstrain and mild memory and attention disorders. Phenibut is able to increase mental performance, increase interest in various activities, increase initiative and motivation.

Therefore, this drug is indicated for functional disorders, neuroses, mild forms of anxiety and fear. In old age, it is recommended for the treatment of mild forms of insomnia, various types of dizziness, for the prevention of anxiety and stress before various medical interventions, for example, before an MRI scan in case of fear of a confined space. In pediatric practice, it is used in the complex therapy of enuresis and stuttering.

Phenibut is also prescribed for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. Phenibut is usually used for one to two months at an average dosage of 250 mg 3 times a day for adults. The maximum single dose is three tablets, respectively 9 tablets per day, or 750 mg 3 times a day. Phenibut is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Ozone, and it is inexpensive. A package of 20 tablets of 250 mg each will cost only 103 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Phenibut will be a mild sedative effect, functional improvement of sleep. Therefore, it is the preferred remedy in the case of fairly mild forms of disorders, when hypnotics and antidepressants are not yet indicated, but herbal preparations such as valerian extract or St. John's wort have already ceased to help. This 'transition zone' is quite convenient for the doctor and patient, and Phenibut is located in this medicinal zone.

But at the same time, at the beginning of treatment, the patient may experience drowsiness, and there are symptoms of an overdose. These are drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, increased blood eosinophils, nausea and vomiting. Of the side effects, all of the above occur only at high doses, and Phenibut is well tolerated at therapeutic concentrations. If it is used together with hypnotics and anticonvulsants, then Phenibut enhances their effect, which makes it possible to reduce their dosage. Phenibut itself, given its low cost, allows some cases to save enough on expensive anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics, which are used to treat serious forms of depression.

Recognan (citicoline) – Ceraxon

Rating: 4.6

Recognan (citicoline) - Ceraxon

Recognan is the original preparation of citicoline, and, being taken internally, and once in the central nervous system, it integrates into the cell membrane of neurons and restores it in the necessary areas. As a result of such an improvement in the metabolism of nervous tissue, the use of Recognan has a nootropic effect and is able to help with memory impairment. In addition to memory and thinking disorders, Recognan is indicated for the treatment of other cognitive disorders – in the complex therapy of strokes, with neurodegenerative diseases.

One of the indications for the use of Recognan is hypertensive encephalopathy in old age, which causes chronic cerebral ischemia. As a result, not only does memory and the ability to follow instructions deteriorate, patients also develop lack of initiative, difficulty in serving themselves in everyday life and when performing ordinary household needs. Recognan helps to overcome these unpleasant symptoms of involution of the nervous system, increases the level of attention, and eliminates the symptoms of amnesia. The drug is also shown in complex therapy for traumatic brain injury.

It is necessary to use Recognan as a solution inside, one dose once a day. Recognan is produced by the Spanish company SAG and 10 milliliters of solution in the amount of 10 doses costs 1315 rubles, which is very expensive. There is also a cheaper, high-quality generic of Recognan – Ceraxon. It costs less than 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Recognan is a convenient dosage form according to the principle of 'drank and forget', the absence of the possibility of overdose, and rare interactions with other drugs: it only enhances the effects of levodopa. There are also contraindications. In addition to hypersensitivity, this is a high tone of the parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system, the so-called vagotonia, age up to 18 years, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. The drug is usually well tolerated, quickly improves memory and attention, but very rarely, literally in hundredths of a percent, allergic reactions, tremors, changes in blood pressure or dizziness may occur.

Gliatilin (choline alfoscerate) – Cerepro, Cereton, Gleatser

Rating: 4.5

Gliatilin (Choline Alfoscerate)

Gliatilin, or choline alfoscerate, comes in capsules that are a bit like fish oil capsules: they are soft, oval, and yellow in color. This substance is converted in the body into acetylcholine, which is the carrier of nerve transmission between the synapse and muscle tissue. Therefore, the application of the action of Gliatilin is cholinergic receptors of the central nervous system. In addition, when the starting substance is cleaved, glycerophosphate is formed, which is able to improve the structural structure of neuronal membranes, and thereby improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Gliatilin is indicated for various traumatic brain injuries, cerebral contusions in the acute period, for chronic diseases of an organic nature with the development of cerebrovascular insufficiency: chronic cerebral ischemia, hypertensive encephalopathy. Gliatilin is prescribed for Alzheimer's disease, in the recovery period of ischemic stroke, for extrapyramidal diseases, such as Huntington's chorea. Gliatilin is produced by the Italian company Medipharm, and 10 vials for internal use of 7 milliliters each cost about 740 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Gliatilin is its selective effect on the cholinergic system, good tolerance, and improved receptor function. However, it should be borne in mind that the drug should not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, and nausea is possible from side effects. It is dose-dependent, and when the dose is reduced, this unpleasant side symptom disappears. At present, Gliatilin is used somewhat more widely than the existing indications, and is prescribed for increased mental stress, during the period of recovery from various serious diseases that could lead to nervous exhaustion.

Improvement of cerebral circulation and microcirculation

This group of drugs includes mainly those drugs that improve cerebral blood flow, and thus have a secondary nootropic effect and effect on memory due to the influx of more nutrients to neurons, due to the timely removal of metabolic products from them. So, Cavinton Comfort is the third generation of the original Hungarian vinpocetine, Vinpotropil is a combined preparation of vinpocetine and nootropic piracetam. Trental is a remedy that is used for many peripheral circulatory disorders, but it is indicated, including memory and attention disorders. Two other drugs were assigned to this group for the development of the corresponding effects and the effect on cerebral blood flow. Consider these popular drugs, of which the most expensive in the group is Sermion (nicergoline).

Cavinton Comfort (Vinpocetine)

Rating: 4.9

Cavinton Comfort (Vinpocetine)

For the first time, vinpocetine, or the alkaloid of Lesser Periwinkle, was obtained by the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, then the Cavinton dosage form was created as a drug that improves cerebral circulation. The standard tablet contained 5 milligrams. Then Cavinton forte tablets were released, with a double dosage (10 mg) due to good tolerance. Currently, the company Gedeon Richter produces Cavinton comfort, which also has a dosage of 10 milligrams, but at the same time these are dispersible tablets that must be absorbed in the mouth until they are completely dissolved, and you can not drink them at all with water.

The mechanism of action remains the same. Vinpocetine improves the consumption of glucose and oxygen by neurons, improves the exchange of mediators in the nervous tissue, exhibits an antioxidant effect and improves microcirculation. The mechanism of influence on the blood is to reduce platelet aggregation and reduce blood viscosity. Shown Cavinton comfort in the complex therapy of cognitive disorders, with impaired memory and attention, in the treatment of the consequences of stroke, hypertensive encephalopathy. It is prescribed for vascular disorders of vision, for Meniere's disease, for central and peripheral vestibulopathies.

It is necessary to take the drug one tablet three times a day, and the effect associated with improving memory should be expected no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the start of taking. The tablet has an orange flavor and must be resorbed until completely dissolved. But if the patient wants, he can take it, as usual, with water. The cost of Cavinton comfort in the amount of 30 pieces, designed for 10 days of use, is 306 rubles, respectively, the cost of a monthly course will be about 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Cavinton are a very rare development of side effects, good tolerance, remarkable study of it by doctors and a relatively small number of contraindications. This is a severe heart rhythm disorder, hemorrhagic stroke, pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood. In case of impaired liver and kidney function, Cavinton can be prescribed in usual dosages. Cavinton showed the greatest efficiency in the complex therapy of attention and memory disorders along with the intake of nootropic drugs and vitamins.


Rating: 4.8


Vinpotropil is a very convenient remedy, which was created by analogy with Phezam, only instead of cinnarizine, the same vinpocetine was added to piracetam. As a result, a complex nootropic drug appeared, while having a pronounced effect on cerebral circulation. One capsule of Vinpotropil, which is produced by a domestic manufacturer – Canonpharm production, contains 5 mg of vinpocetine, which corresponds to one tablet of simple Cavinton, and 400 mg of piracetam, which corresponds to one capsule of Nootropil with the lowest dosage.

As a result of this combination, a drug was obtained that dilates blood vessels, improves cerebral blood flow and makes the cells of the central nervous system resistant to hypoxia. As a result of improving metabolism in the brain tissue and increasing glucose metabolism, the mechanisms of memory, learning, attention are improved, respectively. In the brain, excitation and inhibition of signals are optimized, connections between the hemispheres are improved, and the quality of synaptic transmission is improved.

At the same time, Vinpotropil is inexpensive, a package of 60 capsules costs only 300 rubles. At the same time, it is advisable to take vinpotropil one or two capsules three times a day, with a course duration from 3 weeks to 6 months. Capsules should be taken before meals with a small amount of water.

Advantages and disadvantages

The successful combination of piracetam and vinpocetine in one capsule did not lead to an increase in side effects and an increase in contraindications. They remained the same as for the original drugs: heart rhythm disturbances, hemorrhagic stroke, breastfeeding and pregnancy, childhood up to 14 years, severe hepatic and renal failure. On the other hand, it must be remembered that before you cancel Vinpotropil, you need to gradually reduce its dose, and not abruptly cancel it. However, when using this tool, you can save a little, since this drug costs about half the price of the original Nootropil and Cavinton combined.

Trental (pentoxifylline)

Rating: 4.7

Trental (pentoxifylline)

Trental is the original drug pentoxifylline, and it belongs to vasodilators, vasodilators. It is indicated for a large number of different diseases. This is not only memory loss, but also in neurology – dizziness, cerebrovascular pathology and atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke and hearing loss. It is used in vascular surgery, for diabetic ulcers of the lower extremities, for thrombophlebitis, for Raynaud's disease and peripheral vascular spasms, and it is even indicated for diabetic gangrene.

Pentoxifylline itself belongs to substances that increase blood flow and reduce its viscosity. Trental, being in the blood, prevents blood cells from sticking together into columns, that is, it prevents the aggregation of erythrocytes and platelets. It reduces the concentration of fibrinogen, that is, lowers the coagulation potential of the plasma. It has been proven that treatment with Trental improves the microcirculatory reserve in areas of impaired arterial circulation, including strokes.

This drug is used orally, one tablet three times a day immediately after meals or during meals, in a dose of 100 mg. The maximum single dose is 400 mg, you can not take more than 1200 mg per day. Trental is produced by Sanofi (a division in India), and a package of 60 enteric tablets will cost an average of 510 rubles. Also, Trental is also available in the form of a concentrate for infusion, for intravenous administration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Trental is the ability to apply it in various branches of medicine, and the rather rapid onset of the clinical effect. However, this drug may increase the risk of bleeding, such as from a stomach ulcer or into the retina. Therefore, it is contraindicated in heart attack, hemorrhagic stroke, it is not used in pregnant and nursing mothers, in persons under 18 years of age. With extreme caution, it is prescribed for severe heart rhythm disorders, against the background of gastric ulcer and after recent operations, when there is a high risk of bleeding.

Also, pentoxifylline can cause a number of side effects, including headache, anxiety, tachycardia, flushing of the skin, itching. But in the event that Trental is prescribed according to indications in low doses, then it is a very good drug for the complex therapy of intellectual and mnestic disorders, or impaired cognitive functions. And these include memory disorders.

Picamilon (nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Rating: 4.6

Picamilon (nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Picamilon, strictly speaking, does not belong to the means of improving cerebral circulation, it occupies a middle place between them and nootropic drugs with a psychostimulating effect. This drug is indicated for a variety of diseases occurring with a disorder of cerebral circulation, since it has an antiaggregatory effect, protects against hypoxia, is able to prevent a migraine attack and soothes.

Picamilon is prescribed if memory and attention disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic alcoholism, migraine, depression and vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroinfections are diagnosed.

Prescribe Picamilon for memory and attention disorders, preferably one 50 mg tablet 3 times a day, for a period of not less than 2-3 months. Further treatment must be continued under medical supervision. The domestic company Pharmstandard produces the drug Picamilon, and a pack of 30 tablets of 50 mg each will cost 95 rubles. It is an inexpensive and popular drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

At the same time, Picamilon is well tolerated, has few contraindications, of which only severe kidney diseases with a pronounced decrease in glomerular filtration, hypersensitivity are relevant. In rare cases, side effects such as nausea, dizziness, irritability and allergic reactions occur.

Sermion (nicergoline)

Rating: 4.5

Sermion (nicergoline)

Sermion is a good drug, which by its nature stands a little aside, since it belongs to alpha-blockers, and they are not often used to treat memory and attention disorders. However, the main indications for the appointment of Sermion are vascular disorders such as vascular dementia, transient cerebral ischemic attacks, chronic cerebral ischemia, ischemic stroke, and cerebral atherosclerosis.

Naturally, most often it is all of the above vascular diseases that ultimately lead to impaired memory and attention, since most often this pathology occurs in adulthood and old age. Therefore, we can safely recommend Sermion as a first-line drug for elderly patients diagnosed with 'arterial hypertension' against the background of fairly high cholesterol numbers.

Nicergoline itself, as an active ingredient, reduces platelet aggregation, increases blood fluidity, and acts on all three neurotransmitter links: norepinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine. In general, the activity of these systems is increased, which leads to an improvement in memory and attention, and if the treatment is prolonged, then all the cognitive functions in patients steadily improve, and the symptoms of dementia decrease.

It is necessary to use this drug at 10 mg 3 times a day. Sermion is produced by Pfizer, but it should be remembered that the pronounced effect of the drug develops gradually, and at least three months must pass before a significant improvement in memory and concentration can be noted. Sermion is also available in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Packing in 50 tab. 0.01 g each costs about 675 rubles in May 2019.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sermion, despite its advantages, also has disadvantages, but they usually manifest themselves with intramuscular or rapid intravenous administration. This is a drop in blood pressure that usually goes away soon. Other side effects include dizziness, abdominal discomfort, and fever. But these effects mainly occur when administered intravenously. Do not prescribe the drug to pregnant and lactating women, patients with low blood pressure numbers, with bradycardia, with a high risk of bleeding and with myocardial infarction. Also, gnitsergoline is not recommended for persons under the age of 18. But if it is used according to the indications and in the required dosage, then after 2-3 months a clinical effect really appears from it, which is expressed in the improvement of cerebral circulation, activation of all transmission systems, which leads to an improvement in cognitive functions, including memory .

Funds of individual groups

In conclusion, we should dwell on several drugs that significantly improve memory and concentration, but it is difficult to attribute them to any one group. Akatinol memantine is a drug that belongs to NMDA receptor blockers, and along the way, it is one of the best treatments for dementia. Pronoran is a dopamine medication used to treat Parkinson's disease. Tanakan is a remedy containing Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract, or herbal remedy. However, despite the fact that there are a large number of ginkgo biloba preparations, only for Tanakan evidence was obtained at one time about the effectiveness of this remedy in memory impairment and dizziness.

Tanakan (Ginkgo biloba) – Ginos, Memoplant

Rating: 4.9

Tanakan (Ginkgo biloba) - Ginos, Memoplant

Tanakan contains an extract of the famous Ginkgo Biloba. The range of Tanakan applications is extremely wide. These are dizziness and sensorineural hearing loss, peripheral vascular disease and Raynaud's syndrome, arterial vasospasm, and decreased memory and attention, which psychiatry calls 'mild cognitive dysfunction'. Tanakan is available in both oral solution and coated tablets, which are more convenient to use. The tablets are brick-red in color, and they are indicated for use, one tablet three times a day. It should be remembered that in order to achieve a sustainable effect, the minimum course of treatment should be at least 3 months. Therefore, for this course there is a corresponding package of 90 tablets. Tanakan is produced by the French company Bofur Ipsen, and the cost of packaging is 1,500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tanakan is well tolerated and has a beneficial effect on memory function, but in some cases the drug cannot be prescribed. This is erosive – ulcerative lesion of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, acute period of stroke and heart attack, a state of hypocoagulation, or reduced blood coagulability, pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.

The best way would be to treat Tanakan in combination with nootropic drugs and vasodilators, or drugs that improve cerebral circulation in the absence of contraindications. In this way, it is possible to achieve stable remission in case of cognitive disorders of the lung and even intermediate level, to significantly improve memory and cognitive functions, the ability to serve oneself in everyday life and perform daily activities in old and old age, including in the initial stage of dementia. However, there is a special drug for treating dementia called Akatinol memantine.

Akatinol Memantine (memantine) – Maruksa, Memantal, Memantine, Memorel, Noogeron, Tingrex

Rating: 4.8

Akatinol Memantine (Memantine)

Akatinol memantine is a modern drug produced by the German company Merz Pharma, and it is not cheap: 1,700 rubles are required for one package of 30 tablets of 10 mg each. This substance reduces the influence of special neurons in the cortex, which act on certain brain structures due to insufficient release of dopamine. Memantine reduces the supply of calcium to these structures, and thus keeps them from being destroyed. As a result, the drug expands cerebral vessels, increases the resistance of the nervous tissue to hypoxia, has a psychostimulating effect, and is able to improve the mechanisms of memory and attention.

Along the way, Akatinol memantine improves the resistance of brain tissue to increased stress, reduces fatigue, and has a relaxing effect on skeletal muscles if the spasm is caused by angiocephalgia, migraine or other reasons. You need to take the drug at 5 mg per day, and then every week you can increase the dose by 5 mg. Usually the average dosage is 10 mg, and a package of 30 tablets is designed for just one month of admission. The maximum dose is 20 mg per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Akatinol Memantine is the fact that it is a specially formulated drug for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It has really been proven to improve memory mechanisms, postpone the timing of its destruction with the progression of dementia. However, this drug, like many others, has certain side effects: dizziness, constipation, increased blood pressure, allergic reactions. This drug has its own contraindications, such as severe liver failure.

On the other hand, since it is intended for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, you need to understand that these are age-related conditions, and, most likely, children, pregnant women and adolescents do not get these diseases. Therefore, although Akatinol memantine is contraindicated in 'childhood', in simple words, children simply do not need it.

Pronoran (pyrebedil)

Rating: 4.7

Pronoran (pyrebedil)

Finally, at the end of the rating of drugs dedicated to improving memory and attention, the infrequently prescribed drug Pronoran should be considered. The most common indications for its use are Parkinson's disease and exogenous parkinsonism. It improves the activity of dopamine receptors, and is an antagonist of the alpha – adrenergic system. As a result, the amplitude coefficients of the electrical activity of the cortex are improved, and the control over the functions controlled by dopamine is increased. These include, but are not limited to, attention, memory, activity and alertness. These functions are improved when it is necessary to perform various mental tasks.

In addition to Parkinson's disease, Pronoran can be used in various ophthalmic diseases caused by ischemia of the retina, in chronic memory impairment, in the initial stages of aging, accompanied by the presence of sensory deficits. Pronoran is produced by the French company Servier, its Russian division. A package of 30 tablets of 50 mg each will cost, on average, 490 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pronoran has contraindications for use – these are low blood pressure, heart attack and childhood, when it is simply not needed yet. There are also minor side reactions such as nausea, agitation, drowsiness, but they usually go away and depend on the dose. It should be remembered that you need to take the drug for memory and attention disorders one tablet once a day, not more often. Higher dosages are only intended to treat Parkinson's disease. If Pronoran is taken under the supervision of a doctor, as part of a complex therapy, then usually the patients significantly improve cognitive functions, memory and attention come if not back to normal, then the patient himself and his relatives note a significant decrease in unpleasant disorders of memory impairment.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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