Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Weeds are a problem for all home garden owners. It takes a lot of time and effort to destroy them, and the result does not always meet expectations. Their spread leads to negative consequences that gardeners experience during the harvest. Weeds compete with beneficial plants for water, nutrients, space, lighting. Some contain active substances that inhibit the growth of the root system of agricultural and ornamental crops. As a result, the quantity and quality of ripening fruits sharply decreases, sometimes leading to a complete loss of yield.
Today there are several thousand types of weeds. Some of them harm not only other plants, but are also poisonous to insects and animals. Several species found in pastures affect the taste of milk, giving it a distinctly perceptible bitterness. Weeds can damage entire agricultural plantations. They impede the passage of grain harvesting equipment. The damage to this neighborhood is comparable to a locust infestation.
There are a lot of ways to combat weeds. Precautionary measures before crops include a set of measures to prevent their spread on the site or field. Destructive work includes mechanical destruction, or weeding, exhaustion, drying, freezing, and burning. There are also biological methods of control using insects, fungi and plants that reduce the productivity of the weed and lead to its death.
The most effective method is chemical. Preparations are of continuous or selective action. The latter are subdivided into contact, system and moving. Our ranking contains 12 of the best weed control products, which have been recognized as the most effective and ordinary gardeners and professional agronomists.
- Rating of the best weed control
- Tornado
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Roundup
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Zontran
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Magnum
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Zenkor
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Zeus
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Ground
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Agrokiller
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Miura
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Octopus Extra
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Hurricane Forte
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Swift
- Advantages
- disadvantages
Rating of the best weed control
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Rating of the best weed control | 1 | Tornado | 435 r |
2 | Roundup | 275 RUB | |
3 | Zontran | RUB 69 | |
4 | Magnum | RUB 95 | |
5 | Zenkor | RUB 165 | |
6 | Zeus | 190 RUB | |
7 | Ground | 374 r | |
8 | Agrokiller | RUB 600 | |
9 | Miura | RUB 25 | |
10 | Octopus Extra | RUB 290 | |
11 | Hurricane Forte | RUB 150 | |
12 | Swift | RUB 24 |
Rating: 4.9
The first place is occupied by a popular drug, which is known not only by every experienced summer resident, but also by a beginner. It is used to destroy all types of weeds, including stubborn ones, in orchards, vineyards, vegetable gardens, lawns, adjoining territories, ravines, roadsides. The product is effective for deciduous tree and artisanal vegetation. The list contains 155 types of weeds. The action continues in all temperature ranges that preserve the vital activity of the parasite.
After spraying, a quick wilting process begins. The drug acts not only on ascended plants, but also on subsoil specimens. No relapses occur in the treated areas. Cleanliness is maintained for a period of 2 to 3 months.
The product does not affect the soil, is safe for humans, animals, insects and seeds of cultivated plants, decomposes into biological natural components. Sowing can be started 2 hours after spraying, planting seedlings – after 2 days. The product is available in various forms: granules, concentrate, ready-made solution.
- high efficiency with dense contamination of the site;
- the most used drug;
- environmental Safety;
- high penetrating power;
- activity at moderate temperatures and frost.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.8
The second line of the rating is occupied by the famous Belgian drug, which has many advantages. It is a versatile herbicide that can control all types of weeds: annual, perennial, dicotyledonous, shrub. A single application is enough to protect the site during the period of seedling growth and fruit ripening. The product has an intense penetrating effect, destroys the roots of adult and young plants, blocking their reappearance.
The drug does not affect the soil, so the seeds of cultivated plants will not be damaged during processing. It decomposes into simple, harmless substances that are safe for the environment. 'Roundup' is used in various areas: intended for seedlings and not involving sowing. Summer residents actively use it to protect the area along roads, hedges, vegetable plantations, and gardens from weeds.
According to reviews, the drug increases the germination of crops. It works on 300 known weed species and is a versatile remedy. Its action extends under any weather conditions, ensuring the safety of crops from March to October.
- a wide range of effects;
- improving soil quality;
- lack of soil activity;
- convenient application;
- long term of protection.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.7
The bronze medalist of the rating is an assistant to many private gardeners and farmers. Its main task is to protect potato and tomato fields from weeds that suppress the growth of agricultural crops and negatively affect productivity. The new formula is absolutely safe for soil dwellers, it is not absorbed from the soil into beneficial plants. The protection period is very long – 60 days without weeds and new shoots.
After processing, a protective screen is formed against washing off by dew or rain. The drug is quickly absorbed through the leaves and spreads through all channels, reaching the root system. The wilting process begins instantly. It is possible to see it visually on the 3rd day after spraying. The stem leans towards the ground, the leaves become withered, acquire a yellow tint.
The tool is economical. A 10 g package is enough to process 100 sq. m of territory. The drug was adopted by many gardeners. It perfectly preserves vegetable crops, is non-phytotoxic, blocks the re-growth of weeds, eliminates hard-to-remove wheatgrass, bindweed, dandelion, and sow thistle. All respondents gave 'Zontrana' the highest rating for its effectiveness.
- new effective formula;
- prevention of seed growth for up to 40 days;
- protection from 50 types of weeds up to 2 months;
- minimum expenditure.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.6
The fourth nominee of the rating is a continuous action herbicide. It is used in areas not intended for crops. These are the territories adjacent to the house, blind areas, roadside zones. Its high efficiency leads to amazing results: cleansing for up to six months or more. The solution penetrates into all internal systems, including the root. It not only affects germinated plants, but also those in the soil. Visible wilting occurs after 2-3 weeks.
High fixation prevents dew or rain wash-off 4 hours after spraying. The active substance takes effect immediately. Processing can be done at any time. The action continues at temperatures from + 5 ° to frost.
According to reviews, 'Magnum' is the best drug used to remove dense and dangerous vegetation. Difficult varieties and strong formed tree shoots also die and do not resume their vital activity again. The product is available in the form of granules that require dissolution in water. There are no difficulties in mixing, a solution of a uniform consistency does not clog the sprayer.
- maximum result for any degree of clogging;
- validity period – 6 months or more;
- destruction of seedlings in the soil;
- wide temperature range of action.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.5
The top five products in our rating include a drug produced in the form of water-soluble granules or suspension concentrate. It penetrates into the internal systems of the plant, disrupting the process of photosynthesis, which leads to the inevitable death of the main malignant species of cereals and annual weeds. The tool is used in areas for planting vegetable crops. It is able to protect crops for a period of 1.5 to 2 months, helps to increase yields and fruit quality.
The broad spectrum product is compatible with many pesticides. It is not addictive, does not affect the soil and is not absorbed from it into cultivated plants, it is applied at any time: before germination and after the strengthening of weed shoots. Another indisputable advantage is the use of the product in various soil and climatic areas.
Gardeners have long paid attention to this drug. It is safe for seedlings, no signs of phytotoxicity were observed on it, and provides long-term relief, preventing the rapid spread of new weeds.
- a broad spectrum systemic herbicide;
- non-phytotoxic drug;
- use in the pre-emergence and post-emergence period;
- long-term protection against weeds;
- for all types of soil.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.4
The sixth in the ranking is a highly effective continuous action product. It helps clear all types of weeds, including tree and shrub shoots. The product destroys bindweed, nettle, hogweed, wheatgrass, thistle, pig. It is suitable for all areas and agricultural land. The drug does not penetrate into the culture from the soil, decomposing in it into safe components. It completely destroys the plant, including aboveground and underground parts. The treated bush is not capable of recovery.
The drug is already ready for use, available in the form of an aqueous solution. The visual effect depends on the type of parasite. Annual plants begin to wither after 2 days, perennial plants – after a week, tree and shrubs – after 20 days. With a mixed distribution of weeds, including fairly large tree shoots, the area becomes clean 1 month after spraying.
The tool has a wide range of applications. It is effective from March until the first frost. Summer residents noted the safety for seeds, a high degree of adhesion, excellent results in dense and tall growth.
- for all types of weeds;
- death of strong shoots of shrubs and trees;
- without impact on the environment;
- ready-to-use composition;
- convenient bottle with a dispenser.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.3
A worthy seventh place in the rating is taken by a continuous action tool. It brings tangible results even in the most overgrown areas. The drug actively destroys hogweed, nettle, dandelion, wheatgrass and many other annual and perennial plant parasites. The principle of operation is simple. The solution, falling on the leaves, penetrates inside and is carried along all vital systems. Signs of death are visible one day after treatment. The weed becomes lethargic, begins to turn yellow or turn brown.
The time of destruction depends on the type of plant. The area is completely cleaned 25 days after spraying. The risk of new plants appearing is reduced to zero. The product is suitable for the treatment of areas intended for any purpose. These are vegetable beds, a garden area, a place for planting lawn grass. It does not affect the soil and its inhabitants, after a while it decomposes into natural substances.
Packages are very easy to use. With the help of a measuring cap, you can strictly dose the amount, and exclude the use of excess. The opinion of summer residents is unambiguous: a universal remedy helps to fight the most difficult specimens, greatly facilitating work and saving time for other useful things.
- destruction of 150 types of weeds;
- high concentration;
- without impact on the environment;
- convenient packaging;
- for all types of sites.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.2
The eighth nominee in our rating is a tool that helps to clear household plots and gardens from stubborn weeds. The increased content of the active substance has a detrimental effect on perennial and annual cereals, dicotyledonous, woody and shrubby plants. He is able to quickly eliminate a dangerous weed, which is a headache for summer residents – Sosnovsky's hogweed.
The product has an increased fixing property, two hours after being absorbed it is resistant to being washed off by rain. Another plus: wide temperature range for intense action. The solution has no soil activity. It is used before sowing agricultural, ornamental crops and lawn grasses.
The drug is available in various packaging. The most economical package is 500 ml. According to reviews, this is one of the best means of killing weeds along roadsides, fences and in all hard-to-reach places. It fights all malicious pests, including tree growth.
- for all types of weeds;
- absolute death without relapse;
- minimum spending;
- does not disturb the biological balance;
- does not affect agricultural seeds.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.2
The ninth position in the rating is taken by a selective drug. It is used to kill weeds in vegetable beds. Cabbage, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers will bring a good harvest after using this remedy. The unusual name was given to the drug for a reason. Miura is a specially bred breed of fighting bulls participating in bullfights. Since the product showed excellent results during the research, overtaking other similar products, it was decided to give it the name of this animal.
The double content of the active ingredient does not leave a chance for cereal weed parasites. The drug is transferred to all systems, disrupts lipid synthesis and leads to complete destruction. Symptoms of depression appear in 1-3 days. No new regrowth was observed. A special adhesive additive provides permanent fixation to the leaves, preventing the solution from being washed off by rain. Economical consumption. 4 ml is enough to process an area of 100 sq. m.
Summer residents confirmed that the product is effective for all types of cereal weeds, perennial and annual. It is safe for soil, beneficial insects and crops.
- destruction of all types of cereal parasites;
- application in tank mixes;
- increased adhesion property;
- the most cost effective graminicide.
- not detected.
Octopus Extra
Rating: 4.1
The top ten of the rating includes a continuous action product that helps to cope with weeds in the most overgrown areas. He can do the most difficult to eradicate plants: Sosnovsky's hogweed, wheatgrass, nettle, all types of tree and shrub parasites. The list includes 100 varieties that are resistant to other similar drugs. Dying off occurs on the 10th day. The solution penetrates the root system and promotes rapid death.
Application excludes repeated growth of the same plant. The site becomes cleared in all places that are difficult to reach for machining: along curbs, fences, paths, furrows. The drug is packaged in 100 ml bottles. One package is enough to handle 600 sq. m area.
The composition does not cause any harm to the surrounding biosystem. It decomposes into safe components in the soil. Numerous positive reviews prove its effectiveness. It is used both on small garden plots and on large plantations. It was highlighted that no relapse of weeds was observed.
- effective for stubborn weeds;
- the highest concentration of active substances;
- does not accumulate in the soil;
- cleansing hard-to-reach areas;
- large cultivated area.
- not detected.
Hurricane Forte
Rating: 4.0
On the eleventh line of the rating – a continuous action agent that destroys grass and tree-shrub weeds even on plantations with a high degree of spread. Treated plots after their death are ready for planting new crops. After spraying the stems and leaves, the active substance penetrates into the root system. On the 3rd day, you can see clear signs of dying off: lethargy, yellowing.
The final death occurs after 10 days. The advantage of the product is its effect on weeds that are resistant to mechanical treatment and other types of influence. The herbicide is safe for the soil, does not harm insects and animals. It does not interfere with the growth of crop seeds. Due to its high concentration, one ampoule is enough for a large area of the treated surface.
The special composition contributes to enhanced fixation of the solution on the leaves, therefore it is resistant to moisture and rain. Plus funds are its beneficial effect on the quality of the soil. The best time to spray is dry weather and moderate temperatures. Convenient packaging and affordable cost were highlighted among the advantages.
- highly concentrated composition;
- control of shrubs;
- low spending rate;
- safety for the environment;
- improved fixation qualities.
- not detected.
Rating: 3.9
The rating closes with an effective new generation drug, which was developed for the mass destruction of all types of weeds, including annual, perennial and dicotyledonous. It is used from March to October inclusive. Getting on the leaves, the drug penetrates the internal system, where it spreads to the rhizome. During the week there is a gradual withering away and death of weeds. Complete cleansing of the site occurs in a period of 2 to 3 weeks.
The solution is moisture resistant. It does not harm the soil and microorganisms, it decomposes into natural substances that do not affect the biobalance, therefore, immediately after dying off, agricultural and ornamental crops can be planted. The drug is very economical. 9 g of concentrate diluted in water is enough for 30-40 sq. m of the cultivated area. At maximum contamination, the consumption increases and can amount to 1 package per 20-28 sq. m.
According to reviews, the tool does an excellent job with stubborn weeds: nettle, ragweed, hogweed, wheatgrass. It is easy to prepare for spraying, it dissolves well in water, and has a long exposure period. Low price is a definite plus when buying.
- non-toxic composition;
- fast action;
- without the appearance of relapses;
- safety for the environment;
- destruction of all types of weeds.
- not detected.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.