12 best vitamins for vitamin deficiency

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Avitaminosis is characterized by the absence of any vitamin in the body or a violation of its metabolism. However, the complete absence of any biologically active substance is extremely rare. In this regard, in all cases, it is not appropriate to talk about vitamin deficiency. Most often, this term means 'hypovitaminosis' (vitamin deficiency).

Plant foods are high in vitamins and minerals. In summer and autumn, it is quite possible to support the body with important elements thanks to a varied, balanced diet. During this time, the body accumulates useful substances, which will last for 2-3 months. But towards the end of winter, the reserves are spent and seasonal vitamin deficiency develops. It has the following symptoms:

  1. problematic waking up in the morning;
  2. lethargy, drowsiness throughout the day;
  3. decreased concentration of attention, forgetfulness;
  4. chronic fatigue syndrome;
  5. apathy, depression;
  6. dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails.

To determine the exact amount of vitamin in blood and urine, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests. But far from everything they want to find out and prefer to support their body with the help of multivitamin complexes. This review will consider the best vitamins for vitamin deficiency from imported and Russian manufacturers.

Rating of the best vitamins for vitamin deficiency

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best imported vitamins for vitamin deficiency 1 Solgar omnium RUB 3 791
2 Vitrum 548 RUB
3 Supradin RUB 610
4 Multi-tabs Classic Plus 444 r
5 Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc 406 r
6 Duovit 216 r
7 Berocca Plus 762 RUB
The best Russian vitamins for vitamin deficiency 1 Alphabet Classic RUB 311
2 Complivit RUB 150
3 Evalar Biorhythm Multivitamins 240 RUB
4 Selmevit 269 ​​r
5 Kvadevit

The best imported vitamins for vitamin deficiency

Import manufacturers produce all kinds of semi-synthetic and plant fermented vitamins. They have high bioavailability and belong to an expensive price segment.

Solgar omnium

Rating: 4.9

Solgar omnium

The American brand Solgar produces a multivitamin complex with Omnium minerals and phytonutrients. The product contains 36 important components: vitamins of natural origin, minerals in an easily digestible and safe form, a mixture of essential phytonutrients. The composition is free from gluten, wheat, dairy products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colors, flavors.

Solgar Omnium comes in the form of oval beveled tablets. They are colored purple (grape juice is used). The product is suitable for vegetarians. The tablets are quite large, but swallowed practically without problems. In case of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to use dietary supplements 2 pieces 1 time per day during the main meal. The tool is approved for use from 18 years old.

According to reviews, Solgar Omnium copes well with the manifestations of vitamin deficiency. These vitamins add energy, and constant lethargy and drowsiness go away with them. With this complex, the body's resistance to colds increases. Supplement helps to improve vision. It improves the condition of the hair, nails, skin. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but if taken on an empty stomach, nausea or headache may appear.


  • 36 useful components of the composition;
  • the tablets are easy to swallow;
  • eliminate the signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve the appearance.


  • if taken on an empty stomach, nausea or headache may occur.


Rating: 4.8


The American pharmaceutical company Unipharm produces the Vitrum vitamin and mineral complex. It is great for combating vitamin deficiency as it contains 13 vitamins and 17 minerals. This balanced complex promotes health and wellness. Designed for use by adults and adolescents from the age of 18.

Vitrum is available in the form of rather large capsule-shaped tablets. They have a dividing line and are colored peach. An opaque plastic bottle can contain from 30 to 130 tablets. The advantage of the packaging is a 'childproof' lid. Adults with vitamin deficiency need to take vitamins 1 piece a day after breakfast. If the tablet cannot be swallowed whole, you can break it in half.

Consumers usually speak well of Vitrum. They note that with this drug they effectively get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue. Their mood improves, their resistance to stress increases. Vitrum helps to defeat the spring blues. With this drug, the growth of nails and hair is accelerated. The skin is cleansed, looks fresh, tightened. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but occasionally allergic reactions are possible.


  • balanced complex;
  • dividing line tablets;
  • provide a burst of energy;
  • eliminate the spring blues;
  • accelerate the growth of hair, nails.


  • manifestations of allergies are not excluded.


Rating: 4.7


The German pharmaceutical company Bayer produces the drug Supradin. It contains 12 vitamins, which are supplemented with minerals, including rare elements. The drug Supradin is a full-fledged multivitamin complex that prevents the development of vitamin deficiencies, and also helps to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients when it appears. Approved for use by adults and children from 12 years old.

The release form of Supradin is oval, biconvex tablets of orange-red color. They are located on blisters. The package contains 30 or 60 tablets. Despite their size, they swallow quite easily due to their streamlined shape. Dosage regimen – 1 tablet per day during the main meal. It is recommended to drink it with a glass of clean water. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

In reviews of Supradina, consumers note that this drug perfectly relieves of such manifestations of vitamin deficiency as constant drowsiness, reduced performance, apathy, frequent infection with colds. These vitamins are excellent in raising hemoglobin and improving other laboratory parameters. With them, the general well-being and appearance improves, the quality of sleep improves, and the concentration of attention increases.


  • effective composition;
  • the tablets are easy to swallow;
  • reception once a day;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • provide a surge of strength;
  • improve psycho-emotional state.


  • dye in the composition.

Multi-tabs Classic Plus

Rating: 4.6

Multi-tabs Classic Plus

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer (Italy) produces the Multi-tabs Classic Plus dietary supplement. The complex contains: 13 vitamins and 8 minerals. They are aimed at maintaining health and energy. It is especially appropriate to use this dietary supplement for manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency, during a period of intense mental and / or physical stress, as well as during recovery from illness.

Multi-tabs Classic Plus is produced in the form of round, biconvex tablets with beveled edges, film-coated in a light orange color. There is no dividing risk for them, but it is not needed, since vitamins are swallowed quite easily. Adults are advised to take 1 tablet 1 time per day during the main meal. When taken on an empty stomach, you may experience heaviness in the stomach or heartburn.

Reviews of Multi-tabs Classic Plus are mostly good. Many people like the energy boost that these vitamins give. They improve the quality of night sleep and wake up in the morning. This dietary supplement relieves increased irritability and depressed mood. It stops the spring 'hair loss' that occurs against the background of vitamin deficiency. Multi-tabs Classic Plus is generally well accepted by organisms and rarely causes side effects.


  • well thought out composition;
  • easy-to-swallow tablets;
  • invigorate and give energy;
  • normalize the quality of sleep;
  • stop hair loss;
  • improve mood.


  • when taken on a good stomach, heaviness or heartburn occurs.

Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc

Rating: 4.5

Doppelherz Active from A to Zinc

German complex Doppelgerz Active from A to Zinc contains 24 vital vitamins and minerals. This dietary supplement is especially appropriate for active, business people who often face increased mental, physical or emotional overload. The depot pill releases nutrients slowly and gradually throughout the day.

Doppelgerz Active from A to Zinc is a large oval brick-colored tablet with a dividing line. It is covered with a shell and has a streamlined shape, therefore, despite its large size, it is swallowed almost without problems (or you can break it in half). Adults and children over 12 years old with vitamin deficiency are advised to take 1 tablet per day during the main meal. Duration of treatment is 8 weeks.

According to reviews, this dietary supplement from Doppelhertz has a great effect on overall well-being. These vitamins relieve increased fatigue, daytime sleepiness, nighttime insomnia. For some, this product also helped to improve memory, concentration and relieve headaches that often occur with vitamin deficiency. The dietary supplement eliminates excessive hair loss and severe dryness of the skin. Usually these German vitamins are well tolerated, but in some they cause intense thirst.


  • 24 important components in the composition;
  • depot tablet;
  • separating risk on the tablet;
  • quickly give energy and strength;
  • improve memory and concentration;
  • stop hair loss;
  • relieve headaches.


  • can provoke intense thirst.


Rating: 4.4


The pharmaceutical company KRKA produces the drug Duovit. The combined medicinal product contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. The complex has proven itself well with seasonal vitamin deficiencies, increased physical activity or flaws in the diet (irregular, defective, unbalanced). The drug can be used by adults and children from 10 years old.

In the Duovit preparation, vitamins and minerals are included in different dragees, which differ in color. This contributes to better assimilation and preservation of the pharmacological activity of individual components. Red dragee contains vitamins, blue dragee contains minerals. The drug is taken orally after breakfast, 1 red and blue dragee per day.

People suffering from vitamin deficiency respond well to the drug Duovit. They note that against the background of its use, a surge of strength appears, and cheerfulness is felt throughout the day. They noticeably strengthen the immune system – seasonal colds pass away. This complex has a great effect on the condition of the hair. They stop falling out, grow back faster, shine. The nails cease to exfoliate and break, and the skin is cleared of acne.


  • vitamins and minerals in individual pills;
  • reception once a day;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • give vigor;
  • stop hair loss, brittle nails.


  • some find it difficult to swallow pills.

Berocca Plus

Rating: 4.4

Berocca plus

The French combined preparation Berocca Plus contains 9 vitamins and 3 minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc). This complex contains dosages that are suitable for therapeutic purposes. Berocca Plus vitamins are indicated for seasonal avitaminosis, as well as for excessive emotional or physical exertion.

Berocca Plus is produced in large (1.8 cm in length), oblong, biconvex tablets, light beige. They practically do not cause difficulties with swallowing. The drug is approved for use from the age of 15. It is prescribed 1 tablet a day after meals with plenty of water. Usually, these vitamins are well tolerated with vitamin deficiency, but occasionally cause diarrhea or headache.

In reviews of Berocca Plus, consumers note that they like the effect of this remedy on their body. Moreover, the result is noticeable already in the first days of application. A surge of energy appears, the nervous system calms down, concentration of attention increases and memory improves. These vitamins also eliminate the external manifestations of vitamin deficiency – hair loss or brittleness, dryness, dullness of the skin, delamination of nails.


  • non-overloaded composition;
  • large but easily swallowed tablets;
  • reception once a day;
  • a surge of strength, energy;
  • elimination of nervousness;
  • cosmetic effect on hair, nails, skin.


  • may cause diarrhea or headache in some.

The best Russian vitamins for vitamin deficiency

Domestic manufacturers produce very worthy vitamin complexes that can create serious competition for imported counterparts. At the same time, their price category looks more attractive.

Alphabet Classic

Rating: 4.9

Alphabet Classic.jpg

The Russian trade mark Alphabet produces the Classic dietary supplement, which contains a full set of vitamins and essential minerals to compensate for the lack of nutrients in case of vitamin deficiency. This product takes into account the correct combination of components. Alphabet Classic contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. The composition contains iodine, therefore dietary supplements are contraindicated in persons with hyperthyroidism.

Alphabet Classic is produced in the form of tablets in three colors. Each of them contains its own set of useful components. The daily dose is 3 tablets of different colors. They are round, biconvex with beveled edges. They are swallowed practically without problems. Consumers have complaints only about the fact that you can forget to drink one of the tablets when used three times a day.

According to reviews of people who are faced with vitamin deficiency, Alphabet Classic quickly relieves the condition. With this dietary supplement, after a couple of days of use, a surge of strength appears, mood improves, and the quality of sleep improves. Against the background of the use of this remedy, the body's resistance to catarrhal pathologies increases and seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases pass faster. As a pleasant bonus, hair stops falling out, and the nail plates grow back quickly and become strong.


  • the components of the composition are combined correctly;
  • easy-to-swallow tablets;
  • quickly eliminates the signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • stop excessive hair loss;
  • improve the condition of the nail plates.


  • taking vitamins 3 times a day.


Rating: 4.8


The pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard Ufavita produces Complivit. The combination product contains 11 vitamins, 8 minerals and lipoic acid. It is advisable to use this complex to prevent vitamin deficiencies or to treat an existing deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which occurs during prolonged strong mental, physical or emotional stress. Complivit is approved for use from 12 years old.

Complivit is sold for 30 or 60 vitamins in polymer cans. Tablets are biconvex, round, coated white. Take the drug 1 piece 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. During the use of these vitamins, urine may turn bright yellow. Tolerance to this agent is good, but some may develop individual hypersensitivity to individual components.

In the reviews, people suffering from vitamin deficiency note that after 1 week of using Complivit, drowsiness and fatigue leave them. It is easier to wake up in the morning, and throughout the day feels a surge of strength and energy. Resistance to colds also appears. Strong peeling is eliminated on the skin, small cracks heal. Hair falls out less, looks healthier.


  • well thought out composition;
  • convenient tablet form;
  • the effect develops rapidly;
  • enhances immunity;
  • relieves drowsiness and loss of strength;
  • improves skin condition.


  • allergic reactions are possible.

Evalar Biorhythm Multivitamins

Rating: 4.7

Evalar Biorhythm Multivitamins

The pharmaceutical company Evalar produces dietary supplements Biorhythm Multivitamins. In this product, experts have tried to combine the energy of fruits and vegetables with the benefits of vitamins and minerals. The complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, which make it possible to maximize their deficiency in vitamin deficiency. This dietary supplement helps you feel in great physical shape regardless of the season.

BAA Biorhythm Multivitamins is available in tablets of two colors. Morning (fruit-based) saturates the body with strength and energy. And the evening (based on vegetables) provides a quality rest at night. The tablets are round, biconvex, swallow without problems. One morning (white) is taken in the morning, and one evening (purple) in the afternoon with meals.

Persons struggling with vitamin deficiency usually speak well of Biorhythm Multivitamins from Evalar. They like the fact that with such a supplement, the body simply comes to life. Vigor and good mood are maintained throughout the day. Many people note that with this complex, they quickly heal seizures in the corners of the mouth (a frequent sign of vitamin deficiency), peeling on the skin is eliminated, the complexion is evened out, and hair falls out less.


  • useful substances are divided into 2 groups;
  • the tablets are easy to swallow;
  • quickly bring the body into shape;
  • effectively heal seizures or other skin damage.


  • after taking vitamins, nausea may appear.


Rating: 4.6


Another product from Pharmstandard is Selmevit. It contains 11 vitamins, 9 minerals, and antioxidants. Thanks to a special production technology, each tablet has a competent component compatibility. The drug has proven itself well in the fight against vitamin deficiencies. This complex is approved for use from 12 years old.

Selmevit is a pink-coated tablet. They are round, biconvex and have a characteristic vitamin smell. Although they are not very large in size, it can still be unpleasant to swallow them. You can buy a pack of 30 or 60 pieces. Vitamins can be placed on blisters or placed in polymer jars. Take them 1 piece 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of vitamin deficiency.

Selmevit has received mostly good reviews. Consumers note that with these vitamins, their hemoglobin levels and other laboratory parameters improve. While taking this drug, there is a vigorous state of health and an improved psycho-emotional state. With these vitamins, the condition of the skin, hair, nails is transformed. But at the same time, some complain of stomach pain or heartburn.


  • vitamins, minerals, antioxidants in the composition;
  • relatively small tablets;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • provide vigorous health.


  • possibly the appearance of pain in the stomach, heartburn.


Rating: 4.5


The Ufa Vitamin Plant also produces the Kvadevit complex, which is especially suitable for elderly people who are faced with vitamin deficiency. The drug contains multivitamins, minerals and amino acids – a total of 16 active ingredients. This remedy can be used prophylactically or medicinally. The drug is approved for use from the age of 14.

Quadevit is sold in round, biconvex, yellow-coated tablets that look more like pills. They are located on blisters. The package can contain 30 pieces. These vitamins must be consumed after the main meal. For prophylaxis, Kvadevit is prescribed 1 piece 1-2 times a day; for therapeutic purposes, the dose can be increased to 3-4 pieces per day.

Elderly people speak very well of Kvadevit vitamins. They note that this complex helps them cope with all the main manifestations of vitamin deficiency. They feel a surge of energy, an improvement in their mood. With this drug they fall asleep more easily in the evening and wake up easily in the morning. Kvadevit also relieves them of excessive dryness of the skin.


  • 16 active ingredients in the composition;
  • vitamins are easily swallowed;
  • provide a surge of strength;
  • relieve dryness of the skin;
  • improve psycho-emotional state.


  • manifestations of allergies are possible.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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