12 best remedies for a bear

Best Garden Product Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Many more than once observed a large mole-like insect in their backyards. Inexperienced summer residents, despite their frightening appearance, do not pay attention to him, considering him harmless. But knowledgeable gardeners represent all the danger that this pest carries. Medvedka destroys everything in its path. It does not miss vegetables, crops, or fruit or ornamental plants. There is no escape from it either on open plantations or in greenhouses. At risk are earthworms and virtually all invertebrates living in the soil.

Medvedka breaks through holes in the ground, forming branched tunnels. She settles in vegetable gardens, banks of water bodies, irrigated agricultural lands. The insect is able to move quickly, swim and even fly. Individuals are very prolific and can lay up to 360 eggs at a time. They love humid climates. The central part of Russia, Western Europe, North Africa, Transcaucasia suffer from the bear. But in areas with a dry climate, this attack is not terrible.

It is often called a crayfish, cabbage or cricket, as the loud trill resembles a harmless insect. A universal pest can destroy the entire crop, harm soil fertility, and disrupt the biological balance. Therefore, measures to combat it are a rather complex process that leads to the desired results. Today there are many folk methods that many gardeners use. Their effectiveness is different. But with a high density of clusters, they may no longer help.

Experienced summer residents and pest specialists helped our experts to compile a rating of the best remedies for the bear, which significantly reduce the number of individuals not only in a private plot, but in neighboring gardens and nearby public areas.

Rating of the best remedies for Medvedka

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best remedies for Medvedka 1 Medvetox RUB 46
2 Border RUB 17
3 Thunder RUB 15
4 Cuts Rofatox RUB 25
5 Rembeck 35 RUB
6 Terradox RUB 65
7 Nemabakt 730 RUB
8 Grizzly RUB 17
9 Medvegon 19 RUB
10 Bio-discharge RUB 85
11 Phenaxin Plus RUB 37
12 Extraflor RUB 39


Rating: 4.9


The first is the drug of the contact-intestinal type, which has bypassed the rest in terms of effectiveness. The toxin is able to quickly rid plantations of the bear, aphids, wireworms, cabbage and onion flies, weevils, and ants. Poisoned granules are attractive in smell and taste, so there is no doubt about the death of pests. Within 3 days, the site is completely freed from them, which makes it possible for the plants to develop and bring the expected harvest.

The tool, despite its high toxicity in relation to the bear, is absolutely safe for the soil and its beneficial inhabitants. After 20 days, it breaks down into harmless components. It is enough to use 'Medvetox' once at the beginning of the season.

According to reviews, this tool is the best among analogues, as it helps to destroy several types of pests not only in the treated area, but also in neighboring ones. The product is very economical. 1 pellet is enough to kill 1 bear. The drug is ready for use without additional preparation.


  • prolonged activity after treatment;
  • minimum consumption;
  • safety for the environment;
  • unique composition of the bait;
  • without addiction to pests.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.8


Silver rating – for a universal remedy that helps gardeners to destroy such pests as a bear, aphid, wireworm, May beetle. All these insects are capable of causing significant damage to plantations up to the complete death of the crop. 'Frontier' is not addictive and does not negatively affect humans and beneficial insects.

The death of most of the poisoned pests occurs in the first 3 hours. In the next day, the surviving bear bear paralysis and death. After applying the granules to the soil, their effect lasts up to 3 weeks. After 3 days, you can start manual work. The preparation is ready to use, it does not need to be mixed with water.

Thanks to the synthetic flavors included in the composition, the product attracts adults to itself. The larvae also die after contact with them, completely freeing the garden from the presence of harmful insects. Many experienced summer residents use this particular tool and recommend it to other gardeners.


  • low toxicity to humans, plants, animals;
  • rapid destruction of various types of pests;
  • minimal resistance;
  • economical consumption.


  • dangerous for bees, therefore, limiting the use of honey plants during the flowering period.


Rating: 4.7


The third place in the ranking goes to a tool that quickly copes with garden pests and protects vegetables, berries, ornamental plants, coniferous and deciduous shrubs from them. High efficiency is achieved due to the high content of toxins, so the product must be used with caution near water bodies and to avoid eating it by poultry. Moreover, it is absolutely safe for soil microorganisms, earthworms, does not affect plant growth.

8 active ingredients create a scent that attracts adult insects more than the roots of young shoots. Microbeads do not need to be diluted with liquid. Rapid death occurs within 1-2 days. The tool has a long-term effect, the period of which is 3 months.

According to reviews, the drug has shown itself equally effectively on vast agricultural land, small vegetable gardens, in the open ground and in greenhouses. Its economy is proved by its consumption, which is only 20 g per 7 sq. m. At the same time, the packaging is notable for its low cost.


  • destruction of adult insects and larvae;
  • long term of protection;
  • overly tempting scent for pests;
  • for all types of soil.


  • not detected.

Cuts Rofatox

Rating: 4.6

Cuts Rofatox

The fourth in our ranking is a product based on the fipronil insecticide. This is a powerful substance that is harmful to the bear, but absolutely safe for agricultural and ornamental crops, people, and pets. It does not accumulate in the soil, quickly decomposes into harmless compounds. The composition includes strong aromatic additives that attract insects, but are practically not felt by humans. The granules are colored red and green, reminiscent of plant rhizomes.

An adult dies within 3 hours. During this time, she manages to contact with other insects and larvae, which subsequently also die. After processing the site, the drug is valid for another 20 days.

'Rofatox' is used at any time of the dacha season for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. This can be just before planting, during the growing season, or as needed. Summer residents distinguish this remedy as one of the most effective. It perfectly combines performance and environmental friendliness.


  • for all phases of the bear's growth;
  • quick death on any size of the site;
  • does not harm the biobalance;
  • enhanced taste and aroma properties.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.5


The fifth nominee of the rating is a universal drug that helps to destroy the bear, Colorado and May beetles, wireworms, aphids, and caterpillars. It is absolutely harmless to ornamental plants and agricultural crops, but in a short time it clears the site of pests and preserves the harvest. The main active ingredient is boric acid. It does not have a negative effect on human health compared to its chemical counterparts.

The composition includes onion peel, vegetable oil, kerosene, red pepper, chrysanthemum leaves. The product is available in the form of granules. There is no need to make any preparations before the event. The substance disintegrates when planting seedlings, already under adult bushes, directly into insect holes.

The drug has a pleasant smell and taste for the pest and is eaten with pleasure. According to the instructions, its effect lasts up to 2 weeks. According to reviews, this time is longer and is 1 month. During this period, thanks to the chain reaction method, not only adults die, but also larvae in holes.


  • multifunctional tool;
  • non-toxic to people and plants;
  • long-term effect;
  • destruction of the entire colony.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.4


On the sixth line of the rating is a drug that affects all harmful soil insects. It is used to protect potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, berries, conifers and deciduous trees, ornamental crops, providing reliable protection and accelerating their growth. The product belongs to the low toxicity class. People, animals, birds, earthworms are out of the risk zone.

The action is based on the contact-intestinal method. The poison penetrates the body of the insect, paralyzes it, which leads to death. The specific smell and taste attract adults, who happily eat the poison. The drug can act for up to 3 weeks. When used during planting, potatoes can be protected for the entire growing season.

'Terradox' is used in various ways. This is scattering granules, laying them in the ground, dipping roots in an aqueous solution. The tool has gained popularity among gardeners. Due to its low consumption rate, it is used both on private plots and on farm plantations.


  • high attractiveness to insects;
  • does not disturb the biological balance;
  • minimum spending;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.3


The seventh place in the rating is deservedly taken by a universal drug, which has already helped many summer residents to rid their plots of pests that destroy crops and future crops. It is a natural remedy based on the use of nematodes and bacteria. This combination does not harm plants, but, on the contrary, can protect against many diseases, stressful situations, and improve growth.

The drug is effective in the fight against bear, wireworm, Colorado and May beetle, fly, weevil. Predatory nematodes enter the larva, where they multiply rapidly. They die in a few days. Nematodes hibernate in winter, and in the next warm season they become active and continue to hunt for new insects. Since the agent is intended for the destruction of larvae, it is recommended to use it with other substances that affect adults.

The tool has proven its effectiveness and was adopted by many gardeners. Due to the fact that nematodes penetrate the soil, they destroy all accumulations of larvae, which is not always possible with preparations with a contact type of action.


  • biological agent;
  • a wide range of actions;
  • 1 package is enough for 100 sq. m plot;
  • long shelf life.


  • destroys only the larvae.


Rating: 4.2


Eighth in the rating is a drug that relieves the backyard of the bear and its larvae in a very short time. Having a particularly attractive aroma and special flavoring additives, it provides good palatability, which leads to the rapid spread of the poison among individuals. The product is used to protect all types of plants, including vegetables, berries, ornamental. It is introduced into holes 2 cm deep. Protective properties are preserved for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

The drug is low toxic. It does not accumulate, but within 3 weeks decomposes into organic compounds in the soil, is safe for microorganisms, earthworms, and does not affect plants.

According to reviews, the drug acts quickly and efficiently compared to many analogues. The processing cost is minimal, while the area of ​​destruction is quite extensive. The tool protects the garden from the bear, wireworm, ants, weevil, cabbage flies. It is not addictive, it affects both adults and their larvae.


  • destruction at all stages of growth;
  • environmental Safety;
  • long term of protection;
  • result within 2 days.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.1


In ninth place in the ranking is a product that effectively works against all soil pests. These are bear, wireworm, ant and many other types of insects. The drug is used in open ground and greenhouses. It reliably protects the roots of vegetable, grain, berry, flower crops, without harming the plants themselves. The triple action mechanism allows you to quickly destroy pests and prevent their reappearance.

The drug is safe for humans, does not affect the soil microflora, and is also harmless to earthworms. An undoubted advantage is its low consumption rate. 10 sq. m is enough for 20 g of substance. Granules attract the bear with a pleasant smell for her. Death occurs within 2-3 hours. The action lasts 20 days or more.

According to many, the drug deserves attention. It has good performance, is ready to use, has an affordable cost, and saves the future harvest from many soil pests. Summer residents recommend this remedy for use.


  • high attractiveness to pests;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • rapid death of insects and larvae;
  • minimum consumption.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.0


The top ten of the ranking includes a drug that gives excellent results not only in the fight against the bear, but also the Colorado and May beetle, wireworm, bronze and other pests. It does not affect plants, decomposes in the soil, and provides invaluable assistance in preserving the future harvest. The product does not contain chemical components, therefore it is safe for people, animals, birds, fish.

The main substance is pathogenic fungi, which, entering the body of a bear, infect and lead to death. They work at any temperature and any humidity. Forming an attractive aroma for insects, they lure them and destroy both adults and their larvae. A special form of fungi is resistant to extinction, therefore, after being introduced into the soil, it continues to act for several years.

'Bio-discharge' can be used both independently and in combination with agricultural fertilizers. It suppresses addiction to insecticides, has a beneficial effect on soil fertility. Knowledgeable gardeners definitely recommend paying attention to this tool.


  • for many harmful insects;
  • non-toxic drug;
  • long-term action;
  • effect with a high density of pests.


  • not detected.

Phenaxin Plus

Rating: 3.9

Phenaxin Plus

In eleventh place in the ranking – a quick-acting insecticide. After applying the bait, the bear dies within 2-3 hours. The effect lasts up to 3 weeks. The drug does not accumulate in the soil, does not violate the natural biobalance. It attracts pests with a pleasant smell for them. To destroy the bear, granules are used, which are dug into small holes 14 days before planting. After the appearance of young shoots, the treatment can be repeated.

The drug has an effect not only on adult insects, causing paralysis and death in them. Dying not immediately, they transfer the poison to burrows, where the entire colony, including the larvae, becomes infected.

According to reviews, the tool is 100% effective. It decomposes in the soil, does not harm the environment, is easy to use, does not require preparation, which saves the time of summer residents. Its effect extends over a large area of ​​habitation, therefore, even when processing one site on neighboring ones, mass death of pests was also observed. It has been observed that often one application is sufficient for the desired result.


  • harmless to the environment;
  • ease of use;
  • rapid destruction of colonies;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.


Rating: 3.8


At the end of the rating there is a highly effective biological product, which is ahead of some chemical products in terms of effectiveness. Its action is based on repelling insects with the help of unpleasant smells of garlic and fir oil. Essential oils of these ingredients are used in the production. A sensitive sense of smell captures the aroma, the bears leave the site and do not return within 1-1.5 months. When reapplied, you can avoid their appearance for the entire summer season.

After treatment, the effect occurs within 2 hours. In addition to the bear, garden ants and wireworms are scared away. Due to its absolute environmental safety, the drug can be safely used in areas with animals and children, as well as in farms that produce natural food.

Many noted that it is an excellent bio-product that does not affect the environment, but gives excellent results. For those who do not want to use toxic drugs on their site, this is the best option in the fight against a bear.


  • no chemical additives;
  • maximum safety;
  • high speed of impact;
  • long period of protection.


  • effective only for adults.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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