12 best powdery mildew remedies

Best Garden Product Ratings

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Every year summer residents do their best to preserve their harvest and increase it. A lot of patience goes into fighting harmful insects and diseases. Powdery mildew is a fungal infection of fruits and vegetables. It is characterized by the appearance of a light bloom on the leaves and stems of plants. As a result, the growth and development of culture is inhibited.

There are several effective methods for controlling powdery mildew. They must be used in combination. Therefore, it is important to combine folk methods with proper agricultural technology and the use of special tools. After all, even the strongest chemicals cannot cope with the fungus without treatment. These are the following activities:

  1. The affected areas are cut off and cut off.
  2. The top layer of soil is removed, and new soil, calcined in the oven, is sprinkled around the plant.
  3. Stop fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and reduce watering.
  4. Protect a plant infected with powdery mildew from direct sunlight.

There are folk, biological and chemical agents against fungal infection. We will talk about them in the ranking of the best drugs for ashtrays.

Rating of the best powdery mildew remedies

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best biological remedies for powdery mildew 1 Planzir 140 RUB
2 Fitosporin-M RUB 50
3 Gamair RUB 95
4 Alirin-B RUB 49
The best chemical remedies for powdery mildew 1 Speed RUB 65
2 Fundazol RUB 17
3 Topaz RUB 17
4 Vitaros RUB 11
5 Amistar Extra RUB 3 356
The best folk remedies for powdery mildew 1 Wood ash 169 RUB
2 Soap emulsion and copper sulfate 140 RUB
3 Milk solution

The best biological remedies for powdery mildew

The benefits of biologics are safe. These include live bacteria that feed on fungal spores. As a result of the application, the plant is purified. After a certain time, it is recommended to repeat the treatment. The disadvantages include not the highest efficiency. If the disease has spread to most crops, biologics are unlikely to help.


Rating: 4.9


Planzir is considered one of the most popular biological agents against plant diseases. It is widely used in cereals, vineyards and vegetables. The product stimulates plant growth and is used to treat seed.

The positive side is successful compatibility with chemicals other than those containing mercury. The advantages also include the ability to use the product at any stage of plant development, the lack of addiction of the microflora of the fungus. It's a pity Planzir is rarely on sale.


  • applies even during fruiting;
  • no negative impact on microflora;
  • accelerating growth and development;
  • compatibility with other drugs.


  • difficult to buy.


Rating: 4.8


The latest generation microbiological preparation is effective against fungus in any crops. Trees, shrubs, house flowers, vegetables are cultivated with it. The substance is valid from the moment of processing. It comes in powder, paste and liquid form.

The product retains its properties even after freezing. It can be used at any stage of powdery mildew development. The company guarantees the safety of the crop. The disadvantages include the death of a hay stick in bright sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to spray in the evening or in cloudy weather. A bag of phytosporin costs 50-80 rubles.


  • for any crops;
  • instant effect;
  • various forms of release;
  • not afraid of low temperatures;
  • adequate price.


  • afraid of the sun's rays.


Rating: 4.7


Further in the ranking is a tool that helps to destroy the pathogens of the fungus. The active substance is beneficial microorganisms – antagonists of Bacilus subtilis. Gamir is produced in the form of tablets and dry powder. The tool is used for spraying plants and treating the soil before sowing. One hundred square meters of land will require 1-2 packages of 10 tablets.

The drug is not harmful to humans and animals. It quickly restores soil microflora and is suitable as a preventive method. In addition, Gamair improves the taste of food and increases the concentration of vitamins. The disadvantages include the strong looseness of the tablets. They crumble so that it is not clear how much money has been collected. The price for 20 tablets is 88 rubles.


  • high-quality control of pathogens;
  • increased yield;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • well soluble in water;
  • economical.


  • the tablets crumble a lot.


Rating: 4.6


A biological fungicide is able to penetrate the cells of the pathogen and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is non-toxic to humans. It begins to act the very next day after treatment. The product is available in liquid, tablet and powder form.

The drug increases the content of vitamins and helps to increase the yield. The period of action is 1-3 weeks after treatment. A slight deviation from the recommended dose will not be harmful. Therefore, the tool is ideal for beginner gardeners. The average price of Alirin-B is 60-95 rubles for 20 tablets.


  • complete safety;
  • convenience and ease of preparation;
  • high efficiency;
  • lack of phytotoxicity.


  • during the processing period, it is not advisable to carry out other foliar dressing.

The best chemical remedies for powdery mildew

The chemicals are fast and effective. They contain toxic compounds and help even in case of severe illness. When using such products, it is necessary to reliably protect the skin, respiratory tract and eyes.


Rating: 4.9


The Skor remedy is designed to effectively protect fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops against scab, curly leaves and powdery mildew. The drug combines well with insecticides and fungicides. Skor has a systemic effect and is quickly absorbed into plant cells, destroying painful microorganisms from the inside.

The substance is not afraid of precipitation and completely eradicates the disease. Summer residents praise the drug for easy dilution, cheapness and efficiency. They use it every year for prevention purposes. Price for 2 ml – 54 rubles.


  • a lot of good reviews;
  • not afraid of precipitation;
  • easy to breed;
  • high efficiency.


  • there are no serious disadvantages.


Rating: 4.8


The rating continues with the drug Fundazol, which does not harm the soil and plants. It quickly spreads through the cells of the culture and creates protection against the pathogen. The main thing is not to exceed the indicated dosage. The product is suitable for watering and spraying tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, berry bushes, flowers and fruit trees.

Fundazole requires careful handling, as do other participants in this rating category. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of using and storing the powder form of the drug. 100 g cost 320 rubles.


  • does not harm plants;
  • fast effect;
  • suitable for most crops.


  • inconvenient to store;
  • exceeding the dosage will cause damage.


Rating: 4.7


Fungicide Topaz prevents the development of spores of the pathogenic fungus. Topaz is widely used for preventive purposes at the very beginning of the growing season. The active substance is almost instantly absorbed into the cells of the plant, so it can be used even in the rain.

Moreover, to obtain the result, a low concentrate of the drug is required. If you exceed the specified dosage, you can harm the plants. Summer residents choose Topaz for a long period of exposure to the fungus, instant absorption by plant cells, and a low consumption rate. A 10 ml bag costs 120 rubles.


  • can be used at almost all stages of growth (before the onset of fruit);
  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • economical consumption;
  • can be used in rain.


  • easy to overdo the dosage.


Rating: 4.6


The rating continues to be a fungicide that inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microflora inside and outside the tissues of cultures. It contains thiram and carboxin. They are complemented by a thickener, antifreeze, colorant and dispersant. The main advantages of Vitaros are the lack of immunity of the fungus to the toxin, long-term protection (up to six months), economical consumption and ease of use.

Judging by the reviews, the drug provokes powerful plant growth. It forms a stable mixture, the active ingredients of which do not precipitate. The product is available in the form of a suspension without a pungent odor. The price for 2 ml is 16 rubles.


  • affordable cost;
  • causes plant growth;
  • convenient to use;
  • no pronounced odor.


  • because of the bright color, it is poorly washed;
  • ambiguous reviews of gardeners about the effect of the drug.

Amistar Extra

Rating: 4.5

Amistar Extra

Fungicide Amistar Extra has excellent protective properties. Its formula contains cyproconazole and azoxystrobin. These substances effectively block fungal cells. The main condition is not to use the drug for 2 years in a row.

The product is produced by a Swiss company in the form of a liquid suspension. It is packaged in canisters with a wound container. You can also find the fungicide Amistar Trio on sale, which contains propiconazole. The disadvantages of the drug include its danger to bees, high price and the need for strict adherence to dosages. The price for 1 liter is about 3550 rubles.


  • complex impact;
  • fights lesions at different stages;
  • provokes plant growth;
  • increases the immunity of crops.


  • high cost;
  • pays off only after application over large areas;
  • negatively affects bees.

The best folk remedies for powdery mildew

On the Internet, you can find many folk recipes for powdery mildew. Among them are bad advice. Therefore, we advise you to give preference to proven options that are displayed in the third nomination of the rating.

Wood ash

Rating: 4.9

Wood ash

To treat a plant from powdery mildew with ash, you need to take 1 kg of the substance and pour 10 liters of water. After 4-5 days, 2 tablespoons of grated soap are added to the solution. Stir occasionally during this period. The solution should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a sprayer. The remaining sediment can be diluted with water and splashed under the root.

The procedure is carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening. In order for the healing properties of wood ash to be preserved for the next year, it must be properly stored under a tight lid. The substance can be purchased via the Internet. 5 liters of birch ash cost 250 rubles.


  • availability (you can buy or cook yourself);
  • effectiveness;
  • safety.


  • not.

Soap emulsion and copper sulfate

Rating: 4.8

Soap emulsion and copper sulfate

The folk method based on soap and copper sulfate is highly effective. To prepare it, you need to mix 50 g of laundry soap with 10 liters of water. Then you need to add a 1% solution of copper sulfate in an amount of 200 ml.

The resulting mixture is sprayed on the plants every 7 days. This tool is suitable for absolutely all cultures. This is an inexpensive and safe method that many summer residents choose. It is better not to use the method in windy and cloudy weather.


  • suitable for all plants;
  • inexpensive;
  • safe method.


  • not.

Milk solution

Rating: 4.7

The ranking is completed by an affordable folk remedy in the form of cow's milk. It is diluted with cool water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Everything is mixed. Such a composition is sprayed on bushes affected by dew. It is worth considering that this method of control is suitable as a prevention of the appearance of powdery mildew or at the earliest stage of the spread of the fungus.

In advanced cases, it is worth resorting to more serious drugs. You can also use sour milk and a little baking soda. If you use this method regularly, you can suppress the appearance of the fungus throughout the season.


  • cheapness;
  • an excellent means of prevention;
  • ease of preparation.


  • the need for regular processing;
  • not suitable for serious injuries.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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