12 best pain relievers

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Analgesics, or pain relievers, belong to the so-called symptomatic treatments. They reduce the symptom, relieve suffering. As a rule, they do not affect the cause of pain.

Several treatments are known to exist. Etiotropic therapy acts on the cause, for example, antibiotics destroy pathogenic microorganisms. There is pathogenetic therapy, when the drug eliminates, interrupts the pathological process of the development of the disease. So, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, which will be adequately represented in today's rating, can reduce inflammation. The patient's condition is relieved, the reddened and swollen joint becomes normal in color, the swelling subsides, and the pain subsides.

There will be several different groups of drugs in this ranking of analgesics. Almost all of them are available over the counter. Of course, there are no leaders in pain relief, such as Omnopon, Promedol, Tramadol and other drugs belonging to the drug group, in the ranking. It is just that anesthetic narcotic drugs are not needed by the patient on an outpatient basis, but are prescribed after surgery in a hospital. In the case of an inoperable oncological disease, they are prescribed as symptomatic remedies according to special prescriptions, and this is also a separate story.

Rating of the best pain relievers

Nomination a place anesthetic drug price
best pain relievers injection 1 Ketanov (ketorolac tromethamine) 240 RUB
2 Diclofenac RUB 45
3 Ketonal 211 r
4 Movalis (meloxicam) 889 r
Best Analgesics for Oral Use 1 Askofen-P (caffeine, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid) 43 rbl.
2 Ibuklin 149 r
3 Dexalgin RUB 319
Best Pain Relievers for Topical Application 1 Ketonal cream 460 RUB
2 Voltaren Emulgel RUB 676
3 Dolobene 366 r
4 Viprosal B 240 RUB
5 Lidocaine Asept Spray 230 RUB

Caution, analgesics!

Before starting a conversation about painkillers, or analgesics, you need to remind readers that I.P. Pavlov not in vain called pain the 'watchdog of the body'. If you put him to sleep, you can miss a serious enemy. Therefore, it is advisable in no case to use analgesics for acute chest pain radiating to the arm associated with shortness of breath. In this case, the use of nitroglycerin and aspirin can prevent myocardial infarction, and the pain reliever will only worsen the condition.

Analgesics in tablets, or more powerful drugs for intramuscular administration, are categorically contraindicated in acute and new-onset abdominal pain. There is a high risk of developing an acute purulent process, ulcerative bleeding, followed by hemorrhagic shock. With acute abdominal pain, only myotropic antispasmodics can be used, which will help with an attack of hepatic and renal colic, but will not lull the surgeon's vigilance, and will allow timely urgent surgical intervention to be performed in a timely manner.

Therefore, basically, this material will be useful for those people without medical education who are looking for drugs to treat headaches, toothaches, reduce pain in the joints after injuries, bruises and dislocations. But even so, pain relievers can only be used with familiar pain. For example, no one forbids smearing a bruised knee with Fastum gel, or trying to cope with a familiar migraine attack with another medicine.

But, for example, if there is an acute bursting headache, vomiting, sound and photophobia, convulsions appear, then this may indicate the occurrence of meningitis, and you need to call an ambulance. In one word, any unfamiliar, suspicious, severe pain accompanied by symptoms strange for a person is a reason for an urgent visit to a doctor or calling an ambulance.

This rating includes the most famous and popular drugs in the Russian Federation. All prices are for the spring of 2019 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership. Prices are average.

Best pain relievers for injection

Injectable dosage forms are always prescribed for severe pain syndrome. And then, as it decreases, they switch to tablets, and then completely remove the drugs that enter the bloodstream. A classic example of this is an exacerbation of a herniated disc, which most often occurs with sudden movement, turning, lifting weights, or hypothermia. The first two to three days, with acute pain, injection forms of drug administration are shown, then – a week, on average, pills, and then only local remedies and physiotherapy procedures. Below are the most popular injectable painkillers in 'injection ampoules'. Of these, Ketanov is a prescription drug, and the rest can be purchased as a free pharmacy supply.

Ketanov (ketorolac tromethamine)

Rating: 4.9


This pain reliever, according to the tacit opinion, is one of the most powerful and well-proven in various fields of medicine. Ketanov helps with joint pain, back pain syndrome, exacerbation of rheumatism, muscle pain, neuralgia, and also as a drug that alleviates the patient's condition after surgery.

In addition to the pronounced analgesic effect, this agent slightly relieves inflammation and slightly reduces the feeling of heat, since it belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, as an antipyretic drug, it works insufficiently and weakly, and in this case, paracetamol will help best. But in terms of the analgesic effect, Ketanov can even compete with morphine, and is able to stop even severe toothache and postoperative pain. However, at the same time, it does not depress respiration and does not cause drug dependence.

Ketanov is produced in ampoules for intramuscular administration in one milliliter. You can use this drug, they put deep intramuscular injections, and at the same time it is advisable to get by with one injection per day, that is, use it in the minimum dose. But it must be remembered that young and healthy people under 65, depending on the severity of pain, cannot exceed a single dose of 30 mg, that is, you cannot put more than 1 ampoule at a time, but the daily dose cannot exceed 3 ampoules per day. In addition, you cannot continue the course of treatment with Ketanov using injections for more than 5 days. Ketans are produced in ampoules by the Romanian company Therapy, and a pack of 10 ampoules of 1 ml costs 106 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ketanov's advantage will be the ability to quickly and efficiently relieve any pain syndrome, but at the same time its therapeutic breadth is rather narrow. A single dose should not exceed 1 ampoule, and the daily dose should not exceed 3. At the same time, in case of an overdose, it can stimulate an exacerbation of erosive-ulcerative gastritis and has a number of contraindications. It should not be prescribed to patients with aspirin asthma, hemophilia with hemorrhagic stroke, in children under 16, pregnant and lactating women. But in the event that it is prescribed according to indications, for example, due to joint dislocation, toothache after tooth extraction, then it is able to improve the quality of life, reduce and even completely eliminate pain syndrome.


Rating: 4.8


Diclofenac, which is produced in ampouled form by the Serbian company Hemofarm, is very cheap: 47 rubles for 5 ampoules. By the way, the Russian company Biochemist also produces exactly the same ampoules, 3 ml each, but the package contains 10 ampoules, and at the same price. It is up to you to decide which packaging to purchase according to the doctor's prescription – a small Serbian one, or a large domestic one, but a small one is better.

Diclofenac is an honorary 'grandfather' in the family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and despite its rather low safety spectrum, it is still loved and used. It is necessary to prescribe Diclofenac for a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for arthritis, for ankylosing spondylitis, in dentistry and orthopedics, it also finds application. Gynecologists prescribe it for algodismenorrhea, that is, for painful periods. But most of all it is used by neurologists, traumatologists and orthopedists. Many variants of osteoarthritis, acute back pain, neuralgia and radiculitis, exacerbation of protrusion of intervertebral hernias – this is not a complete list of indications for the use of Diclofenac.

It is very important to remember that a single dose is 1 ampoule. The agent must be injected deeply intramuscularly; the administration of the drug can be repeated no earlier than 12 hours later. Diclofenac injections can be treated for no longer than 2 days. In other words, purchasing a package of 5 ampoules is the best solution when it comes to sudden and short pain syndrome.

Advantages and disadvantages

If Diclofenac had no drawbacks, then it would have cost much more, since it very effectively relieves inflammation and fights pain, but it is not in vain that the drug is limited to two days. It is capable of causing gastritis, inflammatory bowel changes, pancreatitis and liver necrosis, fulminant, that is, fulminant form of toxic drug hepatitis. It is very dangerous to use Diclofenac for ulcers, patients with various forms of gastritis, and especially erosive and ulcerative. Therefore, if necessary, they are 'covered' with omeprazole tablets.

Headache, dizziness, skin rashes, and other side effects are common. In addition, the official instructions contain an impressive list of contraindications that must be taken into account by the doctor, and especially when it comes to elderly patients. But with all this, short courses of Diclofenac are able to put a person on their feet even with an acute pain syndrome, and its cheapness and good quality of the imported drug makes it a competitor to even stronger drugs.


Rating: 4.7


Ketonal is a more modern pain reliever than Diclofenac, the next generation drug. Its active ingredient is ketoprofen, and each 2 ml ampoule contains 100 mg of it. It is indicated for use with severe pain syndrome of various origins, while of course, first of all, it is a lesion of the musculoskeletal system. These are bursitis and tendonitis, osteochondrosis and gout, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis. Also, this remedy is used for pain syndrome due to malignant neoplasms, for migraines, headaches and radiculitis.

Ketoprofen in ampoules should be used no more than two ampoules per day. It is desirable that the course of treatment with ketonal does not exceed 3-5 days, and it is advisable to use the medicine in the smallest dosages that bring an effect, for example, 1 ampoule daily in the evening for 3 days. Ketonal is produced by the Lek company from Slovenia, and a package of 10 ampoules costs 227 rubles on average.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big plus of Ketonal is the permission of the official instructions to use it during pregnancy, of course, with extreme caution, and as short a course as possible. It should not be used only in the third trimester, when labor may be impaired. Contraindications to the use of the drug are about exactly the same as in other cases. In addition to hypersensitivity, it is an allergy to NSAIDs, that is, a combination of aspirin asthma, nasal polyposis and aspirin intolerance. This is an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, low blood clotting, childhood, severe hepatic and renal failure. It is contraindicated with a high risk of various bleeding. But in the event that it is prescribed in a short course in the absence of contraindications, then it is just as capable of bringing significant relief to patients with pain syndrome of the most varied genesis.

Movalis (meloxicam)

Rating: 4.6

Movalis (meloxicam)

Movalis, or Meloxicam, is the last drug we have considered for deep intramuscular injections for the purpose of pain relief and fight inflammation, the first discovered from the group of oxicams – inhibitors of COX 2. Movalis is the original drug meloxicam produced by the German company Boehringer Ingelheim, and the packaging is 3 ampoules will cost 850 rubles. Movalis belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can reduce all the classic signs of inflammation: redness, fever, soreness and swelling. The action of the drug is based on the blockade of prostaglandin synthesis.

Shown is a remedy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, various forms of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthritis. The classic indications for Movalis are acute pain in the lower back, lumbago, other forms of dorsopathy, shoulder periarthritis and other diseases. In the case of uncomplicated pain syndrome, for example, with osteoarthritis, one 1.5 ml ampoule containing 7.5 mg of Movalis is injected intramuscularly. In severe cases, two ampoules are administered per day, for example, in rheumatoid arthritis. You cannot enter more than two ampoules daily, that is, more than 15 mg.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is packaged in 3 ampoules: this is quite enough for three days of primary relief of acute pain syndrome. Contraindications and side effects in Movalis are typical for all NSAIDs, they have been repeatedly named above, and we will not dwell on them. Of course, the high cost of the drug is striking: one ampoule for administration costs 283 rubles, and one ampoule of diclofenac, even if you take an expensive imported package, will cost 8 rubles. We find that the cost of one day of treatment with diclofenac is 32 times cheaper than one injection of Movalis. This is exactly the situation that was described above. If diclofenac did not have so many side effects, it would be much more expensive. This is not expensive Movalis, this is Diclofenac too cheap.

The best analgesics for oral use

The group of pill analgesics, of course, includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs. But, as you know, the reactivity of various chemical substances with each other in solid form is much less than in solution. And if it is strictly forbidden to mix in ampoules, as well as in syringes, various solutions before administration, then tablet preparations have the most pronounced effect, being combined.

So, doctors and pharmacologists have long noted that if you combine the reception of paracetamol with ibuprofen, then it will have an analgesic effect in 70% of the subjects. Ibuprofen is also effective along with caffeine. Paracetamol with aspirin also has a slight but well-documented analgesic effect. It is important that such a combination of various drugs with each other makes it possible to significantly reduce the dosage of each of them, but at the same time the drug effect developed at times faster than in the case of one drug. Consider what modern and popular drugs in tablets exist that have an analgesic effect and are included in the rating for this reason.

Askofen-P (caffeine, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid)

Rating: 4.9

Askofen-P (caffeine, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid)

Askofen with the letter 'P' is a triple drug. It combines aspirin, caffeine and the inexpensive non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug paracetamol. Askofen-P has a low analgesic effect. Therefore, it is indicated for mild pain. The classic situation: a planned visit to the dentist, tension headache, mild pain in the lower back or in the muscles.

In this case, it is quite enough to use it one tablet at a time, from 2 to 3 times a day. The maximum dosage during the day is 6 tablets. In the event that the patient has a risk of gastric or duodenal ulcers, it is necessary to minimize the irritating effect of caffeine on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the remedy is taken after a meal, and it is desirable to drink it with mineral water or dairy or lactic acid products. The pain reliever is very cheap. It is produced by the Russian company Pharmstandard, and a pack of 10 tablets can be bought for only 27 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of a medicine that has a weak analgesic effect? Lots of. Firstly, it slightly tones up due to the caffeine introduced into the recipe, and when taken in the morning, it can reduce tension headaches and enhance daytime performance when working at a computer. In addition, the drug is found everywhere in pharmacies, and is cheap. But still, side effects such as decreased appetite, allergic skin rashes, abdominal discomfort and even diarrhea can develop. But they are dose dependent, and if the dosage is not exceeded, then nothing will happen.


Rating: 4.8


Ibuklin is fully working out his declared abilities. This is a good Indian medicine, comes in a pack of 10 tablets, and is inexpensive – only 130 rubles. This is one of the combination drugs discussed in the introduction to this section. It contains paracetamol and ibuprofen. Each capsule contains approximately equal amounts of them: about 400 mg. It is this relationship that contributes to their mutual enhancement of efficiency.

This drug helps with algodismenorrhea, with various forms of toothache, and aching joints, which quite often occurs with various infectious diseases, such as the flu. It is necessary to take the drug one tablet, three times a day, it is taken regardless of the meal. This dosage – 3 tablets per day – is the maximum, and should not be exceeded. In addition, Ibuklin must not be taken for longer than 5 days. Ibuklin is produced by the Indian company Dr. Reddis.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Ibuklin is speed, so he may well be worn in a handbag to work. It helps to reduce the severity of pain in a wide variety of conditions. However, it should be remembered that, like other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it cannot be used with a high risk of gastric bleeding, with low blood coagulability, in case of intolerance to aspirin, as the main representative of the NSAID group, in old age against the background of chronic liver and kidney damage, in pregnant and lactating women.

But usually long-term use is not required. Just one or two days of taking Ibuklin are usually able to put a person on their feet, and in more difficult cases, you need to see a doctor.


Rating: 4.7


Above, in the section for ampullated drugs, we have already indicated ketoprofen, or Ketonal. Dexalgin is a slightly modified ketoprofen with increased activity. A big plus of Dexalgin is a short but fast and powerful analgesic effect. So, in patients after tooth extraction, if you take Dexalgin, then after half an hour there is a significant relief.

The analgesic effect lasts for about 5 hours, but sometimes one dexalgin tablet is enough for 8 hours. Therefore, in the event that you have any planned interventions related to pain, then you can take this remedy in advance, about an hour in advance, with a preventive purpose. This can be a planned visit to a traumatologist, dressing, removal of stitches, a visit to the dentist. In addition, this anesthetic is used in other cases to relieve migraine attacks, treat other forms of headache.

A distinctive feature of Dexalgin is the form of release. These are not tablets, but granules, from which a solution is prepared. Of course, it is absorbed into the blood faster and acts faster. 25 mg sachets. A patient with severe pain should take one sachet three times a day, after 8 hours, but not more often and not more. In total, Dexalgin is taken within 5 days. It is produced by Berlin-Chemie, and one package of 10 sachets, designed for three days, can be bought for 323 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As mentioned above, a strong plus of Dexalgin is a fast and powerful action. But still, it does not last so long. 8 hours is the maximum maximum noted by the volunteers at which they still had at least some positive effect of the drug. Still, in clinical practice, it is better to focus on a shorter time frame. It's four or even three hours. Therefore, if you have an attack of toothache, for example, in the evening, and in the morning you are going to the dentist, then this drug will help you fall asleep, but still in the middle of the night you can wake up from a toothache. It will expire. We will not describe all contraindications, since they are very typical for other forms of NSAIDs and have been described above. But still Dexalgin is a powerful, but short-acting remedy.

The best pain relievers for topical use

Local ointments, creams and gels, as mentioned above, are used to relieve moderate pain syndrome in the areas of joints, ligaments, with closed injuries and bruises of the extremities, with myositis, muscle strain – with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. There is usually continuity. Initially, in case of severe pain, injections are used. Then in tablets, and then, together with the tablets, local preparations are added to them. Consider the most popular and effective creams and gels with anesthetic effect sold in Russian pharmacies in the spring of 2019.

Ketonal cream

Rating: 4.9

Ketonal cream

Ketonal Cream is a topical form of pain reliever made by the Swiss company Sandoz and is the same as the ampouled Ketonal. It contains ketoprofen. It is important that the substance from the cream is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not accumulate in the body. It penetrates only into the depths of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, into the ligaments and muscles, and accumulates there, and not in the bloodstream. It is indicated for all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ranging from neuralgia and radiculitis, and ending with psoriatic arthritis and traumatic injury: rupture of tendons and ligaments, muscle contusion.

For external use, it is applied in a small strip, no more than 5 cm long, and rubbed in with massaging movements. Frequency rate of application – up to three times a day. Treatment without consulting a doctor should not last more than 2 weeks. A tube weighing 30 g will cost about 280 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Ketonal cream are that it is quickly absorbed, in contrast to medicinal ointments. The ointment is only on the skin, but it is absorbed within a few hours, while Ketonal Cream is absorbed very quickly and does not stain clothes, so it can be used at work. However, it has contraindications. These are hypersensitivity to salicylic acid, wounds and trauma to the skin, the presence of eczema and dermatitis. It is not used if the patient has bronchial asthma, including that caused by taking aspirin. It should not be used in people who overreact to ultraviolet rays of the sun, during and after irradiation in a solarium, in the third trimester of pregnancy, up to 15 years of age.

Voltaren Emulgel

Rating: 4.8

Voltaren Emulgel

As we talk about local pain relief creams, we meet old friends. So, a good imported drug Voltaren Emulgel is nothing more than Diclofenac, which is already dispensed not for intramuscular injections, but in a special emulsified form. In this case, such a gel-like consistency already protects the patient much more from a systemic reaction. Of course, Voltaren is still absorbed into the bloodstream, but only in an amount equal to one percent. And even then, in the event that a very large area of ​​skin, an area of ​​400 square centimeters, is smeared: this is the area of ​​a large joint.

Therefore, Voltaren Emulgel can be used with greater safety than the same drug, only in ampoules. This remedy is prescribed for various pains in the back and joints, for swelling and inflammation of soft tissues, for bursitis and tendovaginitis. Unlike domestic diclofenac in ampoules, Voltaren Emulgel is not at all a cheap remedy. So, one tube of gel weighing 50 g, which is produced by Novartis, will cost, on average, 480 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Voltaren Emulgel exceed its disadvantages. Of course, some contraindications remain, but they are much smaller compared to intramuscular administration of the drug. In addition to hypersensitivity, bronchial asthma and aspirin intolerance, this is pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood. As for erosive and ulcerative lesions, the risk of gastric erosion, in case of blood clotting disorders, the drug can already be used, but only with caution. The fact that from contraindications a lot of diseases migrated to the category of 'caution', and made it possible to increase the price of Diclofenac. The number of readings increased. But, on the other hand, Emulgel spreads so well with a thin layer that a tube of 50 g will last for a long time. Therefore, the savings here are quite obvious.


Rating: 4.7


Dolobene is a drug that does not contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. This is the only one of these pain relievers in our rating. It includes Dexpanthenol as a dermatotropic agent, heparin as an anticoagulant, and dimethyl sulfoxide, known to all as Dimexide. Dolobene has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect at the same time. In addition, Doloben contains rosemary, mountain pine and citronella oil. This gives it a slight chill and pleasant aroma when applied.

Dolobene is indicated for myositis, dislocations, various traumatic injuries, synovitis, stretching of the tendons, in case of acute back pain. Thus, Dolobene can be considered a companion of active people and athletes. It should be applied in a thin surface layer, 2-4 times a day in the required place. You can also apply the drug under the bandage. Dolobene is produced by the German company Ratiopharm, and a tube of 50 g is, again, not cheap: 430 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dolobene's advantage will be the ability to use it as a cream for sports massage when adding a small amount of vegetable oil. In addition, it can be used in various types of electrophoresis, including as a drug that migrates in tissue and is applied under the cathode. Also, in the case of using various phonophoresis techniques, or ultrasound treatment, Dolobene is used as a contact gel. Ultrasonic waves complement the action of the active ingredients of this good remedy. As for side effects, sometimes they are due to the presence of Dimexidum, and most often come down to redness and an itching sensation, which soon passes. The same side effect of Dimexide, associated with the presence of sulfhydryl compounds, is a slight garlic odor from the mouth in the patient shortly after Dolobene is applied over a too large area.

Viprosal B

Rating: 4.6

Viprosal B

Finally, you can consider Viprosal B. This ointment contains viper venom, and such medicinal ointments and creams are quite common not only in traditional medicine, but also recognized by the scientific community. You can also name Nayatox, which also contains snake venom, Apizartron, which contains bee venom. In this case, in addition to the poison of the viper, salicylic acid, camphor and natural gum turpentine are added. Camphor cools, turpentine is a little irritating, and salicylic acid accelerates the penetration of the poison into the tissue.

Viprosal B is indicated for various joint pains, with chronic myofascial syndrome, when the muscles of the back are compacted, and their tension and stiffness occurs. Also, the ointment can be used in the complex therapy of various neuralgias, in the treatment of acute pain syndrome in the back.

It can be used in adults and in children who are 10 years old, and usually a single dose of the ointment should not exceed 10 g, that is, one or two teaspoons. You need to apply it from 1 to 2 times a day, rub it into the skin completely, and if there is no allergic reaction, then Viprosal B can be used until the pain syndrome disappears. Naturally, the skin must be intact. Viprosal is produced by the Estonian company Grindeks, and the cost of one tube of the same weight of 50 g is, on average, 312 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Snake venom has long been used in folk medicine. But still, it must be borne in mind that blood thinning agents cannot be used in case of a tendency to hemorrhagic strokes, bleeding, in the presence of damage to the skin. We must not forget that this is a local irritant. Therefore, it should not be applied to the skin of patients in a febrile state, in persons with tuberculous lung disease, with impaired renal and liver function. Usually, the ointment is well tolerated, but in rare cases, itching, hives, or swelling may occur. Then you need to complete self-treatment and consult a doctor.

Lidocaine Asept Spray

Rating: 4.5

Lidocaine Asept Spray

Finally, at the end of the rating, it is necessary to tell at least one representative of also local anesthetic drugs, but not analgesics, but anesthetics. This is Lidocaine asept spray, which, in addition to lidocaine hydrochloride, contains chlorhexidine as an antiseptic. It is a solution in the form of a spray, transparent, with an alcoholic odor, and also a slight mint aroma. Everyone knows that local anesthetics are used for pain relief in dentistry, during minor surgical operations, and they block pain impulses. Usually, after applying lidocaine to the mucous membranes, a characteristic effect of numbness develops, and everyone who has been treated at the dentist will remember this unpleasant sensation after 'freezing'. This effect lasts for about 15 minutes.

Lidocaine in the form of a spray can be widely used not only by dentists, but also independently, for example, in case of ulcerative stomatitis, when ulcers appear on the oral mucosa, and the process of eating becomes extremely painful and painful. And after spraying lidocaine on the oral cavity, although numbness occurs, but you can swallow food painlessly. Also, the agent is used when treating small wounds, in the case of deep and painful cracks in the skin, when treating burns, various bites, such as animals or insects. Indeed, in addition to lidocaine, the composition also includes the antiseptic chlorhexidine.

But it is imperative that after being bitten by animals, both domestic and wild, you should contact the emergency room to administer the rabies vaccine against rabies. Lidocaine Asept is produced by the domestic company Biogen. One 50 ml bottle costs, on average, 309 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lidocaine asept spray is very convenient, and it can always be at hand: in the country, on a hike. However, it should not be used if there are cardiac arrhythmias, severe liver disorders, epilepsy, as well as children under the age of 8 years. There is a purely economic 'nuisance'. So, if you buy 20 ml Lidocaine in the form of ampoules, then its cost will be 36 rubles. As for chlorhexidine, its cost in the form of a solution for external use with a volume of 100 ml will be only 12 rubles. Here, by mixing the 'penny' chlorhexidine with lidocaine in one bottle, the domestic company made a significant profit on consumers. What did she do? Added mint essence for the scent, packaged as a spray, and increased the price 10 times.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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