Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
The Colorado potato beetle is a headache for all gardeners. Its origin is still controversial. Most are of the opinion that the insect is named after the American state of Colorado, where it was first recorded in 1889, when potato fields were completely destroyed. Another version: the homeland of the pest is Mexico. Translated from the language of this country, Colorado means 'colored'. It doesn't matter which version is closer to the summer resident, the main thing is that the beetle is capable of causing enormous damage to agricultural plantings, and if you do not take action, you can completely lose the crop.
The insect lives on average for 12 months, but an adult is able to endure even frosty winters and further harm crops for several years. His favorite food is potatoes, which are eaten from leaves to tubers. Also at risk are tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, physalis, tobacco.
The experts of our magazine have selected in the rating the best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle, which are recognized as the most effective in the fight against this pest. When compiling the list, feedback from experienced summer residents was taken into account.
- Rating of the best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
- Best biological remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
- Colorado
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Fitoverm
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Nemabakt
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- EkoKiller
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Bitoxibacillin
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Bicol
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- The best chemical remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
- Aktara
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Prestige KS
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Regent
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Mospilan
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Commander
- Advantages
- disadvantages
- Bankcol
- Advantages
- disadvantages
Rating of the best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Best biological remedies for the Colorado potato beetle | 1 | Colorado | 152 RUB |
2 | Fitoverm | 35 RUB | |
3 | Nemabakt | 650 RUB | |
4 | EkoKiller | 430 RUB | |
5 | Bitoxibacillin | RUB 29 | |
6 | Bicol | – | |
The best chemical remedies for the Colorado potato beetle | 1 | Aktara | 34 rbl. |
2 | Prestige KS | 390 RUB | |
3 | Regent | RUB 3,115 | |
4 | Mospilan | RUB 26 | |
5 | Commander | 83 rbl. | |
6 | Bankcol | RUB 250 |
Best biological remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
Rating: 4.9
The leader is a drug with an extended spectrum of action on agricultural pests. Its principle is based on the penetration of spores into the bodies of larvae and adult beetles, after which they stop developing and lose their ability to absorb food. Infection of other insects occurs after the death of the infected.
The product is available in the form of a concentrate. 1 ampoule is diluted with 10 liters of water. In a few hours, colonies with a high population density are destroyed. The effect lasts 30 days. The drug is non-toxic to pets, people, beneficial insects, it is quickly removed from soil and water.
It is recommended to carry out processing in dry weather. But thanks to the oil composition, the product is not washed off by rain. Summer residents note a multifunctional effect, economical consumption, efficiency after a single application, a visible result within a few hours. Improved plant growth and increased yields were particularly noted.
- destruction of adults and larvae;
- fast and prolonged action;
- without addiction;
- restoration of plants after bad weather and treatment with chemicals.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.8
The second line of the rating is given to a biological product of the latest generation, which gives excellent results in the fight against many agricultural pests. In addition to the Colorado potato beetle, it destroys the potato scoop, herbivorous mites, aphids, moths, thrips, sawflies and other insects. It is also used to protect indoor plants. It is the only approved method for killing spider mites on home flowers. Moreover, its harmlessness has been proven by scientific tests.
The drug is available in powder and solution form. It is mixed with water and sprayed on the stems. The pests stop eating and die 3-5 days after treatment. The product does not affect the environment, it quickly degrades in the soil, and is harmless to pets. The fruits can be eaten 2 days after spraying.
According to reviews, this is one of the most effective drugs, which is notable for its low cost. It is economical to use. For the final destruction of beetles, re-treatment is recommended after 2-3 weeks.
- destruction of many types of insects;
- use on indoor plants;
- harmless to the environment;
- affordable price.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.7
The third nominee of the rating is an effective drug that eliminates agricultural plants not only from the Colorado potato beetle, but also from many other types of pests. Its action extends to the larvae, as a result, over the next 3 years, their reproduction is reduced to a minimum. In addition, moles leave the treated areas, which is an undoubted advantage of the product.
Nematodes penetrate the insect, in the body of which bacteria begin to multiply. The larva dies 2-3 days after treatment. One 160 g package is designed to handle 100 sq. m of land, 30 bushes or 5 trees. Despite the fact that the drug alone is ineffective in the fight against larvae of the Colorado potato beetle IV age type, it is used in conjunction with Antonem-F. This combination is protected by a patent and results in 90% efficiency.
Experienced gardeners have long paid attention to this tool. It helps to destroy potato scoops, locusts, cabbage, cherry and sea buckthorn flies, crickets, mushroom mosquitoes, bear, wireworms in open and closed ground. The drug is absolutely non-toxic, harmless to all types of warm-blooded animals.
- for the destruction of a wide range of insects;
- maintaining biological balance for 2-3 years;
- safety for humans and animals;
- simple application.
- destroys the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle only I-III instars.
Rating: 4.6
The fourth in the ranking is a natural natural insecticidal agent based on diatomite. It is a rock formed by the remains of ancient animals and is widely used in agriculture and the cosmetic industry. When it gets on the animal's body, it damages the outer protective layer and gradually draws out moisture from the inside, leading to inevitable death. The particles are very small in size, so even the smallest individual will definitely be pollinated with it.
To destroy the Colorado potato beetle, the powder is stirred in water and sprayed with potatoes. It is also used to kill ants, sprinkling dry matter on the places where insects accumulate and move, and scare away the bear. 'EcoKiller' protects berry bushes from parasites.
The drug prevents the formation of mold, absorbs pesticides, poisons, agricultural chemicals. According to reviews, in addition to effectively eliminating the Colorado potato beetle, it strengthens young bushes, increases immunity to many diseases, and increases the yield several times.
- based on a natural substance;
- no added chemicals;
- increased productivity;
- moisture and fertilizer retention.
- use exclusively in dry weather.
Rating: 4.5
In fifth place in the ranking is a drug created on the basis of bacteria that destroy only harmful insects. The rest are immune to the toxin. It is also absolutely safe for humans and pets. 1 ampoule contains several billion bacteria. A natural preparation starts a process that does not affect the overall biological balance. It gives good results in the fight against young Colorado potato beetle, spider mite, leafworm caterpillars, aphids, moths, silkworms.
The processing of a potato bush takes place in several stages. The maximum amount for a short period should not exceed 3 times. The selected activities depend on the density of the larvae. In the summer, spraying takes place once a week, in the fall – once every 10 days.
The drug must be used within 3 hours after mixing with water, otherwise the growth of spores can be allowed. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to apply it in dry weather without abundant dew at temperatures above + 14 °. Many summer residents advise the drug as one of the reliable, proven and inexpensive means.
- elimination of only a certain type of pest;
- lack of addictive effect;
- safety for the environment;
- low price.
- unpleasant smell.
Rating: 4.4
The sixth in the ranking among the best biologically active drugs was a product containing viable bacterial spores. It is actively used to kill more than 80 types of pests. These are the Colorado potato beetle, spider mites, caterpillars and many other insects that live in closed and open ground and negatively affect productivity. 'Bicol' does not contain toxic substances, restores a favorable biobalance, reduces plant stress after bad weather and treatment with agrochemicals.
The applied solution affects the pests, which begin to die on day 2, and on day 7, the colony is completely destroyed. The prepared solution must be used immediately. The powder can be stored in a dry place for up to 1.5 years.
According to reviews, the product strengthens the root system and stem, promotes growth and increases yields by 20%. Particularly sensitive people are recommended to carry out the treatment with personal protective equipment, since a synthetic perfume is introduced into the composition.
- a wide range of actions;
- non-toxic drug;
- moderate cost;
- improves the quality of seedlings.
- use of respirators and gloves when handling.
The best chemical remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
Rating: 4.9
The undisputed leader in this rating category is the drug, after the application of which neither the striped beetle nor its larvae will appear on the potato field. It is also effective for protecting flower and berry crops from aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers. The tool eliminates the addiction of insects. It enters the digestive tract and paralyzes the food system. As a result, individuals and larvae die within 1 day.
The action lasts up to 2 months, while the yield increases by 30%, and vegetables do not accumulate chemical compounds and are absolutely harmless to humans. 'Aktara' is recommended for use on indoor plants. The minimum consumption was also a plus. A small amount of liquid is enough to treat large plantations. The ready-made solution is firmly fixed on the plants, resistant to high temperatures and rain.
According to reviews, the insecticide is equally effective for protecting potatoes, currants, raspberries, pears, apples, gooseberries, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, ornamental flowers and shrubs. Many appreciated the high performance, harmlessness, ease of use.
- not addictive;
- resistant to bad weather;
- does not accumulate toxins;
- effective for indoor plants.
- not detected.
Prestige KS
Rating: 4.8
Silver nominee of the rating – a product from a well-known German manufacturer. It is intended for the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, aphids, cicadas, potato moths. The active components are completely decomposed within 2 months, without affecting the ecological balance. This has been proven by numerous studies. Pest control of agricultural crops takes place from the beginning of planting to harvest. At the same time, the drug does not work on beneficial insects.
An undoubted advantage is the presence of an anti-stress effect. That is, after processing, plants not only get rid of larvae and adults, but also begin to grow better and recover faster after adverse weather conditions.
The drug is produced in the form of a suspension concentrate. Dissolve 150 ml in 1.5 l of water. This amount is sufficient to process 150 kg of planting material. According to reviews, this is one of the best tools that allows you not to take care of pests during the growing season. Having processed the tubers once, then insect reproduction is not observed.
- stimulates plant growth;
- does not depend on weather conditions;
- decomposition after 53 days;
- harmless to bees, bumblebees, birds.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.7
In third place in the ranking is a drug that has a powerful effect and is capable of completely ridding agricultural fields of the Colorado potato beetle in one application. It is based on a broad spectrum substance, which is used to destroy not only agro-pests, but also domestic cockroaches, ants, bedbugs. The first impact is an insect hit on the body. The second stage is the penetration of the treated leaves into the gastrointestinal tract. Next comes the blockage of the nervous system and paralysis.
The product is available in several forms: powder, granules and in the form of a concentrate in ampoules. Despite its chemical composition, it is safe for humans and animals. The effect lasts for several weeks, even under adverse weather conditions.
According to experienced summer residents, 'Regent' perfectly protects plants, improves productivity. The main thing is to correctly observe the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Many considered the affordable cost and economical spending as an undoubted advantage.
- safety for the environment;
- fast action;
- preservation of the effect even at very high temperatures;
- use for the destruction of domestic cockroaches.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.6
Ranked fourth in the ranking, the insecticide protects all parts of the potato, including the stem, leaves, buds and tubers. It begins to act within half an hour, is a systemic contact-intestinal substance. The effect lasts up to 3-4 weeks. Moreover, the product is non-toxic to people, pets, fish. It is not designed to kill a wide range of insects, but is specially designed for the Colorado potato beetle and potato ladybug.
The solution adheres well to the tops, is resistant to high temperatures, and is slowly washed off by rain and abundant dew. After processing, it is allowed to carry out work in the garden no earlier than 3-4 days. The tool is minimally consumed. The mixture is made up of 0.6 g of powder and 10 liters of water. It is enough for 200 sq. m of potato field.
Despite the fairly recent appearance of the drug on the market, many private traders and professionals were able to appreciate it. It is not addictive to pests, does not accumulate on tubers, is harmless to bees, bumblebees, birds, destroys eggs, larvae and adults.
- exposure within 2 hours;
- environmentally friendly;
- resistant to heat and rain;
- economical consumption.
- not detected.
Rating: 4.5
The fifth in the ranking is a chemical that will become a real first aid in the fight against the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. Due to its fast and long lasting effect, it is chosen for private and professional use. Getting on the body of the insect, and then with the treated shoots inside, paralysis of the nerve endings and inevitable death occurs, therefore the remedy is distinguished by a high degree of effectiveness.
'Commander' acts on individuals in closed and open ground. In addition to the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, wireworms, whiteflies, and cicadas die. In just 24 hours, you can completely get rid of many types of pests. These are both adult insects and their larvae of all stages of maturation.
The main advantage is resistance to sun, rain, high temperatures. The drug is securely attached to the leaves, continuing to act on insects. Therefore, just one treatment per season is enough to protect against pests and increase yields.
- high impact;
- long-term effect;
- improves growth;
- not phytotoxic to garden plants.
- prohibited for use during the flowering period of honey plants.
Rating: 4.4
In the sixth place in our rating is an insecticide with a contact-intestinal effect on the Colorado potato beetle and many other pests of home gardens. Among them: bear, whitefly, potato ladybug, wireworm. The drug is available in the form of a powder, which is dissolved in water before use. The resulting mixture is slowly washed off by rain and dew, which allows it to be used a maximum of 2 times during the growing season.
Adults die instantly, larvae die as they hatch. The tool is minimally consumed and inexpensive. The drug is calculated in the proportion of 5 g per 10 liters of water. Potato plantings are processed at intervals of 20 days.
According to respondents, the drug optimally combines effectiveness against harmful pests and safety for humans, animals, honey bees. Many noted a neutral odor that does not irritate even a particularly sensitive sense of smell. “Bankol” is used not only in private plots, but also in farm agricultural fields.
- high rate of destruction of adults and larvae;
- perfectly fixed on greenery;
- does not affect the environment;
- without a pronounced odor.
- not detected.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.