11 friendliest dog breeds


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A dog, as the ancient saying goes, is a friend of man. And many breeds are a true illustration of this statement. They are loyal and reliable comrades who will keep company in fun, help in labors, and even console in grief.

And for those looking to get a good companion and loyal companion, we have compiled a ranking of the 11 friendliest dog breeds. It's worth noting that the seats are randomly placed, so don't think corgis are more aggressive than golden retrievers (or vice versa).

The friendliest dog breeds

Nomination a place breed rating
The friendliest dog breeds 11 French Bulldog 4.0
10 Corgi (welsh corgi cardigan) 4.1
9 Akita 4.2
8 Rough collie 4.3
7 Samoyed (Samoyed spitz) 4.4
6 St. Bernard 4.5
5 Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) 4.6
4 Aussie (Australian Shepherd) 4.7
3 Cavalier king charles spaniel 4.8
2 Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog) 4.9
1 Golden retriever 5.0

11th place: French Bulldog

Rating: 4.0

French Bulldog

Despite the word 'bulldog' in the name of this breed, these dogs are not aggressive at all. They are distinguished by liveliness, playfulness and friendly attitude towards all people, including strangers. Therefore, guests will rather be licked and knocked down from the jumping of a French bulldog than scared by growling.

French Bulldogs have gained particular popularity among city dwellers. Despite the active and playful nature of the dog, it does not need a lot of space for a comfortable existence. She will feel good in a small apartment. And when walking a French Bulldog, you don't need to wind kilometers around the block.

French Bulldogs are suitable for families with a child. This dog treats children well, will become an excellent companion in games. And most importantly, it does not require special care, so you do not have to be torn between the need to cook dinner for a child or comb the pet's fur.

However, it should be noted that French Bulldogs are in rather poor health. These dogs are often sick, have a sensitive respiratory system (also due to a flat muzzle), and occasionally have eye problems. Also, the dog needs training from a very young age – otherwise it will show stubbornness and disobedience.

10th place: Corgi (welsh corgi cardigan)

Rating: 4.1


Corgis are royal dogs. And this is not an exaggeration. It is the corgi that are kept at the court of the Queen of England. Dogs of this breed are cute, playful and friendly, but retain some of the royals' style. The corgi is a companion, not a pet.

Because of their attractive, cute appearance with their characteristic light red color and constantly smiling face, corgi are incredibly popular now. And this is not a disadvantage. Corgis are not picky about care, they are well suited for novice owners and feel fine in small apartments.

However, it is worth considering their playful disposition and herding roots. Corgi is an active dog. It requires long walks, and simple hikes around the block will be too boring for these four-legged pets. It is better to take them out to the park, where to play with parks, frisbees or other improvised objects.

Corgi is very easy to train. Training will not take much time, and the animal will quickly get used to house routines and will not carry socks under the sofa. This breed also gets along well with children, but acts more like a play companion than a nanny. So a child with a corgi is capable of causing more destruction than without it.

An important disadvantage of the breed is sociability. The dog barks a lot, so it is not suitable for lovers of silence. And the neighbors are unlikely to be happy listening to the barking behind the wall all day long.

9th place: Akita

Rating: 4.2


Akita is a large, majestic and very calm dog. Despite its large size, it can live in apartments of a relatively small area without any problems with character or health. The Akita's loyal and slightly phlegmatic disposition make her a good companion.

But the main advantage of Akita is that she loves children very much. This is a dog that will take part in the upbringing of the child, help him grow up, protect him from various troubles. Even relatively young children can be sent for walks with an Akita – she is smart and calm, she will not tear the leash, take part in games and protect them from problems.

It should be noted that the Akita is a dog with character. She is just a companion, not a pet. Representatives of this breed are stubborn, difficult to train and often put themselves in the family on the same level with the owner. Therefore, for novice breeders, Akita is poorly suited. But, despite her stubborn nature, she will not growl or get angry. However, training from an early age helps the animal to become a friend.

Among other shortcomings of this breed, one can single out conflict in relation to other animals and poor health. Akitas often suffer from autoimmune diseases that require long-term (lifelong) care and medication.

8th place: Rough Collie

Rating: 4.3

Rough collie

Rough Collie, or Shepherd Dogs, are smart and friendly dogs that are large in size and attractively colored. They gained particular popularity after the release of films and TV series 'Lassie', where, in principle, the character of the breed was demonstrated quite naturally.

It should be noted right away that the Rough Collie, despite all its advantages, is not suitable for urban maintenance. This is a very active dog that needs regular and significant physical activity. Even daily walking should take at least 1.5-2 hours! Otherwise, the animal will simply start to wither.

Collies are excellent house keepers. As herding dogs, they regularly check whether family members are doing well, whether no one is sick or sad, how are things with the situation and the site. They do not allow strangers into their territory, but at the same time they are smart enough not to growl at guests. Rather, they will be wary of visitors, but they will understand from the behavior of the owners that they do not pose a threat.

In addition, collies are excellent parents. Therefore, they are suitable for families with a child, acting as a real nanny and play partner for a small household. Collies will make sure that nothing happens to the baby, and in case of any trouble they will either protect him or call for help with loud barking.

This breed is also poorly suited for novice breeders. Even with good health and constitution, the dog requires considerable grooming. For example, regular brushing and brushing of long hair, which, moreover, often sheds.

7th place: Samoyed (Samoyed spitz)

Rating: 4.4

Samoyed spitz

Samoyed is a breed that you fall in love with at first sight. Harmonious constitution, medium size, snow-white fluffy coat and characteristic grin shape, which even has its own name 'Sammy's smile' – all this attracts attention. A friendly disposition and high activity only complement the image.

The Samoyed character combines independence and gentleness. He is a four-legged partner, not a pet. Like other northern dog breeds, it has a certain stubbornness. With a quick-witted disposition and a certain intellect, the Samoyed does not lend itself well to training, so it will do what it wants.

The Samoyed Spitz is practically not suitable for urban maintenance. Unless the owner is ready to spend 1.5-3 hours of his time walking the dog. The breed is very active and energetic, and needs constant physical activity. Also, do not expect that on the street the dog will quietly walk next to the owner – rather, the Samoyed will first find some incomprehensible bushes in the center of the city, then an equally incomprehensible puddle with non-drying mud, and in all this it falls out.

But you need to spend the unlimited energy of the dog. Bored, the Samoyed can start to spoil things, and then bark and howl.

Also, the Samoyed is so friendly that he has absolutely no guard. With strangers he will play and have fun. In families with children, the dog will also become a partner for the child and will gladly help the child to tear off a sheet of wallpaper from the wall.

6th place: St. Bernard

Rating: 4.5

St. Bernard

Only one word is suitable to describe the character of St. Bernard – good nature. This is a very calm, peaceful dog, which, despite its size, will never show aggression towards its owners. At the same time, she has developed a so-called sense of territory, due to which outsiders risk being barked or thrown on their backs.

The St. Bernard is considered the best dog in the world for families with a child. This breed not only gets along well with children, but is also ready to sacrifice its life for the sake of salvation or just to protect the little owner. The St. Bernard is not only a nanny and security guard, but also a companion in games with incredible patience. Even if the baby tries to saddle the dog or pull his tail, the dog will not lead his ear.

Also, dogs of this breed are distinguished by rare intelligence. They are able to analyze the degree of danger and calculate steps to save or protect the owner, doing incredibly intelligent actions. At the same time, do not forget that this is an animal.

In particular, it is required to socialize the animal from puppyhood. In their youth, St. Bernards need attention from the owner – and thus they establish not only contact, but also hierarchy. If a puppy of this breed is left alone for a long time, he will grow up independent and unsociable – but at the same time 90 kg and muscular, so that destruction cannot be avoided. From a young age, you need to train, educate and train a St. Bernard – and, fortunately, dogs are not particularly stubborn.

5th place: Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

Rating: 4.6


A small herding shepherd dog, somewhat similar to a collie, the Sheltie is a friendly, active and caring dog. She is a good companion, comrade and partner.

Sheltie temperament is almost typical of herding breeds. The dog is friendly and caring, it is important for her that everything is in order. She will monitor the condition of each of the family members. If someone feels bad, the dog will support and try to cheer up. If it's good, join the game and have fun.

Sheltie loves children. For them, she is not only a nanny, but also a playmate. At the same time, if the child is in danger, the Sheltie will do everything to protect him.

Sheltie has one character trait that is not seen in other herding breeds. Dogs need human attention. They love long walks and just socializing. However, the sheltie will not impose its presence – but without proper attention, the dog will simply wither away, it will be sick and sad. Therefore, it is not suitable for people who 'day and night' at work.

Due to its small size, it is suitable for keeping in apartments. True, it will still take a long time to walk the dog. It may be more cared for than other breeds, but it is undemanding and therefore suitable for owners without experience in keeping and breeding dogs.

You can also give a Sheltie to your grandmother. From the delicate undercoat of this dog, excellent yarn is obtained, and things from it are warm, light and delicate. And, of course, with a healing warming effect.

4th place: Aussie (Australian Shepherd)

Rating: 4.7


Aussie is far from the most popular 'in our latitudes' breed of dogs. It's just that her standard and exterior are not too unusual. You never know how tricolored (white-black-red) dogs with semi-long hair run around the streets to buy the same one, only for money?

But the Aussie captivates with its character, which is truly unique. Dogs are friendly, very affectionate and intelligent – but good guards. She will be both a comrade and a companion in games, and a protector of the house. From the ancestors of herding breeds, the Aussie inherited love and caring attitude towards children, and from the shepherd dogs in the pedigree – excellent intelligence and easy learning. Aussie training will not take long, but every invested hour will return a hundredfold.

Due to its relatively medium size, the Aussie is well suited for keeping in urban environments. But – the dog is very active, so walking with it will take a lot of time. Again, it's better to go with her not around the block, but to parks where the animal can play and have fun. Walking is required twice a day, because otherwise the vigorous activity of the Aussie can be aimed at destroying the leg of the beloved Viennese chair.

It is important to note that the Aussie is not suitable for beginner owners. These dogs are bred to work in tough conditions. They do not react to pain, cold or heat. Therefore, you can walk with her all day, and only then accidentally notice a cut on her paw. Aussie is a dog for attentive and responsible owners.

3rd place: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Rating: 4.8

 Cavalier king charles spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the smallest representatives of the spaniel family. True, despite the 'indoor orientation', he did not lose the habits of his ancestors related to hunting dogs. Representatives of this breed remain active and playful until old age, thereby delighting the owners.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is incredibly friendly! He remains loyal and loyal to the owner all his life, has a positive attitude towards other people, and greets guests with a joyful wagging of his tail. Of course, this makes him not a very good guard, but to protect the home it is worth looking out for some other breed.

Also, representatives of this breed are friendly to other animals. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will happily greet the dogs encountered on the street, and the cat will only look at it for a long time. Representatives of the breed easily get along with pets. Also these dogs are suitable for families with children. But they see the child as a playmate.

Another important advantage of the breed is that these dogs do not require long walks. They will throw out excess energy in games, but there is no need to fear for the safety of their property.

By the way, the name of the breed has a rather interesting history. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were bred during the Renaissance and immediately fell in love with the nobility due to their 'toy' appearance and lively, active behavior. And they were especially admired by King Charles II, who ruled England at the end of the 17th century. He loved them so much that he allowed dogs of this breed to freely enter any building, even the Parliament building! Actually, the name of the breed is translated as 'Spaniel, awarded by King Charles'.

2nd place: Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)

Rating: 4.9


Bobtail is an adorable dog. It is difficult to resist a smile, looking at her long, slightly curling and from that seemingly dirty coat. At the same time, the dog is large and seems a little awkward – including because of the seemingly disproportionately large paws.

A herding breed, the Bobtail is a dog that will take care of the entire family. However, she does not follow the hierarchy and treats each of the household equally well. Bobtail is a great companion not for one person, but for the whole family.

It is worth remembering that the bobtail belongs to the shepherd dog. Therefore, she is distinguished by activity and endurance, and also literally needs constant exercise. And they shouldn't be limited to just long walks. The dog must run, carry sticks and other objects. Otherwise, it will ache and wither.

Like many other English breeds, the Bobtail is somewhat stubborn and independent. The dog is poorly trained, requires a general course of training, and can still ignore the owner's instructions if it considers them too stupid or meaningless.

It is worth noting that long bobtail hair requires maintenance. It is necessary to comb it out every 2-3 days, otherwise mats will form. Moreover, the dog constantly grows a very long fringe that closes its eyes – and it needs to be trimmed. Dirt and debris stick to the wool, so you need to comb it out after each walk.

1st place: Golden Retriever

Rating: 5.0

Golden retriever

Perhaps the most famous companion dog breed. An active and friendly disposition makes her a good friend and companion, and thanks to philanthropy, golden retrievers work in rehabilitation centers, socialization, guides and so on.

Golden Retrievers are very intelligent. Many researchers compare their intelligence to that of a child. Also, these dogs can boast of a good memory. Thanks to these qualities, golden retrievers are easy to train, show complaisance, learn quickly and are able to carry out a huge number of commands.

Golden Retrievers are suitable for keeping in families with a child. For small households, dogs are both a play partner and a nanny. They will be happy to bring a stick and make sure that the kid does not hit himself on the head with it. In addition, dogs have a high level of empathy, so if the child is bad or sad, they will support. And if necessary, they will guard the dream.

It is worth noting that golden retrievers need a lot of physical activity. They require long walks – and even after them they will not feel tired. Therefore, they are not suitable for keeping in small apartments. It is better if this dog lives in a country house with a plot where it can show its activity and playfulness.

While Golden Retrievers are suitable for novice owners, these dogs need regular grooming. The fact is that they shed their hair almost constantly. It will need to be combed out at least once a week, and during molting – even every day. In addition, the dog grows claws, so it will need to be taken to a groomer.

But otherwise the Golden Retriever is the perfect companion. Loyal, outgoing, playful and friendly.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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