11 best expectorants

Means and preparations

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

All drugs that belong to expectorants, or expectorants, serve one purpose: to effectively remove phlegm from small bronchi and medium-sized bronchi.

The accumulated phlegm must be removed, since it constantly irritates the sensitive endings, or the receptors of the cough reflex arc. As a result, the patient begins to cough, bronchospasm occurs. Sputum is a very good breeding ground for the reproduction of not only viruses, but also pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Finally, trophic disorders of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, caused by excessive accumulation of sputum, lead to chronic inflammation, which can accompany a person for many years.

In some cases, sputum is badly coughed up, stagnation and secondary infection with bacterial flora occurs, and this contributes to the chronicization of pulmonary infection. Medicines that help remove phlegm by stimulating physiological mechanisms are referred to as drugs that stimulate expectoration.

In other cases, the physiological mechanisms of expectoration work well, but it is so thick that it does not clear its throat on its own. Therefore, in this situation, other means are needed that act not on the mechanisms for excreting sputum, but on its physical and chemical properties. They contribute to the liquefaction, melting of phlegm, and therefore are called mucolytics, in some cases you can find another name – secretolytics.

Finally, there is a third group of drugs that help fight cough. But their action is completely opposite: they in no way contribute to either stimulation of sputum discharge, or its dilution, or expectoration. They simply fight the cough as an excruciating symptom that significantly reduces the quality of life. After all, not every cough needs good drainage and sputum discharge.

There are such conditions, for example, associated with excessive irritation of the cough receptors, (after being in a smoke-filled atmosphere). And in this case, drugs are needed that either suppress the cough center located in the brain, or act on receptors that are located in the bronchi and reduce their sensitivity. As a result, cough, as a symptom, either begins to bother much less, or disappears altogether. Representatives of all three groups are included in this ranking of drugs for fighting cough.

Rating of the best expectorants

Nomination a place Name of product price
Medicines that stimulate expectoration 1 Pertussin RUB 44
2 Mucaltin RUB 64
3 Licorice syrup RUB 47
4 Cough syrup from Universal Pharma RUB 53
The best mucolytic drugs for expectoration 1 Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Ambrosal, Bronhovern, Lazolvan, Medox) 240 RUB
2 Fluimucil (Acylcysteine, ACC) 139 RUB
3 Bromhexine (Bronchotil, Paxirazole, Solvin, Phlegamin) 155 RUB
4 Libexin Muko (Carbocisteine) 491 r
Best Antitussives 1 Sinekod (butamirate) 362 r
2 Libexin (prenoxdiazine) 431 r
3 Falimint (acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene) RUB 318

Medicines that stimulate expectoration

These drugs mainly affect the ciliary, or ciliated epithelium, which covers the inner mucous membrane of the bronchi. They stimulate the special movements of the bronchioles, that is, the small bronchi, which resemble intestinal motility. The task of the peristaltic waves of the bronchi is to promote sputum from the depth to the periphery. Also, these expectorant drugs stimulate an increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands, and slightly reduce the thickness of sputum, although this is not their main function. Among these drugs, there are quite a few herbal remedies, and they work effectively, despite the existence of other, synthetic drugs.


Rating: 4.9


Opens the rating of effective and affordable expectorant drugs Pertussin. It is a complex medicine that consists of thyme (thyme) extract, supplemented with potassium bromide. In fact, Pertussin belongs to two groups at once: both stimulating and mucolytics. After all, potassium bromide is a compound that is very good at liquefying phlegm.

The drug is produced in the form of a syrup, and is used in adults in 15 ml in a single dose, or in one tablespoon, and for children it is prescribed in a much smaller dose – from half a teaspoon three times a day. The individual dosage is prescribed by the pediatrician. Pertussin is used, like other drugs from this group, for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system – tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, in the treatment of pneumonia. A significant number of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises produce the drug Pertussin. Pertussin belongs to the very inexpensive and popular expectorant drugs. One bottle of syrup with a volume of 100 ml can be purchased for 12 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of Pertussin include its slow expectorant effect: it is indicated for a course of treatment, with a minimum duration of 10 days. Also, with intolerance to bromides, the patient may experience heartburn, or allergic reactions, and in case of an overdose, nausea is possible. Pertussin is not shown to everyone. Considering that Pertussin contains a small amount of ethyl alcohol, it should not be prescribed to persons with severe liver damage, alcoholism, epilepsy, children under the age of three. It cannot be prescribed to diabetics, since the bulk of the excipients is sugar syrup. The obvious advantage of Pertussin is the lowest price of all possible drugs for expectoration in the ranking, which is why it takes the first 'popular' place.


Rating: 4.8


Mukaltin is a tabletted dry extract of medicinal marshmallow, and belongs to phytopreparations, each tablet contains 50 mg of dry extract. Mukaltin is indicated for pneumonia, for acute and chronic bronchitis, for obstructive pulmonary diseases, for bronchiectasis. The principle of action of Mukaltin is classic for this group, and is explained by an increase in the activity of the ciliated, or ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, an increase in their peristalsis and an increase in bronchial secretion, which leads to effective expectoration. Mukaltin is used according to a simple scheme: 1 or 2 tablets three times a day, you need to take the remedy before meals. When prescribing Mukaltin to children, you can first dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water, the drug can be prescribed to children from 12 years old and older. Mukaltin is produced by several domestic enterprises, for example, Medisorb, Pharmstandard. A package of 30 tablets will cost the patient only 41 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the expectorant Mukaltin include good tolerance and the absence of symptoms of overdose, availability and low price, the ability to combine Mukaltin along with other drugs for the treatment of bronchial diseases, it is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. In rare cases, there may be allergic reactions and symptoms of dyspepsia: abdominal discomfort, mild nausea. The disadvantages of Mukaltin include its insufficiently high speed of the onset of the effect: it takes several days in order to activate the physiological mechanisms. But almost all drugs that act only on the 'physiology' suffer from this disadvantage, in contrast to mucolytics, in which sputum liquefies during their use in just a few hours.

Licorice syrup

Rating: 4.7


Licorice root is an effective and popular herbal expectorant. Glycyrrhizin in licorice increases the secretion of the glands of the upper respiratory tract, which facilitates the secretion of phlegm. Licorice is produced in different dosage forms, both in the form of a syrup and in the form of tablets for absorption.

If we are talking about syrup, then you need to take into account the contraindications, which are due to the presence of 10 g of ethyl alcohol and sugar syrup. Thus, it is undesirable to give licorice syrup to children, pregnant women, persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, with the consequences of traumatic brain injury and epilepsy, as well as diabetics. Chewable tablets do not have such restrictions.

Expectorant syrup in adults should be used one teaspoon three times a day, diluting it in a glass of water, and in the case of tablets – one or two tablets three times a day, until completely absorbed. In either case, if the phlegm does not come off badly, an abundant warm drink is necessary. By the way, this advice is good for all medications, without exception, that stimulate the secretion of phlegm, and alkaline mineral water is especially good.

The indications for the use of various forms of licorice are exactly the same – these are inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, cough, in which there are difficulties in excreting sputum. The Tula pharmaceutical factory produces licorice syrup, and Vneshtorgfarma produces lozenges. In the case of tablets, one pack of 50 pieces can be purchased for 130 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Licorice promotes sputum discharge well, it can be used in combination therapy with other drugs, and has no interactions. But still, sometimes patients may experience side effects, signs of individual intolerance – diarrhea and allergic reactions, and if you use licorice preparations for too long, then it helps to reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure, a change in the exchange of electrolytes in the body, and contribute to the development of peripheral edema, therefore, it is necessary to use licorice in short courses, or under the supervision of a doctor.

Cough syrup from Universal Pharma

Rating: 4.6

Universal Pharma

This drug, or drug, can claim uniqueness in the ranking by its simple and effective name, which has clear commercial benefits. It is enough for the patient to come to the pharmacy and say that he needs 'cough syrup', and the finished bottle will appear on the counter. In fact, cough syrup is a combination of the ingredients that were described above. This syrup contains: marshmallow, licorice, echinacea and vitamin C.

In addition to the effect on the physiological mechanisms of sputum excretion, this syrup can be prescribed for chronic infections of the bronchopulmonary system, and has a tonic effect. This syrup is used three times a day, 2-3 teaspoons, dissolved in warm water during meals. This syrup is produced by the domestic company Universal Pharma, and 100 ml of syrup costs only 75 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike the previous forms of expectorant syrup described above, this syrup does not contain ethyl alcohol, but only sugar and potassium sorbate. Therefore, only diabetes mellitus remains a limitation to the use of this syrup, but it is indicated for children, can be used in persons suffering from alcohol dependence, in the presence of epilepsy and in the aftermath of brain injuries. The effectiveness of this syrup is higher than the use of Mukaltin and licorice separately, since it is a complex preparation.

The best mucolytic drugs for expectoration

Mucolytic drugs act not on the physiological mechanisms of the bronchopulmonary system, and not on secretion, but only on the sputum itself. Their main mechanism of action is the activation of enzymes that hydrolyze sputum, or the splitting of mucus molecules (mucins) into more mobile fragments. But, despite the composition of mucolytics, it is imperative to remember that together with these medicines for expectoration, it is imperative to prescribe a plentiful and warm drink, at least one and a half liters per day, if it comes to treating an adult. With a lack of fluid, no matter how well the drug affects the structure of the sputum, it will be very difficult to remove it.

Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Ambrosal, Bronhovern, Lazolvan, Medox)

Rating: 4.9


Such a number of different synonyms and trade names speaks of the great popularity of all products that contain Ambroxol. We will consider one of the most popular and high-quality drugs, Ambrobene, which is produced by the German company Merkle. Ambroxol is a classic mucolytic benzylamine. Unlike the drugs of the first group, it begins to act not after a few days, but after 30 minutes. In addition to the effect on sputum, Ambroxol acts slightly on the glands and on the epithelium. This substance helps to form a surfactant, or a special fat-like lubricant, which coats from the inside the smallest respiratory units – acini, and prevents them from sticking together.

The expectorant Ambrobene is indicated for all diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, both acute and chronic, in which phlegm is poorly formed and leaves. In this article, we will not dwell on the dosage regimens, since Ambrobene is produced not only in tablets and syrup, not only in capsules that have a prolonged effect, but also in a solution for intravenous administration, and even in the form of a solution for ultrasonic inhalations. In each of these cases, there may be a specific dosage regimen prescribed by the doctor. Ambrobene in tablets can be bought for 100 rubles, one bottle of syrup with a volume of 100 ml – for 100 rubles, and prolonged-release capsules and a solution for intravenous administration will cost about the same price range.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since this drug is artificially synthesized, it may have, and quite often develop, some side effects. This is nausea, various taste disorders, and occasionally dry mouth and throat. All Ambroxol drugs, including Ambrobene, are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, at a later date – only as prescribed by a doctor, and after assessing the degree of risk. It is better not to prescribe Ambroxol in patients with severe hepatic and renal impairment. Ambroxol is indicated for children, but at the age of up to two years it is necessary to be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. A huge advantage of Ambrobene is a very quick effect, and availability in various forms of administration.

Fluimucil (Acylcysteine, ACC)

Rating: 4.8


This expectorant drug, which is available as a solution for ingestion and inhalation, as well as granules and effervescent tablets, contains acetylcysteine. Its action is based on the ability of sulfhydryl groups, or sulfur compounds with hydrogen, to break apart the mucopolysaccharide molecules that make up phlegm. As a result, the molecules become shorter, which reduces the viscosity of the phlegm, increases its fluidity and the ability to leave the bronchial tree.

This drug in any form is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and works equally well both for internal use and in inhalation. Fluimucil has a wide range of indications, and, moreover, in addition to traditional inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases, it is successfully used for emphysema and cystic fibrosis, for lung atelectasis, when the communication of the segment with its bronchus is disturbed by blocking the bronchus with a plug from dense sputum.

If we talk about effervescent tablets, the dosage regimen for adults is very convenient. One tablet of 600 mg is dissolved in half a glass of water and drunk, with a frequency of only once a day. For the use of other forms, consultation with the attending physician is necessary, especially with the primary appointment of inhalations. Fluimucil is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Zambon, and the price of this drug is low. Effervescent tablets are the most expensive form, and one pack of 20 will cost 370 rubles. But it must be remembered that one tablet is enough for one day of taking, which means that this package will last for 3 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

To the advantage of Fluimucil, and an indisputable one, which more than compensates for the disadvantages, is its powerful thinning effect. Not every expectorant drug will be able to expel a dense mucous plug that clogged the main segmental bronchus and caused atelectasis of the lung, that is, its shutdown from breathing. But this remedy has side effects: sometimes heartburn, sometimes skin rash. Contraindications should take into account the exacerbation of gastric ulcer, for granules – children's age up to 2 years, and for effervescent tablets even up to 18 years, lactation and pregnancy, as well as liver and kidney diseases.

Bromhexine (Bronchotil, Paxirazole, Solvin, Phlegamin)

Rating: 4.7


The expectorant Bromhexine belongs to mucolytics and at the same time to stimulants of bronchial smooth muscles. Just like Ambroxol, it stimulates the synthesis of a surfactant, which facilitates alveolar ventilation, and is indicated for all chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with an inflammatory component. It can be used for chest injuries, in the preoperative period and after thoracic operations in complex therapy. Most often, tablets containing bromhexine hydrochloride are produced in a dosage of 4 and 8 mg. It is used in uncomplicated cases, one to two tablets three times a day, depending on age, the dosage may vary, so the doctor prescribes it. In addition to tablets, there is a solution, syrup for inhalation and other forms for convenient use.

Bromhexine, like the popular Ambroxol, is produced by many different companies. This is Berlin-Chemi, this is Grindeks, this is Nikomed and Akrikhin, and other firms. The cheapest tablets can be purchased at a price of 9 rubles. for a package of 50 tablets, and of course, it will be the domestic pharmaceutical company Ozone. For comparison, the same dosage of 8 mg, but only in a package not 50, but 25 pills produced by the German company Berlin-Chemie will cost from 95 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bromhexine is convenient and powerful, comes in a variety of dosages and forms, is inexpensive, and acts as fast as acylcysteine ​​or Fluimucil. But this drug has contraindications, and, in addition to individual intolerance, it is imperative to take into account the exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, breastfeeding and the first trimester of pregnancy. This expectorant is not recommended for use in children under the age of three.

Libexin Muko (Carbocisteine)

Rating: 4.6

Libeksin Muko

The active ingredient of the drug Libexin Muco is carbocisteine. Carbocisteine ​​is similar to acylcysteine, but slightly modified. It affects the glycoproteins of bronchial secretions and mucus, but at the same time it is capable of activating a special enzyme called sialic transferase. As a result, special cells of the bronchial mucosa begin to secrete it, and this leads to a stable balance of the acid-base state of mucus, namely, to the normalization of the ratio of acidic and neutral components. As a result, the mucus becomes more liquid, and even helps to protect and improve the regenerative properties of the bronchial membrane.

Carbocisteine ​​is able to improve the secretion into the lumen of the bronchi of special antibodies, or secretory immunoglobulins of class A. The drug is indicated for all diseases in which sputum becomes very viscous and difficult to separate. Also, the drug is prescribed as a prophylactic agent before bronchoscopy, to facilitate the procedure.

This expectorant drug comes in the form of a syrup, and adult patients need to take 15 ml three times a day, and children need a lower dosage as directed by a doctor. This drug is produced by the French company Sanofi, and you can buy a 125 ml bottle, starting at a price of 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the indisputable advantages of Libeksin Muko is not only the ability to treat diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with it, but also to use it to dilute mucous secretions in diseases of the ENT organs, for example, in chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Libeksin Muko has some contraindications, which include not only peptic ulcer disease, as in other mucolytics, but glomerulonephritis and cystitis. It is also contraindicated in pregnant women and in children under the age of two years, and special control over the intake of this drug in diabetics is necessary, since the syrup contains sugar.


The task of antitussives is to suppress the cough as a process, and these drugs should be used only when the doctor is sure that the excretion of sputum will not do the patient any benefit, and the suppression of the cough centers in the brain, or the decrease in the activity of peripheral receptors will not harm the patient. In the event of a diagnostic error, a significant deterioration in the patient's condition is possible.

So, with a painful and dry cough, which is one of the symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, an inexperienced doctor can immediately prescribe antitussive drugs, that is, begin to fight cough, instead of stimulating sputum discharge. The patient will no longer experience a painful sensation, but the pathological process of transformation of viral bronchitis into bacterial will continue in the bronchi, purulent sputum will form and accumulate. As a result, a high temperature may rise, signs of intoxication, shortness of breath, pain in the side, and pneumonia will develop. Therefore, there are certain and specific indications for the appointment of antitussives. It is much safer to err on the other side and prescribe a sputum agent by mistake than to suppress a cough unnecessarily.

Of course, drugs with the so-called narcogenic potential, based on codeine phosphate – 3-methylmorphine, one of the alkaloids of opium, inhibit the cough reflex most strongly. These are drugs such as Dianin and Estocin. But we will not dwell on drugs that require strict accountability prescription forms for prescribing; we will focus on those cough medicines that can be bought without a prescription.

But, before starting to list them, it is necessary to make it clear to the reader, who will use the knowledge gained in practice, that independently, without a doctor's prescription, and especially for the first time and arbitrarily, in no case should you prescribe these drugs to yourself. There are very many chances that more harm will be received than good.

Sinekod (butamirate)

Rating: 4.9


First of all, the very name of the drug is interesting. Almost all the names of drugs that speak about their composition give information about what is in the drug. The drug Sinekod immediately declares what is not in it. Translated from the Latin sine codeinum means 'codeine-free', does not contain codeine. Thus, the very name of the medicine says that it does not contain narcotic substances. But there are other analogues with the names Codelac, Omnitus.

Butamirate is a central antitussive agent, and is available as a vanilla-flavored syrup for adults and in drops for children. Butamirate does not contain drugs, but directly affects the cough center. Along the way, it promotes the expansion of the bronchi, facilitates breathing, and increases blood oxygen saturation. The drug is indicated for reducing cough when it can be harmful. This is the postoperative period in thoracic (thoracic) surgery, to prevent the divergence of sutures on the lungs and bronchial cults, during minimally invasive interventions, for example, during bronchoscopy. Also, one of the indications for taking Sinekod and its analogues, as well as other antitussive drugs, is whooping cough. With this disease, coughing fits are so painful and prolonged that children can turn blue and faint.

The drug is used in adults, 15 ml three or four times a day, there is a measuring cap for dosage. Drops are prescribed for children depending on age. A minimum dose of 10 drops four times a day is indicated for children from 2 months to a year, and for children who have reached the age of five, the drug is prescribed in the form of a syrup, 5 ml 3 times a day. The exact dosage can be obtained from a pediatric pulmonologist. The Swiss company Novartis produces the drug Sinekod, and a bottle of 100 ml of syrup can be purchased at a price of 175 rubles, and drops in a small 20 ml bottle will cost 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Sinekod is the absence of drug interaction, the possibility of taking it practically from the second month of life, and a lasting effect. A huge advantage is the absence of addiction and the formation of dependence, since the medicine does not contain a narcotic substance. The negative aspects include the rare, but still development of side effects in the form of drowsiness, nausea and rash. Sinekod is not recommended for taking in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. But this drug was included in the rating as effective and reliable, which fully meets the tasks.

Libexin (prenoxdiazine)

Rating: 4.8


Here, in the ranking of antitussives, we again come across the unique name of the drug, and this is a very special case. As we recall, in the previous section of mucolytic medicines for expectoration, we had a drug called Libexin Muco, or carbocisteine, one of the best remedies for thinning phlegm. The same drug is simply called Libexin, and it no longer contains carbocisteine, but a special substance, prenoxdiazine, and its function is completely opposite: to act on peripheral bronchial receptors and suppress cough. Patients should be especially careful not to purchase a drug with a very similar name, which will reduce cough, instead of stimulating expectoration. Why such a similar name was chosen for the drug, which can be easily confused with an opposite drug in action, is completely unclear, especially since the drugs contain completely different active substances.

Prenoxdiazine hydrochloride is available in tablets, in the amount of 100 mg in each tablet, and the task of this substance is to block the cough reflex in the periphery. It slightly pains the bronchial mucosa, which leads to a decrease in the irritability of the cough receptors. This remedy is quite strong, and the antitussive effect is equal to that of the use of codeine. But, unlike codeine, Libexin is not addictive or addictive.

Indications for use are any conditions that are accompanied by the appearance of an empty and unproductive cough. It can be a cough of nonpulmonary origin, for example, in patients with heart failure at night, when the lack of myocardial contractility overflows the pulmonary circulation with blood. The indications for taking Libeksin are postoperative conditions in thoracic surgery and minimally invasive interventions.

Libeksin is used one tablet three times a day, and in severe cases the dose is doubled. For children, the drug can also be prescribed, but only depending on body weight. The Hungarian company Hinoin produces the drug Libexin, and one package of 20 tablets costs from 350 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Libeksin, like Sinekod, entered the rating, firstly, for its safety in relation to narcotic drugs for coughing, and secondly, for its good and persistent action. On the negative side, do not exceed the dosage, otherwise side effects such as dry mouth, skin rashes and mild sedation may occur. The product should be used with caution in children and is contraindicated in individuals with lactose intolerance, which is included in the tablet as an auxiliary filler.

Falimint (acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene)

Rating: 4.7


Falimint's tablet contains 25 mg of an active substance with a difficult to pronounce name. By the way, if we digress a little from a serious topic, then in terms of the complexity of pronunciation, this active substance takes first place in the ranking.

Falimint has a local anesthetic, an action in which the mucous membrane of the bronchi begins to grow numb, as it were, and becomes insensitive to irritating effects. In addition, Falimint is an antiseptic, and since it is available in absorbable tablets, it makes the mouth feel mint cool, refreshes, and, which is very important, does not dry out mucous membranes, and numbness is not felt in the mouth.

Falimint is shown, in addition to diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by an unproductive cough, also with various inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity. These are stomatitis and gingivitis, a condition after dental intervention, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Falimint is indicated before preparing for various instrumental studies in ENT practice, to reduce the possibility of secondary infection and the appearance of complications. The tablets dissolve in the mouth, 3 to 5 times a day, but no more than 10 tablets. The manufacturer does not recommend long-term use of Falimint, and, of course, in order for the antiseptic effect to manifest itself as long as possible, after resorption, you must not drink water or eat. The drug Falimint is produced by ZAO Berlin-Pharma.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Falimint is that, in addition to its mild antitussive action, it is widely used in ENT practice, in dentistry to treat a large number of diseases that are extremely common. The main drawback of Falimint is the fact that, unfortunately, since 2017 it has disappeared from the market. Manufacturers explain this vaguely, sometimes they talk about re-registration of the drug, sometimes they complain about problems in production, and it is not yet clear whether Falimint will be sold again. There are no official statements that Falimint may pose a health threat, so it can be hoped that this product will reappear in the retail network, possibly under a different name.


This article reviewed the ratings of the most popular and effective drugs for stimulating sputum separation, for liquefying it, or expectorants, and antitussives that suppress the cough reflex, both at the periphery and at the level of the cough centers of the brain. Of course, not all drugs were considered. Remained behind the scenes are multicomponent products, which are mainly produced on the basis of plant raw materials, such as Bronchicum, Doctor Mom, and so on. The point is that the purpose of this small overview was to present the key drugs that cannot be dispensed with. Additional phytopreparations, which are overlooked, do not produce an effect that can be compared in strength with the above means, but they can be used together, as part of complex therapy.

In conclusion, it must be said that in no case should antitussives be combined with expectorants, because as a result, excessive production of sputum will occur, but if the cough reflex is inhibited, it will all accumulate, stagnate and become infected. In addition, in the treatment of diseases, the main symptom of which is coughing, and sputum must be excreted, old antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen (Diprazin) should not be prescribed. Their side effect is the thickening of phlegm. Naturally, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, preferably alkaline, and the rejection of diuretics and laxatives, which remove fluid from the body and prevent the quality of expectorant drugs. In the event that diuretics are shown to the patient as part of long-term therapy, for example, in the treatment of heart failure, then this issue must be resolved with the attending physician.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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