11 best chimney manufacturers

Ratings of the best repair products

Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The chimney is an integral part of heating devices. The brick buildings were replaced by lightweight and compact steel structures. A wide range of both foreign and Russian smoke exhaust systems is presented on the domestic market. They offer products of different price and quality, which significantly differ in service life. It is quite difficult to make the right choice without the help of experts. Therefore, you should heed the following recommendations of specialists.

How to choose a chimney for your home

  1. Heater type. To choose a reliable steel chimney, you need to know the type of heater to which it will be connected. Gas and diesel boilers generate large volumes of corrosive condensate. Therefore, all elements of the smoke exhaust system must be made of acid-resistant steel grades (AISI 316L) with a wall thickness of more than 0.5 mm. Coal stoves can be equipped with heat-resistant chimneys made of AISI 310 material with a thickness of 0.8 … 1.0 mm. AISI 321 is suitable for a wood-burning fireplace.
  2. Chimney design. Steel smoke extraction systems are of several types. Single wall pipes are commonly used to complement brick ducts. They require insulation due to their tendency to form condensation. Double-circuit systems with a layer of insulation can partially solve the problem of condensation. Sandwich chimneys only need to be cleaned promptly. Two-way movement of air masses is provided by coaxial flues. Clean air is drawn in from the street through the external channel, and combustion products are removed through the internal highway.
  3. Features of installation. Modern smoke exhaust systems are quite simple and easy to assemble. In some cases, you can cope with the work on your own. When buying, you should pay attention to the evenness of all parts, the presence of connecting and turning elements, ease of docking.
  4. Reliability and durability. Determining the reliability and durability of the chimney by technical parameters is problematic. This can be indirectly judged by the steel grade and wall thickness. But complete information can be obtained only on thematic sites, where home owners and professional stove-makers share their experiences.

We have selected 11 best chimney manufacturers for our review. All of them are sold in stores in our country. When compiling the rating, the opinion of the expert community and feedback from Russian consumers were taken into account.

Rating of the best chimney manufacturers

Nomination a place manufacturer rating
Rating of the best chimney manufacturers 1 craft 4.9
2 Baltvent 4.8
3 ROSST @ IN 4.8
4 Jeremias 4.7
5 Inzhkomtsentr VVD 4.7
6 Ferrum 4.7
7 Volcano 4.6
8 Elits 4.6
9 Rosinox 4.5
10 Thermophore 4.5
11 Phoenix 4.4


Rating: 4.9


A young domestic brand that produces chimneys is the CRAFT trademark. It appeared at the Ferrum Voronezh plant after the launch of a new automated line. All products under this brand are intended for the Russian market. At the same time, the manufacturer focused on the high quality of the materials and technologies used. The chimneys are made from corrosion-resistant steels, which are processed in advanced equipment. Along with cold drawing, laser cutting, forming, unique operations are used, original design ideas are introduced.

Experts gave the young brand the first place in our rating for high quality workmanship and reliability of chimneys. Users confirm these features of Voronezh products.


  • quality raw materials;
  • Hi-tech;
  • modern equipment;
  • reliability.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.8


The oldest manufacturer of modular chimneys in Russia is the Baltvent plant. The enterprise is located in Kaliningrad, the proximity to Europe had a beneficial effect on the equipment of the production site. The workshops are equipped with modern imported equipment, which makes it possible to perform complex operations with high quality. For example, individual elements are joined without overlap. The products withstand tough competition in the middle price segment with dignity. The experts appreciated the quality of the products, giving the brand the second place in the rating.

Until recently, the sale of products was hampered by the geographical location of the plant. Today they are trying to solve this problem by opening a retail warehouse in Moscow.


  • imported equipment;
  • Hi-tech;
  • acceptable price;
  • reliability and durability.


  • a modest assortment in the regions of the country.


Rating: 4.8

Russian industrial company.jpg

The ROSST @ IN brand belongs to the Russian industrial company, the production site of which is located in Moscow. The company specializes in the manufacture of stainless steel chimneys. Due to the rich experience, the company manages to create unique smoke removal systems for both private houses and boiler houses. The combination of a qualified team and modern equipment allows us to design and implement new developments. The brand occupies a leading position in Russia, both in terms of sales volume and a developed distribution network. The experts gave him the third line of our rating.

Users pay tribute to the quality of chimneys, their reliability and durability. Only the price does not suit all homeowners.


  • durable chimneys;
  • original developments;
  • Hi-tech;
  • qualified personnel.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.7


The Bavarian company Jeremias has been holding the leading positions in the premium segment for a long time. The enterprise has been operating since 1970, but a representative office in our country was opened only in 2008. Later, a production site was built. Today, products under this brand are manufactured in factories located in different countries. Experts attribute to the strengths of Eremias chimneys a refined appearance, perfectly smooth welded seams, innovative technologies. Installers praise the ease of installation, and users praise the ease of use.

The brand ranks fourth in our rating; the high price did not allow it to rise higher. But the chimney will have a stylish design, perfect build quality and a long service life.


  • high build quality;
  • innovative technologies;
  • stylish design;
  • durability.


  • high price.

Inzhkomtsentr VVD

Rating: 4.7


The oldest developer and manufacturer of stoves and chimneys is the Russian company Inzhkomtsentr VVD. The plant was organized in 1999, it is engaged in a full production cycle, from development to the release of final products. Smoke exhaust systems are made of stainless steel, they are suitable for different types of fuel units. The latest development that attracted the attention of experts was the VVD-TONA chimney system. In it, the inner contour is made of very thin ceramic tubes. This design can withstand high temperatures and has an unlimited service life.

Users also praise the reliability, affordable price and ease of installation. Only the shiny chimney quickly turns dark blue, which is why the brand does not fall into the leaders of the rating.


  • affordable price;
  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • ease of installation;
  • reliability.


  • the shiny pipe darkens quickly.


Rating: 4.7


A wide range of components for smoke exhaust systems is manufactured by Ferrum LLC. The Voronezh enterprise produces not only chimneys, pipes, but also adapters, plugs, umbrellas, transitional and turning elements. Stainless steel is used as raw material, which, after passing through a chain of operations on modern machines, turns into beautiful and durable products. The company confirms the high quality of chimney systems with numerous quality certificates.

The experts agreed in assessing the products of the domestic brand with the opinion of users. The brand is ranked for its good quality, wide range of components and ease of installation. Of the minuses, the high cost of products is most often mentioned.


  • high quality steel;
  • a wide range of components;
  • ease of installation;
  • stylish appearance.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.6


Since 1996, the Vulkan enterprise has been producing modular chimneys. The brand's catalog contains a wide range of household and industrial products. To keep up with the times, the plant's employees constantly “monitor” the domestic and world markets, exchange experience with colleagues from Europe. The use of modern equipment and high-quality materials allows us to produce competitive products. It meets all fire safety requirements, has certificates of conformity and the necessary license. Among the clients of the company are such well-known automobile concerns as Toyota and Nissan.

Experts have included the brand in our ranking for high quality and 50-year warranty. Of the minuses, users note a high price.


  • modern equipment;
  • 50-year warranty;
  • quality materials;
  • own laboratory.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.6


Elits is considered one of the leaders on the domestic market. She focused her efforts on the production of affordable flue and chimneys. The use of stainless steel made it possible to increase the durability of individual elements and systems. The brand's products are widely used, they are used in everyday life and in production, they are suitable for both the simplest potbelly stove and for a modern heating boiler. The experts liked the simplicity of installation, smooth seams, shiny stainless steel. But consumer reviews did not allow the manufacturer to take a higher place in our rating.

The main complaints from homeowners were incorrectly selected insulation. The disadvantages include the thin-walled inner contour of the chimney.


  • affordable price;
  • easy installation;
  • smooth seams;
  • wide range of applications.


  • constructive miscalculations.


Rating: 4.5


Since 2001, the production of stainless steel chimneys under the Rosinox brand has been carried out in the city of Klin near Moscow. The production is based on German technology, which allows the company to successfully compete in the domestic market. The company boasts an extensive dealer network, which has a positive effect on sales. It is possible to keep pace with the rapidly developing heating market due to the well-coordinated work of designers, engineers, economists and marketers. Experts included the brand in our rating for environmental friendliness, high manufacturability and product compliance with international quality standards.

The manufacturer still has a lot to work on. Users are unhappy with the support service, many complain about elementary rudeness when communicating with customers.


  • German technology;
  • an extensive dealer network;
  • environmental friendliness of production;
  • high quality.


  • incorrect attitude towards customers.


Rating: 4.5


The Termofor company has been operating on the Russian market since 2003. A year after its foundation, the company received the first award “Novosibirsk Brand”. A new stage in the history of the brand was the partnership with the Machine-Building Plant Truda and LLC Konvektika. In the catalog you can find such types of products as stoves, hot water boilers, tanks, fireplaces, chimneys and accessories for them. Experts note the high level of technological equipment and well-coordinated work of the team. So far, the brand is at the bottom of our ranking for a number of reasons.

First of all, clone companies operate on the Russian market, which sell low-quality products. Users complain about the lack of Thermofor chimneys in the regions of the country.


  • modern technologies and equipment;
  • qualified personnel;
  • wide range of products;
  • decent quality.


  • there are counterfeit products on the market;
  • shortage of chimneys in the retail network.


Rating: 4.4


Reliable and durable chimneys are produced by the Phoenix enterprise near Moscow. The manufacturer is trying to attract customers with the high quality of its products. For this, European equipment has been installed in the shops, advanced technologies have been introduced. The metal goes through such operations as 3D modeling, plasma cutting and TIG welding. As a result, chimneys can be manufactured in any configuration. The warranty period for smoke removal systems is 15 years. The manufacturer has gone through complex certification procedures, so all types of products have documents confirming high quality.

The brand is at the bottom of our rating. Users note the insufficient corrosion resistance of steel, there are complaints about the quality of welds.


  • Hi-tech;
  • European equipment;
  • 15-year warranty;
  • simple installation.


  • low corrosion resistance;
  • poor quality weld.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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