10 smallest cat breeds


Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Cats have always played a certain role in human life. Some peoples admired them, using the feline image in their mythology, others were afraid and feared, but some did not care. Today, perhaps, cats are at the peak of popularity among many pets. Millions of cat owners around the world love, care for and cherish their furry 'little brothers', which are incredible in appearance and size. Some of them are true dwarfs in the cat world. Here are ten of the smallest cat breeds on the planet.

Dwarfs in the cat world: top 10 smallest breeds

Nomination f a place Breed Average weight
Review of the smallest cat breeds 1 Munchkin 2-4 kg.
2 Napoleon 2.3-4 KG.
3 Bambino 2.2-4 KG.
4 Singapore 2-3.5KG.
5 Minskin 1.8-3 KG.
6 Genet 2-3 KG.
7 Kinkalow 1.3-3 KG.
8 Dwelf 1.8-3 KG.
9 Skokum (skokum) 1.5-3 KG.
10 Skif-tai-don (toybob) 1.2-5 KG.


Rating: 4.1


Average weight: 2-4 kg

The 'parent' of many small feline breeds, not yet recognized in the world, is itself distinguished by its very miniature size and, to be sure, by its toy appearance. Representatives of the breed have a harmoniously built body. A unique feature of the munchkin is its short legs, making it look like a dachshund.

The first short-legged cats were found in the years of World War II, but the official 'start' of the breed is the year 1983: then a homeless pregnant cat with short legs was found. A full-fledged breed was formed from crossing this cat with a cat from her own litter. In 2003, the Munchkins got the right to participate in the 'Champion' class competitions. At the moment, the breed is recognized as the shortest in the world: the American Munchkin Lilliputian entered the Guinness Book of Records with a height of 13.34 cm.

Character traits: munchkins are very sociable, love active games (they get special pleasure from catching 'prey'), are often playful, feel comfortable in the company of children and other pets. They are distinguished by a lively disposition, incredibly inquisitive: they like to study the territory even at a height, and since they cannot overcome it with one jump, they usually make up a whole plan of several stages.

Among munchkins, there are both short-haired specimens (the texture of the coat is semi-plush) and semi-long-haired (the texture of the coat is silky, there is a small collar on the neck and a very fluffy tail).


Rating: 4.2


Average weight: 2.3-4 kg

1995 is considered the year of the emergence of the small breed. It was then that American breeder Joe Smith, inspired by an article on Munchkin cats, had the idea to create a new species. In the course of breeding a new breed, the breeder spent a tremendous amount of time, effort and money. But he failed to achieve the final result. Succumbing to emotions, Smith castrated all the bred Napoleon cats and gave them to new owners, and then destroyed all the information material on the work done. The cats turned out to be so adorable that the other breeders decided to finish what they started.

Napoleon is the result of crossing a Munchkin and a Persian cat. True, it is not so easy to find a standing specimen that matches all the characteristics of the breed (the unpredictable genes of the Persians are affected). And yet, Napoleon is not just a half-breed of Persian and Munchkin. The breeders managed to create a breed with unique external features: these are short-legged crumbs with cute faces.

Character traits: affectionate, kind disposition, friendliness, complaisance is organically combined with playfulness, a lively mind and at the same time incredible naivety. Napoleons get along well with other pets, they are absolutely alien to aggression. With great joy they accept affection in their address and always respond in kind.

Important! These little cats are not adapted to life on the street: any cat can offend them. Outdoor walks are only allowed when accompanied by the owner.


Rating: 4.3


Average weight: 2.2-4 kg

A miniature cat breed, the name of which is translated from Italian as 'baby', which is not far from the truth. The small animal obtained as a result of crossing the Sphynx and Munchkin has a very exotic appearance: a kind of smooth-skinned sphinx-cute on short legs. The breed is considered rare and quite new: the first litter was registered in Russia only in 2005. The World Cat Federation has not yet recognized the bambino, however, the kitten can be entered in the register of rare and exotic cat breeds. The Bambino breed is considered one of the world's most recognized descendants of the Munchkin.

Character traits: representatives of the breed are very friendly, have a lively, energetic character, smart, love communication (both with people and with other 'younger' family members). They love to play and constantly find entertainment to their liking. These cats are very attached to their owner and need his constant attention, affection and warmth. They are very happy if the owner takes part in their games.

Since the animal has a sociable, open disposition, you should not leave it alone for a long time – it will be terribly bored. The ideal option for a little bambino is to live in a family where there is already at least one cat.

Interesting fact. The litter can contain both short-legged kittens and individuals with limbs of normal length. Such specimens also meet breed standards and can participate in a breeding program.

Bambino requires regular care: the cat needs to be bathed frequently, protected from active sunlight (delicate skin can easily burn), and in the cold season it must be insulated.


Rating: 4.4


Average weight: 2-3.5 kg

One of the smallest cat breeds on the planet, the Singaporean cat roamed the streets of Singapore 50 years ago. Member of the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest cat in the world and the cause of one of the most confusing hoaxes in the feline world. Indeed, the history of the breed is rather vague. It was first shown to the CFA Commission by a couple of American breeders in 1981. According to the spouses, they picked up the predecessors of the breed almost in a sewer in the city of Singapore, and their pets can claim a 'hereditary surname'.

The cats made an impression on felinologists and a year later they adopted the breed. And everything would be great if after a while one of the fans of the breed did not decide to bring himself a couple of street specimens from Singapore and he simply could not find similar cats. In addition, it turned out that the cats presented to the attention of the commission were not only taken from the island, but also originally brought there by the same breeders. True, the scandalous situation was quickly hushed up when another cat was presented as evidence, strictly corresponding to the declared breed with documents confirming that its homeland is Singapore.

Despite their small size, Singapuras are very muscular, have a compact body with a short, strong neck. They belong to short-haired cats: the coat is silky, shiny, tight to the body, and the complex color makes it look like mother of pearl.

Character traits: intellectuals with a kind, friendly disposition. They are excellent socializing, calm, but at the same time playful enough, inquisitive and like to observe everything, sitting in a comfortable place (usually from a height). These are loving, affectionate and very obedient cats.


Rating: 4.5


Average weight: 1.8-3 kg

Another nearly hairless representative of our ranking, bred in the United States. The gene pool of the breed is based on the Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin, to which the Burmese and Devon Rex were later added. These miniature creatures have a harmoniously built body, short legs and unrivaled long ears. On the legs of this hairless wonder there is wool, for which the breed is sometimes jokingly called 'hobbits'. The growth of the minskin does not exceed 19 cm. The breed is considered experimental: breeding work on its improvement is still being carried out.

Character traits: have a curious, kind disposition. They are quick-witted, easy to train, love to play very much (including with the owner). They do not like to spend time alone, therefore, in the absence of other animals in the house, they are ready to spend all their time next to the owner, observing his actions and accompanying him everywhere. They get along well with dogs, cats of the same sex and even with rodents.

Minskins require careful maintenance: it is advisable to wipe their body with a damp sponge every day.


Rating: 4.6


Average weight: 2-3 kg

The result of a unique crossing of several unusual breeds: the savannah gave the gente vigor, the Bengal cat gave the original, bright color, the Munchkin – diminutiveness and its trademark short legs. The official year of the appearance of the breed is 2008. Outwardly, the representatives of this feline species are very similar to the genet – wild predators from the civet family.

Character traits: they are distinguished by an active, friendly disposition. Very smart and rather self-confident for their modest size. They love communication, willingly find a common language with other 'smaller brothers' in the family, become attached to the owner. Affectionate, playful and very energetic cats.

Genetta has a compact and highly muscular body, has a smooth, dense coat. And, despite its similarity with wild mammals, it is not at all aggressive in character.


Rating: 4.7


Average weight: 1.3-3 kg

Another result of crossing munchkins is a very rare, valuable and beautiful breed. The world knows only a few dozen of its representatives, and in Russia kinkalow kittens can be purchased in a single cattery. These funny little cats with short legs and curled ears appeared after crossing a munchkin with a curl.

The breed is considered experimental, but has already gained popularity among feline lovers. It was recognized as one of the dwarfs in 2008. Kinkalow standards are still being formed, for this reason, representatives of the breed cannot yet participate in exhibitions.

Interesting fact. At birth, kinkalow kittens have perfectly straight ears. They begin to bend in a couple of weeks (approximately 90-1800). The final formation of the ears occurs by the fifth month of life.

Character traits: has an inquisitive, good-natured, lively disposition. They are incredibly sociable and attentive to others – they easily find a common language both with people and with other animals. True friends, very playful, friendly, are happy to keep the owner company and demand a lot of attention. Very intelligent and incredibly talkative.


Rating: 4.8


Average weight: 1.8-3 kg

This miniature creature with a very spectacular appearance appeared as a result of crossing the beloved by many munchkins with sphinxes and curls. A distinctive feature of the breed is not only its low weight and compact, absolutely hairless body, but also its unusual shape – large and bent outward. Such a little elf in cat form.

So far, the breed is half-recognized, and, perhaps, recognition will never come, since there are hardly fifty little dwarves around the world, and the health of representatives of this breed is of concern to many experts. Too many mutations have gathered in one tiny creature. Nevertheless, outwardly, dwelf cats look quite tall, have a strong, muscular body. A remarkable feature: their mustache and eyebrows are either short or completely absent.

Character traits: they are very friendly, they like active games, they show high intelligence, they are strongly attached to the owner, they are distinguished by dog ​​loyalty. Despite their short legs and small stature, dwarf cats are surprisingly agile and agile: they can easily climb even to heights.

Dwelfs require careful and regular care: every 7-10 days you need to bathe them with shampoo, clean their ears daily.

Skokum (skokum)

Rating: 4.9


Average weight: 1.5-3 kg

A relatively young cat breed, bred in 1996 by an American breeder who took 10 years to create a small cat with wavy fluffy hair. The original name of the breed is 'poco chino', which translates from Spanish as 'little curly'. But over time, its author changed his mind and gave the breed a different name – 'boredom', translated from the Indian dialect, meaning 'inflexible'. And it characterizes the little cats of this species in the best way possible.

Skokum is the result of crossing munchkin and la-perm. From the first, he inherited short legs and a strong body, from the second – curly hair and a fluffy tail. The length of the hair of this cat can be any, but with one pattern: the longer, the curlier.

Character traits: a brave, independent disposition in boredom is combined with incredible love, tenderness, playfulness. Small cats with short legs are very mobile, they love games, they are very sociable. Strongly attached to the owner, remaining loyal throughout their lives. Skokum is a quiet cat, rarely showing emotions out loud.

Skif-tai-don (toybob)

Rating: 5.0


Average weight: 1-2.5 kg

The smallest beautiful pussies in the world were bred in Russia. Outwardly, they are incredibly similar to Siamese cats, but unlike them, they are completely devoid of aggression and … a tail (well, almost). In 2017, the breed received the status of 'preliminary, new'. Toybob has a well-developed, strong body. One of its main distinguishing features is a very short tail.

Character traits: sociable, active cats, ready to follow their master everywhere. Incredible purrs who love to be talked to and fondled. By nature, toybobs are very cheerful, playful (and this trait is preserved until old age), they have a developed intellect, they love to play pranks (but their antics are only cheerful and good-natured, they never turn into malicious).

Toibobas are distinguished by good health, are slightly susceptible to feline diseases, have high immunity and boast a lack of genetic predisposition to any pathologies.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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