Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
The field of IT development is now one of the most promising and dynamically developing. Only 40-50 years ago there were only a few high-level programming languages, but now, according to some estimates, their number reaches two and a half hundred. This is due to both the huge number of diverse tasks facing programmers and the inevitable obsolescence of development tools. Of the entire wide range of modern and relevant programming languages, there are ten of the most universal, convenient and popular in 2019.
10 most popular programming languages for 2019
Nomination | a place | Name of product | rating |
10 most popular programming languages for 2019 | 1 | Java Script | 5.0 |
2 | Python | 4.9 | |
3 | C ++ | 4.8 | |
4 | Java | 4.7 | |
5 | C # | 4.6 | |
6 | Swift | 4.5 | |
7 | Kotlin | 4.4 | |
8 | PHP | 4.3 | |
9 | SQL | 4.2 | |
10 | Go | 4.1 |
Rating: 5.0
A widespread language, it is from it that today many future programmers begin to master the world of programming. It has evolved from a browser-based scripting language created by the Mozilla Coropration cofounder to an incredibly versatile dynamic tool. The most common use for JavaScript is in the field of web development, in particular creating interactive elements and animations. With its help, it is convenient to create browser-based web applications of any complexity. Also, thanks to the Node.js software platform and its additional modules, it is used by back-end developers when working with the server side of sites. But, of course, this programming language is capable of much more. JavaScript is already being used to build mobile apps, IoT governance, and experimental machine learning. The language's functionality becomes even broader with the use of numerous frameworks, libraries, and third-party APIs.
JavaScript is considered an ideal option for beginners due to its low complexity and the large number of educational materials available, such as books, video courses, and blogs. True, the demand in the labor market is mainly used by specialists with a deep level of knowledge of the language due to the huge number of proposals from novice JS developers.
Rating: 4.9
This versatile programming language was ranked # 1 in the TIOBE rankings last year. It is most often included in university curricula, is the undisputed leader in the field of data analysis and machine learning. According to experts, Python is also one of the most promising languages for web development, both for front-end programmers and server software developers. In concrete examples, it has been used to create internet giants such as Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Recently, there have been more and more statements about making Python the main programming language for use in the scientific field. It is also popular among computer game developers.
Python is a powerful tool that, for all its great potential, is considered extremely beginner-friendly. Its advantages are excellent code readability, clear structure and flexibility due to an extensive selection of plug-in libraries and modules. And given the growing interest in the field of artificial intelligence programming, it becomes obvious why many programmers choose Python.
C ++
Rating: 4.8
The C ++ programming language was created in 1983 as a modernized version of the C language. Given the volatility of the IT world, the demand for this language for how many years allows us to confidently speak of it as one of the most effective in the world. This universal object-oriented programmer's tool is used to create software. Applications written in C ++ can be found in the financial sector, commercial products and, of course, in the game development environment. Adobe products, the Chrome browser, and the actual operating system Microsoft Windows are just a few examples of the language's successful use. A distinctive feature of C ++ is its high speed of work, which made it indispensable in the creation of game and graphics engines, as well as virtual and augmented reality software that is now at the peak of popularity.
The C ++ language has a number of undeniable advantages: it is flexible, versatile, and very reliable. A good knowledge of this language allows a programmer to solve a wide range of tasks and opens up huge prospects, including those regarding career growth. However, not everyone can become a hardcore C ++ developer, since mastering it at a professional level takes a lot of time and patience.
Rating: 4.7
Object-oriented Java language was developed under the slogan “Write once, run anywhere”, and in full accordance with this, is a universal, platform-independent language. Thanks to the JVM, applications built with Java can run almost anywhere. Initially, this language was invented for smart home appliances, but seeing its convenience and flexibility, many large companies wanted to use Java in their products. It is used to develop server software, desktop applications, and of course Android based devices. Almost all programs in a modern smartphone are written in Java using third-party APIs. It is also used in software for various household smart devices and even Tesla electric vehicles. In 2009, a Swedish programmer introduced the first major game written in Java using graphics libraries – Minecraft.
According to the TIOBE Index and Stack Overflow rankings, the Java programming language has long held a leading position. Talented developers with knowledge of this tool can look forward to interesting and well-paid jobs.
C #
Rating: 4.6
The C # language was created in the early 2000s by the company's engineers Microsoft as an application development tool for the .NET Framefork software platform. The company actively promoted it as one of the most important components of its development strategy, as a result of which the language became known for a wide range of applications that had long gone beyond the limits of products Microsoft. Today you can write almost everything on it: mobile and desktop applications, e-commerce tools, cross-platform services and large web services. It was C # that was used to create the Bing search engine. It also enjoys considerable popularity among programmers writing applications for Mac and Linux. There are also many development kits for creating cloud platforms for it. In the field of game development, the language is known primarily due to the Unity 3D cross-platform development environment created with its help.
C # is without a doubt a modern and competitive programming language. It is somewhat easier to learn than, for example, C ++, but its ramified system, which every year is overgrown with more and more specific functions, can confuse newcomers at first. Professional programmers in this language are in demand both in large companies and in small ambitious projects.
Rating: 4.5
This language, having appeared in 2004, became famous and popular in a short time. It was created by the company Apple as a convenient and relevant tool for developing applications for MacOS and iOS. It can be used to write programs for desktop computers, mobile devices, smart TVs and watches Apple Watch. Also used by programmers to create server software based on Linux. Swift has similarities to Objective-C, but it is lighter, more functional, and has a laconic syntax. One of the main advantages of the language is speed – it is much faster than both Python and Objective-C, second only to the established leader of C ++ in this indicator. But according to the assurances of the developers, it will soon become the fastest programming language. The second important advantage is safety. It has improved memory handling, which leaves a minimum of opportunities for unauthorized access, as well as increased efficiency in handling errors leading to crashes. The convenient Playground environment serves as a kind of sandbox, allowing you to observe the programming result in real time. Developers of native apps and games for the AppStore speak highly of Swift.
The company Apple represents a significant segment of the computer and mobile device market. Therefore, despite the narrow focus of the Swift language, the labor market will always have a large number of vacancies for specialists in this direction.
Rating: 4.4
A young programming language released in 2016 by the Russian company JetBrains. It is simple, user-friendly and concise, and supports both object-oriented and procedural programming. Currently used primarily for developing applications on Android. In 2017, Google named it one of the best mobile programming languages, alongside Java. Kotlin boasts a high level of performance, since it allows you to write less code to complete tasks, and it also has an excellent error prevention mechanism.
According to forecasts of some analysts, this language has every chance of displacing Java from the pedestal of the world leader Android, just as Swift is gradually replacing Objective C, which seemed indispensable earlier. Programmers who want to build a career in mobile development should definitely take a closer look at Kotlin. Moreover, while it has not become widespread, specialists who know this language are highly valued in the labor market.
Rating: 4.3
A scripting language that has existed since 1995 and is still actively used in the field of web development. It is indispensable for creating websites and plugins for the popular WordPress content management system. PHP has been used to create more than half of the Internet sites that exist today, including major portals such as Wikipedia, as well as social networks (for example, Facebook uses a modified version of PHP called Hack). The scope of the language is very broad: from small blogs to large online stores and display sites. PHP is also common in open source platforms such as MediaWiki.
With all the available alternatives, the leadership of this language in web programming is likely to last for a long time. It is supported by almost all hosting providers, and has advantages such as flexibility and easy-to-learn syntax. PHP developers are engaged in both creating new resources and maintaining existing ones.
Rating: 4.2
Despite its considerable age, the language created in the 1960s is still the main software tool for working with databases. It was originally designed as a simple and standardized control method, but has since become widespread in development. Allows you to create, modify and perform any other operations on systems such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL and the like. It should be noted that although SQL, in its “pure” form, is not considered a full-fledged programming language in terms of Turing completeness, there are a number of procedural extensions, the use of which increases its functionality to the level of Turing-complete languages.
The replacement of SQL will obviously not happen soon, since there are no other clear leaders in this field of programming yet. This means that this language can rightfully be called popular and significant, although working with databases is not as popular as creating applications or websites.
Rating: 4.1
This open source language was introduced by Google in 2009. The main purpose of its creation was to improve programming performance taking into account multiprocessing. Go is notable for its unambiguous code and simple, minimalist syntax. So far, it is used mainly in the field of web development and server programming, but given the growing popularity, it is possible to predict the expansion of the scope of this programming language.
In terms of efficiency, Go is close to the C ++ language, but it is many times simpler and more modern. There are also compilers that can translate code into JavaScript, making it even more versatile in web programming. Go is by far one of the most promising languages today.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.