Review of the best according to the editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Despite the fact that there are quite large breeds among dogs, the size of some is so surprising that staying near one of these can be a real test for those who first encountered such a huge dog size. So which of the dogs can rightfully be considered a giant? Next, we will focus on the ten most formidable representatives of the canine world.
Features of the character, care and education of dogs of large breeds
In ancient times, the progenitors of large dogs were the so-called bulenbeisers, whose distinctive features were enormous size, powerful jaws and strength. By modern standards, a large dog can be considered if it reaches a weight of 26 kg with a height of more than 60 cm.Due to its large size, some breeds require special treatment and care, since atypical physiology implies different physical and mental development.
Large breeds are conventionally divided into powerful and athletic. The first, as a rule, are phlegmatic, calm, well trained, do not need long-term intensive loads. The second are mobile, energetic, quickly excited, which complicates their education.
Powerful dogs need enough free space, including in the place of residence, so they will feel more comfortable in a private house or aviary. The latter is permissible only for long-haired breeds. It is important to provide the pet with a soft bedding: when lying on a hard surface for a long time, such dogs form calluses in the area of the joints.
The place of walking should also be carefully chosen: frequent walking on how much surface often leads to stretching of the tendons. You should not do training and walking too intense for some dogs – this is fraught, again, with orthopedic problems. The diet of representatives of large breeds should be balanced and moderate: overfeeding will lead to obesity, which will affect the condition of bones and joints.
Large dogs require compulsory training to exclude aggressive methods. Without proper education, such individuals will pose a threat not only to others, but also to family members of the owner of the dog.
Rating of the largest breeds
Nomination | a place | dog breed | rating |
Top 10 largest breeds | 10 | Tibetan mastiff | 4.1 |
9 | Newfoundland | 4.2 | |
8 | Moscow watchdog | 4.3 | |
7 | Irish wolfhound | 4.4 | |
6 | Leonberger | 4.5 | |
5 | Pyrenean mastiff | 4.6 | |
4 | German (Danish) Great Dane | 4.7 | |
3 | St. Bernard | 4.8 | |
2 | Spanish Mastiff | 4.9 | |
1 | English mastiff | 5.0 |
Tibetan mastiff
Rating: 4.1
One of the most ancient, expensive and rare dog breeds. Many centuries ago, she was a watchman at Tibetan monasteries and accompanied nomads in the Himalayas. The first mentions of the Tibetan Mastiff appeared in the 4th century BC. The ancient philosopher Aristotle admired the strength and complaisance of these dogs. Despite its size, the Tibetan Mastiff has excellent hunting skills, so in the old days, 20 greyhounds were given for one such individual. A distinctive feature of the breed is its exceptional cleanliness (almost on a par with a cat).
Standards: Large build with a large, broad head and long tail. It has two layers, very fluffy fur. There are several colors – black, black with pale spots, brownish-gold and gray (brown areas on the face, under the tail, below the legs or around the eyes are possible). Height is 56-72 cm, weight – 55-60 kg.
Personality and habits: a very intelligent and loyal dog that will become a reliable friend for an experienced and loving dog breeder. It has excellent guarding qualities and a friendly character, but at the same time it is considered a proud dog and prone to showing independence from its owner. It gets along well with other representatives of its breed. Friendship with a dog of a different breed is possible only if both individuals are well-mannered and there are no differences between them on the part of the owner.
Features: representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed need a steady hand from the trainer, but at the same time no cruelty is allowed (balance and tranquility are important). In this case, from the crumbs of the puppy, a powerful and loyal friend will grow for its owner, who will be an obedient, intelligent, dexterous and very loving dog. It is impossible not to note the excessive fluffiness of the breed, which will require regular bathing of the dog (every 1.5-2 months) and thorough combing a couple of times a week.
Rating: 4.2
The good-natured aristocrat was bred in the territories bordering the Atlantic waters – in the Canadian maritime province of Newfoundland. Little is known about the origin of the breed: it is believed that the ancestor of the Newfoundland was the Tibetan Mastiff. Representatives of the breed were once used on their native island as porters for heavy loads and for pulling out nets with fish: this is a very powerful and excellent swimming dog.
And today Newfoundland dogs are considered good swimmers: all thanks to the moisture-repellent coat, webbed feet and an innate propensity to swim. Differs in incredible strength, endurance and energy. The breed, without exaggeration, is considered one of the strongest in the world, which was demonstrated by a dog named Barbara Allens Dark Hans in 1979, becoming the strongest dog in proportion to its weight: it dragged a load weighing more than 2.2 tons across a concrete surface.
Standards: has a powerful build, large head and powerful wide tail. Membranes are located between the toes to simplify the swimming process. There are 3 colors of the breed – black, brown and black and white. The growth of males is 69-75 cm, weight is 60-70 kg. The growth of bitches is 63-68 cm, weight is 45-55 kg. Nevertheless, history knows a larger specimen of the Newfoundland – the largest specimen of the breed weighed 117 kg.
Character and habits: a courageous breed, which is succinctly characterized by one word – 'gentleman'. A very loyal dog, one of the friendliest in the world. Sociable, affectionate, intelligent, gets along well with children and other pets. Has developed defensive skills.
Features: swims well and needs periodic training on the water and not only. Perfectly trainable, but does not tolerate rigidity (balanced calm training will help to achieve good results). The breed needs regular brushing (2-3 times a week) and occasional bathing (every couple of months). Distinctive feature – drooling.
Moscow watchdog
Rating: 4.3
A large breed developed on the territory of Russia just over half a century ago. It was 'born' in the 50s of the last century by crossing the St. Bernard, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Russian Spotted Hound. Despite its youth, the breed is deservedly considered one of the most outstanding service-working dogs. She perfectly combines the habits and the best qualities of a shepherd dog and a St. Bernard, but at the same time surpasses them in muscularity and mobility.
Standards: Has a well-proportioned build, large head and powerful jaws with large, tight-fitting teeth. There are 2 colors (both with specks) of the breed – spotted and red-piebald. The growth of males is 68-78 cm, weight – from 55 kg. The growth of bitches is 66-73 cm. Weight – from 45 kg.
Character and habits: self-confident, but at the same time quite balanced and docile dog, which not only perfectly makes contact with humans, but also has pronounced qualities of guard and guard breeds. The Moscow watchdog knows no fear when defending its master, it never retreats. At the same time, he is distinguished by an affable disposition and friendliness towards all members of the family in which he lives.
Features: the dog is perfect for both security functions and for keeping in a family. But in any case, it needs training, since the lack of training and attempts on the part of the owner to socialize the dog will lead to an excessive manifestation of its characteristic feature – distrust. That, in turn, will develop into poorly controlled aggression.
Irish wolfhound
Rating: 4.4
The breed is considered the largest among the hunting, but far from the largest among the largest breeds. The Irish wolfhound is one of the oldest in the world: even in the days of the Celts (4 centuries BC), the ancestors of this breed were used to hunt wolves and wild boars.
Their large size, along with exceptional speed and strength, marked the beginning of the regular and massive persecution of wild animals with their help. As a result, the breed was on the verge of extinction by the early 19th century. Thanks to one British enthusiast, Richardson, he managed to find an old-type female of this large breed and recreate it.
Standards: Well-proportioned, muscular body with a not very large head and a pointed muzzle. Color – white, gray, fawn, black and red. The average growth of the breed is 79-86 cm, weight is 55 kg.
Personality and habits: a very kind, flexible dog, which will be an excellent companion for any dog breeder. Shows friendliness towards other breeds of dogs and even cats. Differs in excellent hunting skills. Attaches to its master. Little barks.
Features: has an average level of intelligence, but at the same time perfectly lends itself to training and clearly understands what is required of her. Not suitable for keeping in an apartment. The best option is a private house with a large yard and a high fence to keep you from chasing 'prey'. Needs intense daily training to maintain optimal physical shape.
Rating: 4.5
The proud handsome man is the result of a cross between a Newfoundland, St. Bernard and a Pyrenean Shepherd Dog. The breed is considered not only one of the largest in the world, but also one of the friendliest – this is the best example of a 'family' dog.
Standards: distinguished by a massive physique, bone structure, large head and voluminous chest. The coat is long, with puffy pants and a collar. There are several colors – fawn, golden, brown-red, with a dark mask, black awn is acceptable. The growth of males is 72-80 cm, the growth of bitches is 65-75 cm. The average weight of the breed is 55-65 kg.
Character and habits: calm, friendly character, prudence, high level of intelligence, excellent learning ability and watchdog qualities. It stands out for its incredible love for children. Very loyal and sociable dog.
Features: is distinguished by the ability to make independent decisions while simultaneously focusing on a person. A very loyal breed that does not survive the change of the owner badly. It is worth washing the dog as needed, but combing it out regularly (at least once a week). Do not take several puppies into the family at once – it will be more difficult for a person to develop authority.
The best way to keep a Leonberger is a private house with a large yard and the ability to enter the premises. Life on a chain is not for him: he must feel like a part of the family. Requires regular and long walks to maintain shape: despite its massiveness, it is distinguished by its mobility and energy.
Pyrenean mastiff
Rating: 4.6
The age of the breed is 3 thousand years old, although it was officially recognized only in 1946. It is believed that she was bred by the ancient Phoenicians as a watchman and a good shepherd. This affectionate giant is incredibly friendly and patient even for the kids of the family in which he lives.
Standards: massive build, large head, thick, soft coat. There is one color – white with brindle, black, gray spots and a black mask on the face. The growth of males is 77-81 cm, the growth of bitches is 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-80 kg (the weight of some individuals is 100 kg).
Character and habits: it is distinguished by a calm, loving disposition, it is easy to train. An intelligent and reliable dog that perfectly understands its weight superiority over many breeds and never attacks an 'outsider' in the absence of obvious danger, limiting itself to barking. Suitable for security, often used as a bodyguard.
Features: feels more comfortable in a private house than in an apartment. It can be kept both indoors and in an aviary. Does not need long walks, but he loves playing with his owner in nature. Despite its massiveness, the Pyrenean Mastiff is very agile and energetic.
German (Danish) Great Dane
Rating: 4.7
The breed is considered the tallest in the world: its representatives have practically no growth limit. The pedigree is associated with the English Mastiff (many still compare the two breeds and cannot come to a common conclusion about which is larger). A dog resembling a Danish mastiff was found in Ancient Greece as early as the 13th century BC. She was exquisitely called the 'dog of Apollo'. This is the national dog of Germany.
Many are frightened by this breed due to its enormous growth, but its appearance is deceiving – the Great Dane is friendliness itself. The representative of the breed will be an excellent companion for active people: graceful, noble and just as active.
Standards: strong yet elegant physique, long head with a strong neck, long tail. There are several colors – brindle, brown, black and blue. The growth of males starts from 80 cm, weight – 54-91 kg. The growth of bitches is from 72 cm, weight – 45-59 kg. The record holder of the breed is a dog named Zeus from the USA: with a weight of 70 kg, the giant's height reaches almost 112 cm.
Temperament and habits: very intelligent, calm, friendly dog, loyal to the owner. Differs in playfulness, caution and sensitivity. Very rarely makes noise. A loving dog, gets along well with representatives of other breeds. It lends itself well to training.
Features: Needs regular exercise and active walks to maintain emotional balance. Strict adherence to the diet is required, since the presence of excess weight will lead to orthopedic problems.
St. Bernard
Rating: 4.8
The Tibetan Mastiff is considered the ancestor of this large breed. St. Bernards met in the days of the ancient Romans and were brought to Switzerland by them, from where they were further spread. About 3 centuries ago, the breed began to be actively used as a rescuer, having taught it to search for missing tourists. This is the national dog of Switzerland.
Standards: muscular, massive head, short muzzle. There are 2 types of St. Bernards: with a long, slightly wavy coat and a short, coarse coat. The color is red with white spots and vice versa. The growth of males is 70-90 cm. The growth of bitches is 65-80 cm. The weight of the breed starts from 80 kg (the average is 100 kg). The record holder of the breed is a dog named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg and became the heaviest dog in the world.
Character and habits: an intellectual dog, excellently oriented on the terrain. It stands out for its calm, good-natured character, playfulness, friendliness to people and pets. A very loyal and loyal breed with an excellently developed protective instinct: St. Bernards are excellent watchmen.
Features: it has a lot of salivation, gets dirty very quickly. Not very suitable for families with small children, as they can be thrown to the ground (unintentionally). Dislikes prolonged exposure to the sun. It takes a very long time to form as a person. Easy to learn but requires a gentle, calm approach. The fur of the dog needs daily cleaning and the eyes need to be checked periodically by the veterinarian, as the breed is prone to ophthalmic diseases.
Spanish Mastiff
Rating: 4.9
Not just a large, but already a giant dog, whose homeland is Spain. Initially, representatives of the breed were used to guard livestock from attacks by predators like wolves. And today they are used as reliable watchdogs. Despite its massiveness, the Spanish Mastiff can hardly be called sedentary: it always behaves with dignity. A distinctive feature of the breed is restraint and late maturity (on average, it occurs at 3 years).
Standards: stocky and flexible at the same time, strong, large head, thick, strong tail. Color – any monochromatic (preferably solid – fawn, deer, black, etc.). The growth of males ranges from 77-88 cm, weight – 80-100 kg. The growth of bitches is 72-88 cm, weight is 70-100 kg.
Character and habits: independence in decision-making, excellent hunting skills, calm disposition, incredible reaction speed and a developed sense of territory, self-confidence, friendliness, sensitivity to the mood of the owner. It lends itself well to training and, with proper upbringing, will become a loyal friend and a good defender.
Features: Exclusively the countryside is suitable for living, preferably with a fenced area and the possibility of free walking. It also requires long daily walks, but without excessive physical exertion. The training of the breed should be selected individually: it is extremely important to respect the dog and show exceptional patience when raising, since the breed was bred in such a way as to have independence in decision making.
Training for the breed is mandatory: the ill-bred Spanish Mastiff is a threat. The educated person never attacks strangers first and rarely gives a voice. If this happens, it indicates that there is a danger.
English mastiff
Rating: 5.0
An old British large breed that has earned the right to be called the largest in the world. In ancient times, its representatives were used to bait bears. A distinctive feature of the breed is its royal calmness. The English Mastiff is distinguished by its impressive size, which, nevertheless, does not detract from its harmony and imposingness.
Standards: powerful physique with a developed chest and large head, short, wide muzzle with a protruding jaw and strong teeth. The coat is short and harsh. The colors are fawn, apricot, silver, brindle and dark deer. Height – 90-94 cm, weight – from 110 kg. The record holder of the breed is a dog named Hercules, who weighed 155 kg with a height of 94 cm.
Character and habits: balanced character, courage, friendliness, calmness. An intelligent, self-confident dog that gets along well both with people (including small children) and with any pets. The breed is considered to be very good-natured and strongly attached to the family in which it lives.
Features: needs careful training without the use of harsh methods. The socialization of the dog is mandatory, and at the early stages of its development, since the breed is prone to isolation and suspicion. Daily combing is required as English Mastiffs shed heavily. The breed does not tolerate heat well.
Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.